Dear Fariba,

espresso 3.2.3 is problematic with mkl 10.x series. Try searching the forums.
Try CVS version or the recommendations in the corresponding posts.

O. Baris Malcioglu
METU Physics
Ankara, Turkey

On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 2:54 PM,  <nazari at> wrote:
>   Dear All,
>   I wish to istall pwscf on new cor2-quad machine but I faced with the
>   following error.
>  ./configure F77=mpiifort F90=mpiifort CC=mpiicc MPIF90=mpiifort
>  LD=mpiifort VARIABLE=value LIBDIRS="-L/opt/intel/mkl/
>  -L/opt/intel/cc/10.1.012/lib -L/opt/intel/fc/10.1.012/lib
>  -L/opt/intel/mpi/3.1/lib"
>  /opt/intel/mkl/ undefined reference to
>  `mkl_serv_load_fun'
>  /opt/intel/mkl/ undefined reference to
>  `mkl_serv_load_dll'
>  make[1]: *** [pw.x] Error 1
>  make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/espresso-3.2.3/PW'
>  make: *** [pw] Error 2
>   I have searched on the mailing list and used the suggestion but it dosnot
>  work. Any suggestion?
>   Regards
>   Fariba Nazari
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