[Pw_forum] Negative frequencies from ph.x

2013-12-20 Thread Jan Gryko

 Dear QE users,

 The problem of negative frequencies from ph.x was discussed several times
 on the PWSCF Forum.  From what I read in the archives, the negative frequencies
 were due to too small number of k-points, or too small energy cutoff, or
 non-zero forces acting on atoms (i.e. non-equilibrium geometry).

 Unfortunately, I am still getting negative frequencies for my system
 (FCC cell, 34 Si atoms, semiconductor with ~0.7 eV gap).  
 The results were practically the same for:

 number of k-points:  1 (gamma point), 10, and 8x8x8 points (=29 k-points)
 ecutwcf = 25, 30, and 55 Ry, and ecutrho = 4*ecutwfc

 In all cases, the geometry was optimized so the total force was 0.02 
 and the max. force acting on an atom was 0.0044 Ry/au. 
 Therefore, all atoms were in equilibrium positions, but yet about 10 first 
 frequencies were negative, and phonon dos (calculated with nq1=nq2=nq3=4) was 
 I noticed that ionic forces acting on atoms were large, ~0.7 Ry/atom, but 
 forces were compensated by opposite sign local forces.  

 Is it possible that during perturbation calculations, these two opposite 
forces are not
 evaluated accurately, giving unstable system and negative frequencies? 

 Any suggestions?  Thank you very much.



[Pw_forum] Does symmetry depend on ecutrho-sec. of the user guide

2013-12-11 Thread Jan Gryko


 I am sorry for posting this question  before reading sec. of the pw.x 
user guide.

[Pw_forum] Does symmetry depend on ecutrho?

2013-12-11 Thread Jan Gryko


 Does symmetry determined by pw.x depend on euctwfc/ecutrho?  I am attaching 
two input files, T_30.in and
 With ecutwfc=30, ecutrho=120 (file T_30.in), pw.x correctly finds 48 symmetry 
operations, whereas
 with ecutwfc=50, ecutrho=200 (file T_50.in) only 24 symmetry operations are 

 Any suggestions why?

 Best regards,
-- next part --
   title = 'scf run Fd3m coordinates',
 calculation = 'scf'
  outdir = '/home/gryko/tmp',
  wfcdir = '/home/gryko/tmp',
  pseudo_dir = '/home/gryko/PSEUDO',
  prefix = 'Si34_E50',
 lkpoint_dir = .false.,
 tstress = .true.,
 tprnfor = .true.,
restart_mode = 'from_scratch',
   verbosity = 'high',
  wf_collect = .TRUE.,
 ecutwfc = 50 ,
 ecutrho = 200 ,
exxdiv_treatment = 'gygi-baldereschi' ,
mixing_mode = 'plain'
mixing_beta = 0.6
conv_thr =  1.0d-10
 Si  28.0855 Si.vbc.UPF
 Si  0.000  0.000  0.000
 Si  0.750  0.250  0.750
 Si  0.906  0.906  0.906
 Si  0.094  0.594  0.406
 Si  0.594  0.406  0.094
 Si  0.406  0.094  0.594
 Si  0.656  0.156  0.844
 Si  0.344  0.344  0.344
 Si  0.156  0.844  0.656
 Si  0.844  0.656  0.156
 Si  0.942  0.942  0.754
 Si  0.754  0.942  0.942
 Si  0.942  0.754  0.942
 Si  0.692  0.192  0.996
 Si  0.692  0.004  0.808
 Si  0.504  0.192  0.808
 Si  0.058  0.558  0.254
 Si  0.254  0.058  0.558
 Si  0.558  0.254  0.058
 Si  0.308  0.308  0.496
 Si  0.808  0.504  0.192
 Si  0.004  0.808  0.692
 Si  0.558  0.442  0.246
 Si  0.246  0.558  0.442
 Si  0.442  0.246  0.558
 Si  0.192  0.808  0.504
 Si  0.308  0.496  0.308
 Si  0.996  0.692  0.192
 Si  0.442  0.058  0.746
 Si  0.746  0.442  0.058
 Si  0.058  0.746  0.442
 Si  0.808  0.692  0.004
 Si  0.192  0.996  0.692
 Si  0.496  0.308  0.308
K_POINTS gamma
-- next part --
   title = 'scf run Fd3m coordinates',
 calculation = 'scf'
  outdir = '/home/gryko/tmp',
  wfcdir = '/home/gryko/tmp',
  pseudo_dir = '/home/gryko/PSEUDO',
  prefix = 'Si34_E30',
 lkpoint_dir = .false.,
 tstress = .true.,
 tprnfor = .true.,
restart_mode = 'from_scratch',
   verbosity = 'high',
  wf_collect = .TRUE.,
 ecutwfc = 30 ,
 ecutrho = 120 ,
exxdiv_treatment = 'gygi-baldereschi' ,
mixing_mode = 'plain'
mixing_beta = 0.6
conv_thr =  1.0d-10
 Si  28.0855 Si.vbc.UPF
 Si  0.000  0.000  0.000
 Si  0.750  0.250  0.750
 Si  0.906  0.906  0.906
 Si  0.094  0.594  0.406
 Si  0.594  0.406  0.094
 Si  0.406  0.094  0.594
 Si  0.656  0.156  0.844
 Si  0.344  0.344  0.344
 Si  0.156  0.844  0.656
 Si  0.844  0.656  0.156
 Si  0.942  0.942  0.754
 Si  0.754  0.942  0.942
 Si  0.942  0.754  0.942
 Si  0.692  0.192  0.996
 Si  0.692  0.004  0.808
 Si  0.504  0.192  0.808
 Si  0.058  0.558  0.254
 Si  0.254  0.058  0.558
 Si  0.558  0.254  0.058
 Si  0.308  0.308  0.496
 Si  0.808  0.504  0.192
 Si  0.004  0.808  0.692
 Si  0.558

