Re: [QE-users] Negative pressure convention

2021-10-19 Thread Matteo Cococcioni
Dear Valeria,

negative pressures mean that the lattice wants to contract (the energy is
lower at smaller volumes)



Il giorno mar 19 ott 2021 alle ore 05:24 valeria arteaga muñiz <> ha scritto:

> Hello everyone,
> I am trying to run some MD with pw.x, and I am modifying the lattice
> parameter of my cell until I reach 60 kBar. However, I was noticing that it
> printed some negative pressures. I was wondering if the convention is that
> negative pressure indicates expansion, or what would be the case?
> Thank you in advance,
> Valeria
> ___
> Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (
> users mailing list

Matteo Cococcioni
Department of Physics
University of Pavia
Via Bassi 6, I-27100 Pavia, Italy
tel +39-0382-987485
Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (
users mailing list

[QE-users] seeking hints for nscf convergence in supercell

2021-10-19 Thread patrizio . graziosi

Hello everybody,

I'm seeking advice to fasten nscf convergence (or make it possible).

I'm using qe 6.8 to study Mg3Sb2 / Mg3Bi2 solid solutions, as first  
step I'm starting with a Mg3Sb2 2x2x2 supercell (40 atoms) to compare  
with simple Mg3Sb2 cell (5 atoms).

The calculation track is scf --> nscf --> fs.

For the simple cell it runs smoothly (and I'm confident it is okay as  
I compared with a colleague of mine relatively expert in DFT, not qe).

For the supercell the scf converges in around 1 day of CPU time, but  
the nscf does not converge in ~ 12 days of CPU time - say 23 hours  
with 4 nodes, 6 tasks, 6 cpu-per-task, npool=24, are not sufficient to  
reach convergence.

I attach the .in files for both scf and nscf, as well as the nscf out  
file. There are several eigenvalues not converged but I am not sure if  
this is the cause of the long time required for convergence (I've read  
in the forum this can be often regarded as a warning).

So, since I have limited computational resources, before making many  
trial-and-error attempts I would seek hints and advices to understand  
if it is only a matter of make a more intensive calculation (I've read  
the restart mode is not recommended for nscf so I should ask for more  
nodes), or to improve the input file in an aware way.

Sorry if this is a time waste for you, and thanks in advance for any support,



Patrizio Graziosi, PhD

Research Scientist

Institute for the Study of Nanostructured Materials
pseudo_dir = './',
etot_conv_thr = 1.0d-8,
ibrav=  4, 
celldm(1) = 17.2721,
celldm(3) = 1.5818114,
nat=  40,
ntyp= 2,
ecutwfc = 100.0,
ecutrho = 1200.0,
noncolin = .true.,
lspinorb = .true.,
nbnd = 340,
conv_thr = 1.0d-6,
mixing_beta = 0.3,
 Mg  24.305  Mg_rel_uspp.UPF
 Sb  121.76  Sb_rel_uspp.UPF
  Mg  0  00
  Mg 0.16667 0.3  0.18398
  Mg 0.3 0.16667  0.31602
  Sb 0.16667 0.3  0.38726
  Sb 0.3 0.16667  0.11274
  Mg0.5  00
  Mg 0.7 0.3  0.18398
  Mg 0.8 0.16667  0.31602
  Sb 0.7 0.3  0.38726
  Sb 0.8 0.16667  0.11274
  Mg  00.50
  Mg 0.16667 0.8  0.18398
  Mg 0.3 0.7  0.31602
  Sb 0.16667 0.8  0.38726
  Sb 0.3 0.7  0.11274
  Mg 0.7 0.8  0.18398
  Mg 0.8 0.7  0.31602
  Sb 0.7 0.8  0.38726
  Sb 0.8 0.7  0.11274
  Mg  0  0  0.5
  Mg 0.16667 0.3  0.68398
  Mg 0.3 0.16667  0.81602
  Sb 0.16667 0.3  0.88726
  Sb 0.3 0.16667  0.61274
  Mg0.5  0  0.5
  Mg 0.7 0.3  0.68398
  Mg 0.8 0.16667  0.81602
  Sb 0.7 0.3  0.88726
  Sb 0.8 0.16667  0.61274
  Mg  00.5  0.5
  Mg 0.16667 0.8  0.68398
  Mg 0.3 0.7  0.81602
  Sb 0.16667 0.8  0.88726
  Sb 0.3 0.7  0.61274
  Mg0.50.5  0.5
  Mg 0.7 0.8  0.68398
  Mg 0.8 0.7  0.81602
  Sb 0.7 0.8  0.88726
  Sb 0.8 0.7  0.61274
K_POINTS automatic
   9 9 6 0 0 0

