[Pw_forum] Electron affinity calculation using Quantum Espresso

2016-01-31 Thread Kanak Datta
Dear Researchers

Could you please tell me how can I calculate electron affinity using
quantum espresso pwscf package? In a reference, I found the definition to

"However, a different definition holds for finite systems. In this case,
the electron affinity is defined as EA=E(N)-E(N+1) where E(N) and E(N+1)
are the total ground-state energies in the neutral (N) and single charged
(N+1) configurations"


If I want to calculate affinity for MoS2 monolayer, according to this
reference, I need to calculate ground state energy for neutral system and
then charged system and then find out the difference between the two. Is
this sufficient? Please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

Sincerely yours
Kanak Datta
Dept. of EEE, BUET
Pw_forum mailing list

Re: [Pw_forum] Electron affinity calculation using Quantum Espresso

2016-01-31 Thread Andrea Ferretti

Dear Kanak,

> "However, a different definition holds for finite systems. In this case, the 
> electron affinity is defined as
> EA=E(N)-E(N+1) where E(N) and E(N+1) are the total ground-state energies in 
> the neutral (N) and single charged (N+1)
> configurations"

this is the so-called Delta-scf method, applied to the calculation of 
electron affinities (similarly one can compute IP=E(N-1)-E(N) )

Concerning the EA of MoS2, there are two problems

(1) delta-scf methods work only for finite systems (when using standard
 DFT functionals such as LDA or GGA's), while MoS2 is extended.

(2) even for finite systems, EA's may be difficult to compute since
 approximate DFT functionals may not be able to bind the extra electron
 to compute E(N+1) (this ia actually the most common situation,
 especially when dealing with a very flexible basis set as plane
 waves). This is actually not specific to MoS2, but a general problem.

 In these cases, a more effective way is to compute the N+1 eigenvalue
 when 0.5 electrons have been added to the system (Slater 1/2 type of
 approach), approximating by taylor expansion the E(N)-E(N+1)
 difference without requiring to bind a full electron (just half of it)

Feasible alternatives to compute HOMO and LUMO bands (IP and EA) for
extended systems such as MoS2 are based on GW calculations...

Take care

> If I want to calculate affinity for MoS2 monolayer, according to this 
> reference, I need to calculate ground state energy
> for neutral system and then charged system and then find out the difference 
> between the two. Is this sufficient? Please
> let me know.
> Thanks in advance.
> Sincerely yours
> Kanak Datta
> Dept. of EEE, BUET

Andrea Ferretti, PhD
S3 Center, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR
via Campi 213/A, 41125, Modena, Italy
Tel: +39 059 2055322;  Skype: andrea_ferretti
URL: http://www.nano.cnr.it

Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.

2016-01-31 Thread Muhammad Zafar
Dear allI am facing some strange problem about all versions from 5.0 to 5.3.0 
of Quantum Espresso. I serached archievs at pwscf forum but could not solve 
this problem.
I am using Fedora GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.8.3 20140911 (Red Hat 4.8.3-7).This error 
also appears for parallel and serial executions.
The error is 
    iteration #  1 ecut=    30.00 Ry beta=0.30
 Davidson diagonalization with overlap
 ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations =  3.3

Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.

Backtrace for this error:
#0  0x411ECDD3
#1  0x411ED498
#2  0x43FF
#3  0x410C39A9
#4  0x4101A844
#5  0x4101A964
#6  0x41018163
#7  0x4101D7CA
#8  0x4101D283
#9  0x4101D7CA
#10  0x4101D283
#11  0x410BDCBB
#12  0x823ED22 in __fft_scalar_MOD_cfft3d at fft_scalar.f90:1280
#13  0x823CA91 in fwfft_x_ at fft_interfaces.f90:222
#14  0x81E5CE3 in interpolate_ at interpolate.f90:75
#15  0x815372B in sum_band_ at sum_band.f90:142
#16  0x8088D55 in electrons_scf_ at electrons.f90:486
#17  0x808E586 in electrons_ at electrons.f90:132
#18  0x804D804 in run_pwscf_ at run_pwscf.f90:90
#19  0x804D537 in pwscf at pwscf.f90:30
#20  0x48ED8962

