[Pw_forum] surface embedding method to simulate semi-infinite system

2012-03-01 Thread Peter Wang
Hi PW developers and users:

Recently I found the ?surface embedding method? propused by Inglesfield and 
Ishida is interesting and maybe powerful. In this method, surfaces are 
simulated by infinite system instead of slabs with finite number of layers. I 
found that this method seems to be implemented in LAPW basis. My question is 
has this method been implemented by PWSCF? Or is there any other free software 
implementing this method?

best wishes,
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[Pw_forum] about PWCOND

2012-02-23 Thread Peter Wang
Dear Alex:

Following the pwcond examples in QE-4.3.2, I calculated the complex bands for 
1D aluminum wire and I got the band.re and band.im output files. Because 
k_x,k_y = 0 is given in input file, so the first column in band.re is the real 
k_z. But for the first column in band.im, I cannot understand what is the 
meaning. Any clue?

best wishes,

From: Alex Smogunov 
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 9:45 PM
To: Yunpeng Wang 
Cc: Forum PWSCF ; alexander.smogunov at cea.fr 
Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] about PWCOND

Dear Yun-Peng.

Le 21 f?vrier 2012 14:46, Yunpeng Wang  a ?crit :

  PWscf authors and users: 

  I want to find answers to the following questions about PWCOND because I am 
new PWCOND user.

  1. Does nonequilibrium Greens function employed in PWCOND? 

PWCOND does not use NEGFs it calculates directly the scattering states 
in real space.
  Or, the effective potential in scattering region is self-consistently 
obtained or from 

  the effective potential from scattering region SCF calculation? 

It should be run after PW calculations, so it uses the SCF potential of the 
leads and the scattering region at equilibrium. It is therefore zero bias 
approach, no finite voltage is implemented yet.

best regards, 

  In my opinion, effective potential is not self-consistently obtained.
  2. Is PWCOND applicable to finite-voltage case? In my opinion, it can not.

  best wishes,

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  Pw_forum at pwscf.org

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[Pw_forum] query on fermi energy

2012-01-15 Thread Peter Wang
if we do a bulk calculation, vacuum energy level can not be calculated, 
because in bulk, there is no vacuum. To calculate vacuum energy level and 
the relative energies in bulk with respect to vacuum energy level, a slab 
calculation should be done. In a slab calculation, several layer of 
materials as well as a vacuum with sufficient thinkness should be included 
in one unit cell.


From: Ajit Vallabhaneni
Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2012 1:06 AM
To: PWSCF Forum
Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] query on fermi energy


 Thanks for your response. Is it possible to know what the vaccum 
energy level is ? I read in the FAQ that it cannot be calculated from the a 
bulk calculation alone.

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[Pw_forum] Ewald and Coulomb

2012-01-14 Thread Peter Wang
Let?s consider positive point charges q in one dimensional lattice, that is, at 
x=a*j, j=-infinity,...,-2,-1,0,1,2,...,+infinity. In order to calculate the 
electrostatic energy due to Coulomb interaction between the charge at x=0 and 
all the other charges, one should calculate the summation: 1/a * sum_j q^2/j. 
However, the summation is not converged and is positive infinite. In summary, 
electrostatic interaction energy for charged system is infinite and one needs 
some other technique to calculate it.


From: jiayudai 
Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2012 10:17 PM
To: pw_forum at pwscf.org 
Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] Ewald and Coulomb

Dear Yun-Peng,

Thanks for your explanation. In fact, what i mean is that how to treat the 
ion-ion interactions with some charges. For example, sometimes we want to take 
out one or more electrons out of the system, thus the tot_charge in the system 
is not zero. In an extreme case, all electrons are ionized and taken out, there 
are only positive ions in the system. In this case, the Ewald potential should 
not be right but the real Coulomb potential should be correct. Since Ewald 
scheme considers the screnning by the electrons. Thus, i want to use the exact 
1/r potential to represent the Ewald scheme. So, how can we reach this goal?

Best wishes.


what do you mean by "true Coulomb potential"? Based on density functional 
theory, adding an uniform potential to the system make no difference. In fact, 
the ion-ion interaction energy is an infinite value because of 1/r type of 
Coulomb potential. However, if an uniform charge density which makes total 
charge zero, hence uniform Coulomb potential is added to the system, the 
electrostatic energy as well as potential is finite, at the same time, physics 
keep unchanged.
best wishes,Yun-Peng

Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2012 21:49:59 +0800
From: daiji...@nudt.edu.cn
To: pw_forum at pwscf.org
Subject: [Pw_forum] Ewald and Coulomb

Dear users and developers,

Happy new year!

I have a confusion about the calculations of ion-ion interactions. We know, we 
usually use Ewald scheme to represent the real Coulomb potentials in a periodic 
cell. Generally, it is correct for a neutral system or one electron taken out 
(or into ) system. However, if the system is constructed with partially charged 
ions, that is to say, there are more positive charges than negative charges, 
the Ewald scheme should be not right. Although this system is not stable, but 
there should be some properties deserved to study.

So, how can we calculate the true Coulomb potentials in DFT? That is to say, we 
do not use Ewald, but only use th 1/r type. I know it can be realized in 
classical calculations, but i did not find the path to get it in QE.

Thanks a lot.


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[Pw_forum] query on fermi energy

2012-01-14 Thread Peter Wang
for the first question, there is no absolute Fermi energy. The only absolute 
energy is that substracting vacuum energy level from it.