 Program PWSCF v.6.8 starts on 18Oct2021 at 11:37:16 

 This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
 for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
 "P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);
 "P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 29 465901 (2017);
 "P. Giannozzi et al., J. Chem. Phys. 152 154105 (2020);
 in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details at

 Parallel version (MPI & OpenMP), running on 144 processor cores
 Number of MPI processes:24
 Threads/MPI process: 6

 MPI processes distributed on 4 nodes
 K-points division: npool =  24
 3025469 MiB available memory on the printing compute node when the environment starts
 Reading input from

 Current dimensions of program PWSCF are:
 Max number of different atomic species (ntypx) = 10
 Max number of k-points (npk) =  4
 Max angular momentum in pseudopotentials (lmaxx) =  4

 Atomic positions and unit cell read from directory:
 Atomic positions from file used, from input discarded
 file Mg_rel_uspp.UPF: wavefunction(s)  2P 2P renormalized
 file Sb_rel_uspp.UPF: wavefunction(s)  5S renormalized
 Found symmetry operation: I + ( -0.5000  0.  0.)
 This is a supercell, fractional translations are disabled

 Subspace diagonalization in iterative solution o

Re: [QE-users] seeking hints for nscf convergence in supercell

2021-10-19 Thread Giuseppe Mattioli

Dear Patrizio
Are you sure you need ecutwfc=100 Ry and ecutrho=12*ecutwfc to  
converge US pseudopotentials? Have you performed convergence tests on  
simple systems or flicked through sssp tables (I see 30/240 for  
pslibrary US Mg and 40/320 for gbrv US Sb...)?
However, for your nscf step you require a 45 45 31 k-points mesh. It's  
a lot of k-points. I don't know what is the purpose of your  
calculations, so I can't say if you are uselessly oversampling the  
Brillouin zone. But there is no free lunch...


PS maybe we are nearest neighbours, you may phone... :-D


Hello everybody,

I'm seeking advice to fasten nscf convergence (or make it possible).

I'm using qe 6.8 to study Mg3Sb2 / Mg3Bi2 solid solutions, as first  
step I'm starting with a Mg3Sb2 2x2x2 supercell (40 atoms) to  
compare with simple Mg3Sb2 cell (5 atoms).

The calculation track is scf --> nscf --> fs.

For the simple cell it runs smoothly (and I'm confident it is okay  
as I compared with a colleague of mine relatively expert in DFT, not  

For the supercell the scf converges in around 1 day of CPU time, but  
the nscf does not converge in ~ 12 days of CPU time - say 23 hours  
with 4 nodes, 6 tasks, 6 cpu-per-task, npool=24, are not sufficient  
to reach convergence.

I attach the .in files for both scf and nscf, as well as the nscf  
out file. There are several eigenvalues not converged but I am not  
sure if this is the cause of the long time required for convergence  
(I've read in the forum this can be often regarded as a warning).

So, since I have limited computational resources, before making many  
trial-and-error attempts I would seek hints and advices to  
understand if it is only a matter of make a more intensive  
calculation (I've read the restart mode is not recommended for nscf  
so I should ask for more nodes), or to improve the input file in an  
aware way.

