Re: [Pw_forum] Manual Kpoint Optimization for a Monoclinic lattice structured organic compound

2015-12-09 Thread Ridwan Agbaoye
Good day allI am very grateful for the response to this forum and every 
individual for contributing to help me with my challenges so far
I have corrected the errors on my atomic position, now my kpoint grid has been 
sorted out all thanks to profs. Kim and Brendas and Prof. Giovani
Now im considering doing vc-relax calculation or structural optimization of my 
structure, I need help with the most appropriate pseudopotential to use 
considering van der well on the organic compound pedot
i have attached a copy of my crystal structure visualized with xcrysden to this 
Thank you all, im very grateful
Agbaoye Ridwan OlamideM.Sc. Physics(in View)Federal University of Agriculture,

On Friday, December 4, 2015 9:01 AM, Giovanni Cantele 

 1) what kind of convergence you haven’t reached yet? a) convergence of 
structural optimisation (atomic positions), or b) convergence of unit cell 
optimisation (e.g. if you use calculation=‘vc-relax’), or c) self-consistency 

2) if by improving the sampling of the Brillouin zone (2x2x2, 3x3x3, ….) 
nothing happens, maybe it can be that the parameter that prevents you system 
from reaching convergence is not the k-point grid!!! Which pseudo potentials do 
you use, and with which cutoff? For organic crystals, van der Waals 
interactions might be important as well, have you already tried to switch them 
on? Are you sure that the input positions are right, for example by visualising 
your input file with XCrysden (such a practice is advisable BEFORE any, maybe 
computationally expensive, run is started!)

3) the “acceptable" size of the k-point grid depends on the system under 
investigation and on the property you are interested in (for a given grid, 
there are properties that might be converged, and others that might be not!). 

4) concerning grids that look like n x m x l instead of n x n x n , usually if 
for example axes a and b are in the ratio a/b = u, than n and m have the 
inverse ratio (n/m ~ 1/u). For example: a = b = c, use 4 x 4 x 4 ; a = b, c = 


> On 04 Dec 2015, at 14:23, Ridwan Agbaoye  wrote:
> On Thursday, December 3, 2015 11:41 AM, Ridwan Agbaoye 
>  wrote:
> I am doing structural optimization for a monoclinic latice structured organic 
> compound with 13 atoms, 4 types of atom (C,H,O and S) and  , i need expertise 
> advice on how my automatic kpoint grid required for optimization will look 
> like, i tried 2 2 2 1 1 1, 3 3 3 1 1 1, 4 4 4 1 1 1... 9 9 9 1 1 1 but the 
> result havent reached convergence yet even with the very very high 
> computation time it require 
> Recently i learnt i am not suppose to use the uniform kpoint grid but the 
> ones that looked like 6 4 6 1 1 1 , 6 1 1 1 1 1, 8 4 8 1 1 1 etc
> please help me with the best automatic kpoint grid required for my system and 
> how to determine the kind of kpoint grid to use for subsequent system 
> calculation 
> Thank you very much
> Agbaoye Ridwan Olamide
> M.Sc. (in view)
> Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list

Pw_forum mailing list

Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] HSE output for yambo TDDFT calculation

2015-12-09 Thread Michael Friedrich
Dear QE users,

I hope there is anybody who has experience with the output generation for yambo 
in case of hybrid functionals, especially for TDDFT.
Usually one does a scf and a subsequent nscf calculation in pw.x. The nscf 
calculation, however, is not possible in the case of hse. So I’m using the 
output from the scf calculation with the input posted below.
In principle, the developers from yambo don’t see a problem doing a TDDFT 
calculation on top of hybrid functional calculation but have either not yet 
really tried it.
My problem is that the output does apparently not provide all input for yambo 
that is needed as information on the reciprocal lattice vectors is missing (RL 
 <--->  :: Electrons : 68.0
 <--->  :: Temperature   [ev]: 0.00
 <--->  :: Lattice factors [a.u.]: 8.757014  8.757014  8.757014
 <--->  :: K-points  :  38
 <--->  :: Bands :  60
 <--->  :: Spinor components : 1
 <--->  :: Spin polarizations: 1
 <--->  :: Spin orbit coupling   : no
 <--->  :: Symmetries   [spatial]: 3
 <--->  ::[T-rev]: yes
 <--->  :: Max WF components :  8469
 <--->  :: RL vectors(WF):0
 <--->  :: RL vectors(CHARGE):  67681
 <--->  :: XC potential  : HSE06(XC)
 <--->  :: Atomic species: 3
 <--->  :: Max atoms/species :  6

