[Pw_forum] Three three-year postdoctoral positions on modelling functional energy materials

2013-05-22 Thread Filippo Spiga
Three three-year postdoctoral positions on modelling functional energy 
materials (in collaboration with Prof. Steve Parker and Prof. Saiful Islam) are 
now available as part of a new EPSRC Programme Grant. -- Deadline Monday 27 May 
2013. Link: http://www.bath.ac.uk/jobs/Vacancy.aspx?ref=VH1643


Mr. Filippo SPIGA, M.Sc.
http://www.linkedin.com/in/filippospiga ~ skype: filippo.spiga

?Nobody will drive us out of Cantor's paradise.? ~ David Hilbert

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[Pw_forum] Fwd: Atoms are missing in the pdos output

2013-05-22 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
Most HGH pseudopotential files do not contain atomic wavefunctions.
No atomic wavefunctions, no PDOS


On Wed, 2013-05-22 at 16:00 +0100, Abhishek Mishra wrote:
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Abhishek Mishra 
> Date: Wed, May 22, 2013 at 3:56 PM
> Subject: Atoms are missing in the pdos output
> To: pw_forum at pwscf.org
> Dear All,
> I am calculating  pdos for system with total 56 atoms in Bi4TaO8Cl,
> but after running projwfc.x , Ta atoms are missing in the pdos output.
> My input for projwfc.x is -->
> &inputpp
> outdir='./tmp'
> prefix='1'
> Emin=-50.0, Emax=50.0, DeltaE=0.1
> ngauss=1, degauss=0.1
>  /
> -
> my scf input is
> &control
> calculation = 'scf'
> restart_mode='from_scratch',
> prefix='1',
> tstress = .true.
> tprnfor = .true.
> pseudo_dir = '/home/abhisek/pseudo',
> outdir='./tmp'
> nstep = 500,
>  /
>  &system
> ibrav=  0,
> celldm(1)=1.889725989,
>  nat=56 , 
> ntyp= 4, 
> ecutwfc =25.0, ecutrho=150.0,
> occupations = 'smearing',
> smearing = 'methfessel-paxton' ,
>  degauss = 0.01 ,
> /
>  &electrons
> conv_thr = 1.0D-8,
>  mixing_beta = 0.7 ,
>  diagonalization = 'david' ,
> /
>  Ta180.9479 Ta.pz-hgh.UPF
>  Bi208.98038Bi.pz-hgh.UPF
>  Cl   35.4527  Cl.pz-hgh.UPF
>  O15.9994O.pz-hgh.UPF
> Ta   0.384181124   1.289852850   6.226339569
> Bi   0.024617785   3.733310748   3.767838988
> Bi  -0.044651219   0.910363653  10.489171837
> Bi   0.009526019   3.236146374   8.000223143
> Bi  -0.009341874   1.445483756   1.278529239
> Cl   2.26307   1.419447032  -0.002501388
> O3.374313756   2.072293902   9.342137300
> O1.109229872   2.051587579   9.377886945
> O3.362771642  -0.294348578   9.434129120
> O1.112754456   4.322841330   9.429664273
> O2.244519488   3.354460032   7.591766163
> O2.207334032   3.833798633   3.876144213
> O1.818741982   4.944223406   5.759286107
> O4.090761163  -0.332234448   6.048593167
> Ta   2.656748241   3.315054498   5.600854533
> Ta   2.662110344   3.591846614  17.416869450
> Ta   0.386771181   1.007978652  18.038702041
> Bi   2.276580741   0.871644175   8.053198951
> Bi   2.306508890   1.429998446  19.873903858
> Bi   0.003189415   3.169549748  15.588397684
> Bi   2.256805422   3.693167707   1.332099393
> Bi   2.228120901   3.215448875  13.153629479
> Bi  -0.013469076   1.387316280  22.308665148
> Bi   2.309676331   1.368200268   3.820604201
> Bi   2.289213208   0.933858051  15.642663827
> Bi   0.038924479   3.666955665  19.819567047
> Bi   2.234082734   3.157668178  10.542673398
> Bi   2.266067910   3.745678228  22.361813127
> Bi  -0.036878698   0.851766289  13.100287297
> Cl  -0.043868791   3.181351690  11.824273991
> Cl  -0.014501916   3.719203583  23.643769779
> Cl   2.234989397   0.883113846  11.818746417
> O1.117360812   4.900010590   2.391908739
> O1.090919624   2.005696043  14.208658240
> O3.406814506   0.227608512  21.164783146
> O3.413996099   0.281267288   2.389990599
> O3.388374192   2.020701926  14.208536787
> O1.141413994   4.850451513  21.196566732
> O1.127526875   2.533351845   2.478059648
> O1.101416777   4.373787992  14.306493074
> O3.396365301   2.595573510  21.250588384
> O3.411953255   2.550963101   2.442341207
> O3.385136342  -0.251696588  14.264997877
> O1.143660707   2.580057080  21.249973949
> O4.537554722   1.259290316   4.232777891
> O4.522859918   1.047507197  16.048911567
> O2.265216325   3.564489415  19.411633152
> O   -0.098337760   0.763763082   7.945390989
> O   -0.058776191   1.527716894  19.763669002
> O2.178707254   3.064943108  15.697651945
> O3.147538695   1.735990599   6.273557924
> O3.152065060   0.570038862  18.079098515
> O1.819068106   1.969085665  17.595676973
> O0.873996509   2.872995634   5.561268045
> O0.874502689   4.032655904  17.367833113
> O4.093295292   2.636756305  17.882088546
> CELL_PARAMETERS (alat=  1.88972599)
>4.549146009   0.000548440   0.000708008
>0.000472423   4.604885827   0.000463426
>   -0.001974650  -0.002111549  23.640837901
> K_POINTS {automatic}
>  5 5 2 0 0 0
> ---
> while even in the output, pdos file, Ta atoms are not present, some
> line of o/p of pdos are-->
>  Program PROJWFC v.4.3.1starts on 22May2013 at 15:36:28 
>  This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
>  for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
>  "P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502
> (2009);
>   URL http://www.quantum-esp