Sorry if this is a time waste for you, and thanks in advance for any support,



Patrizio Graziosi, PhD

Research Scientist

Institute for the Study of Nanostructured Materials

Via Salaria Km 29,300 - C.P. 10
I-00015 - Monterotondo Scalo (RM)
Mob (*preferred*) +39 373 7305625
Tel + 39 06 90672342 - Fax +39 06 90672316

Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (
users mailing list

Re: [QE-users] seeking hints for nscf convergence in supercell

2021-10-19 Thread patrizio . graziosi

Hi Giuseppe,

thanks a lot for your time and support!

The answer to the first question is honestly no, I took ecutwfc to a  
colleague of mine (for simple cell, not supercell) and ecutrho for  
USPP from the qe indications, I'll work on this.
For the sampling, the final purpose is transport calculations and I'm  
afraid this sampling can be already too rough. If it's too much, I'll  
go for Wannier, for which unfortunately I've no experience (not yet).

I'll follow your indications and, if the case, I'll feel free to phone you :D



Giuseppe Mattioli  ha scritto:

Dear Patrizio
Are you sure you need ecutwfc=100 Ry and ecutrho=12*ecutwfc to  
converge US pseudopotentials? Have you performed convergence tests  
on simple systems or flicked through sssp tables (I see 30/240 for  
pslibrary US Mg and 40/320 for gbrv US Sb...)?
However, for your nscf step you require a 45 45 31 k-points mesh.  
It's a lot of k-points. I don't know what is the purpose of your  
calculations, so I can't say if you are uselessly oversampling the  
Brillouin zone. But there is no free lunch...


PS maybe we are nearest neighbours, you may phone... :-D


Hello everybody,

I'm seeking advice to fasten nscf convergence (or make it possible).

I'm using qe 6.8 to study Mg3Sb2 / Mg3Bi2 solid solutions, as first  
step I'm starting with a Mg3Sb2 2x2x2 supercell (40 atoms) to  
compare with simple Mg3Sb2 cell (5 atoms).

The calculation track is scf --> nscf --> fs.

For the simple cell it runs smoothly (and I'm confident it is okay  
as I compared with a colleague of mine relatively expert in DFT,  
not qe).

For the supercell the scf converges in around 1 day of CPU time,  
but the nscf does not converge in ~ 12 days of CPU time - say 23  
hours with 4 nodes, 6 tasks, 6 cpu-per-task, npool=24, are not  
sufficient to reach convergence.

I attach the .in files for both scf and nscf, as well as the nscf  
out file. There are several eigenvalues not converged but I am not  
sure if this is the cause of the long time required for convergence  
(I've read in the forum this can be often regarded as a warning).

So, since I have limited computational resources, before making  
many trial-and-error attempts I would seek hints and advices to  
understand if it is only a matter of make a more intensive  
calculation (I've read the restart mode is not recommended for nscf  
so I should ask for more nodes), or to improve the input file in an  
aware way.

Sorry if this is a time waste for you, and thanks in advance for  
any support,



Patrizio Graziosi, PhD

Research Scientist

Institute for the Study of Nanostructured Materials

Via Salaria Km 29,300 - C.P. 10
I-00015 - Monterotondo Scalo (RM)
Mob (*preferred*) +39 373 7305625
Tel + 39 06 90672342 - Fax +39 06 90672316

Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (
users mailing list


Patrizio Graziosi, PhD

Research Scientist

Institute for the Study of Nanostructured Materials

Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (
users mailing list

[QE-users] Sub Orbital Order in PDOS

2021-10-19 Thread Satyasiban Dash ph19d005
Dear Users
I used qe 6.8 to calculate projwf and pdos contain data for each indivisual
orbital and total density of state for that prticular orbital.
Now is there any way to distinguish sub oorbital like px,py,pz from those

Thank You.

