Re: [Pw_forum] Problems Computing Cholesky for VC-Relax of MnO2

2017-09-01 Thread Mostafa Youssef
Dear Lance,

When I get this error, it is typically due to a parallelization issue. A
quick fix would be using  -ndiag 1 , so for example:

pw.x_location  -ndiag 1  output_file.

Check the manual and forums for more details.

As a side, I highly doubt that  these  Mn and O  pseudopotentials converge
at 37 Ry, some testing may be needed to confirm.

AUC, New Cairo, Egypt
Pw_forum mailing list

Re: [Pw_forum] Problems Computing Cholesky for VC-Relax of MnO2

2017-09-01 Thread Manu Hegde
Are you using tab instead of space in your atomic positions?
Please double check it.

On Sep 1, 2017 5:15 PM, "Lance Kavalsky" 

> Dear All,
> When running VC-Relax on 2D MnO2 I am running into the previously
> discussed error of:
>  %%%
> %%%
>  Error in routine  cdiaghg (22):
>   problems computing cholesky
>  %%%
> %%%
> >From my readings into this error through the archive it appears that the
> issue may arise from initial atomic positions but am unsure how to remedy
> this, or if this even the source of error, in this case.
> I have been running in version 5.4.0, and the input file is below. Any
> advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
> Input file:
> &control
> disk_io = 'high',
> calculation ='vc-relax',
> restart_mode = 'from_scratch'
> prefix = 'all',
> outdir = './all',
> Pseudo_dir = './'
> nstep=250,
> /
> &system
> ibrav=14,
> A=2.78, B=2.78, C=4.412,
> cosAB=-0.5,cosBC=0,cosAC=0,
> nat=4, ntyp=2,
> ecutwfc=37.0
> ecutrho=250.0
> occupations='smearing'
> smearing='gaussian'
> degauss=0.03
> nspin=2,
> lda_plus_u=.TRUE.
> hubbard_U(1)= 3.9
> starting_magnetization(1)=0.5
>  /
>  &electrons
> mixing_mode='local-TF',
> mixing_beta=0.4,
> electron_maxstep=2000,
> diagonalization = 'cg'
> /
>  &ions
> ion_dynamics = 'bfgs'
>  /
>  &cell
> cell_factor=6.0,
>  /
>   Mn 54.9380  Mn.pbe-spn-kjpaw_psl.0.3.1.upf
>   O  15.9994  O.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.0.1.upf
> Mn   1.463698094   2.529784343   0.06382
> Mn   2.923484801   0.001355102   1.898036230
> O0.003938199   1.686984261   0.949009435
> O1.463753969   0.844151693   2.847056902
> K_POINTS automatic
> 13 13 3 1 1 1
> Thanks,
> Lance Kavalsky
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] Problems Computing Cholesky for VC-Relax of MnO2

2017-09-01 Thread Lance Kavalsky
Dear All,

When running VC-Relax on 2D MnO2 I am running into the previously discussed 
error of:

 Error in routine  cdiaghg (22):
  problems computing cholesky

>From my readings into this error through the archive it appears that the issue 
>may arise from initial atomic positions but am unsure how to remedy this, or 
>if this even the source of error, in this case.

I have been running in version 5.4.0, and the input file is below. Any advice 
or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Input file:

disk_io = 'high',
calculation ='vc-relax',
restart_mode = 'from_scratch'
prefix = 'all',
outdir = './all',
Pseudo_dir = './'

A=2.78, B=2.78, C=4.412,
nat=4, ntyp=2,
hubbard_U(1)= 3.9


diagonalization = 'cg'

ion_dynamics = 'bfgs'


  Mn 54.9380  Mn.pbe-spn-kjpaw_psl.0.3.1.upf
  O  15.9994  O.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.0.1.upf


Mn   1.463698094   2.529784343   0.06382
Mn   2.923484801   0.001355102   1.898036230
O0.003938199   1.686984261   0.949009435
O1.463753969   0.844151693   2.847056902

K_POINTS automatic
13 13 3 1 1 1


Lance Kavalsky

Pw_forum mailing list

Re: [Pw_forum] nband for band structure calculations

2017-09-01 Thread Максим Арсентьев
Dear Paolo, Lorenzo

I've set it 1.5*number of electrons/2 and got new bands on bandstructure
Thank you!
Pw_forum mailing list

Re: [Pw_forum] gipaw calculation with DFT+U missing prefix.hub files

2017-09-01 Thread Jia Chen
Thank you very much!