[Pw_forum] Modelling a 4-system high entropy alloy

2013-05-22 Thread Zhao Y Leong
Hi everyone,

Pardon the neophytic question(s) as I've just only started using QE.

I'm interested in modelling a four element based high entropy alloy to find
the energy band and fermi energy; according to the XRD tests I've done the
structure of the alloy is Cubic F3-M3 255 with a parameter of 3.57

I've tried using example_7 as a guideline but adding additional atoms into
a 255 group doesn't seem to work because the bravais symmetry gets
duplicated. Would it then be possible to input the elements into a a
triclinic system using coordinates of (0,0,0), (0.5,0.5,0),(0.5,0,0.5) and
(0,0.5,0.5) or is there another way to construct a 12 atom FCC unit cell
while randomising the atoms inside between the four alloys?

For now will be looking at using some ultrasoft pseudo-potentials. Will
that be fine and is it necessary to calculate the cut-off point for ecutwfc
as well or would it be fine to use a nominal value of lets say, 25?

Thank you,
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[Pw_forum] Fwd: Atoms are missing in the pdos output

2013-05-22 Thread Abhishek Mishra
wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
 state # 281: atom  50 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
 state # 282: atom  50 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
 state # 283: atom  50 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
 state # 284: atom  50 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
 state # 285: atom  51 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
 state # 286: atom  51 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
 state # 287: atom  51 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
 state # 288: atom  51 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
 state # 289: atom  52 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
 state # 290: atom  52 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
 state # 291: atom  52 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
 state # 292: atom  52 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
 state # 293: atom  53 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
 state # 294: atom  53 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
 state # 295: atom  53 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
 state # 296: atom  53 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
 state # 297: atom  54 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
 state # 298: atom  54 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
 state # 299: atom  54 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
 state # 300: atom  54 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
 state # 301: atom  55 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
 state # 302: atom  55 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
 state # 303: atom  55 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
 state # 304: atom  55 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
 state # 305: atom  56 (O  ), wfc  1 (l=0 m= 1)
 state # 306: atom  56 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 1)
 state # 307: atom  56 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 2)
 state # 308: atom  56 (O  ), wfc  2 (l=1 m= 3)
As you can see atoms 1, 15,16,17 are missing here also. I tried with lsym =
.false. also, but it didint work

Thanking you in advance!
Dr. Abhishek Mishra
JNCASR, Bangalore, INDIA
abhishek_kumar at jncasr.ac.in
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[Pw_forum] lambda.x crash

2013-05-22 Thread yelena
I'm trying to do electron phonon calculation on monolayer graphene. 
When I try to calculate Tc using lambda.x i get this error:

At line 78 of file lambda.f90 (unit = 4, file = 'fort.4')
Fortran runtime error: End of file

and empty file fort.4 shows up in my working folder.