From: Ajit Vallabhaneni
Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2012 3:32 PM
To: PWSCF Forum
Subject: [Pw_forum] query on fermi energy

Dear users,

  1.  I was wondering how to calculate the absolute value of fermi 
energy for graphene single layer. By varying the size of the super cell in 
the out of plane direction, i observed that the total energy is constant 
indicating no  interactions in the out of plane direction, but the fermi 
energy is varying with increasing distance. I think it is the relative fermi 
energy which is output after the scf calculation. I want to know the 
absolute value.

   2.  Another question i have is regarding the e-ph calculation. 
For a give set of q and k points, what is the best way to ensure that all 
k+q points are available to avoid the message " q is not a vector in the 
dense grid" in the calculations"? I observed that using a dense grid is not 
enough sometimes. Do we have to check it outside of the quantum espresso 
before the calculation begins?

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[Pw_forum] atom positions in terms of alat

2012-01-12 Thread Peter Wang
I am not sure I understand your question clearly. In relax calculation, lattice 
is not changed and positions of atoms also change unless you explicitly make 
them fixed.


From: Payam Norouzzadeh 
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 11:48 PM
To: pw_forum at pwscf.org 
Subject: [Pw_forum] atom positions in terms of alat

Dear Q.E users
I have a simple question: atom coordinates in terms of alat and after 
relaxation  should be the same for different lattice constants.
Regardless of the lattice constant the atom position for atom number 1 in a 
system should not change.
For example, for lattice constants 10 or 12 angstroms it should be 0. 0.5 
0.25.It must be scaled.Is that correct?
Best regards,Nima Pirouzmand

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[Pw_forum] RPA+EXX in PWscf

2012-01-12 Thread Peter Wang
thanks! once I have response, I will told you and all the members here.


From: Axel Kohlmeyer
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 10:44 PM
To: PWSCF Forum
Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] RPA+EXX in PWscf

2012/1/12 Peter Wang :
> Hi:
> I found RPA+EXX has been implemented in QE, see this paper: H. Nguyen, et
> al., Phys. Rev. B 79, 205114 (2009). However, I found nothing related to
> RPA+EXX in manual or examples. My question is, does the RPA+EXX
> implementation been released? Which version? Any manual? Any example?

you should direct this kind of questions first
to the (corresponding) author of the paper,
don't you think?


> best wishes,
> Yun-Peng
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
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Dr. Axel Kohlmeyer
akohlmey at gmail.com  http://goo.gl/1wk0

College of Science and Technology
Temple University, Philadelphia PA, USA.
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[Pw_forum] RPA+EXX in PWscf

2012-01-12 Thread Peter Wang

I found RPA+EXX has been implemented in QE, see this paper: H. Nguyen, et al., 
Phys. Rev. B 79, 205114 (2009). However, I found nothing related to RPA+EXX in 
manual or examples. My question is, does the RPA+EXX implementation been 
released? Which version? Any manual? Any example?

best wishes,
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[Pw_forum] k-point

2012-01-10 Thread Peter Wang
k-points are used for integration over BZ which is described in any DFT book.


From: Rahen Badsha 
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 1:55 AM
To: pw_forum at pwscf.org 
Cc: pw_forum at pwscf.org 
Subject: [Pw_forum] k-point

Dear All,
I am a new user of QE. I have a question.

What is meant by k-points in pwscf?

Md. Rahen Badsha (Raihan)

A Post Graguate Thesis Student of Rajshahi University, Bangladesh.

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[Pw_forum] query on k-points with MP

2012-01-10 Thread Peter Wang
You can give k-points in input file explicitly, that is, you write them one 
by one. I think this may work.


From: Ajit Vallabhaneni
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 7:38 AM
To: PWSCF Forum
Subject: [Pw_forum] query on k-points with MP

Dear users,

   I am doing some scf calculations with K-points specified by the 
Monkhorst-Pack grid scheme. In the output file,  only the k-points in the 
IBZ are shown. Is there any way i can see all the K-points in the entire BZ? 
I just want to make sure certain K points are included.

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[Pw_forum] hybrid functional error

2011-12-18 Thread Peter Wang
I am sorry I can not get you. Do you recommand me to use PBE0 instead of 


From: hannu.ko...@epfl.ch
Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2011 10:51 PM
To: pw_forum at pwscf.org
Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] hybrid functional error

Since n is always 1, and by quickly looking at the code it should be
that x>=0. Furthermore, x should be zero only if the density gradient
is zero and the screening parameter is set to zero (=screening length
infinity = PBE0). If you have done so, then you can fix the problem by
either using PBE0 or using a very small parameter value (btw., these
two approaches give slightly different results, although they should
give the same). If you haven't done so, then... ?

Hannu-Pekka Komsa
University of Helsinki

>> from expint : error # 1
>> bad arguments
>> Where is the problem?
> it is where the error message says it is: in "expint" (flib/expint.f90).
> If you go inside the file, you will see that this error arises when
>* n < 0 , or
>* n=0,1 and x<=0, or
>* n>1 and x<0
> The second case is the relevant one, I guess,
> Please specify which version of QE you are using: there have been
> several minor changes to the HSE routines since the first release.

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[Pw_forum] hybrid functional error

2011-12-17 Thread Peter Wang
Hi PG:

I am using QE version 4.3.2 and my system is spin-polarized.


From: Paolo Giannozzi
Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2011 7:42 PM
To: PWSCF Forum
Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] hybrid functional error

On Dec 17, 2011, at 12:40 , Paolo Giannozzi wrote:

> Please specify which version of QE you are using: there have been
> several minor changes to the HSE routines since the first release.

and also please specify if your calculation is spin-polarized or not.

Paolo Giannozzi, Dept of Chemistry&Physics&Environment,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222

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