On Fri, Sep 1, 2017 at 9:20 AM, Paolo Giannozzi 

> Oh, I see: it happens when there is a single k-point, because in that case
> atomic wavefunctions are just kept in memory and never saved to a buffer.
> Quick-and-dirty solution: in PW/src/orthoatwfc.f90, remove the line
> IF ( nks > 1 ) &
> just before the line
>CALL save_buffer (wfcU, nwordwfcU, iunhub, ik)
> Paolo
> On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 6:52 PM, Jia Chen  wrote:
>> Great, thank you very much. I copy my input file below. It will be very
>> helpful if you can tell anything is incorrect. Appreciate it.
>> ===
>> &control
>> calculation = 'scf',
>> restart_mode= 'from_scratch',
>> nstep   = 5000,
>> max_seconds = 84000,
>> wf_collect  = .TRUE.
>> outdir  = './'
>> pseudo_dir  = './'
>> /
>> &system
>> ibrav   = 0,
>> nat = 32,
>> ntyp= 4,
>> ecutwfc = 100.D0,   ! wave function cutoff
>> occupations ='smearing'
>> degauss =0.002
>> nspin   = 1
>> spline_ps = .true.
>> lda_plus_u  = .TRUE.
>> lda_plus_u_kind = 0
>> Hubbard_U(1)=5.0
>> !Hubbard_J(1,1)   = 0.5
>> starting_magnetization(1)=0.0
>> /
>> &electrons
>> electron_maxstep= 200
>> conv_thr= 1.D-8
>> mixing_mode = 'plain'
>> mixing_beta = 0.2D0
>> /
>> &ions
>> /
>> &cell
>> !cell_dynamics = 'bfgs'
>> !press = 0.00
>> /
>> CELL_PARAMETERS {angstrom}
>> 7.000275 0.00 0.00
>> 0.0010.355466 0.00
>>-2.5006805806 <(500)%20680-5806> 0.00 7.
>> 9845650713 <(984)%20565-0713>
>> Co 1.00Co.pbe-sp-mt_gipaw.UPF
>> K  1.00K.pbe-tm-semi-gipaw-xy.UPF
>> N  1.00N.pbe-tm-new-gipaw-dc.UPF
>> C  1.00C.pbe-tm-new-gipaw-dc.UPF
>> Co 0.0 5.17773 0.0
>> Co-1.250340290 0.0 3.992282536
>> K 3.203347102 7.930935236 1.00654
>> K 1.296972208 2.425064711 6.982342536
>> K 2.547312498 2.752935263 2.99006
>> K 1.953006849 7.603064684 4.994505071
>> K 0.0 0.0 0.0
>> K-1.250340290 5.17773 3.992282536
>> C 0.772793234 5.709262659 1.656797219
>> C 3.727526180 4.646737288 6.327767971
>> C 4.977866470 0.531262686 2.335485436
>> C-0.477547019 9.824737261 5.649079636
>> C 5.430639095 4.620847312 0.905449658
>> C-0.930319681 5.735152634 7.079115532
>> C 0.320020609 9.798847286 3.086832997
>> C 4.180298842 0.557152661 4.897732075
>> C 0.767450404 3.443370093 0.227560105
>> C 3.732869202 6.912630162 7.757004803
>> C 4.983209418 8.621369758 3.764722505
>> C-0.482889937 1.734629880 4.219842804
>> N 1.250821945 6.012693810 2.634107989
>> N 3.249497685 4.343306137 5.350456844
>> N 4.499837901 0.834693837 1.358174546
>> N 0.000481581 9.521306110 6.626390763
>> N 4.491633074 4.281170320 1.449198582
>> N 0.008686519 6.074829627 6.535366370
>> N 1.259026809 9.459170293 2.543083834
>> N 3.241292747 0.896829654 5.441481237
>> N 1.260714400 2.488546784 0.387251417
>> N 3.239605156 7.867453162 7.597313654
>> N 4.489945446 7.666546758 3.605031118
>> N 0.010374109 2.689453189 4.379533953
>> K_POINTS automatic
>> 1 1 1 0 0 0
>> On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 8:50 AM, Davide Ceresoli 
>> wrote:
>>> I will also do some tests, but I'm busy in the next few days.
>>> D.
>>> On 08/31/2017 07:54 AM, Paolo Giannozzi wrote:
>>> > Unfortunately there isn't much that can be done unless the problem you
>>> mention
>>> > is reproduced
>>> >
>>> > On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 11:42 PM, Jia Chen >> > > wrote:
>>> >
>>> > what happened to me on four different machines when nspin = 1 is
>>> that
>>> > prefix.hub files were created, but they are empty. One machine is
>>> Cori of
>>> > nersc, and QE was the compiled by staffs there.
>>> >
>>> > On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 4:15 PM, Paolo Giannozzi <
>>> > > wrote:
>>> >
>>> > It works for me on a simple test also for nspin=1
>>> >
>>> > Paolo
>>> >
>>> > On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 6:41 PM, Jia Chen <
>>> > > wrote:

