Re: [QE-users] Run error of M06 exchange with libxc 4.3.4

2022-12-08 Thread Jibiao Li
Dear All,

In the user guide, I found the following information, but where can I get the 
index notation for M06 exchange included in libxc?

"In order to use libxc functionals, you can enforce them from input 
by including the input_dft string in the system namelist. 
Starting from v7.0 of QUANTUM ESPRESSO the only allowed notation for DFTs 
that include Libxc terms is the index one. For example, to use 
the libxc version of the PBE functional (both exchange and 
correlation):input_dft = `XC-000I-000I-101L-130L-000I-000I' The letters I or L 
next to each ID stand for Internal and libxc. This is equivalent to the 
old full-name notation:input_dft = `gga_x_pbe gga_c_pbe'   ***OLD*** The order 
must be the usual one, namely LDA exchange, LDA correlation, GGA exchange, GGA 
correlation, MGGA exchange, MGGA 
correlation. libxc exchange+correlation functionals can be put in the 
exchange or in the correlation slot with no difference.
The reason why the full-name notation has been disabled is to eliminate the 
risk of overlaps among different names (occurring especially when combinations 
of internal and libxc DFTs are used).
The complete list of libxc functionals (and their IDs) is available 
at: Combinations of 
QUANTUM ESPRESSO and libxc functionals are allowed in PW, 
but some attention has to be paid to their reciprocal compatibility (see 
section below).
For example, the internal exchange term of PBE together with the correlation 
term of PBE in libxc is obtained by:input_dft = 
`XC-001I-000I-003L-130L-000I-000I' which corresponds to the old:input_dft = 
`sla pbx gga_c_pbe'   ***OLD*** Note that when using GGA internal functionals 
you must always specify the LDA term too, while it is not the case for 
the libxc ones.
Abbreviations are allowed when zero tails are present. The above example is 
still valid by putting:input_dft = `XC-001I-000I-003L-130L' since no MGGA terms 
are present.
Non-local terms can be included by just adding their name after the index 
notation, for example:input_dft=`XC-001i-004i-013i-vdw2'"

Jibiao Li

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Yangtze Normal University

Juxian Avenue 16, Fuling, Chongqing, China 408100

Scopus Research ID: 54944118000

Web of Science Research ID: F-1905-2016

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people and expresses its concerns about the devastating
effects that the Russian military offensive has on their
country and on the free and peaceful scientific, cultural,
and economic cooperation amongst peoples
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users mailing list

Re: [QE-users] 回复: error in raman spectrum calculation with SOC

2022-12-08 Thread Lorenzo Paulatto

yes, at the end of the calculation you have something like:

    freq (  1 -  2) = 15.1  [cm-1]   --> E_u  L_3'   I
freq (  3 -  3) = 17.4  [cm-1]   --> A_2u L_2'   I
freq (  4 -  5) = 43.6  [cm-1]   --> E_g  L_3    R
freq (  6 -  6) = 76.0  [cm-1]   --> A_1g L_1    R
freq (  7 -  8) = 88.0  [cm-1]   --> E_u  L_3'   I
freq (  9 - 10) =    133.7  [cm-1]   --> E_u  L_3'   I
freq ( 11 - 12) =    140.9  [cm-1]   --> E_g  L_3    R
freq ( 13 - 13) =    145.3  [cm-1]   --> A_2u L_2'   I
freq ( 14 - 14) =    166.4  [cm-1]   --> A_2u L_2'   I
freq ( 15 - 15) =    179.9  [cm-1]   --> A_1g L_1    R

Where the letter I or R indicate Infrared or Raman active (you can also 
have I+R)

On 12/8/22 13:20, V Sanger via users wrote:
so I should just turn off the lraman option in and get the 
vibration modes at gamma point, and the ph.out would tell me if they 
are Raman active, right?