I perform calculations for different lattice constants from 10.1170 to 11.7170 
with difference of 0.1 ( i.e 10.2170 10.3170 10.4170 10.5170 10.6170 
10.7170...and so on). Above error appear for 10.5170, 106170, 10.8170,  and 
upto 11.2170  ) the rest values executes without any error. The input file is 

    prefix ='VSe'
    ibrav= 2  ,
    celldm(1)= 10.5170,
    nat= 2, ntyp= 2,
    ecutrho = 200.0    
    mixing_mode = 'plain' 
    mixing_beta = 0.3
    conv_thr =  1.0d-8    
 Zn   65.409  Zn.pbe-nc.UPF
 Se   78.960  Se.pbe-n-nc.UPF    
 Zn  0.000  0.000  0.000 
 Se  0.250  0.250  0.250
K_POINTS {automatic}
9 9 9 0 0 0 

Hope that some one will help me..
 Muhammad Zafar 
PhD Scholar 
Department of Physics 
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur,Pakistan___
Pw_forum mailing list

Re: [Pw_forum] E-field: please any response!

2016-01-31 Thread Giuseppe Mattioli

Dear Jaret
Sometimes it happens that we simply do not have any useful answer...  
You are mixing an impressive amount of "non standard" DFT features  
like electric field, full DFT+U method, in a junction between strongly  
correlated, open-shell systems. If something goes wrong it is *very  
difficult* to say what! So try first "brute force":


If you still do not reach convergence, then start simplifying your  
system toward plain DFT. I do not know why you are using the sawtooth  
potential, but you could also flick through the documentation of all  
the assume_isolated='esm' cases. One of them might be useful to you,  
and the calculation are quite stable, at least in my experience.

Quoting Jaret Qi :

> Hello QE users,I am trying to apply saw-like electric field on a  
> structure (input is given below), but it reached 500 step without  
> converging, I do not know if something wrong with the input file,  
> please take a look on the input:  
> -part of  
> the output:     total energy  =   -3007.64456350 Ry
>  Harris-Foulkes estimate   =   -3007.64456538 Ry
>  estimated scf accuracy    <   0.2171 Ry
>  total magnetization   = 0.39 Bohr mag/cell
>  absolute magnetization    = 3.46 Bohr mag/cell
>  End of self-consistent calculation
>  convergence NOT achieved after 500 iterations: stopping
> -
> Input: &control
>     calculation  = 'relax'
>     restart_mode = 'from_scratch'
>     pseudo_dir   = './'
>     outdir   = './'
>     nstep = 100 ,
>     tefield = .true.
>     dipfield = .true.
>  /
>  &system
>     ibrav=0
>     celldm(1)=7.540006694
>     nat=40
>     ntyp=7
>     ecutwfc = 30 ,
>     ecutrho=300
>     occupations='smearing'
>     degauss=0.02
>     nspin=2
>     starting_magnetization(2) = 1 
>     lda_plus_u = .true.
>     Hubbard_U(2)= 2
>     Hubbard_J0(2)=0.7
>     edir = 3
>     eamp = 0.00
>     emaxpos = 0.7
>     eopreg = 0.1
>  /
>  &electrons
>     mixing_beta=0.3,
>     electron_maxstep=500
> /
> /
> ---
> La   0.001181668   0.001181668   6.050060401
> Mn   0.469738707   0.469738707   6.565742621
> O    0.469473688   0.469473688   6.085964317
> O    0.468843692   0.000348383   6.538606525
> O    0.000348383   0.468843692   6.538606525
> Sr   0.001039864   0.001039864   7.064792061
> Mn   0.469676094   0.469676094   7.557901982
> O    0.469624727   0.469624727   7.056571078
> O    0.468925802   0.000293611   7.575881614
> O    0.000293611   0.468925802   7.575881614
> La   0.000993325   0.000993325   8.089910079
> Mn   0.469504247   0.469504247   8.593701257
> O    0.469318550   0.469318550   8.039436909
> O    0.469234084   0.000344639   8.527412698
> O    0.000344639   0.469234084   8.527412698
> Pb  -0.014392827  -0.014392827   0.254329743    1   1   0
> Ti   0.449335594   0.449335594   0.744524878    1   1   0
> O    0.445630194   0.445630194   0.292667664    1   1   0
> O    0.446866894  -0.020789811   0.782939868    1   1   0
> O   -0.020789811   0.446866894   0.782939868    1   1   0
> Pb  -0.016727738  -0.016727738   1.262175978
> Ti   0.450604754   0.450604754   1.820354388
> O    0.447848259   0.447848259   1.358571068
> O    0.447194479  -0.020103191   1.926302938
> O   -0.020103191   0.447194479   1.926302938
> Pb  -0.006882381  -0.006882381   2.371864847
> O    0.446926722   0.446926722   2.551971810
> O    0.468151164  -0.002813857   3.241466866
> O   -0.002813857   0.468151164   3.241466866
> Pb  -0.004895228  -0.004895228   3.694395477
> Ti   0.469851616   0.469851616   4.313940138
> O    0.470070311   0.470070311   3.861981065
> O    0.469479771   0.000630908   4.426237872
> O    0.000630908   0.469479771   4.426237872
> Pb   0.002684401   0.002684401   4.871067455
> Ti   0.470100084   0.470100084   5.489734431
> O    0.469191796   0.469191796   5.033815628
> O    0.469294913   0.000554244   5.600299218
> O    0.000554244   0.469294913   5.600299218
> Zr   0.464031631   0.464031631   3.060505444
> K_POINTS {automatic}
>   6 6 1 0 0 0
>    0.937980317  -0.09219   -0.000131497
>   -0.09219   0.937980317   -0.000131497
>   -0.001221078  -0.001221078   15.641997242
> --thank youJaret, QiASU