Re: [Pw_forum] nband for band structure calculations

2017-09-01 Thread Lorenzo Paulatto
The number of bands used is also printed on output as "Number of 
Kohn-Sham states", setting spin=1 or spin=2 does not change the number 
of bands, as the code uses an equivalent trick to double the number of 

On 01/09/17 13:26, Omamuyovwi Akemu wrote:

Choose a suitable value for nbnd.

Go to the scf output, look out for the number of electrons.

nbnd > or = number of electrons divided by 2.

Pw_forum mailing list

Dr. Lorenzo Paulatto
IdR @ IMPMC -- CNRS & Université Paris 6
phone: +33 (0)1 442 79822 / skype: paulatz
mail:  23-24/423 Boîte courrier 115, 4 place Jussieu 75252 Paris Cédex 05

Pw_forum mailing list

Re: [Pw_forum] gipaw calculation with DFT+U missing prefix.hub files

2017-09-01 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
Oh, I see: it happens when there is a single k-point per pool, because in
that case atomic wavefunctions are just kept in memory and never saved to a
buffer. Quick-and-dirty solution: in PW/src/orthoatwfc.f90, remove the line
IF ( nks > 1 ) &
just before the line
   CALL save_buffer (wfcU, nwordwfcU, iunhub, ik)


On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 6:52 PM, Jia Chen  wrote:

> Great, thank you very much. I copy my input file below. It will be very
> helpful if you can tell anything is incorrect. Appreciate it.
> ===
> &control
> calculation = 'scf',
> restart_mode= 'from_scratch',
> nstep   = 5000,
> max_seconds = 84000,
> wf_collect  = .TRUE.
> outdir  = './'
> pseudo_dir  = './'
> /
> &system
> ibrav   = 0,
> nat = 32,
> ntyp= 4,
> ecutwfc = 100.D0,   ! wave function cutoff
> occupations ='smearing'
> degauss =0.002
> nspin   = 1
> spline_ps = .true.
> lda_plus_u  = .TRUE.
> lda_plus_u_kind = 0
> Hubbard_U(1)=5.0
> !Hubbard_J(1,1)   = 0.5
> starting_magnetization(1)=0.0
> /
> &electrons
> electron_maxstep= 200
> conv_thr= 1.D-8
> mixing_mode = 'plain'
> mixing_beta = 0.2D0
> /
> &ions
> /
> &cell
> !cell_dynamics = 'bfgs'
> !press = 0.00
> /
> CELL_PARAMETERS {angstrom}
> 7.000275 0.00 0.00
> 0.0010.355466 0.00
>-2.5006805806 <(500)%20680-5806> 0.00 7.
> 9845650713 <(984)%20565-0713>
> Co 1.00Co.pbe-sp-mt_gipaw.UPF
> K  1.00K.pbe-tm-semi-gipaw-xy.UPF
> N  1.00N.pbe-tm-new-gipaw-dc.UPF
> C  1.00C.pbe-tm-new-gipaw-dc.UPF
> Co 0.0 5.17773 0.0
> Co-1.250340290 0.0 3.992282536
> K 3.203347102 7.930935236 1.00654
> K 1.296972208 2.425064711 6.982342536
> K 2.547312498 2.752935263 2.99006
> K 1.953006849 7.603064684 4.994505071
> K 0.0 0.0 0.0
> K-1.250340290 5.17773 3.992282536
> C 0.772793234 5.709262659 1.656797219
> C 3.727526180 4.646737288 6.327767971
> C 4.977866470 0.531262686 2.335485436
> C-0.477547019 9.824737261 5.649079636
> C 5.430639095 4.620847312 0.905449658
> C-0.930319681 5.735152634 7.079115532
> C 0.320020609 9.798847286 3.086832997
> C 4.180298842 0.557152661 4.897732075
> C 0.767450404 3.443370093 0.227560105
> C 3.732869202 6.912630162 7.757004803
> C 4.983209418 8.621369758 3.764722505
> C-0.482889937 1.734629880 4.219842804
> N 1.250821945 6.012693810 2.634107989
> N 3.249497685 4.343306137 5.350456844
> N 4.499837901 0.834693837 1.358174546
> N 0.000481581 9.521306110 6.626390763
> N 4.491633074 4.281170320 1.449198582
> N 0.008686519 6.074829627 6.535366370
> N 1.259026809 9.459170293 2.543083834
> N 3.241292747 0.896829654 5.441481237
> N 1.260714400 2.488546784 0.387251417
> N 3.239605156 7.867453162 7.597313654
> N 4.489945446 7.666546758 3.605031118
> N 0.010374109 2.689453189 4.379533953
> K_POINTS automatic
> 1 1 1 0 0 0
> On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 8:50 AM, Davide Ceresoli 
> wrote:
>> I will also do some tests, but I'm busy in the next few days.
>> D.
>> On 08/31/2017 07:54 AM, Paolo Giannozzi wrote:
>> > Unfortunately there isn't much that can be done unless the problem you
>> mention
>> > is reproduced
>> >
>> > On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 11:42 PM, Jia Chen > > > wrote:
>> >
>> > what happened to me on four different machines when nspin = 1 is
>> that
>> > prefix.hub files were created, but they are empty. One machine is
>> Cori of
>> > nersc, and QE was the compiled by staffs there.
>> >
>> > On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 4:15 PM, Paolo Giannozzi <
>> > > wrote:
>> >
>> > It works for me on a simple test also for nspin=1
>> >
>> > Paolo
>> >
>> > On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 6:41 PM, Jia Chen <
>> > > wrote:
>> >
>> > Thank you very much for this! The special something in my
>> > calculation is npsin = 1, when it is 2, prefix.hub files
>> were written.
>> >
>> > Cheers
>> >   

