Re: [Pw_forum] Bulk Modulus Still present Bug in ev.x line 87

2016-03-10 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
The bug you mention is fixed in the development version. This will be
released in a month or so.

On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 4:05 PM, Francesco Pelizza <> wrote:

> Hi Dear Users and Developers,
> I would like just to let the community and developers to know that for
> calcuolating the Bulk Modulus using "ev.x":
> The issues already reported from another user and solved from Paolo
> Giannozi in 2010 if I well remember
> Chainging the 87 line of the "ev.f90" file from
> """this READ(6,'(a)') bravais""" >> to this """READ(5,'(a)') bravais"""
> Is still present.
> The line should be READ(5,'(a)') bravais
> But if you download the latest version of QE for LINUX, the 87 line of
> ev.f90 file is still """READ(6,'(a)') bravais""", so it won't work if
> you execute ev.x
> Just to put in notice that eventually in the next release is convenient
> to keep out that little issue
> Sorry for bother for this small solved issue.
> Have a good day
> Best Wishes
> Francesco Pelizza
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list

Paolo Giannozzi, Dip. Scienze Matematiche Informatiche e Fisiche,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] Bulk Modulus Still present Bug in ev.x line 87

2016-03-10 Thread Francesco Pelizza
Hi Dear Users and Developers,

I would like just to let the community and developers to know that for 
calcuolating the Bulk Modulus using "ev.x":

The issues already reported from another user and solved from Paolo 
Giannozi in 2010 if I well remember

Chainging the 87 line of the "ev.f90" file from
"""this READ(6,'(a)') bravais""" >> to this """READ(5,'(a)') bravais"""

Is still present.

The line should be READ(5,'(a)') bravais

But if you download the latest version of QE for LINUX, the 87 line of 
ev.f90 file is still """READ(6,'(a)') bravais""", so it won't work if 
you execute ev.x

Just to put in notice that eventually in the next release is convenient 
to keep out that little issue

Sorry for bother for this small solved issue.

Have a good day

Best Wishes

Francesco Pelizza
Pw_forum mailing list

Re: [Pw_forum] Possible bug in TB09 MetaGGA

2016-03-10 Thread Pedro Miguel Castro Borlido


Sorry for the long delay in responding...

I tried setting the values manually for a small set of c's (see data.dat in
attachment) with

call xc_f90_mgga_x_tb09_set_par(xc_func, cc)

and ran the silicon structure with the tpss pseudopotential in
the QE site.

Indeed, for c=1 I got the same value as the default calculation...
(And a rather large gap although that had already been mentioned in
another thread

I also tried computing the c parameter as per eq. 3 (see attach. cc_tb09.f90).
For a (default) calculation with the same pseudo for Si I get cc = 1.0135.
From the cc runs however, the 'optimal' value should be around 0.85 ~ 1.00,
so there is a certain discrepancy with the original article...

Just out of curiosity, is there a specific reason for the usage of TPSS in
correlation instead of the original PW92? The former seems to be rather
incompatible with non-tpss pseudos...

Quoting Paolo Giannozzi :

Hard to say. Since you already had a look at the problem, you are in the
best position to find whether the code computes what it is expected to
compute or not. Try to set c to 1, then to a different parameter, see what


On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 4:05 PM, Pedro Miguel Castro Borlido <> wrote:


 I understand that the implementation of the TB09 meta gga is done
in Espresso
though Libxc, as described in the article by Germaneau and colleagues.
 However, while looking through the code it seems that at no point
the c parameter
(equation 3 of PRL 102, 226401 (2009)) is set with
xc_f90_mgga_x_tb09_set_par thus
leaving c equal to 1 by default (i.e. the original BJ is used).

Could someone please check if this is actually a bug of if c is
actually set?