Here is lambda.in i use.
50  0.01  1
0.000  0.000  0.000   1.00
0.125  0.0721688  0.000   6.00
0.250  0.1443376  0.000   6.00
0.375  0.2165064  0.000   6.00
0.500  0.2886751  0.000   3.00
0.125  0.2165064  0.000   6.00
0.250  0.2886751  0.000  12.00
0.375  0.3608439  0.000  12.00
0.250  0.4330127  0.000   6.00
0.375  0.5051815  0.000   6.00
elph. 0.000  0.000  0.000   1.00
elph. 0.125  0.0721688  0.000   6.00
elph. 0.250  0.1443376  0.000   6.00
elph. 0.375  0.2165064  0.000   6.00
elph. 0.500  0.2886751  0.000   3.00
elph. 0.125  0.2165064  0.000   6.00
elph. 0.250  0.2886751  0.000  12.00
elph. 0.375  0.3608439  0.000  12.00
elph. 0.250  0.4330127  0.000   6.00
elph. 0.375  0.5051815  0.000   6.00

Is something missing in input?

Thank you all!
Jelena Pesic
PhD Student, Institute of Physics,
Belgrade, Serbia

[Pw_forum] Raman result wrong, intensity at 0.0 cm-1 is not zero.

2013-05-22 Thread Yong Xue
Dear All

I have calculated both raman and IR spectrum for SiH4 as given in the
handson tutorial as well as my own system for my own system composed by C
and O atoms only.
Here is the input for nm

Normal modes for SiH4













0.0 0.0 0.0
and then in for ir

&input fildyn='sih4.dyn', asr='zero-dim' /

here is the output:

# mode [cm-1] [THz] IR Raman depol.fact

1 0.00 0. 0. 0.0154 0.7500

2 0.00 0. 0. 0.0884 0.7500

3 0.00 0. 0. 0.1187 0.7500

4 0.00 0. 0. 0.1189 0.7500

5 0.00 0. 0. 0.0412 0.7500

6 0.00 0. 0. 0.0090 0.7500

7 634.63 19.0257 1.0901 1.1141 0.7500

8 634.63 19.0257 1.0901 1.1141 0.7500

9 634.63 19.0257 1.0901 1.1141 0.7500

10 819.64 24.5723 0. 8.4695 0.7500

11 819.64 24.5723 0. 8.4695 0.7500

12 2524.20 75.6735 0. 267.0320 0.

13 2546.54 76.3432 3.3785 81.6286 0.7500

14 2546.54 76.3432 3.3785 81.6286 0.7500

15 2546.54 76.3432 3.3785 81.6286 0.7500

# mode [cm-1] [THz] IR Raman depol

1 0.00 0. 0. 15.6747 0.0716

2 0.00 0. 0. 0.7718 0.1430

3 0.00 0. 0. 0.1764 0.1189

4 0.00 0. 0. 0.4255 0.1622

5 0.00 0. 0. 1.5205 0.6017

6 0.00 0. 0. 5.1010 0.3780

7 358.03 10.7335 0.2584 1.0997 0.7492

8 492.33 14.7598 0.8213 11.7392 0.0331

9 626.56 18.7838 2.0445 5.0328 0.0397

10 740.99 22.2145 19.5106 7.7263 0.0625

11 834.76 25.0256 2.7362 1.6688 0.6909

12 878.99 26.3514 9.5905 2.4451 0.7100

13 913.65 27.3904 32.8439 0.2926 0.0616

14 923.23 27.6778 39.7587 2.1247 0.6109

15 997.29 29.8981 6.8952 6.7520 0.2172

16 1054.03 31.5990 1.6671 0.9369 0.7237

17 1070.32 32.0875 11.7048 3.5030 0.7498

18 1097.04 32.8883 2.0314 3.0010 0.7119

Thanks in advance


Ms. Xue  Yong(??)
Department of Physics and Engineering Physics
University of Saskatchewan
116 Science Place
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E2
Tel: +1 306 261 2369
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[Pw_forum] no band gap appear in the bands eigenvalues in relaxtion though a 3 ev band gaps should be found