Re: [Pw_forum] fix cell angle and cell parameter during geometry optimization

2017-09-01 Thread Maxim Arsentev
Dear Arles,

No, i need to fix one of the cell parameters and two cell angles, 
allowing the others relax freely

Pw_forum mailing list

Re: [Pw_forum] fix cell angle and cell parameter during geometry optimization

2017-09-01 Thread Arles V. Gil Rebaza
Dear Maxim, if you want to fix the cell angles and cell parameter during a
geometry optimization. So, do you want optimize only the atomic positions?
In this case, try to perform relax calculation (calculation = 'relax')  and
not vc-relax


Arles V. Gil Rebaza
Instituto de Física La Plata
La Plata - Argentina

2017-09-01 8:56 GMT-03:00 Maxim Arsentev :

> Dear users and developers,
> I need fix cell angle and cell parameter during geometry optimization,
> i analyzed cell dofree and not found needed variables.
> Bests,
> Maxim Arsent'ev, Ph.D. (Chemistry)
> Laboratory of research of nanostructures
> Institute of Silicate Chemistry of RAS
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list

###->   Arles V.   <-###
Pw_forum mailing list

Re: [Pw_forum] nband for band structure calculations

2017-09-01 Thread Максим Арсентьев
Dear Paolo,

I found 50 electrons, should i set bands 50 divided by 2 and multiplied by
1.5 because it can be spin-polarazed?
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] fix cell angle and cell parameter during geometry optimization

2017-09-01 Thread Maxim Arsentev

Dear users and developers,

I need fix cell angle and cell parameter during geometry optimization,

i analyzed cell dofree and not found needed variables.

Maxim Arsent'ev, Ph.D. (Chemistry)
Laboratory of research of nanostructures
Institute of Silicate Chemistry of RAS
Pw_forum mailing list

Re: [Pw_forum] nband for band structure calculations

2017-09-01 Thread Omamuyovwi Akemu
Choose a suitable value for nbnd.
Go to the scf output, look out for the number of electrons.
nbnd > or = number of electrons divided by 2.
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] image parallelization in dvscf and elph

2017-09-01 Thread Sitangshu Bhattacharya
Dear QE developers,

I am trying to do a simple Si bulk phonon calculation in a parallel
environment. I found out that when I try to solve for dvscf and elph using
image, the code complain as

"el-ph with images not implemented"

I tried to google it if someone has face the same problem before and I
found this:

How should I solve this? I am not sure that even if there is a solution,
how would I do the recover=true process after that..
I am using QE 6.0 in an mpi environment with 240 CPUs.
I would be glad for your response.