[Pw_forum] nstep parameter for geometry optimization

2013-12-09 Thread Jan Gryko


 I am trying to optimize geometry of a FCC crystal containing 36 atoms. 
 The optimization runs fine, but pw.x stops after 3 bfgs steps with a 
  The maximum number of steps has been reached

  End of BFGS Geometry Optimization

  I increased the n step parameter to nstep=1000, but no change.

 The total force is very small, Total force = 0.000178 (Ry/au),
 and the largest force acting on atom is approx. 0.29 (Ry/au).

 Does this mean that forces are too small and optimization must stop 
 at this point?

 Unfortunately, even with such small forces, a number of 
 vibrational frequencies calculated by the PHONON run is still negative.

 Any suggestions?

 Thank you very much,

[Pw_forum] linking quantum espresso with ACML library

2013-10-29 Thread Jan Gryko


 Several day ago I asked about linking Quantum Espresso with the ACML library.
 In fact this is very simple and all you need to do is to runs configure as:

  ./configure BLAS_LIBS="-L/opt/acml5.3.0/gfortran64_fma4/lib -lacml" \
  FFT_LIBS="-L/$HOME/FFTW3/lib -lfftw3  

  and other options, such as FC, CC, FCFLAGS.

 You do not need to add LAPACK_LIBS, as ACML will be used.
 BLAS_LIB_SWITCH and LAPACK_LIB_SWITCH will be set to external by the
 configure script.  

 Best regards,


[Pw_forum] linking quantum espresso with ACML library

2013-10-28 Thread Jan Gryko


 I would like to ask to clarify how to link Quantum Espresso with ACML library.
 I have no problem linking with fftw3, but when I try to link with the ACML,
 it cannot find all subroutines.  There several posts on ACML on the Forum,
 but I still cannot link it.  My PC is 8 core AMD 8350 Vishera with 32 GB 

 Thank you very much,
 Jan Gryko
 Jacksonville, AL

[Pw_forum] FX8350 and Quantum Espresso

2013-04-30 Thread Jan Gryko


 Does anyone have experience running QE on AMD FX 8350 or FX 8320 eight-core
 PC?  There are several posts on the Forum about Intel 7/AMD dating back
 to 2009, but I do not see anything about the PC using the newest FX AMD 
 Right now it is possible to build FX8350 (8core, 4 GHz, 16GB memory) for less 
than $700.00,
 or with 32 GB memory for additional $150.00.  

 If you use these processors, can you post info on the Forum? Thank you,

 Best regards,
 Jan Gryko
 Jacksonville State Univ.
 Jacksonville, AL

[Pw_forum] lnscf variable

2013-04-29 Thread Jan Gryko


 Here is an excerpt from the README file in 

   "...make a phonon calculation for X point (input=si.phX.in,
   output=si.phX.out). Note the option "lnscf=.true.": this instructs
   the code to perform a needed non-scf calculation first.
   Note that the q-point (the X point in this case) is read after
   the namelist inputph."

 However, the runexample file does not have the lnscf variable. It looks like 
 the scf data are used for the X point.  Any comments? 

 Best regards,
 Jan Gryko
 Jacksonville State Univ., Alabama


[Pw_forum] wyckoff position builder

2010-05-18 Thread Jan Gryko


 Excellent idea - it will be very nice if Espresso could read crystallographic
 files, such as .cif or .cel files.  Attached are several .cel files that are
 used by the PowderCell.  Download free PowderCell program and run it.  
 will read the attached files and display structures and X-ray powder spectra 
(to load
 the attached file, click File --> Load). To examine the input file, click 
 Structure --> Edit initial data.  You can see all generated positions by 
 Structure-->Info-->Generated positions. 