2013-05-22 Thread Yong Xue
Dear all
I am doing relaxation for a system of C, O, and H2 which should have a 3eV
band gap. however, in my relaxation calculation, from the eigenvalues it
shows no band gap. So, I cannot trust the further nmr reulst. after this
step. I also paste my input for relax down, can anybody tell me what is the
as seen:

k = 0. 0. 0. ( 74723 PWs) bands (ev):

-23.3453 -23.2509 -23.2259 -23.1667 -23.1380 -23.1122 -23.0976 -23.0482

-23.0458 -23.0391 -23.0106 -22.9744 -22.9539 -22.8721 -22.8682 -22.8455

-22.3021 -22.2631 -22.2033 -22.1970 -22.1484 -22.1315 -22.1282 -22.0954

-22.0871 -22.0694 -22.0552 -22.0311 -22.0123 -21.9204 -21.9035 -21.8837

-8.4344 -8.3878 -8.3473 -8.3270 -8.3022 -8.2845 -8.2588 -8.2276

-8.1713 -8.1558 -8.1257 -8.1136 -8.0572 -8.0456 -8.0142 -7.8924

-7.6997 -7.6605 -7.6189 -7.5822 -7.5252 -7.4844 -7.4585 -7.4155

-7.3812 -7.3456 -7.3208 -7.2927 -7.2727 -7.2064 -7.1959 -7.1331

-7.0934 -7.0671 -7.0557 -7.0208 -7.0045 -6.9641 -6.9386 -6.8821

-6.8590 -6.8208 -6.7835 -6.7601 -6.7139 -6.6954 -6.6775 -6.6429

-6.6383 -6.6099 -6.5706 -6.5443 -6.5219 -6.4977 -6.4694 -6.4132

-6.3866 -6.3671 -6.3464 -6.3133 -6.2895 -6.2532 -6.2271 -6.1256

-5.3074 -5.0504 -4.9293 -4.8727 -4.7052 -4.6028 -4.5628 -4.4287

-4.3984 -4.2942 -4.2714 -4.1638 -4.0900 -4.0423 -3.9205 -3.8424

-3.5850 -3.5379 -3.5217 -3.4738 -3.4482 -3.4294 -3.4036 -3.3727

-3.3479 -3.3346 -3.3131 -3.2836 -3.2617 -3.2478 -3.2094 -3.2018

-3.1871 -3.1527 -3.1299 -3.1174 -3.0990 -3.0931 -3.0428 -3.0157

-2.9912 -2.9617 -2.9398 -2.9352 -2.8936 -2.8767 -2.8479 -2.8174


calculation = 'relax'

restart_mode = 'from_scratch'

prefix = 'CO2-H2-recover_product_nmr'

tstress = .true.

tprnfor = .true.



pseudo_dir = './'

outdir = './scratch/'



ibrav = 0

celldm(1) = 1.889726164

nat = 80

ntyp = 3

ecutwfc = 80.000

ecutrho = 800.0

nosym = .true.



mixing_beta = 0.7

conv_thr = 1.0d-8







9.9705270608830947 -0.0263506434352082 -0.3371859913906344

-0.0182095492082954 8.1336917725945508 -0.3120449570661378

-0.4215858584102301 -0.4581954945537299 11.3361129017285922


H 1.0 H.pbe-tm-gipaw.UPF

C 12.0 C.pbe-tm-gipaw.UPF

O 16.0 O.pbe-tm-gipaw.UPF


thanks in advance

Ms. Xue  Yong(??)
Department of Physics and Engineering Physics
University of Saskatchewan
116 Science Place
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E2
Tel: +1 306 261 2369
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[Pw_forum] lambda.x crash

2013-05-22 Thread feng.zi...@ireq.ca
Spelling correction: is -> if 

Hi Jelena,
Sometimes you should also check if the contents of the files "elph. xxx" are 
correct. Have you done that?

-Message d'origine-
De : pw_forum-bounces at pwscf.org [mailto:pw_forum-bounces at pwscf.org] De la 
part de feng.zimin at ireq.ca
Envoy? : 22 mai 2013 10:44
? : pw_forum at pwscf.org
Objet : Re: [Pw_forum] lambda.x crash

Hi Jelena,
Sometimes you should also check is the contents of the files "elph. xxx" are 
correct. Have you done that?

