Dear sir,

My version is gcc 4.8.5, openmpi 1.10.2 and "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.3 (Maipo)".

I'm a newbie of terminal user and I'm trying to install QE on terminal
that is linked to the supercomputer of Taiwan.
I follow the step from the video on EPW school,

Everything goes well untill (at 12:07) I inputed: ./configure.
I got nothing in "BLAS_LIBS", figure_1.
I tried to input: ./configure LIBDIRS="BLAS_LIBS" or ./configure LIBDIRS=BLAS_LIBS.
They're still not work and output figure_1.

And there is also an Error, when I input "make pw"(at 12:42), "make ph" and "make epw", figure_2.

The figure address:

Is there any method to fix these problem? I'm very aprreciated if you fix it!

Please give me some instruction or need any detail information!

Best regards,

Dai-Chan Hu
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