which is probably the reason for the tddft run to stop, though p2y works 
without complaining.
Here’s the input I used in pw.x:

calculation = 'scf'
pseudo_dir = '/scratch/michaelf/work/input/qe/',
wf_collect= .true. 
ibrav=  0, 
nat=  10, 
ntyp= 3,
ecutwfc =78.0,
nbnd = 60,
nqx1 = 1,
nqx2 = 1,
nqx3 = 1, 
!mixing_beta = 0.7 ,
conv_thr =  1.0d-10,
electron_maxstep = 500
Li   2.003_Li_ONCV.UPF
Nb   2.041_Nb_ONCV.UPF
Li   0.283300360   0.283300360   0.283300360
Nb   0.0   0.0   0.0
O0.855421834   0.616149204   0.219876866
O0.219876866   0.855421834   0.616149204
O0.616149204   0.219876866   0.855421834
Li   0.783300360   0.783300360   0.783300360
Nb   0.5   0.5   0.5
O0.116149204   0.355421834   0.719876866
O0.719876866   0.116149204   0.355421834
O0.355421834   0.719876866   0.116149204
K_POINTS automatic
6 6 6  1 1 1
   5.647324820  -0.0   8.757014575
  -2.823662411   4.890726758   8.757014575
  -2.823662411  -4.890726758   8.757014575

Maybe there is someone who knows more about this? Is there a possibility to 
provide the same output to yambo from a hse run as from a scf—>nscf DFT run? As 
far as I know there shouldn’t be much of a difference in the format of the WF 
and in principle it should be possible?!

Thank you
Michael Friedrich
Universität Paderborn
Pw_forum mailing list

Re: [Pw_forum] HSE output for yambo TDDFT calculation

2015-12-09 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 10:34 AM, Michael Friedrich  wrote:

> Maybe there is someone who knows more about this?

I know close to nothing about this, but I am quite sure that the format of
the data file is the same irrespective of the type of calculation. Try to
start Yambo from the same scf calculation, made with plain DFT, and see
what happens


Is there a possibility to provide the same output to yambo from a hse run
> as from a scf—>nscf DFT run? As far as I know there shouldn’t be much of a
> difference in the format of the WF and in principle it should be possible?!
> Thank you
> Michael Friedrich
> Universität Paderborn
> Germany
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list

Paolo Giannozzi, Dept. Chemistry&Physics&Environment,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222
Pw_forum mailing list

Re: [Pw_forum] QHA applicatiom - F_QHA.x

2015-12-09 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 10:22 AM, Eleftheria Gkogkosi 

>  For test purposes, I run F_QHA.x for the cases of alpha- and beta- Tin.
>  I can see that "F_vibration vs T" graphs cross above 300 K (in
>  consistency with the phase transition).
>  This does not hold for the sum E_internal+F_vibration (which I assumed
>  to be the Heelmholtz free energy in the first place).
>  So, is it safe to conclude that F_vibration is actually the Helmholtz
>  free energy?

from the source code, it looks like E_internal is the vibrational
contribution to the energy, while F_vibration is the vibrational
contribution to the free energy. In order to locate the phase transition,
you should compare E_tot+F_vibration(T) for alpha and beta tin, where E_tot
is what you get from the scf calculation.

