[Pw_forum] Xspectra

2014-06-29 Thread Giuseppe Mattioli

Vedo che nessuno ti si ? filato...
In attesa della poppata (ma non ti ci abituare...:-)) ti segnalo che  
xspectra.x fa assorbimento di raggi X (XAS, o XANES, o NEXAFS), ma non  
diffrazione (XRD).

Quoting Tommy :

> Dear all QE user,
> I'd like to calculate the XRD spectra of a zirconia supercell...  
> I've read about the Xspectra package.
> Do you know if it runs also with ultrasoft pseudopotential like,  
> e.g. Zr.pbe-nsp-van.UPF? And otherwise, how do I buil the gipaw  
> pseudopotential suitable for that?
> Thanks in advance,
> Tommaso Francese,
> Universit? C? Foscari of Venice


- Article premier - Les hommes naissent et demeurent
libres et ?gaux en droits. Les distinctions sociales
ne peuvent ?tre fond?es que sur l'utilit? commune
- Article 2 - Le but de toute association politique
est la conservation des droits naturels et
imprescriptibles de l'homme. Ces droits sont la libert?,
la propri?t?, la s?ret? et la r?sistance ? l'oppression.

Giuseppe Mattioli
v. Salaria Km 29,300 - C.P. 10
I 00015 - Monterotondo Stazione (RM)
Tel + 39 06 90672836 - Fax +39 06 90672316

[Pw_forum] pwscf 5.1 IO open error

2014-06-29 Thread Yi Wang
Dear Prof. Paolo Giannozzi,

Thank you for the quick reply. The workaround of setting initial spin  
polarization works.
It seems if we let the code self consistently to get the result that  
BCC-Cu is nonmagnetic with a non zero starting_magnetization at the very  
beginning, the final scf check will runs fine. Well, we set the starting  
value as zero just want to save some time, because at least for the  
potential(from GBRV, I forgot to tell last time) we are using now, in  
different configurations containing Fe and Cu atoms, different value of  
starting_magnetization for Cu always leads to the same energy and  
magnetization value as the ones when starting_magnetization=0 for Cu.  
Seems the current code favors more to find this by itself ;)

Yi Wang
Ph.D candidate at Nanjing University of Science and Technology

On Sun, 29 Jun 2014 17:03:07 +0800, Paolo Giannozzi  

> It is actually a bug, during the check for the unlikely
> but not impossible case of a structural optimization
> where the magnetization is lost during the process,
> leading to a final nonmagnetic ground state, in a
> system whose final configuration is instead magnetic.
> Workaround: restart from the final configuration, allowing
> an initial spin polarization. Removing the call to "wfcinit"
> in move_ions.f90 should also work, but I didn't test it.
> Paolo
> On Fri, 2014-06-27 at 13:49 +0800, Yi Wang wrote:
>> (I sent this mail previously, but wrongly used an unsubscribed mail
>> address. Please ignore this if it is duplicated. Thank you for
>> understanding.)
>> Hi dear developers,
>> When I use the 5.1 version, I may found a possible bug during vc-relax.  
>> I
>> didn't see related threads in the listing, so I'm reporting it here.
>> I'm using the pwscf version 5.1. For the attached input file
>> 'pwscfrxf.rx.in', pw.x will fail at the final scf checking during
>> vc-relax, error information is copied into 'errorinfo' file. The same
>> input works fine for version 5.0.3. It appears the version 5.1 pw.x trys
>> to open a file handler whose unit is already used/opened. Sorry I don't
>> have the ability to further debug which file it trys to open again, I
>> don't how to debug mpi codes with -g compile option.
>> The error seems can be reproduced when there is no magnetization but
>> nspin=2, however for magnetic systems--e.g. ferromagnetic alpha-Fe, the
>> input runs fine. In my input the nspin is turned to 2 because it is
>> automatically generated as one of a series of inputs for exploration in
>> Fe-Cu alloys.
>> --
>> Yi Wang
>> Ph.D candidate at Nanjing University of Science and Technology
>> ___
>> Pw_forum mailing list
>> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
>> http://pwscf.org/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://pwscf.org/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum

[Pw_forum] v5.0.2 phcg error (out of memory?)

2014-06-29 Thread weeliat
Hi Prof,

Thanks for your reply. ?I will try to recompile with those flags.