-Message d'origine-
De : pw_forum-bounces at pwscf.org [mailto:pw_forum-bounces at pwscf.org] De la 
part de yelena Envoy? : 22 mai 2013 08:53 ? : pw_forum at pwscf.org Objet : 
[Pw_forum] lambda.x crash

I'm trying to do electron phonon calculation on monolayer graphene. 
When I try to calculate Tc using lambda.x i get this error:

At line 78 of file lambda.f90 (unit = 4, file = 'fort.4') Fortran runtime 
error: End of file

and empty file fort.4 shows up in my working folder.

Here is lambda.in i use.
50  0.01  1
0.000  0.000  0.000   1.00
0.125  0.0721688  0.000   6.00
0.250  0.1443376  0.000   6.00
0.375  0.2165064  0.000   6.00
0.500  0.2886751  0.000   3.00
0.125  0.2165064  0.000   6.00
0.250  0.2886751  0.000  12.00
0.375  0.3608439  0.000  12.00
0.250  0.4330127  0.000   6.00
0.375  0.5051815  0.000   6.00
elph. 0.000  0.000  0.000   1.00
elph. 0.125  0.0721688  0.000   6.00
elph. 0.250  0.1443376  0.000   6.00
elph. 0.375  0.2165064  0.000   6.00
elph. 0.500  0.2886751  0.000   3.00
elph. 0.125  0.2165064  0.000   6.00
elph. 0.250  0.2886751  0.000  12.00 elph. 0.375  0.3608439  
0.000  12.00
elph. 0.250  0.4330127  0.000   6.00
elph. 0.375  0.5051815  0.000   6.00

Is something missing in input?

Thank you all!
Jelena Pesic
PhD Student, Institute of Physics,
Belgrade, Serbia

Pw_forum mailing list
Pw_forum at pwscf.org

Pw_forum mailing list
Pw_forum at pwscf.org

[Pw_forum] lambda.x crash

2013-05-22 Thread feng.zi...@ireq.ca
Hi Jelena,
Sometimes you should also check is the contents of the files "elph. xxx" are 
correct. Have you done that?

-Message d'origine-
De : pw_forum-bounces at pwscf.org [mailto:pw_forum-bounces at pwscf.org] De la 
part de yelena
Envoy? : 22 mai 2013 08:53
? : pw_forum at pwscf.org
Objet : [Pw_forum] lambda.x crash

I'm trying to do electron phonon calculation on monolayer graphene. 
When I try to calculate Tc using lambda.x i get this error:

At line 78 of file lambda.f90 (unit = 4, file = 'fort.4') Fortran runtime 
error: End of file

and empty file fort.4 shows up in my working folder.

Here is lambda.in i use.
50  0.01  1
0.000  0.000  0.000   1.00
0.125  0.0721688  0.000   6.00
0.250  0.1443376  0.000   6.00
0.375  0.2165064  0.000   6.00
0.500  0.2886751  0.000   3.00
0.125  0.2165064  0.000   6.00
0.250  0.2886751  0.000  12.00
0.375  0.3608439  0.000  12.00
0.250  0.4330127  0.000   6.00
0.375  0.5051815  0.000   6.00
elph. 0.000  0.000  0.000   1.00
elph. 0.125  0.0721688  0.000   6.00
elph. 0.250  0.1443376  0.000   6.00
elph. 0.375  0.2165064  0.000   6.00
elph. 0.500  0.2886751  0.000   3.00
elph. 0.125  0.2165064  0.000   6.00
elph. 0.250  0.2886751  0.000  12.00 elph. 0.375  0.3608439  
0.000  12.00
elph. 0.250  0.4330127  0.000   6.00
elph. 0.375  0.5051815  0.000   6.00

Is something missing in input?

Thank you all!
Jelena Pesic
PhD Student, Institute of Physics,
Belgrade, Serbia

Pw_forum mailing list
Pw_forum at pwscf.org

[Pw_forum] symmetry in wannier

2013-05-22 Thread ding
Dear Wannier users,
How to apply symmetry protection in Wannier 90 code? The unit cell is 
LaFeAsO, the space group   is 129_P4/nmm, and one unit cell contains two 
equivalent Fe atoms. I use the 10 Fe 3d orbitals to get the effecitve  tight 
binding Hamiltionian.  But  I  found that the chemical potentials of  the five 
3d orbitals  from the two equivalent Fe atoms is different. For example, the  
chemical potential of the dxy orbital from one Fe atom is different from that 
of the orther Fe atom. Can anyone give some suggetions?
 Thanks a lot !
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