-- 原始邮件 --
*发件人:* "Quantum ESPRESSO users Forum" ;
*发送时间:* 2022年12月8日(星期四) 晚上8:13
*收件人:* "users";
*主题:* Re: [QE-users] error in raman spectrum calculation with SOC

Dear V(?),

you can compute vibrational frequency, ad ph.x will also determine if 
they are Raman active by symmetry. But you cannot compute the 
effective Raman cross-section. Or the anharmonic Raman spectra weight, 
but that's anotehr story.


On 12/8/22 12:21, V Sanger via users wrote:
I'm trying to calculate raman spectrum with SOC. I used a 
norm-conserving fully relativistic psedopotential then the ph.out 
reported error. Does it mean that qe does not support raman 
calculation with SOC? If so, is there any other way to calculate it?

     Error in routine phq_readin (1):
     lraman, elop, and noncolin not programmed

     stopping ...

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people and expresses its concerns about the devastating
effects that the Russian military offensive has on their
country and on the free and peaceful scientific, cultural,
and economic cooperation amongst peoples
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Dr. Lorenzo Paulatto
IdR @ IMPMC - CNRS UMR 7590 & Sorbonne Université
phone: +33 (0)1 442 79822 / skype: paulatz -
23-24/423 B115, 4 place Jussieu 75252 Paris CX 05

The Quantum ESPRESSO community stands by the Ukrainian
people and expresses its concerns about the devastating
effects that the Russian military offensive has on their
country and on the free and peaceful scientific, cultural,
and economic cooperation amongst peoples
Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (
users mailing

Dr. Lorenzo Paulatto
IdR @ IMPMC - CNRS UMR 7590 & Sorbonne Université
phone: +33 (0)1 442 79822 / skype: paulatz -
23-24/423 B115, 4 place Jussieu 75252 Paris CX 05___
The Quantum ESPRESSO community stands by the Ukrainian
people and expresses its concerns about the devastating
effects that the Russian military offensive has on their
country and on the free and peaceful scientific, cultural,
and economic cooperation amongst peoples
Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (
users mailing list

[QE-users] ?????? error in raman spectrum calculation with SOC

2022-12-08 Thread V Sanger via users
so I should just turn off the lraman option in and get the vibration 
modes at gamma point, and the ph.out would tell me if they are Raman active, 

--  --
   "Quantum ESPRESSO users Forum"  -- 
   Dr. Lorenzo Paulatto
 IdR @ IMPMC - CNRS UMR 7590 & Sorbonne Universit??
 phone: +33 (0)1 442 79822 / skype: paulatz -
 23-24/423 B115, 4 place Jussieu 75252 Paris CX 05___
The Quantum ESPRESSO community stands by the Ukrainian
people and expresses its concerns about the devastating
effects that the Russian military offensive has on their
country and on the free and peaceful scientific, cultural,
and economic cooperation amongst peoples
Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (
users mailing list

Re: [QE-users] error in raman spectrum calculation with SOC

2022-12-08 Thread Lorenzo Paulatto

Dear V(?),

you can compute vibrational frequency, ad ph.x will also determine if 
they are Raman active by symmetry. But you cannot compute the effective 
Raman cross-section. Or the anharmonic Raman spectra weight, but that's 
anotehr story.


On 12/8/22 12:21, V Sanger via users wrote:
I'm trying to calculate raman spectrum with SOC. I used a 
norm-conserving fully relativistic psedopotential then the ph.out 
reported error. Does it mean that qe does not support raman 
calculation with SOC? If so, is there any other way to calculate it?

     Error in routine phq_readin (1):
     lraman, elop, and noncolin not programmed

     stopping ...

The Quantum ESPRESSO community stands by the Ukrainian
people and expresses its concerns about the devastating
effects that the Russian military offensive has on their
country and on the free and peaceful scientific, cultural,
and economic cooperation amongst peoples
Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (
users mailing

Dr. Lorenzo Paulatto
IdR @ IMPMC - CNRS UMR 7590 & Sorbonne Université
phone: +33 (0)1 442 79822 / skype: paulatz -
23-24/423 B115, 4 place Jussieu 75252 Paris CX 05___
The Quantum ESPRESSO community stands by the Ukrainian
people and expresses its concerns about the devastating
effects that the Russian military offensive has on their
country and on the free and peaceful scientific, cultural,
and economic cooperation amongst peoples
Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (
users mailing list

[QE-users] Run error of M06 exchange with libxc 4.3.4

2022-12-08 Thread Jibiao Li
Dear All,

I try to use M06 exchange in libxc 4.3.4 by specifying input_dft='MGGA_C_M06', 
but the run complains that " It looks like one or more Libxc names have been 
put as input, but since v7.0 the index notation only is allowed. Check the QE 
user guide or the comments in this routine."
The problem is that I can find any index notation for this exchange. Any idea 
to resolve this error?

