[Pw_forum] dynmat.x - segmentation fault error

2011-12-21 Thread "Kacper Drużbicki"
I would like to kindly thank Prof Gianozzi for giving me the solution for the 
problem. Indeed, providing suggested changes was the point. Now dynmat.x works 
fine even for few-hundred atomic unit cells, with the only limitation of using 
ASR=simple. Thank you!

Kacper Druzbicki,
Faculty of Chemistry,
Department of Chemical Physics,
Jagiellonian University,
Ingardena Street 3, 30-060 Cracow, Poland
phone: +48 12 6632265

- Original Message -
From: Paolo Giannozzi 
Date: Thursday, December 1, 2011 10:06 am
Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] dynmat.x - segmentation fault error
To: PWSCF Forum 

> Try to replace routine set_asr in dynmat.f90 with the attached
> version - no warranty 
> P.
> -- 
> Paolo Giannozzi, IOM-Democritos and University of Udine, Italy
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum

[Pw_forum] dynmat.x - segmentation fault error

2011-11-30 Thread "Kacper Drużbicki"
Dear QE users,

I get the following error while trying to diagonalize the dynamic matrix for 
the 186 atomic system.

 Reading Dynamical Matrix from file matdyn
 ...Force constants read
 ...epsilon and Z* read
Segmentation fault

Below you can find the dynmat file and the input for dynmat.x.


Any ideas? I would appreciate if one could check the file on his machine.

Thank you in advance,

Kacper Dru?bicki,
Faculty of Chemistry,
Department of Chemical Physics,
Jagiellonian University,
Ingardena Street 3, 30-060 Krak?w, Poland
phone: +48 12 6632265

[Pw_forum] ODP: Re: Ph.x problem. No results. Wrong irreducible representations number.

2011-09-11 Thread "Kacper Drużbicki"
Thank you, Sir!

It's seems that now it's finally running. The program has already turned into 
Electric Fields Calculation section, and it looks that it's ok now. It 
progressively iterating. 

I still wonder why it lost the thread of symmetry, giving the inproper normal 
modes number. It's monoclinic system (which I notice that QE define in a 
specific way) and I built the geometry by importing the coordinates and the 
cell parameters from CASTEP. When opened via Xcrysden or J-Ice, the geometry 
seems to be allright. All the cell parameters are correct. Loss of normal mode 
symmetry for such a low symmetric system is not a problem to me. However, It's 

With kind regards,

Kacper Dru?bicki,
Faculty of Chemistry,
Department of Chemical Physics,
Jagiellonian University,
Ingardena Street 3, 30-060 Krak?w, Poland
phone: +48 12 6632265

- Wiadomo?? oryginalna -
Od: Paolo Giannozzi 
Data: Niedziela, Wrzesie? 11, 2011 6:46 pm
Temat: Re: [Pw_forum] Ph.x problem. No results. Wrong irreducible 
representations number.
Do: PWSCF Forum 

> On Sep 10, 2011, at 18:55 , Kacper Dru?bicki wrote:
> >   london = .true.
> this is not currently implemented in the phonon code (and could
> cause the latter to crash / hang)
> P.
> ---
> Paolo Giannozzi, Dept of Chemistry&Physics&Environment,
> Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
> Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum

[Pw_forum] ODP: Sulfur, Nitrogen, Chlorine PBE Norm-Conserving PP

2011-09-11 Thread "Kacper Drużbicki"
The problem have been solved by Emine Kucukbenli, who linked me to pslibrary 
project in qe-forge. 

Just to summarize and educate newbies like me:


I also got the needed pseudos from the abinit page:


Thank you very much!


Definitely it's a great library. Did not know about it. I found all the data I 
needed. I looked for NC pseudos due to some ph.x restrictions. Besides, I 
wanted to get PBE NC, and the sulfur pseudo with D orbitals included.
I also found the needed data at abinit webpage, but the one for Sulfur does not 
include D states, which are IMO important in structural studies of sulfur 
including organic compounds.

I also found BLYP norm conserving pps at QE page. However, I performed some 
benchmark for the compound I study, within isolated molecule approach. As a 
result I found that PBE works as good as B3LYP in the prediction of vibrational 
spectra in this case, and also works well with CASTEP and DMOL3, while BLYP 
delivered the worst results, along with OLYP and LDA.

Thank you!