Sitangshu Bhattacharya (সিতাংশু ভট্টাচার্য), Ph.D
Assistant Professor,
Room No. 2221, CC-1,
Nanoscale Electro-Thermal Laboratory,
Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering,
Indian Institute of Information Technology-Allahabad
Uttar Pradesh 211 012
Telephone: 91-532-2922000 Extn.: 2131
Pw_forum mailing list

Re: [Pw_forum] nband for band structure calculations

2017-09-01 Thread Максим Арсентьев
Dear Paolo,

Thank you, I know how to add it, i do no know how to choose it
as i see in materials project they take 44
but i suppose the number depends on number of valent electrons in

Maxim Arsent'ev, Ph.D. (Chemistry)
Laboratory of research of nanostructures
Institute of Silicate Chemistry of RAS
Pw_forum mailing list

Re: [Pw_forum] nband for band structure calculations

2017-09-01 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
Add nbnd=some-suitable-number in the &system namelist of the 'bands'

On Fri, Sep 1, 2017 at 10:43 AM, Maxim Arsentev  wrote:

> Dear users and developers,
> I successfully obtained the band structure of TaS3, but for such
> calculations, I did not spedify the nband variable. How to set it (maybe
> look in output or smth else).
> Bests,
> Maxim Arsent'ev, Ph.D. (Chemistry)
> Laboratory of research of nanostructures
> Institute of Silicate Chemistry of RAS
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list

Paolo Giannozzi, Dip. Scienze Matematiche Informatiche e Fisiche,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] nband for band structure calculations

2017-09-01 Thread Maxim Arsentev

Dear users and developers,

I successfully obtained the band structure of TaS3, but for such 
calculations, I did not spedify the nband variable. How to set it (maybe 
look in output or smth else).

Maxim Arsent'ev, Ph.D. (Chemistry)
Laboratory of research of nanostructures
Institute of Silicate Chemistry of RAS

# run from directory where this script is
cd `echo $0 | sed 's/\(.*\)\/.*/\1/'` # extract pathname

# check whether echo has the -e option
if test "`echo -e`" = "-e" ; then ECHO=echo ; else ECHO="echo -e" ; fi

$ECHO "$EXAMPLE_DIR : starting"
$ECHO "This example shows how to use pw.x and postprocessing codes to make a"
$ECHO "contour plot in the [110] plane of the charge density for TaS2_2H, and 
$ECHO "plot the band structure of TaS2_2H."

PREFIX=`cd /usr/share/doc/quantum-espresso ; pwd`
# Beware: everything in $TMP_DIR will be destroyed !

# required executables and pseudopotentials
BIN_LIST="pw.x generate_vdW_kernel_table.x pp.x plotrho.x bands.x plotband.x"
PSEUDO_LIST="Ta.pbe-spn-rrkjus_psl.0.2.UPF S.pbe-n-rrkjus_psl.0.1.UPF"

$ECHO "  executables directory: $BIN_DIR"
$ECHO "  pseudo directory:  $PSEUDO_DIR"
$ECHO "  temporary directory:   $TMP_DIR"
$ECHO "  checking that needed directories and files exist...\c"

# check for gnuplot
GP_COMMAND=`which gnuplot 2>/dev/null`
if [ "$GP_COMMAND" = "" ]; then
$ECHO "gnuplot not in PATH"
$ECHO "Results will not be plotted"

# check for directories
for DIR in "$BIN_DIR" "$PSEUDO_DIR" ; do
if test ! -d $DIR ; then
$ECHO "ERROR: $DIR not existent or not a directory"
$ECHO "Aborting"
exit 1
for DIR in "$TMP_DIR" "$EXAMPLE_DIR/results" ; do
if test ! -d $DIR ; then
mkdir $DIR
cd $EXAMPLE_DIR/results

# check for executables
for FILE in $BIN_LIST ; do
if test ! -x $BIN_DIR/$FILE ; then
$ECHO "ERROR: $BIN_DIR/$FILE not existent or not executable"
$ECHO "Aborting"
exit 1

# check for pseudopotentials
for FILE in $PSEUDO_LIST ; do
if test ! -r $PSEUDO_DIR/$FILE ; then
   $ECHO "Downloading $FILE to $PSEUDO_DIR...\c"
if test $? != 0; then
$ECHO "ERROR: $PSEUDO_DIR/$FILE not existent or not readable"
$ECHO "Aborting"
exit 1
$ECHO " done"