    Program NEB v.7.1 starts on  8Dec2022 at 19:34:40 

     This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO 
     for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
         "P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. 
Matter 21 395502 (2009);
         "P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. 
Matter 29 465901 (2017);
         "P. Giannozzi et al., J. Chem. Phys. 152 
154105 (2020);
          URL", ;
     in publications or presentations arising from this work. 
More details at

     Parallel version (MPI), running on    52 

     MPI processes distributed on     1 nodes
     182918 MiB available memory on the printing compute node 
when the environment starts

     Parsing file: hop.neb.inp
     Reading input from

     Error in routine matching_shortIDs (1):
     It looks like one or more Libxc names have been put as 
input, but since v7.0 the index notation only is allowed. Check the QE user 
guide or the comments in this routine.

  restart_mode      = 'from_scratch',
  string_method     = 'neb',
  nstep_path        = 798,
  ds                = 1.D0,
  opt_scheme        = 'broyden',
  first_last_opt    = .TRUE.,
  minimum_image     = .TRUE.,
  num_of_images     = 11,
  k_max             = 0.7D0,
  k_min             = 0.5D0,
  CI_scheme         = 'auto',
  prefix         = 'hop',
  outdir         = './',
                  pseudo_dir = 
'/home/jibiaoli/pseudo/ONCV' ,
 ibrav = 4,
= 15.929074771,
= 3.14,
   nat = 39,
  ntyp = 3,
 ecutwfc = 79 ,
 ecutrho = 311 ,
= 'MGGA_C_M06',
                 occupations = 
'smearing' ,
 degauss = 0.05D0 ,
= 'marzari-vanderbilt' ,
             electron_maxstep = 299,
                 mixing_beta = 
0.2D0 ,
             diagonalization = 'david' ,
    O   15.999  H.pbe-hgh.UPF 
    H   1.0079  O.pbe-hgh.UPF
   Pd   106.40  Pd.pbe-sp-hgh.UPF
H             0.7787112809    
    5.6416135430        9.4721629960
H             0.7774029326    
    4.0914558726        9.4722924978
O             0.1994593648    
    4.8670085228        9.3351134888
Pd           -0.0017816645      
  0.0013044354        6.9053999358
Pd           -2.8191098005      
  4.8683200447        6.8943151399
Pd            5.6234048226      
  0.0074194591        6.8926553912
Pd            2.8174768399      
  4.8676750917        6.8896966295
Pd           -1.4080334387      
  2.4262644336        6.8941973013
Pd            4.2134256701      
  2.4335831018        6.9019738963
Pd            1.4079822956      
  2.4267321115        6.8923068605
Pd            2.8043957155      
  0.0081358348        6.8941605995
Pd           -0.0071053408      
  4.8683483972        6.9274888902
Pd            0.00      
  3.2444308140        4.5883180590    
0   0   0
Pd            5.6195190110      
  3.2444308140        4.5883180590    
0   0   0
Pd            1.4048797530      
  0.8111077030        4.5883180590    
0   0   0
Pd           -1.4048797530      
  5.6777539240        4.5883180590    
0   0   0
Pd            7.0243987640      
  0.8111077030        4.5883180590    
0   0   0
Pd            4.2146392590      
  5.6777539240        4.5883180590    
0   0   0
Pd            4.2146392590      
  0.8111077030        4.5883180590    
0   0   0
Pd            1.4048797530      
  5.6777539240        4.5883180590    
0   0   0
Pd            2.8097595060      
  3.2444308140        4.5883180590    
0   0   0
Pd            2.8097595060      
  1.6222154070        2.2941590300    
0   0   0
Pd            0.00      
  6.4888616280        2.2941590300    
0   0   0
Pd            1.4048797530      
  4.0555385170        2.2941590300    
0   0   0
Pd           -1.4048797530      
  4.0555385170        2.2941590300    
0   0   0
Pd            4.2146392590      
  4.0555385170        2.2941590300    
0   0   0
Pd            0.00      
  1.6222154070        2.2941590300    
0   0   0
Pd           -2.8097595060      
  6.4888616280        2.2941590300    
0   0   0