 What does it mean when one gets negative frequencies in tjis file?
>  Is it a matter of poor k-point sampling or an indication of unstable
>  structure at a given Temperature?

short answer: it depends. Sometimes the latter, sometimes it is simply an
unavoidable problem of violation of the Acoustic Sum Rule in approximate

>  Is it fair to erase the negative parts and proceed withy QHA for the
>  thermodynamical properties?

if the only negative values are those corresponding to zero-frequency
acoustic modes at q=0, yes, it is


>  Thank you very much,
> --
>  Eleftheria Gkogkosi
>  Applied Mathematics & Physics Dept.
>  National Technical University of Athens
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list

Paolo Giannozzi, Dept. Chemistry&Physics&Environment,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222
Pw_forum mailing list

Re: [Pw_forum] Raman

2015-12-09 Thread Ilya Ryabinkin
In a nutshell: you have been told: "third-order derivatives are not

Long answer: Raman intensities are proportional to the first
derivatives of polarisabilities wrt nuclear displacements;
polarizabilities, in turn, are the second derivatives of energy wrt to
electric field components. In total, we end up with third, albeit
mixed, derivatives.


On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 6:25 PM, Mofrad, Amir Mehdi (MU-Student)
> Dear Quantum Espresso users and developers,
> Does anyone know that Quantum Espresso is capable of calculating Raman
> intensities? When I want to do the phonon calculations I get the following
> error:
> error: task # 0
>  from phq_setup : error # 1
>  third order derivatives not implemented with GGA
> According to what is provided on the Quantum Espresso website, Raman
> calculations work only with NC pseudo-potentials and I tried to use that
> kind of PP in my scf calculations. Below is my scf and phonon calculations
> input files. Any help would be thoroughly appreciated on how to get Raman
> intensities.
>  calculation = 'scf' ,
>  restart_mode = 'from_scratch' ,
>  wf_collect = .true. ,
>  outdir = './scratch' ,
>  wfcdir = './scratch' ,
>  pseudo_dir = '/global/espresso/pseudo' ,
>  prefix = 'SOD' ,
>  verbosity = 'high' ,
>  etot_conv_thr = 1e-5 ,
>  forc_conv_thr = 1e-4 ,
>  nstep = 50 ,
>  tstress = .true. ,
>  tprnfor = .true. ,
>  /
>  ibrav = 0,
>  nat = 36,
>  ntyp = 2,
>  ecutwfc = 50 ,
>  ecutrho = 200 ,
> /
>   electron_maxstep = 100,
>   conv_thr = 3e-8 ,
>   mixing_mode = 'plain' ,
>   mixing_beta = 0.7 ,
>   diagonalization = 'david' ,
> /
>  16.7202967500.00.0
>  0.0   16.7202967500.0
>  0.00.0   16.720296750
>Si   28.08600  Si.tpss-mt.UPF
> O   15.99940  O.tpss-mt.UPF
>  Si  2.2114340870.04.42400
>Si  6.6365659130.04.42400
>Si  4.424002.2114340870.0
>Si  4.424006.6365659130.0
>Si  0.04.424002.211434087
>Si  0.04.424006.636565913
>Si  2.2114241384.42400   -0.0
>Si  6.6365758624.42400   -0.0
>Si  0.02.2114241384.42400
>Si  0.06.6365758624.42400
>Si  4.424000.02.211424138
>Si  4.424000.06.636575862
> O  1.2872841424.0775133401.287298380
> O  7.5607158584.7704866601.287298380
> O  7.5607158584.0775133407.560701620
> O  1.2872841424.7704866607.560701620
> O  1.2872983801.2872841424.077513340
> O  1.2872983807.5607158584.770486660
> O  7.5607016207.5607158584.077513340
> O  7.5607016201.2872841424.770486660
> O  4.0775133401.2872983801.287284142
> O  4.7704866601.2872983807.560715858
> O  4.0775133407.5607016207.560715858
> O  4.7704866607.5607016201.287284142
> O  8.5066504985.7138707755.713853509
> O  0.3413495023.1341292255.713853509
> O  8.5066504983.1341292253.134146491
> O  0.3413495025.7138707753.134146491
> O  5.7138707755.7138535098.506650498
> O  3.1341292255.7138535090.341349502
> O  3.1341292253.1341464918.506650498
> O  5.7138707753.1341464910.341349502
> O  5.7138535098.5066504985.713870775
> O  5.7138535090.3413495023.134129225
> O  3.1341464918.5066504983.134129225
> O  3.1341464910.3413495025.713870775
> K_POINTS automatic
> 4 4 4   1 1 1
> Phonon Input File
> phonons of Sodalite at Gamma
> &inputph
> tr2_ph= 1e-14,
> prefix= 'SOD',
> amass(1)  =  28.08600,
> amass(2)  =  15.9940,
> outdir= './scratch/',
> fildyn= 'SOD.dyn',
> recover   = .false.,
> epsil = .true.,
> lraman= .true.,
> trans = .true.,
> max_seconds   = 35
> /
> 0.0 0.0 0.0
> Best regards,
> Amir M. Mofrad
> University of Missouri
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list