- Article premier - Les hommes naissent et demeurent
libres et égaux en droits. Les distinctions sociales
ne peuvent être fondées que sur l'utilité commune
- Article 2 - Le but de toute association politique
est la conservation des droits naturels et

Re: [Pw_forum] E-field: please any response!

2016-01-31 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
By the way: in the provided input, eamp=0 implies "no electric field"


On Sun, Jan 31, 2016 at 7:25 PM, Giuseppe Mattioli <
giuseppe.matti...@ism.cnr.it> wrote:

> Dear Jaret
> Sometimes it happens that we simply do not have any useful answer...
> You are mixing an impressive amount of "non standard" DFT features
> like electric field, full DFT+U method, in a junction between strongly
> correlated, open-shell systems. If something goes wrong it is *very
> difficult* to say what! So try first "brute force":
>  mixing_beta=0.02,
>  electron_maxstep=1000
> If you still do not reach convergence, then start simplifying your
> system toward plain DFT. I do not know why you are using the sawtooth
> potential, but you could also flick through the documentation of all
> the assume_isolated='esm' cases. One of them might be useful to you,
> and the calculation are quite stable, at least in my experience.
> Giuseppe
> Quoting Jaret Qi :
> > Hello QE users,I am trying to apply saw-like electric field on a
> > structure (input is given below), but it reached 500 step without
> > converging, I do not know if something wrong with the input file,
> > please take a look on the input:
> >
> -part of
> > the output: total energy  =   -3007.64456350 Ry
> >  Harris-Foulkes estimate   =   -3007.64456538 Ry
> >  estimated scf accuracy<   0.2171 Ry
> >
> >  total magnetization   = 0.39 Bohr mag/cell
> >  absolute magnetization= 3.46 Bohr mag/cell
> >
> >  End of self-consistent calculation
> >
> >  convergence NOT achieved after 500 iterations: stopping
> > -
> > Input: &control
> > calculation  = 'relax'
> > restart_mode = 'from_scratch'
> > pseudo_dir   = './'
> > outdir   = './'
> > nstep = 100 ,
> > tefield = .true.
> > dipfield = .true.
> >  /
> >  &system
> > ibrav=0
> > celldm(1)=7.540006694
> > nat=40
> > ntyp=7
> > ecutwfc = 30 ,
> > ecutrho=300
> > occupations='smearing'
> > degauss=0.02
> > nspin=2
> > starting_magnetization(2) = 1
> > lda_plus_u = .true.
> > Hubbard_U(2)= 2
> > Hubbard_J0(2)=0.7
> > edir = 3
> > eamp = 0.00
> > emaxpos = 0.7
> > eopreg = 0.1
> >  /
> >  &electrons
> > mixing_beta=0.3,
> > electron_maxstep=500
> > /
> > &IONS
> > /
> >
> > ---
> > La   0.001181668   0.001181668   6.050060401
> > Mn   0.469738707   0.469738707   6.565742621
> > O0.469473688   0.469473688   6.085964317
> > O0.468843692   0.000348383   6.538606525
> > O0.000348383   0.468843692   6.538606525
> > Sr   0.001039864   0.001039864   7.064792061
> > Mn   0.469676094   0.469676094   7.557901982
> > O0.469624727   0.469624727   7.056571078
> > O0.468925802   0.000293611   7.575881614