[QE-users] error in raman spectrum calculation with SOC

2022-12-08 Thread V Sanger via users
I'm trying to calculate raman spectrum with SOC. I used a norm-conserving fully 
relativistic psedopotential then the ph.out reported error. Does it mean that 
qe does not support raman calculation with SOC? If so, is there any other way 
to calculate it?

     Error in routine phq_readin (1):
     lraman, elop, and noncolin not programmed

     stopping ...___
The Quantum ESPRESSO community stands by the Ukrainian
people and expresses its concerns about the devastating
effects that the Russian military offensive has on their
country and on the free and peaceful scientific, cultural,
and economic cooperation amongst peoples
Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (
users mailing list

Re: [QE-users] hp.x root not converged for LiNiO2

2022-12-08 Thread Iurii TIMROV via users
Dear Börries,

Have you checked the full correspondence (see the bottom of that page) in the 
link you shared?

There, you will find many discussions about many various issues. Maybe it could 
be useful in your case as well.

Moreover, you can check example01 in the HP folder of Quantum ESPRESSO for 
LiCoO2, and change Co to Ni, and try to proceed.

If nothing works, please share all input AND OUTPUT files via Google Drive.



Dr. Iurii TIMROV
Senior Research Scientist
Theory and Simulation of Materials (THEOS)
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL)
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
+41 21 69 34 881

From: users  on behalf of "Börries 
von Seggern" 
Sent: Thursday, December 8, 2022 10:01:39 AM
Subject: [QE-users] hp.x root not converged for LiNiO2

Dear QE-Community,
I am trying to calculate the Hubbard U parameter for Nickel in LiNiO2
using hp.x in qe-7.1 (compiled using intel compilers). Unfortunately the
calculations keep crashing, even when using input files adapted from an
older forum post, in which someone managed to do the hp.x calculation for
LiNiO2 using qe-6.5... (
So far I have tried using different k-point meshes in the scf run, as well
as using a PBE-relaxed geometry and smearing, however using very soft
Pseudopotentials, the calculation keeps crashing for q-point 4, as hp.x
seems to start with a somewhat faulty response function and fails at
converging this giving output such as:
 atom #  1   q point #   4   iter #   2
 kpoint 146 sternheimer_kernel: root not converged, thresh <  2.256E+06
 chi:   1 **   residue:  **
 Average number of iter. to solve lin. system:   33.5
Using very soft PPs (for example excluding semicore states for Ni) from
pslib, hp.x also gives the "S matrix not positive semidefinite error",
which doesn`t happen for harder PPs, as to be expected. However the
sternheimer_kernel: root not converged error unfortunately persists. :/
Do you know, what might be the issue here? Any help would be greatly
Pls find a example input file using harder pps below, as well as the
input/outputfiles in this OneDrive Folder:!An1DvoEOkGMHhCisvOFIG4uQRE2O?e=cASPwY

Best wishes,

Börries von Seggern

Helmholtz Institute for Materials and Energy Berlin

The SCF-input file (restarted from a less tightly converged SCF run with

 calculation = 'scf'
 restart_mode = 'from_scratch',
 prefix = 'lno'
 pseudo_dir = 'pseudo'
 outdir = 'tmp'
 verbosity = 'normal'

ibrav = 5,
celldm(1) = 9.5631,
celldm(4) = 0.83635,
nat = 4,
ntyp = 3,
ecutwfc = 110.0,
ecutrho = 660.0,
nspin = 2,
occupations ='fixed',
tot_magnetization = 1.00,
nbnd = 17

conv_thr =  1.d-15
mixing_beta = 0.2

Ni   58.6934  Ni.pbe-spn-rrkjus_psl.1.0.0.UPF
O15.999   O.pbe-n-rrkjus_psl.1.0.0.UPF
Li   6.941Li.pbe-s-rrkjus_psl.1.0.0.UPF