Ilya Ryabinkin
 Postdoctoral Scholar
  Physical and Environmental Sciences
   University of Toronto Scarborough

Re: [Pw_forum] Raman

2015-12-09 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 1:30 PM, Ilya Ryabinkin 

> In a nutshell: you have been told: "third-order derivatives are not
> implemented".

not exactly that. What is not implemented is "the third-order functional
derivative of the exchange-correlation energy with respect to the charge
density", which is an ingredient needed for computation of third-order
energy derivatives. It is implemented for LDA only. Of course one can
always comment out the check and keep the LDA part only. This will not
however solve the problem, because in the scf calculation:

 >Si   28.08600  Si.tpss-mt.UPF
> O   15.99940  O.tpss-mt.UPF

TPSS meta-GGA is used, and phonons for meta-GGA are not implemented.


Paolo Giannozzi, Dept. Chemistry&Physics&Environment,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] Error in thermo_pw.x run

2015-12-09 Thread Barnali Bhattacharya
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a user of Quantum espresso. I am interested in elastic constant and
install  thermo_pw.0.3.0  in the quantum espresso (QE 5.2.1) root
directory.  I have followed the flowing steps-

cd espresso-5.2.1
./configure  --enable-openmp
cd thermo_pw
make join_qe
cd  ../
make all

Without showing any error thermo_pw.x has been built, but when I am trying
to run example(example13) , I get the following error-

  running thermo_pw.x as: mpirun -np 4
-ni 2  -nk 1 -nd 1 -nb 1 -nt 1

/home/Utpal/Quantum_espresso/espresso-5.2.1/espresso-5.2.1/tempdir... done
  running the thermo mur_lc_elastic_constants calculation
  to calculate the elastic constants of silicon at the
  equilibrium lattice constant. The results are in si.elastic.out...
[cluster:05522] *** Process received signal ***
[cluster:05522] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[cluster:05522] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[cluster:05522] Failing at address: 0x
[cluster:05521] *** Process received signal ***
[cluster:05521] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[cluster:05521] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[cluster:05521] Failing at address: 0x
[cluster:05522] [ 0] /lib64/ [0x392240f500]
[cluster:05522] [ 1]
[cluster:05522] [ 2]
[cluster:05522] [ 3]
[cluster:05522] [ 4]
[cluster:05522] [ 5] /lib64/ [0x392181ecdd]
[cluster:05522] [ 6]
[cluster:05522] *** End of error message ***
[cluster:05521] [ 0] /lib64/ [0x392240f500]
[cluster:05521] [ 1]
[cluster:05521] [ 2]
[cluster:05521] [ 3]
[cluster:05521] [ 4]
[cluster:05521] [ 5] /lib64/ [0x392181ecdd]
[cluster:05521] [ 6]
[cluster:05521] *** End of error message ***
[cluster:05524] *** Process received signal ***
[cluster:05524] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[cluster:05524] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[cluster:05524] Failing at address: 0x
[cluster:05523] *** Process received signal ***
[cluster:05523] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[cluster:05523] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[cluster:05523] Failing at address: 0x
[cluster:05524] [ 0] /lib64/ [0x392240f500]
[cluster:05524] [ 1]
[cluster:05524] [ 2]
[cluster:05524] [ 3]
[cluster:05524] [ 4]
[cluster:05524] [ 5] /lib64/ [0x392181ecdd]
[cluster:05524] [ 6]
[cluster:05524] *** End of error message ***
[cluster:05523] [ 0] /lib64/ [0x392240f500]
[cluster:05523] [ 1]
[cluster:05523] [ 2]
[cluster:05523] [ 3]
[cluster:05523] [ 4]
[cluster:05523] [ 5] /lib64/ [0x392181ecdd]
[cluster:05523] [ 6]
[cluster:05523] *** End of error message ***