As a side note, I have tried two other test cases.
1. I tried running my system on 1 processor with 110 GB memory. Phcg.x gave the 
same error.
2. Changed all potentials from the original PBE to LDA (pz-hgh). ?Phcg.x is 
running with these LDA potentials.
3. ?Reduced my system from 112 to 12 atoms but used the same PBE for the 
respective species. ?This reduced the required memory by a lot but Phcg.x gave 
the same error.


wee liat

On Sunday, June 29, 2014 4:49 AM, Paolo Giannozzi  

On Thu, 2014-06-26 at 18:48 -0700, weeliat wrote:

> phcg.x:69448 terminated with signal 11 at PC=4bf379 SP=7fffa63067a0.
>? Backtrace:
> /home-research/espresso/bin/phcg.x(gradrho_+0x3c9)[0x4bf379]

> The scf calculation run well with no errors.? I wonder if it is a PP
> problem or out of memory issue?

it is impossible to know without some further info. The error is in
subroutine "gradrho". If you recompile with debug flags on (-g or
something similar) you may discover the exact line number where the
error happens


Paolo Giannozzi, Dept. Chemistry, 
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222 
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[Pw_forum] pwscf 5.1 IO open error

2014-06-29 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
It is actually a bug, during the check for the unlikely 
but not impossible case of a structural optimization 
where the magnetization is lost during the process, 
leading to a final nonmagnetic ground state, in a
system whose final configuration is instead magnetic.
Workaround: restart from the final configuration, allowing
an initial spin polarization. Removing the call to "wfcinit" 
in move_ions.f90 should also work, but I didn't test it.


On Fri, 2014-06-27 at 13:49 +0800, Yi Wang wrote:
> (I sent this mail previously, but wrongly used an unsubscribed mail  
> address. Please ignore this if it is duplicated. Thank you for  
> understanding.)
> Hi dear developers,
> When I use the 5.1 version, I may found a possible bug during vc-relax. I  
> didn't see related threads in the listing, so I'm reporting it here.
> I'm using the pwscf version 5.1. For the attached input file  
> 'pwscfrxf.rx.in', pw.x will fail at the final scf checking during  
> vc-relax, error information is copied into 'errorinfo' file. The same  
> input works fine for version 5.0.3. It appears the version 5.1 pw.x trys  
> to open a file handler whose unit is already used/opened. Sorry I don't  
> have the ability to further debug which file it trys to open again, I  
> don't how to debug mpi codes with -g compile option.
> The error seems can be reproduced when there is no magnetization but  
> nspin=2, however for magnetic systems--e.g. ferromagnetic alpha-Fe, the  
> input runs fine. In my input the nspin is turned to 2 because it is  
> automatically generated as one of a series of inputs for exploration in  
> Fe-Cu alloys.
> --
> Yi Wang
> Ph.D candidate at Nanjing University of Science and Technology
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://pwscf.org/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum

[Pw_forum] Problem with vc-relax with pz pseudo potentials.

2014-06-29 Thread Khalid Ibne Masood Khalid
Dear Quantum Espresso users,
Earlier I had knocked you about "Error in routine stop_exx (1):
 dft is not hybrid, wrong call" problem. Well the problem was quite
solved. Whenever I used pbe pseudo potentials, the optimization converged.
But if I use pz  pseudo potentials, the simulation terminates saying:
"Error in routine scale_h (1):
 Not enough space allocated for radial FFT: try restarting with a
larger cell_factor."

I have used larger cell_factor of 2, and tried with lattice parameter of 3
angstrom [The quantum espresso page said to use larger cell factor or
larger unit cell] but the problem persists. I would like to mention again
that the problem does not arise when I use pbe pseudo potentials. I have
attached the input and output files, please let me know whether I am
missing something or doing anything wrong. I had tried the simulation with
both version 5.1 and 5.0.2. The results are all the same.

Thank you in advance.
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[Pw_forum] Problem about occupation number in elph calculation

2014-06-29 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
On Thu, 2014-06-26 at 16:05 -0800, flying_lw at yeah.net wrote:

> While you say the occupation numbers are not actually used, do you
> mean that they have no effect to the integrated electron phonon
> coupling coefficient? Or you mean the contribution from the k points
> that show "NAN" occupation numbers are not counted for the integration
> over reciprocal space? 

the latter you said.

> Our Tc for MgB2 is much lower than experiment and previous QE results.
> We wonder whether the NAN error for occupation number is part of the
> reason. 