Ni   0.00   0.00   0.00
O0.2582132811   0.2582132811   0.2582132811
O0.7417867189   0.7417867189   0.7417867189
Li   0.50   0.50   0.50

K_POINTS {automatic}
  12 12 12 0 0 0

HUBBARD {ortho-atomic}
   U Ni-3d 0.0001

And the corresponding hp.x input file:

prefix = 'lno',
outdir = 'tmp',
nq1 = 2, nq2 = 2, nq3 = 2,
alpha_mix=0.1!default 0.3, try 0.1 when in trouble
iverbosity = 2


The Quantum ESPRESSO community stands by the Ukrainian
people and expresses its concerns about the devastating
effects that the Russian military offensive has on their
country and on the free and peaceful scientific, cultural,
and economic cooperation amongst peoples
Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX 
users mailing list
The Quantum ESPRESSO community stands by the Ukrainian
people and expresses its concerns about the devastating
effects that the Russian military offensive has on their
country and on the free and peaceful scientific, cultural,
and economic cooperation amongst peoples
Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (
users mailing list

[QE-users] hp.x root not converged for LiNiO2

2022-12-08 Thread Börries von Seggern
Dear QE-Community,
I am trying to calculate the Hubbard U parameter for Nickel in LiNiO2
using hp.x in qe-7.1 (compiled using intel compilers). Unfortunately the
calculations keep crashing, even when using input files adapted from an
older forum post, in which someone managed to do the hp.x calculation for
LiNiO2 using qe-6.5... (
So far I have tried using different k-point meshes in the scf run, as well
as using a PBE-relaxed geometry and smearing, however using very soft
Pseudopotentials, the calculation keeps crashing for q-point 4, as hp.x
seems to start with a somewhat faulty response function and fails at
converging this giving output such as:
 atom #  1   q point #   4   iter #   2
 kpoint 146 sternheimer_kernel: root not converged, thresh <  2.256E+06
 chi:   1 **   residue:  **
 Average number of iter. to solve lin. system:   33.5
Using very soft PPs (for example excluding semicore states for Ni) from
pslib, hp.x also gives the "S matrix not positive semidefinite error",
which doesn`t happen for harder PPs, as to be expected. However the
sternheimer_kernel: root not converged error unfortunately persists. :/
Do you know, what might be the issue here? Any help would be greatly
Pls find a example input file using harder pps below, as well as the
input/outputfiles in this OneDrive Folder:!An1DvoEOkGMHhCisvOFIG4uQRE2O?e=cASPwY

Best wishes,

Börries von Seggern

Helmholtz Institute for Materials and Energy Berlin

The SCF-input file (restarted from a less tightly converged SCF run with

 calculation = 'scf'
 restart_mode = 'from_scratch',
 prefix = 'lno'
 pseudo_dir = 'pseudo'
 outdir = 'tmp'
 verbosity = 'normal'

ibrav = 5,
celldm(1) = 9.5631,
celldm(4) = 0.83635,
nat = 4,
ntyp = 3,
ecutwfc = 110.0,
ecutrho = 660.0,
nspin = 2,
occupations ='fixed',
tot_magnetization = 1.00,
nbnd = 17

conv_thr =  1.d-15
mixing_beta = 0.2

Ni   58.6934  Ni.pbe-spn-rrkjus_psl.1.0.0.UPF
O15.999   O.pbe-n-rrkjus_psl.1.0.0.UPF
Li   6.941Li.pbe-s-rrkjus_psl.1.0.0.UPF

Ni   0.00   0.00   0.00
O0.2582132811   0.2582132811   0.2582132811
O0.7417867189   0.7417867189   0.7417867189
Li   0.50   0.50   0.50