mpirun noticed that process rank 0 with PID 5521 on node
exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault).

Re: [Pw_forum] Raman

2015-12-09 Thread Giuseppe Mattioli

Dear Amir
AFAIK Raman intensities can be calculated at the LDA level of theory only. You 
are using meta-GGA

On Tuesday, December 08, 2015 11:25:05 PM Mofrad, Amir Mehdi wrote:
> Dear Quantum Espresso users and developers,
> Does anyone know that Quantum Espresso is capable of calculating Raman 
> intensities? When I want to do the phonon calculations I get the following
> error:
> error: task # 0
>  from phq_setup : error # 1
>  third order derivatives not implemented with GGA
> According to what is provided on the Quantum Espresso website, Raman 
> calculations work only with NC pseudo-potentials and I tried to use that kind
> of PP in my scf calculations. Below is my scf and phonon calculations input 
> files. Any help would be thoroughly appreciated on how to get Raman
> intensities.
>  calculation = 'scf' ,
>  restart_mode = 'from_scratch' ,
>  wf_collect = .true. ,
>  outdir = './scratch' ,
>  wfcdir = './scratch' ,
>  pseudo_dir = '/global/espresso/pseudo' ,
>  prefix = 'SOD' ,
>  verbosity = 'high' ,
>  etot_conv_thr = 1e-5 ,
>  forc_conv_thr = 1e-4 ,
>  nstep = 50 ,
>  tstress = .true. ,
>  tprnfor = .true. ,
>  /
>  ibrav = 0,
>  nat = 36,
>  ntyp = 2,
>  ecutwfc = 50 ,
>  ecutrho = 200 ,
> /
>   electron_maxstep = 100,
>   conv_thr = 3e-8 ,
>   mixing_mode = 'plain' ,
>   mixing_beta = 0.7 ,
>   diagonalization = 'david' ,
> /
>  16.7202967500.00.0
>  0.0   16.7202967500.0
>  0.00.0   16.720296750
>Si   28.08600  Si.tpss-mt.UPF
> O   15.99940  O.tpss-mt.UPF
>  Si  2.2114340870.04.42400
>Si  6.6365659130.04.42400
>Si  4.424002.2114340870.0
>Si  4.424006.6365659130.0
>Si  0.04.424002.211434087
>Si  0.04.424006.636565913
>Si  2.2114241384.42400   -0.0
>Si  6.6365758624.42400   -0.0
>Si  0.02.2114241384.42400
>Si  0.06.6365758624.42400
>Si  4.424000.02.211424138
>Si  4.424000.06.636575862
> O  1.2872841424.0775133401.287298380
> O  7.5607158584.7704866601.287298380
> O  7.5607158584.0775133407.560701620
> O  1.2872841424.7704866607.560701620
> O  1.2872983801.2872841424.077513340
> O  1.2872983807.5607158584.770486660
> O  7.5607016207.5607158584.077513340
> O  7.5607016201.2872841424.770486660
> O  4.0775133401.2872983801.287284142
> O  4.7704866601.2872983807.560715858
> O  4.0775133407.5607016207.560715858
> O  4.7704866607.5607016201.287284142
> O  8.5066504985.7138707755.713853509
> O  0.3413495023.1341292255.713853509
> O  8.5066504983.1341292253.134146491
> O  0.3413495025.7138707753.134146491
> O  5.7138707755.7138535098.506650498
> O  3.1341292255.7138535090.341349502
> O  3.1341292253.1341464918.506650498
> O  5.7138707753.1341464910.341349502
> O  5.7138535098.5066504985.713870775
> O  5.7138535090.3413495023.134129225
> O  3.1341464918.5066504983.134129225
> O  3.1341464910.3413495025.713870775
> K_POINTS automatic
> 4 4 4   1 1 1
> Phonon Input File
> phonons of Sodalite at Gamma
> &inputph
> tr2_ph= 1e-14,
> prefix= 'SOD',
> amass(1)  =  28.08600,
> amass(2)  =  15.9940,
> outdir= './scratch/',
> fildyn= 'SOD.dyn',
> recover   = .false.,
> epsil = .true.,
> lraman= .true.,
> trans = .true.,
> max_seconds   = 35
> /
> 0.0 0.0 0.0
> Best regards,
> Amir M. Mofrad
> University of Missouri