Research Scholar
IIT Madras
Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (
users mailing list

Re: [QE-users] Sub Orbital Order in PDOS

2021-10-19 Thread Giuseppe Mattioli

Yes, there is.
Look at the end of this file:

Quoting Satyasiban Dash ph19d005 :

Dear Users
I used qe 6.8 to calculate projwf and pdos contain data for each indivisual
orbital and total density of state for that prticular orbital.
Now is there any way to distinguish sub oorbital like px,py,pz from those

Thank You.

Research Scholar
IIT Madras

Via Salaria Km 29,300 - C.P. 10
I-00015 - Monterotondo Scalo (RM)
Mob (*preferred*) +39 373 7305625
Tel + 39 06 90672342 - Fax +39 06 90672316

Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (
users mailing list

Re: [QE-users] seeking hints for nscf convergence in supercell

2021-10-19 Thread Giuseppe Mattioli

I'll follow your indications and, if the case, I'll feel free to phone you :D

Feel free indeed! We must think and act "corporate" :-o :-D

The answer to the first question is honestly no, I took ecutwfc to a  
colleague of mine (for simple cell, not supercell)

This depends only on the pseudopotential (and on your purposes), not  
on the size of the system.



Hi Giuseppe,

thanks a lot for your time and support!

The answer to the first question is honestly no, I took ecutwfc to a  
colleague of mine (for simple cell, not supercell) and ecutrho for  
USPP from the qe indications, I'll work on this.
For the sampling, the final purpose is transport calculations and  
I'm afraid this sampling can be already too rough. If it's too much,  
I'll go for Wannier, for which unfortunately I've no experience (not  

I'll follow your indications and, if the case, I'll feel free to phone you :D



Giuseppe Mattioli  ha scritto:

Dear Patrizio
Are you sure you need ecutwfc=100 Ry and ecutrho=12*ecutwfc to  
converge US pseudopotentials? Have you performed convergence tests  
on simple systems or flicked through sssp tables (I see 30/240 for  
pslibrary US Mg and 40/320 for gbrv US Sb...)?
However, for your nscf step you require a 45 45 31 k-points mesh.  
It's a lot of k-points. I don't know what is the purpose of your  
calculations, so I can't say if you are uselessly oversampling the  
Brillouin zone. But there is no free lunch...


PS maybe we are nearest neighbours, you may phone... :-D


Hello everybody,

I'm seeking advice to fasten nscf convergence (or make it possible).

I'm using qe 6.8 to study Mg3Sb2 / Mg3Bi2 solid solutions, as  
first step I'm starting with a Mg3Sb2 2x2x2 supercell (40 atoms)  
to compare with simple Mg3Sb2 cell (5 atoms).

The calculation track is scf --> nscf --> fs.

For the simple cell it runs smoothly (and I'm confident it is okay  
as I compared with a colleague of mine relatively expert in DFT,  
not qe).

For the supercell the scf converges in around 1 day of CPU time,  
but the nscf does not converge in ~ 12 days of CPU time - say 23  
hours with 4 nodes, 6 tasks, 6 cpu-per-task, npool=24, are not  
sufficient to reach convergence.

I attach the .in files for both scf and nscf, as well as the nscf  
out file. There are several eigenvalues not converged but I am not  
sure if this is the cause of the long time required for  
convergence (I've read in the forum this can be often regarded as  
a warning).

So, since I have limited computational resources, before making  
many trial-and-error attempts I would seek hints and advices to  
understand if it is only a matter of make a more intensive  
calculation (I've read the restart mode is not recommended for  
nscf so I should ask for more nodes), or to improve the input file  
in an aware way.