Best regards,
Pedro Borlido

Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena
Institut für Festkörpertheorie und -optik
Max-Wien-Platz 1
07743 Jena

Pw_forum mailing list

Paolo Giannozzi, Dip. Scienze Matematiche Informatiche e Fisiche,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222

subroutine cc_tb09(rho, rho_core, rhog_core, cc)
  USE kinds,ONLY : DP
  USE fft_base, ONLY : dfftp
  USE cell_base,ONLY : omega, alat
  USE gvect,ONLY : g, nl,ngm
  USE scf,  ONLY : scf_type
  USE mp_bands, ONLY : intra_bgrp_comm
  USE mp,   ONLY : mp_sum
  USE io_global,ONLY : stdout
  USE lsda_mod, ONLY : nspin
  type(scf_type),  intent(in)  :: rho
  real(DP),intent(in)  :: rho_core(dfftp%nnr)
  complex(DP), intent(in)  :: rhog_core(ngm)
  real(DP),intent(out) :: cc
  ! Local variables
  integer  :: is, ir, idx0, idx, i, j, k
  real(dp) :: grho_abs
  real(dp),allocatable :: rhoout(:), grho(:,:)
  complex(dp), allocatable :: rhogsum(:)
  allocate( rhoout(dfftp%nnr) )
  allocate( rhogsum(ngm) )
  allocate( grho(3, dfftp%nnr) )
  ! Get the total charge, including spins
  ! (We just use this routine for nspin=1 so not really relevant) 
  rhoout(:)  = rho_core(:)
  rhogsum(:) = rhog_core(:)
  do is=1, nspin
 rhoout(:)  = rhoout(:) + rho%of_r(:,is)
 rhogsum(:) = rhogsum(:) + rho%of_g(:, is)
  end do
  ! Compute gradient
  call gradrho( dfftp%nnr, rhogsum, ngm, g, nl, grho )
  ! Sum over real space
  cc = 0.0_dp
#if defined(__MPI)
  idx0 =  dfftp%nr1x * dfftp%nr2x * dfftp%ipp(me_bgrp + 1)
  idx0 = 0
  do ir = 1, dfftp%nnr
! ... Three dimentional indices
idx = idx0 + ir - 1
k   = idx / (dfftp%nr1x*dfftp%nr2x)
idx = idx - (dfftp%nr1x*dfftp%nr2x)*k
j   = idx / dfftp%nr1x
idx = idx - dfftp%nr1x*j
i   = idx
! ... Do not include points outside physical range
if ( i >= dfftp%nr1 .or. j >= dfftp%nr2 .or. k >= dfftp%nr3 ) cycle
grho_abs = sqrt( grho(1, ir)**2 + grho(2, ir)**2 + grho(3, ir)**2 )
cc = cc + grho_abs/rhoout(ir) 
  end do
  cc = cc / ( dfftp%nr1*dfftp%nr2*dfftp%nr3 )
  call mp_sum( cc, intra_bgrp_comm)
  ! ... Paramters from TB article
  cc = -0.012 + 1.023*sqrt(cc)
  deallocate( rhoout, rhogsum, grho )
end subroutine cc_tb09
# cc
# Final Energy (ry)
# Gap  eV
# Default run:  -11.34597955   3.8591  5.5980  1.7389
0.50  -11.59246838  6.4581  6.2345  -0.2236
0.70  -11.53709797  5.4177  5.8598   0.4421
0.80  -11.49099695  4.8963  5.7233   0.8270
0.85  -11.46199529  4.6358  5.6724   1.0366
0.90  -11.42850210  4.3760  5.6341   1.2581
1.00  -11.34597955  3.8591  5.5980   1.7389
1.10  -11.23796484  3.3463  5.6239   2.2776
1.20  -11.09816747  2.8445  5.7249   2.8804
calculation = 'scf'
pseudo_dir = '/work3_ifto/nu67qih/work_tran_blaha/pseudos.ncv',


2016-03-10 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 3:06 PM, Yenner Bentarcurt <> wrote:

 Error in routine  cegterg (41):
>   cannot allocate hc

you either need a machine with more RAM memory, or you need to reduce your
RAM requirements (there is a small section about this in the documentation)

Paolo Giannozzi, Dip. Scienze Matematiche Informatiche e Fisiche,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222
Pw_forum mailing list


2016-03-10 Thread Yenner Bentarcurt
Dear QE users

I am calculating a slab of iron oxide in a node cluster, managed by queuing 
system. This have
106 atoms (twice of unit cell). The job with unit-cell works well, however the 
slab does not run
correctly (stays in the first scf), showing the following message:

 --- exit write_ns ---
 Atomic wfc used for LDA+U Projector are NOT orthogonalized
 Starting wfc are 1378 randomized atomic wfcs +  142 random wfc

 total cpu time spent up to now is  277.4 secs

 per-process dynamical memory:   387.0 Mb

 Self-consistent Calculation

 iteration #  1 ecut=40.00 Ry beta=0.25
 Davidson diagonalization with overlap

 Error in routine  cegterg (41):
  cannot allocate hc

 stopping ...

if anyone knows this error, that can help me.