- Article premier - Les hommes naissent et demeurent
libres et ègaux en droits. Les distinctions sociales
ne peuvent être fondèes que sur l'utilitè commune
- Article 2 - Le but de toute association politique
est la conservation des droits naturels et 
imprescriptibles de l'homme. Ces droits sont la libertè,
la propriètè, la sùretè et la rèsistance à l'oppression.

   Giuseppe Mattioli
   v. Salaria Km 29,300 - C.P. 10
   I 00015 - Monterotondo Stazione (RM)

Re: [Pw_forum] Raman

2015-12-09 Thread Mofrad, Amir Mehdi (MU-Student)
Thank you all everyone for your responses.

Amir M. Mofrad
University of Missouri

From:  on behalf of 
Giuseppe Mattioli 
Sent: Wednesday, December 9, 2015 7:10 AM
Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] Raman

Dear Amir
AFAIK Raman intensities can be calculated at the LDA level of theory only. You 
are using meta-GGA

On Tuesday, December 08, 2015 11:25:05 PM Mofrad, Amir Mehdi wrote:
> Dear Quantum Espresso users and developers,
> Does anyone know that Quantum Espresso is capable of calculating Raman 
> intensities? When I want to do the phonon calculations I get the following
> error:
> error: task # 0
>  from phq_setup : error # 1
>  third order derivatives not implemented with GGA
> According to what is provided on the Quantum Espresso website, Raman 
> calculations work only with NC pseudo-potentials and I tried to use that kind
> of PP in my scf calculations. Below is my scf and phonon calculations input 
> files. Any help would be thoroughly appreciated on how to get Raman
> intensities.
>  calculation = 'scf' ,
>  restart_mode = 'from_scratch' ,
>  wf_collect = .true. ,
>  outdir = './scratch' ,
>  wfcdir = './scratch' ,
>  pseudo_dir = '/global/espresso/pseudo' ,
>  prefix = 'SOD' ,
>  verbosity = 'high' ,
>  etot_conv_thr = 1e-5 ,
>  forc_conv_thr = 1e-4 ,
>  nstep = 50 ,
>  tstress = .true. ,
>  tprnfor = .true. ,
>  /
>  ibrav = 0,
>  nat = 36,
>  ntyp = 2,
>  ecutwfc = 50 ,
>  ecutrho = 200 ,
> /
>   electron_maxstep = 100,
>   conv_thr = 3e-8 ,
>   mixing_mode = 'plain' ,
>   mixing_beta = 0.7 ,
>   diagonalization = 'david' ,
> /
>  16.7202967500.00.0
>  0.0   16.7202967500.0
>  0.00.0   16.720296750
>Si   28.08600  Si.tpss-mt.UPF
> O   15.99940  O.tpss-mt.UPF
>  Si  2.2114340870.04.42400
>Si  6.6365659130.04.42400
>Si  4.424002.2114340870.0
>Si  4.424006.6365659130.0
>Si  0.04.424002.211434087
>Si  0.04.424006.636565913
>Si  2.2114241384.42400   -0.0
>Si  6.6365758624.42400   -0.0
>Si  0.02.2114241384.42400
>Si  0.06.6365758624.42400
>Si  4.424000.02.211424138
>Si  4.424000.06.636575862
> O  1.2872841424.0775133401.287298380
> O  7.5607158584.7704866601.287298380
> O  7.5607158584.0775133407.560701620
> O  1.2872841424.7704866607.560701620
> O  1.2872983801.2872841424.077513340
> O  1.2872983807.5607158584.770486660
> O  7.5607016207.5607158584.077513340
> O  7.5607016201.2872841424.770486660
> O  4.0775133401.2872983801.287284142
> O  4.7704866601.2872983807.560715858
> O  4.0775133407.5607016207.560715858
> O  4.7704866607.5607016201.287284142