Sorry if this is a time waste for you, and thanks in advance for  
any support,



Patrizio Graziosi, PhD

Research Scientist

Institute for the Study of Nanostructured Materials

Via Salaria Km 29,300 - C.P. 10
I-00015 - Monterotondo Scalo (RM)
Mob (*preferred*) +39 373 7305625
Tel + 39 06 90672342 - Fax +39 06 90672316

Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (
users mailing list


Patrizio Graziosi, PhD

Research Scientist

Institute for the Study of Nanostructured Materials

Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (
users mailing list

Via Salaria Km 29,300 - C.P. 10
I-00015 - Monterotondo Scalo (RM)
Mob (*preferred*) +39 373 7305625
Tel + 39 06 90672342 - Fax +39 06 90672316

Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (
users mailing list

[QE-users] How to get piezoelectric response?

2021-10-19 Thread Ashas Quazi
Hi users, 

I am running Al16 N16 scf (pw.x) and phG (ph.x) calculations for 32 atoms. Both 
scf and phG calculations run smoothly. I need to get d33 (piezoelectric 
response), e33 (stress constant) and c33 (elastic constant). I know these are 
related by (d33=e33/c33). Can you please suggest a simple way to get to d33 
using any input parameters in phG perhaps? 
Please find both scf and phG files below. 

Research Student  
University of New Mexico


  calculation = 'scf'
  etot_conv_thr =   3.20d-04
  forc_conv_thr =   1.00d-04
  outdir = './out/'
  prefix = 'aiida'
  pseudo_dir = '.'
  tprnfor = .true.
  tstress = .true.
  verbosity = 'high'
  degauss =   1.4699723600d-02
  ecutrho =   3.5279352913d+01
  ecutwfc =   4.4099191141d+00
  ibrav = 0
  nat = 32
  nosym = .false.
  ntyp = 2
  occupations = 'smearing'
  smearing = 'cold'
  conv_thr =   6.40d-09
  electron_maxstep = 80
  mixing_beta =   4.00d-01
Al 26.981538 Al.pbesol-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
N  14.0067 N.pbesol-theos.UPF
Al   0.166720   0.333430   0.4996435050 
Al   0.166720   0.333430   0.9996435050 
Al   0.166720   0.833730   0.4996435050 
Al   0.166720   0.833730   0.9996435050 
Al   0.666870   0.333430   0.4996435050 
Al   0.666870   0.333430   0.9996435050 
Al   0.666870   0.833730   0.4996435050 
Al   0.666870   0.833730   0.9996435050 
Al   0.333430   0.166720   0.2496435050 
Al   0.333430   0.166720   0.7496435050 
Al   0.333430   0.666870   0.2496435050 
Al   0.333430   0.666870   0.7496435050 
Al   0.833730   0.166720   0.2496435050 
Al   0.833730   0.166720   0.7496435050 
Al   0.833730   0.666870   0.2496435050 
Al   0.833730   0.666870   0.7496435050 
N0.166720   0.333430   0.1903564930 
N0.166720   0.333430   0.6903564930 
N0.166720   0.833730   0.1903564930 
N0.166720   0.833730   0.6903564930 
N0.666870   0.333430   0.1903564930 
N0.666870   0.333430   0.6903564930 
N0.666870   0.833730   0.1903564930 
N0.666870   0.833730   0.6903564930 
N0.333430   0.166720   0.4403564930 
N0.333430   0.166720   0.9403564930 
N0.333430   0.666870   0.4403564930 
N0.333430   0.666870   0.9403564930 
N0.833730   0.166720   0.4403564930 
N0.833730   0.166720   0.9403564930 
N0.833730   0.666870   0.4403564930 
N0.833730   0.666870   0.9403564930 
K_POINTS automatic
6 6 4 0 0 0
  6.2571763992   0.00   0.00
 -3.1285881996   5.4188737177   0.00
  0.00   0.00  10.0339097977


phonons of AlN at Gamma
  tr2_ph=1.0d-14,  ! threshold for self consistency
  prefix='aiida',  ! same as in pw.x
  epsil=.false.,   ! set true for dielectric constant
  amass(2)= 14.00,  
  search_sym = .false.,
  fildyn='aln.dynG', ! is an output file not an input
  outdir='./out/', ! same as in pw.x 
0.0 0.0 0.0

Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (
users mailing list