With the best wishes,

Kacper Dru?bicki,
Faculty of Chemistry,
Department of Chemical Physics,
Jagiellonian University,
Ingardena Street 3, 30-060 Krak?w, Poland
phone: +48 12 6632265

- Wiadomo?? oryginalna -
Od: "Kacper Dru?bicki" 
Data: Niedziela, Wrzesie? 11, 2011 6:16 pm
Temat: [Pw_forum] Sulfur, Nitrogen, Chlorine PBE Norm-Conserving PP
Do: pw_forum at pwscf.org

> Dear QE users,
> I hope that you wouldn't mind if I ask does anybody know any source of 
> PBE Norm-Conserving PP for Sulfur, Nitrogen and Chlorine? I cannot 
> found them anywhere. I would appreciate if someone could share them 
> with me...
> With kind regards,
> Casper 
> Kacper Dru?bicki,
> Faculty of Chemistry,
> Department of Chemical Physics,
> Jagiellonian University,
> Ingardena Street 3, 30-060 Krak?w, Poland
> phone: +48 12 6632265
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum

[Pw_forum] Sulfur, Nitrogen, Chlorine PBE Norm-Conserving PP

2011-09-11 Thread "Kacper Drużbicki"
Dear QE users,

I hope that you wouldn't mind if I ask does anybody know any source of PBE 
Norm-Conserving PP for Sulfur, Nitrogen and Chlorine? I cannot found them 
anywhere. I would appreciate if someone could share them with me...

With kind regards,

Kacper Dru?bicki,
Faculty of Chemistry,
Department of Chemical Physics,
Jagiellonian University,
Ingardena Street 3, 30-060 Krak?w, Poland
phone: +48 12 6632265

[Pw_forum] ODP: Re: Ph.x problem. No results. Wrong irreducible representations number.

2011-09-11 Thread "Kacper Drużbicki"
Dear Prof. Gianozzi,

Thank you for your suggestion. Well, actually I am interested only (or at 
least) in the IR spectrum. I would like to use USPP so I would like to avoid 
the gamma trick. I know it's a quite big system, however, I found no problems 
with the system size when using CASTEP in this purpose. Thus, I thought that QE 
might also handle it. I have more serious computation resources for QE that for 
CASTEP. QE solve SCF step for this system in ~20 seconds. 

I solve the wrong irreducible representations number by turning off the 
symmetry. However it didn't solve the whole problem. The ph.x still idles.

With best wishes,

Kacper Dru?bicki,
Faculty of Chemistry,
Department of Chemical Physics,
Jagiellonian University,
Ingardena Street 3, 30-060 Krak?w, Poland
phone: +48 12 6632265

- Wiadomo?? oryginalna -
Od: Paolo Giannozzi 
Data: Niedziela, Wrzesie? 11, 2011 5:46 pm
Temat: Re: [Pw_forum] Ph.x problem. No results. Wrong irreducible 
representations number.
Do: PWSCF Forum 

> On Sep 10, 2011, at 18:55 , Kacper Dru?bicki wrote:
> > However, when I turned into bigger system, with the 186 atomic unit  
> > cell
> a phonon calculation for such a big cell will take a serious amount  
> of time.
> You should try to estimate it from smaller calculations.
> P.
> ---
> Paolo Giannozzi, Dept of Chemistry&Physics&Environment,
> Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
> Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum

[Pw_forum] Ph.x problem. No results. Wrong irreducible representations number.

2011-09-10 Thread "Kacper Drużbicki"
Dear QE users,

I started to work with organic molecular crystals, trying to simulate phonon 
spectra at gamma, using ultrasoft pps.
I deal with monoclinic systems, with the point group P21/c. I tested the 
procedure with Glycine example, and everything works good and I got all the 
needed results.
However, when I turned into bigger system, with the 186 atomic unit cell, I 
stuck with no progress... 
Being more strictly, I got the inproper phonon number 3N-7 instead of 3N and 
nothing more. 
The program  gives: 

Atomic displacements: There are 551 irreducible representations

The output ends with the listing:

'Representation   551  1 modes -B To be done' 

and the program does not give any more results for the next hours. I wait for 
the line:

'Alpha used in Ewald sum = ...' but I got nothing more than the previously 
mentioned line. The program seems to still work or sleep. I was given no error 

Is there any limitation of ph.x? I have no idea. I use QE ver 4.3.  
Could anyone check if this error occurs also at one's machine?