> O  8.5066504985.7138707755.713853509
> O  0.3413495023.1341292255.713853509
> O  8.5066504983.1341292253.134146491
> O  0.3413495025.7138707753.134146491
> O  5.7138707755.7138535098.506650498
> O  3.1341292255.7138535090.341349502
> O  3.1341292253.1341464918.506650498
> O  5.7138707753.1341464910.341349502
> O  5.7138535098.5066504985.713870775
> O  5.7138535090.3413495023.134129225
> O  3.1341464918.5066504983.134129225
> O  3.1341464910.3413495025.713870775
> K_POINTS automatic
> 4 4 4   1 1 1
> Phonon Input File
> phonons of Sodalite at Gamma
> &inputph
> tr2_ph= 1e-14,
> prefix= 'SOD',
> amass(1)  =  28.08600,
> amass(2)  =  15.9940,
> outdir= './scratch/',
> fildyn= 'SOD.dyn',
> recover   = .false.,
> epsil = .true.,
> lraman= .true.,
> trans = .true.,
> max_seconds   = 35
> /
> 0.0 0.0 0.0
> Best regards,
> Amir M. Mofrad
> University of Missouri

- Article premier - Les hommes naissent et demeurent
libres et ègaux en droits. Les distinctions sociales
ne peuvent être fondèes que sur l'utilitè commune
- Article 2 - Le but de toute association politique
est la conservation des droits naturels et
imprescriptibles de l'homme. Ces droits sont la libertè,
la propriètè, la sùretè et la rèsistan

Re: [Pw_forum] HSE output for yambo TDDFT calculation

2015-12-09 Thread Layla Martin-Samos
Dear Michael, some time ago, yambo was not able to perform a calculation
from an hybrid or +U. Check if this is possible in the new yambo release.



2015-12-09 11:51 GMT+01:00 Paolo Giannozzi :

> On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 10:34 AM, Michael Friedrich <
>> wrote:
>> Maybe there is someone who knows more about this?
> I know close to nothing about this, but I am quite sure that the format of
> the data file is the same irrespective of the type of calculation. Try to
> start Yambo from the same scf calculation, made with plain DFT, and see
> what happens
> Paolo
> Is there a possibility to provide the same output to yambo from a hse run
>> as from a scf—>nscf DFT run? As far as I know there shouldn’t be much of a
>> difference in the format of the WF and in principle it should be possible?!
>> Thank you
>> Michael Friedrich
>> Universität Paderborn
>> Germany
>> ___
>> Pw_forum mailing list
> --
> Paolo Giannozzi, Dept. Chemistry&Physics&Environment,
> Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
> Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
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[Pw_forum] Thin Film

2015-12-09 Thread Stephen Smith
Hello All,
 I am trying to simulate a material of a certain thickness onto which a
thin film is applied. Please explain how to 1) modify the supercell. I am
trying to use the Modify option in XCrysDen, but the option is not working.
QE requires the coordinates for all the atoms in the supercell, but I don't
know how to determine them. Any advice?
2) How do I determine the coordinates for the atoms of the thin film if I
do not know where they attach to the first material?
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