# how to run executables
GEN_COMMAND="$PARA_PREFIX $BIN_DIR/generate_vdW_kernel_table.x $PARA_POSTFIX"
$ECHO "  running pw.x as:   $PW_COMMAND"
$ECHO "  running generate_vdW_kernel_table.x as:   $GEN_COMMAND"
$ECHO "  running pp.x as:   $PP_COMMAND"
$ECHO "  running plotrho.x as:  $PLOTRHO_COMMAND"
$ECHO "  running bands.x as:$BANDS_COMMAND"
$ECHO "  running plotband.x as: $PLOTBAND_COMMAND"

# check for vdw kernel table
if test ! -r $PSEUDO_DIR/$VDW_TABLE ; then
$ECHO " "
$ECHO " "
$ECHO "  WARNING: $PSEUDO_DIR/$VDW_TABLE not existent or not readable"
$ECHO "  WARNING: a new table will be generated, this process will"
$ECHO "  WARNING: probably take about 20 mins (depending on your cpu"
$ECHO "  WARNING: power and configuration)."
$ECHO "  Generating $VDW_TABLE...\c"
if $GEN_COMMAND ; then
if test ! -r $VDW_TABLE ; then
$ECHO "  ERROR: cannot generate vdW_kernel_table !!"
exit 1
$ECHO "done ! Table moved to $PSEUDO_DIR"   
$ECHO " done"

# self-consistent calculation
cat > << EOF
calculation = 'scf',
restart_mode = 'from_scratch'
outdir = '$TMP_DIR',
etot_conv_thr = 1.0d-5 ,
ibrav=  0, nat=  6, ntyp= 2,
ecutwfc = 39.0, ecutrho = 300,
occupations ='smearing', smearing ='gaussian',
input_dft = 'vdW-DF2',
conv_thr = 1e-8,
  Ta  180.9479  Ta.pbe-spn-rrkjus_psl.0.2.UPF
   S  32.0660   S.pbe-n-rrkjus_psl.0.1.UPF
Ta  -0.01090  -0.00545   0.25000
S0.31532   0.73022   0.125134683
S0.68468   0.26978   0.874865317
S0.31532   0.58510   0.374865317

[Pw_forum] open online course on Computational Materials Physics using QE

2017-09-01 Thread Nicola Marzari

(posted on behalf of Prof Stefaan Cottenier)

Dear PWscf'ers,

this is to let you know that from September 25 till December 11, a free
and open online course about Computational Materials Physics will be
available from Ghent University. This course uses Quantum ESPRESSO as a
demonstration tool, and might therefore be of interest to some
subscribers of this mailing list.

The target audience is people with no prior knowledge about DFT, who
want to have a hands-on introduction. At the end of the course, students
will be able to read papers that report about DFT results, and they will
be able to make basic calculations with Quantum ESPRESSO themselves. A
general science education is sufficient as background knowledge. The
approach is conceptual and hands-on, not mathematical.

Note also that this is not a course about Quantum ESPRESSO as such. It
is a course about the basics of applied DFT, in which Quantum ESPRESSO
is used as an exercise tool.

The course follows a weekly pace, with the following structure:

- Watching a set of prerecorded lecture videos about the topic of the
- Solving tasks related to these videos – in most cases, there is
immediate automated or peer feedback after submitting the task
- Questions about the lectures and tasks can be submitted at any time,
and students can answer the questions of others
- Unresolved issues will be dealt with in the weekly feedback webinar
that is livestreamed. A video of the webinar remains available for those
who could not attend it live.

As an optional part, students can work in teams of four on a project. 
During the final webinar, the teams present their work.

The course website at is currently under
re-construction. If you want to participate or just want to look over
the shoulder, you can leave your email there. You will then be notified
a few days before the start at Sep 25.

Taking part in this course happens on an voluntary basis – there is no
official credit given by Ghent University (an unofficial honour’s
certificate can be provided after completion, though). However, it’s
worth inquiring whether your university agrees to give you credit for
taking this course – perhaps after making an exam supervised by your
local instructor. At Ghent University, the course+project is budgeted at
6 ECTS credits.

Experienced DFT users/teachers are welcome to audit the course. We’re
open to suggestions and corrections, as well as to collaboration.

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[Pw_forum] Environ-SCF running but not writing anything output file

2017-09-01 Thread Dharmendra Kumar
Dear All,
I started using Environ with pw.x. I ran example file, its running and
creating output file but once I start with bigger system (156 atoms on 64
processors) it is not writing anything  in output file even after 15 hours.
Request you all please help me in this regard.

Thanks in advance

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