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Pw_forum mailing list

Re: [Pw_forum] Restart pw.x in a different machine

2016-03-10 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 6:45 PM, Malicious Scientist <> wrote:

I want to migrate the execution between different machines

it is not going to work unless the different machines have the same binary
representation of numbers, or unless you convert wavefunction and
charge-density files to formatted and back to unformatted

> but at first I'm trying to stop the computation and restart it at the same
> machine, just with a different number of processes.

you cannot (for PW; for CP you can). Restarting from an incomplete job
works only on the same machine and with the same number of processors. You
can run a new job with a different number of processors only if you start
from final data.


On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 5:12 PM, Joshua Davis 

> Dear Joaquim,
> you may want to look up the "wfcollect" option under &CONTROL
> Joshua Davis
> Michigan State University
> On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 2:11 PM Malicious Scientist <
>> wrote:
>> Dear Nicola,
>> Sorry, my mistake.
>> ---
>> Name: Joaquim José Xavier
>> Institution: Faculdade de Educação, Ciências, e Letras do Sertão Central
>> - Quixadá - Ceará - Brasil
>> ---
>> On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 3:42 PM, Nicola Marzari 
>> wrote:
>>> Dear Malicious,
>>> PLEASE see the posting guidelines:
>>> *Sign your post with your name and affiliation.*
>>> nicola
>>> On 08/03/2016 19:37, Malicious Scientist wrote:
>>> > Hello Community,
>>> >
>>> > I would like to know if it is possible top stop a pw.x run, copy to
>>> > files to a different machine, and then restart the computation.
>>> >
>>> > For example, to stop the execution, I would create a $prefix.EXIT file
>>> > on the working directory (just like described at
>>> >
>>> ).
>>> >
>>> > After that, I would copy the entire working directory, including the
>>> > scratch dir, to a remote server with the same version of QE installed.
>>> > Then I would restart the computation setting the 'restart_mode' flag to
>>> > 'restart' at the CONTROL namelist.
>>> >
>>> > Is this supposed to work? If so, may I restart the computation with a
>>> > different number of CPUs?
>>> >
>>> > Thank you for your attention.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > ___
>>> > Pw_forum mailing list
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> --
>>> --
>>> Prof Nicola Marzari, Chair of Theory and Simulation of Materials, EPFL
>>> Director, National Centre for Competence in Research NCCR MARVEL, EPFL
>>> ___
>>> Pw_forum mailing list
>> ___
>> Pw_forum mailing list
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list

Pw_forum mailing list

Paolo Giannozzi, Dip. Scienze Matematiche Informatiche e Fisiche,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222
Pw_forum mailing list

Re: [Pw_forum] Raman spectra calculation for ZnO in the examples-resubmit

2016-03-10 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
>From PHonon/examples/REAME:

This example shows how to use pw.x and ph.x to calculate the Raman
tensor for AlAs.


On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 6:49 AM, WANG YUANQING 

> Drear all,
> Hi. Sorry to send this email again. I guess last time no one noticed my
> email, so now I send it again.
> Today, I examined the examples in PHonon/examples/examples15/. I found one
> problem about the calculation of raman spectra for ZnO. In the reference
> the file "" writes:
> # mode   [cm-1][THz]  IR
> 1  0.000.0.
> 2  0.000.0.
> 3  0.000.0.
> 4  0.000.0.
> 5  0.000.0.
> 6  0.000.0.
> 7 47.341.41930.
> 8105.623.16640.
> 9157.774.73000.
>12337.53   10.11890.
> In this output I cannot find the intensity of Raman spectra. However, the
> plot program actually try to plot the raman intensity, as shown below:
>   plot 'plotdata_zno.dat' u ($2):($3) title ' ZnO-RAMAN' w i lw 2
> It puzzles me a a lot. Is the column $3 the Raman intensity? I think it is
> not.
> Then, I tried to add "lraman=.true.," in the input for PHonon calculation.
> But it says "no elec. field with metals".
> Can anyone tell me how to get the raman intensity?
> Thank you in advance.
> Best regards,
> Yuanqing Wang
>  End of Original Message 
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list

Paolo Giannozzi, Dip. Scienze Matematiche Informatiche e Fisiche,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222
Pw_forum mailing list