> > O0.000293611   0.468925802   7.575881614
> > La   0.000993325   0.000993325   8.089910079
> > Mn   0.469504247   0.469504247   8.593701257
> > O0.469318550   0.469318550   8.039436909
> > O0.469234084   0.000344639   8.527412698
> > O0.000344639   0.469234084   8.527412698
> > Pb  -0.014392827  -0.014392827   0.2543297431   1   0
> > Ti   0.449335594   0.449335594   0.7445248781   1   0
> > O0.445630194   0.445630194   0.2926676641   1   0
> > O0.446866894  -0.020789811   0.7829398681   1   0
> > O   -0.020789811   0.446866894   0.7829398681   1   0
> > Pb  -0.016727738  -0.016727738   1.262175978
> > Ti   0.450604754   0.450604754   1.820354388
> > O0.447848259   0.447848259   1.358571068
> > O0.447194479  -0.020103191   1.926302938
> > O   -0.020103191   0.447194479   1.926302938
> > Pb  -0.006882381  -0.006882381   2.371864847
> > O0.446926722   0.446926722   2.551971810
> > O0.468151164  -0.002813857   3.241466866
> > O   -0.002813857   0.468151164   3.241466866
> > Pb  -0.004895228  -0.004895228   3.694395477
> > Ti   0.469851616   0.469851616   4.313940138
> > O0.470070311   0.470070311   3.861981065
> > O0.469479771   0.000630908   4.426237872
> > O0.000630908   0.469479771   4.426237872
> > Pb   0.002684401   0.002684401   4.871067455
> > Ti   0.470100084   0.470100084   5.489734431
> > O0.469191796   0.469191796   5.033815628
> > O0.469294913   0.000554244   5.600299218
> > O0.000554244   0.469294913   5.600299218
> > Zr   0.464031631   0.464031631   3.060505444
> > K_POINTS {automatic}
> >   6 6 1 0 0 0
> >
> >0.937980317  -0.09219   -0.000131497
> >   -0.09219   0.937980317   -0.000131497
> >   -0.001221078  -0.001221078   15.6419

[Pw_forum] PWgui installation Problem

2016-01-31 Thread Muthu V
Dear All
I am trying to run Pwgui-5.3.0 in fedora 23(64 bit) OS. my system spec are
Intel Core duo with 4Gb ram. when i hit
with PWgui-5.3.0 folder i am getting the following error meassage

I checked installed packages and i already have itk itcl and tk tcl in the
following path
can anyone help in shorting out the problem

[pearl@localhost PWgui-5.3.0]$ ./pwgui
  This is PWgui version: 5.3.0
 PWgui: using the system default "tclsh" interpreter
 PWGUI   : /home/pearl/Downloads/PWgui-5.3.0
 GUIB engine : /home/pearl/Downloads/PWgui-5.3.0/lib/Guib-0.5.1
can't find package Itk
while executing
"package require Itk  "
(file "/home/pearl/Downloads/PWgui-5.3.0/lib/Guib-0.5.1/init.tcl" line
invoked from within
"source /home/pearl/Downloads/PWgui-5.3.0/lib/Guib-0.5.1/init.tcl"
("package ifneeded Guib 0.5.1" script)
invoked from within
"package require Guib 0.5"
(file "/home/pearl/Downloads/PWgui-5.3.0/init.tcl" line 5)
invoked from within
"source [file join $env(PWGUI) init.tcl]"
(file "/home/pearl/Downloads/PWgui-5.3.0/pwgui.tcl" line 62)
[pearl@localhost PWgui-5.3.0]$

similar problem have been reported previously

Thank you


*Muthu.V  ​Sri Paramakalyani College​India
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