My pw.x input only for gamma looks like:

   title = freq ,
 calculation = 'scf' ,
  outdir = '...' ,
  wfcdir = '...' ,
  pseudo_dir = '...' ,
  prefix = 'freq'
restart_mode = 'from_scratch' ,
  wf_collect = .true. ,
disk_io = 'high' ,
   etot_conv_thr = 1.0d-6 ,
   forc_conv_thr = 1.0d-4 ,
 tstress = .true. ,
 tprnfor = .true. ,
   nstep = 1000 ,
   ibrav = 0 ,
 celldm(1) = 16.657934589 ,
nat = 186,
ntyp = 4,
   ecutwfc = 35.0,
   ecutrho = 420.0,
   nosym = .false. ,
 occupations = 'fixed' ,
  london = .true. ,
electron_maxstep = 100 ,
conv_thr = 1.D-8 ,
 ion_dynamics = 'bfgs' , 
upscale = 100 , 
 H   1.008162  H.pbe-van_bm.UPF
 C  12.0109996796  C.pbe-van_bm.UPF
 O  15.9989995956  O.pbe-van_bm.UPF
 S  32.0600013733  S.pbe-van_bm.UPF
H0.661768681   0.098938508   0.027981564
H0.681762733   0.422126036   0.031147779
H0.71062   0.241252285   0.075540824
H0.911720569   0.232557783   0.003204964
H0.943244272   0.047148948   0.046896512
H0.972545308   0.440972636   0.088760388
H0.950707533   0.612471994   0.043453200
H1.185165475   0.402837986   0.019740732
H1.203284961   0.228642875   0.064947666
H1.221684226   0.614171074   0.105831184
H1.209382169   0.794360264   0.061215766
H1.453593378   0.605397048   0.041178042
H1.463518767   0.417260867   0.085244173
H1.475307338   0.982108249   0.084496779
H1.714729329   0.769004805   0.064951907
H1.715288127   0.587554612   0.109713614
H1.743518237   0.911226534   0.113518402
H1.509304424   1.247931787   0.231211728
H1.386058504   1.174258073   0.295461176
H1.191306726   0.502931257   0.245636813
H1.316250165   0.575294755   0.182169779
H0.893771048   1.295612503   0.360400800
H0.761039631   1.259598293   0.422215413
H1.008108016   0.590340566   0.452448120
H1.135128158   0.624540850   0.391020982
H0.648719144   1.227335666   0.469467460
H0.763991964   0.536420331   0.563538388
H0.896497028   0.561587838   0.501851000
H0.376539444   1.064666579   0.578561984
H0.545745742   1.212353752   0.599222472
H0.538123549   0.976303068   0.663073142
H0.369942960   0.822943867   0.644368047
H0.229716969   1.218967098   0.639126983
H0.400019790   1.387811998   0.648770996
H0.265047891   1.390814172   0.709924789
H0.433376628   1.216281792   0.718987372
H0.285565507   0.824365684   0.709221575
H0.115807400   0.995779167   0.699976088
H0.152134669   1.184020951   0.769102402
H0.38589   1.014627013   0.779622204
H0.182893915   0.619844993   0.770979600
H0.015685456   0.776052371   0.753332990
H0.002737958   0.974709477   0.821894297
H0.163534225   0.797629807   0.840392847
H0.023344300   0.408511721   0.821105841
H   -0.130002493   0.581670416   0.798432853
H   -0.194915353   0.436797122   0.865661373
H   -0.176560036   0.759211830   0.867488521
H1.028352538   0.070629138   0.110395323
H0.519225839   1.200934848   0.530432834
H   -0.661768681   0.598938508

[Pw_forum] Raman Spectra of Molecular Crystals

2011-08-29 Thread "Kacper Drużbicki"
Dear QE Users,

My name is Casper and I am a newbie in Quantum Espresso with some experience in 
modeling with other periodic codes (mainly CASTEP and DMOL3). Please forgive me 
bothering you with my question. I don't want to spam QE maillist, but I would 
like to kindly ask someone for some help in modeling of vibrational spectra of 
molecular crystals. Could anyone send me any exemplary input which allows to 
compute IR and Raman spectra of any simple system? I am rather disoriented 
while reading some manuals etc. and I am not sure how to start. I would really 
appreciate your help. 

With best wishes,

Kacper Dru?bicki,
Faculty of Chemistry,
Department of Chemical Physics,
Jagiellonian University,
Ingardena Street 3, 30-060 Krak?w, Poland
phone: +48 12 6632265