Jan Gryko 
Jacksonville State University 
232-C Martin Hall 
Jacksonville, Al 36265 
256-782-5336 fax 

- Original Message -
From: marsa...@democritos.it
To: "pw forum" , "pw users" 
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 11:35:11 AM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
Subject: [Pw_forum] wyckoff position builder

Dear all, we are testing a new atomic position builder (including 
Wyckoff groups), consistent with Quantum ESPRESSO. We would like to 
test it with some "realistic" systems that you have found during your 
research (in particular orthorhombic C, trigonal R and monoclinic C). 
We would need Wychoff group, atom types, multiplicity, wyckoff letter, 
cell parameters, etc ... and the corresponding file xyz.

Thank you very much for your contribution

Layla & Riccardo Sabatini

Dr. L. Martin-Samos
tel. +39 040 3787 429
International School for Advanced Studies (ISAS-SISSA)
via Beirut 2-4
34151 Trieste Italy

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

Pw_forum mailing list
Pw_forum at pwscf.org
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Name: AL2O3-HEX.cel
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Name: Na6Si34-166_2_from_227_2.cel

[Pw_forum] ABINIT-QE conversion

2010-05-05 Thread Jan Gryko

I am sorry, I did not attach abinit and QE files with my previous msg.  Here 
they are.  


 I am trying to convert ABINIT files into QE using QE-ABINIT Perl script.  
Attached are: Abinit input (Na6Si34.inp)
 and converted QE file Na6Si34.pw.in.  I had to modify Na6Si34.pw.in by adding 
Na and Si symbols, as the Perl 
 script  does not recognize atom types.  However, inspecting Na6Si34.pw.in with 
xcrysden file I see that
 atomic positions are incorrect.  
 Even correcting CELL_PARAMETERS (last line should be probably 0.5 0.5 0, 
instead of 0.5 0 0, am I
 correct?) results in an incorrect structure.  I also tried to directly specify 
trigonal lattice,
 ibrav = 5
 celldm(1) = 19.536 
 celldm(4) = 0.5  

 but the resulting atomic positions are also incorrect. The cell coordinates in 
the ABINIT file are 
 obtained using PowderCell free program, by transforming space group 
227,setting 1 into trigonal
 group 166, setting 2, i.e. transforming cubic a,b,c, axes into A=1/2(b+c), 
B=1/2(a+c) C=1/2(a+b) and
 shifting origin by (-1/8, -1/8, -1/8). 

 Reading INPUT_PW Doc file I see that trigonal axes used by QE are 
 v1 = a(tx,-ty,tz), v2 = a(0,2ty,tz), v3 = a(-tx,-ty,tz).   Shall I transform 
my coordinates into 
 the (v1, v2, v3) axes?

 Thank you for your advice,

Jan Gryko 
Jacksonville State University 
232-C Martin Hall 
Jacksonville, Al 36265 
256-782-5336 fax 
Pw_forum mailing list
Pw_forum at pwscf.org
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[Pw_forum] ABINIT-QE conversion

2010-05-05 Thread Jan Gryko


 I am trying to convert ABINIT files into QE using QE-ABINIT Perl script.  
Attached are: Abinit input (Na6Si34.inp)
 and converted QE file Na6Si34.pw.in.  I had to modify Na6Si34.pw.in by adding 
Na and Si symbols, as the Perl 
 script  does not recognize atom types.  However, inspecting Na6Si34.pw.in with 
xcrysden file I see that
 atomic positions are incorrect.  
 Even correcting CELL_PARAMETERS (last line should be probably 0.5 0.5 0, 
instead of 0.5 0 0, am I
 correct?) results in an incorrect structure.  I also tried to directly specify 
trigonal lattice,
 ibrav = 5
 celldm(1) = 19.536 
 celldm(4) = 0.5  

 but the resulting atomic positions are also incorrect. The cell coordinates in 
the ABINIT file are 
 obtained using PowderCell free program, by transforming space group 
227,setting 1 into trigonal
 group 166, setting 2, i.e. transforming cubic a,b,c, axes into A=1/2(b+c), 
B=1/2(a+c) C=1/2(a+b) and
 shifting origin by (-1/8, -1/8, -1/8). 

 Reading INPUT_PW Doc file I see that trigonal axes used by QE are 
 v1 = a(tx,-ty,tz), v2 = a(0,2ty,tz), v3 = a(-tx,-ty,tz).   Shall I transform 
my coordinates into 
 the (v1, v2, v3) axes?

 Thank you for your advice,

Jan Gryko 
Jacksonville State University 
232-C Martin Hall 
Jacksonville, Al 36265 
256-782-5336 fax