K_POINTS {automatic}
  12 12 12 0 0 0

HUBBARD {ortho-atomic}
   U Ni-3d 0.0001

And the corresponding hp.x input file:

prefix = 'lno',
outdir = 'tmp',
nq1 = 2, nq2 = 2, nq3 = 2,
alpha_mix=0.1!default 0.3, try 0.1 when in trouble
iverbosity = 2


The Quantum ESPRESSO community stands by the Ukrainian
people and expresses its concerns about the devastating
effects that the Russian military offensive has on their
country and on the free and peaceful scientific, cultural,
and economic cooperation amongst peoples
Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (
users mailing list

Re: [QE-users] Installation error of QE 7.1 with oneAPI

2022-12-08 Thread Paolo Giannozzi

On 08/12/2022 09:40, Jibiao Li wrote:

gen_us_dj_gpu.f90(25): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module 
file.  Check INCLUDE paths.   [DEVICE_FBUFF_M]

   USE device_fbuff_m,   ONLY: dev_buf

it has been explained a number of times. Once again: this error means 
that devxlib was not properly compiled. There must be a compilation 
error somewhere in the output of "make". Do a "make distclean" first.

Paolo Giannozzi, Dip. Scienze Matematiche Informatiche e Fisiche,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 206, 33100 Udine Italy, +39-0432-558216
The Quantum ESPRESSO community stands by the Ukrainian
people and expresses its concerns about the devastating
effects that the Russian military offensive has on their
country and on the free and peaceful scientific, cultural,
and economic cooperation amongst peoples
Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (
users mailing list

[QE-users] problem in raman spectrum calculation with SOC

2022-12-08 Thread V Sanger via users
I'm trying to calculate raman spectrum with SOC. I used a norm-conserving fully 
relativistic psedopotential then the ph.out reported error. Does it mean that 
qe does not support raman calculation with SOC? If so, is there any other way 
to calculate it?

     Error in routine phq_readin (1):
     lraman, elop, and noncolin not programmed

     stopping ...___
The Quantum ESPRESSO community stands by the Ukrainian
people and expresses its concerns about the devastating
effects that the Russian military offensive has on their
country and on the free and peaceful scientific, cultural,
and economic cooperation amongst peoples
Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (
users mailing list

[QE-users] Installation error of QE 7.1 with oneAPI

2022-12-08 Thread Jibiao Li
Dear All,

I try to install QE 7.1 with oneAPI on my computer, but an error below 

mpiifort -O3 -assume byterecl -g -traceback -nomodule -fpp -allow 
nofpp_comments -D__LIBXC -D__DFTI -D__MPI  
 -I/home/jibiaoli/codes/espresso-7.1//external/devxlib/src -I. 
-I/home/jibiaoli/codes/libxc-4.3.4/include/ -I../UtilXlib 
-I../external/devxlib/src -c gen_us_dj_gpu.f90
gen_us_dj_gpu.f90(25): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module 
file.  Check INCLUDE paths.   [DEVICE_FBUFF_M]
  USE device_fbuff_m,   ONLY: dev_buf
gen_us_dj_gpu.f90(25): error #6580: Name in only-list does not exist or is not 
accessible.   [DEV_BUF]
  USE device_fbuff_m,   ONLY: dev_buf
gen_us_dj_gpu.f90(12): warning #6843: A dummy argument with an explicit 
INTENT(OUT) declaration is not given an explicit value.   [DVKB_D]
       omega, nr1, nr2, nr3, eigts1_d, eigts2_d, eigts3_d, 
mill_d, g_d, dvkb_d )
compilation aborted for gen_us_dj_gpu.f90 (code 1)
make[1]: *** [../ gen_us_dj_gpu.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/jibiaoli/codes/espresso-7.1/upflib'
make: *** [Makefile:212: libupf] Error 1

Any idea to resolve this error? Thank you very much


Jibiao Li

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Yangtze Normal University

Juxian Avenue 16, Fuling, Chongqing, China 408100

Scopus Research ID: 54944118000

Web of Science Research ID: F-1905-2016

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