unlikely. Once again: electron-phonon coefficients calculations are

> Thank you again for the help. 
> Wei Liu
> __
> flying_lw at yeah.net
> From: Paolo Giannozzi
> Date: 2014-06-25 03:20
> To: PWSCF Forum
> Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] Problem about occupation number in
> elph calculation
> I don't think that those occupation numbers are actually used.
> If they are, you get NaN everywhere
> P.
> On Tue, 2014-06-24 at 10:10 -0800, flying_lw at yeah.net wrote:
> > Dear Quantum Espresso users,
> > 
> > 
> > I am using QE v 5.0.2 to calculate the Tc of MgB2. The job
> is done
> > normally, but I got one problem when  I cheked the output
> > file mgb2.elph.out. The occupation numbers of some k points
> are 'NaN'.
> > I did the same job using QE v 5.1, all the 'NaN' become
> '0.'. I'm
> > not sure what is happening. Will this cause something wrong
> in the
> > final results?
> > 
> > 
> > Part of the output file is as below:
> > 
> > 
> > %
> > End of band structure calculation 
> > 
> > k = 0. 0. 0. band energies (ev): 
> > 
> > -33.3325 -33.3325 -33.3154 -3.7339 5.7105 9.0432 9.0432
> 10.2941 
> > 15.0631 15.0631 16.8819 
> > 
> > occupation numbers 
> > 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 0.0368 0.0368 -0.0001 
> > -0. -0. -0. 
> > 
> > k = 0. 0. 0.1089 band energies (ev): 
> > 
> > -33.3324 -33.3324 -33.3165 -3.5997 4.7550 9.0927 9.0927
> 11.5641 
> > 15.1063 15.1063 16.8566 
> > 
> > occupation numbers 
> > NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 
> > NaN NaN NaN 
> > 
> > k = 0. 0. 0.0363 band energies (ev): 
> > 
> > -33.3325 -33.3325 -33.3155 -3.7188 5.5783 9.0489 9.0489
> 10.4614 
> > 15.0681 15.0681 16.8790 
> > 
> > occupation numbers 
> > 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 0.0333 0.0333 -0. 
> > -0. -0. -0. 
> > 
> > k = 0. 0. 0.1451 band energies (ev): 
> > 
> > -33.3324 -33.3324 -33.3172 -3.4981 4.2250 9.1283 9.1283
> 12.3377 
> > 15.1375 15.1375 16.8387 
> > 
> > occupation numbers 
> > NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 
> > NaN NaN NaN 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  I have attached the input and output files. Thank you for
> your help.
> > 
> > 
> > Best,
> > Wei
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Pw_forum mailing list
> > Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> > http://pwscf.org/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum
> -- 
> Paolo Giannozzi, Dept. Chemistry, 
> Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
> Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222 
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://pwscf.org/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://pwscf.org/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum

[Pw_forum] v5.0.2 phcg error (out of memory?)

2014-06-29 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
On Thu, 2014-06-26 at 18:48 -0700, weeliat wrote:
> phcg.x:69448 terminated with signal 11 at PC=4bf379 SP=7fffa63067a0.
>  Backtrace:
> /home-research/espresso/bin/phcg.x(gradrho_+0x3c9)[0x4bf379]

> The scf calculation run well with no errors.  I wonder if it is a PP
> problem or out of memory issue?

it is impossible to know without some further info. The error is in
subroutine "gradrho". If you recompile with debug flags on (-g or
something similar) you may discover the exact line number where the
error happens


Paolo Giannozzi, Dept. Chemistry, 
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222 

[Pw_forum] about kind of ibrav, cell parameters and thermo_pw.

2014-06-29 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
On Sun, 2014-06-29 at 02:43 +0300, Mutlu COLAKOGULLARI wrote:

> How can I transform the above cell parameters to the correct kind of 
> ibrav type and celldm(1,...,6)?

some time ago I wrote two routines (attached) that convert between
different ways of specifying lattices. Not extensively tested, may
not suit your needs etc. A smarter thing to do, however, is to modify 
the thermo_pw code in such a way that it accepts all QE specifications
of the lattice. It should be rather simple, since internally QE only
uses the primitive lattice vectors and the corresponding reciprocal
lattice vectors (in units of the lattice parameter "a" and of 2pi/a 


Paolo Giannozzi, Dept. Chemistry, 
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222 
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[Pw_forum] Problem with vc-relax with pz pseudo potentials.

2014-06-29 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
On Sun, 2014-06-29 at 10:56 +0600, Khalid Ibne Masood Khalid wrote:

>  Not enough space allocated for radial FFT: try restarting with a
> larger cell_factor."

restart from the last coordinates and cell (they are reprinted in a 
format that can be directly used in input)

> I would like to mention again that the problem does not arise when I
> use pbe pseudo potentials

layered materials with intralayer vdW interactions behave quite
differently with PBE and LDA (and both behave quite differently 
from reality)

Paolo Giannozzi, Dept. Chemistry, 
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222 

[Pw_forum] about kind of ibrav, cell parameters and thermo_pw.

2014-06-29 Thread Mutlu COLAKOGULLARI

I want to use thermo_pw code but it does not allow to use of ibrav=0.

The conventional cell of crystalline interested  is monoclinic type with 
Beta angle (ibrav=-12). In order to find primitive cell I used pymatgen 
code and then aconvasp-online. The final cell is MCLC5 type with cell 
parameters (W. Setyawan and S. Curtarolo's paper; 
http://arxiv.org/abs/1004.2974v1)  as following:

  5.388   5.389500241922250.00
  0.002.71796558242205   15.42537623828894

I have tested the MCLC5 cell type with xcrysden-kpath visualization. 
Everything is looking fine to me. In pw.x code I can use it safely with 
ibrav=0 but thermo_pw code.  The cell vectors are different from 
ibrav=12,-12,13. If I transform the Niggle form then I get the 
tricilinic type which is not proper for thermo_pw code, too. Here is the 
end of my knowledge.

How can I transform the above cell parameters to the correct kind of 
ibrav type and celldm(1,...,6)?

with my best wishes,


Trakya ?niversitesi
Fen Fak?ltesi
Fizik B?l?m?