[QE-users] mechanical stability under pressure from phonons

2021-01-12 Thread Uri Argaman
Thank you very much for your answer Prof. Marzari

However, I still do not understand something. Elastic constants are
equivalent to phonons in the long-wavelength limit. Thus, if the stability
condition using elastic constants have explicitly the pressure, also the
stability condition using phonons should have  explicitly the pressure. Is
the pressure cancelled out in some way?
I do not understand it from Grimvall and I do not find any citation on this

Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (www.max-centre.eu)
users mailing list users@lists.quantum-espresso.org

[QE-users] mechanical stability under pressure from phonons

2021-01-11 Thread Uri Argaman
Hi all
In the literature the mechanical stability condition using elastic
constants includes explicitly the pressure:
In cubic symmetry, for example:
C11 + 2*C12 +P>0;
C44 +P>0;
C11 + C12 + 2*P>0;
from: Grimvall et al. REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS, VOLUME 84,  2012
In this paper, they write: " There seems to be no rigorous discussion of
this point in papers that have presented ab initio calculations of phonon
dispersion curves under pressure,..."
The stability condition from phonons: omega>0 for all modes. It seems that
it is not equivalent, because the phonon condition is at constant volume.
Is it known what is the condition at constant pressure?
Than you very much
Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (www.max-centre.eu)
users mailing list users@lists.quantum-espresso.org

[QE-users] Quantum Espresso on Amazon Web Services

2018-09-05 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users and devalopers
I'm running QE on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and I see that the run times
are very bad compared to other systems that I use and I also encountered
crashes which I cannot understand the reason for them. Does anyone work on
AWS and know something about the performance and special compilation issues?
Thank you
Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
users mailing list

[Pw_forum] Highest occupied level is higher than the lowest unoccupied level and the band-gap problem

2017-12-11 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users and developers,
I calculate the energy using pw.x of GeTe in non-equilibrium positions and
unit-cell. I get the following results:

"highest occupied, lowest unoccupied level (ev): 8.72567.626."

I know that the material is a metal or semi-metal. The same thing happens
with bismuth (in A7 structure) which is a semi-metal. I understand that
this kind of calculations should be done with smearing and I read in
previous messages by Paolo that it is known to happen in semi-metals and
relates to the band-gap problem. I know the band-gap problem in DFT but I
do not understand why a level which is lower in energy than the highest
occupied level will not be occupied, and instead a higher level is
occupied. I would expect that the calculation will not converge but I do
not understand why it converges to the wrong state.
Is it similar to the Janak theorem and fractional occupation in the Fe

The relevant levels for GeTe are:
  k = 0. 0.-0.8124 (  1520 PWs)   bands (ev):

   -17.0056 -17.0056 -16.9992 -16.9979 -16.9979  -3.7630  -1.5570   7.1574
 7.1574   8.7256   8.7360   8.7360   9.2246  16.8372  16.8922  17.9505
17.9505  18.5818  18.5818  23.8031

 occupation numbers
 1.   1.   1.   1.   1.   1.   1.   1.
 1.   1.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.
 0.   0.   0.   0.

 k = 0.1861-0.8594-0.2708 (  1512 PWs)   bands (ev):

   -17.0067 -17.0055 -16.9990 -16.9971 -16.9963  -3.3095  -1.0166   5.5826
 5.8078   6.6930   7.6261   9.8147   9.9726  16.4111  16.5968  17.8171
17.8592  21.5515  21.7205  23.8798

 occupation numbers
 1.   1.   1.   1.   1.   1.   1.   1.
 1.   1.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.
 0.   0.   0.   0.

Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] symmetry opertions

2017-11-09 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users and developers
What is the meaning of the f vector in the symmetry operations?
For example (from the PW output):

isym =  6 120 deg rotation - cart. axis [-1,1,1]
cryst.   s( 6) = ( 0  0 -1  )f =(  0.000 )
   (-1  0  0  )   (
0.500 )
   ( 0  1  0  )   (
0.500 )

 cart.s( 6) = (  0.000 -1.000  0.000 )f =(  0.000 )
(  0.000  0.000  1.000 )   (
0.500 )
( -1.000  0.000  0.000 )   (
0.500 )

Thank you very much
Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] LO-TO splitting in matdyn and dynmat

2017-09-29 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users and developers
I a little bit confused about the LO-TO splitting implementation.
As long as I understand, the LO-TO splitting in included in phonon
calculation on a grid using matdyn as in the GRID_example in the phonon
code (espresso version 5.4.0).
But I see that a q direction also can be specified using dynmat but I do
not found an example and when I try to use this option I get a very strange
output that seems like a bug, shown below.
Thank you very much
Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University

 Program DYNMAT v.5.4.0 starts on 29Sep2017 at 11:25: 9

 This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
 for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
 "P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);
  URL http://www.quantum-espresso.org";,
 in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details

 Parallel version (MPI), running on 1 processors

 Reading Dynamical Matrix from file SnS.dyn
 ...Force constants read
 ...epsilon and Z* read
 ...Raman cross sections read
 Acoustic Sum Rule: || Z*(ASR) - Z*(orig)|| =8.750696E-03
 Acoustic Sum Rule: ||dyn(ASR) - dyn(orig)||=1.408996E-04

 Polarizability (A^3 units)
 multiply by 0.177561 for Clausius-Mossotti correction
   208.514499   -0.0014310.000687
-0.001431  250.432087   -0.000245
 0.000687   -0.000245  222.813312

 IR activities are in (D/A)^2/amu units
 Raman activities are in A^4/amu units
 multiply Raman by 0.031528 for Clausius-Mossotti correction

# mode   [cm-1][THz]  IR  Raman   depol.fact
1 -0.00   -0.0. 0.0.6282
2 -0.00   -0.0. 0.0.6732
3  0.000.0. 0.0.6056
4 30.900.92640.   166.30860.5986
5 33.681.00960.   180.04200.7500
6 37.241.11630.67.26290.7500
7 55.371.65990. 0.0.7066
8 59.541.78500.   391.98870.7500
9 67.972.03770.1981 0.0.6952
   10 78.842.36360.16.02300.7495
   11 80.232.40520.  2364.69610.6050
   12 91.512.74340.7427 0.0.4744
   13130.393.9089   54.0059 0.0.3529
   14142.084.25950.  6899.51330.7500
   15174.855.24190. 27086.71900.0153
   16174.955.24490.0001 0.0.0155
   17183.415.49830. 0.09050.6085
   18187.945.6343   33.8187 0.0.0112
   19195.105.84892.5529 0.0.7332
   20198.895.96277.5259 0.0.0694
   21200.095.99860.  7744.85590.0453
   22204.426.12850.   466.84060.7492
   23242.247.2621   36.7227 0.0.1018
   24265.707.96550.   161.91040.7500

 DYNMAT   : 0.02s CPU 0.04s WALL

   This run was terminated on:  11:25: 9  29Sep2017

2503   0.00 0.000279   0.00   )
 (  0.000762   0.00-0.16   0.00 0.000363   0.00   )
 (  0.000352   0.00-0.372372   0.00 0.000355   0.00   )
 ( -0.000591   0.00 0.372503   0.00-0.000279   0.00   )
 ( -0.000352   0.00 0.372372   0.00-0.000355   0.00   )
 (  0.000161   0.00-0.333886   0.00 0.000141   0.00   )
 ( -0.000762   0.00 0.16   0.00-0.000363   0.00   )
 ( -0.000161   0.00 0.333886   0.00-0.000141   0.00   )
 freq (6) =   1.116310 [THz] =  37.236100 [cm-1]
 (  0.363523   0.00 0.000296   0.00 0.031110   0.00   )
 (  0.342584   0.00 0.000689   0.00 0.001621   0.00   )
 (  0.362422   0.00 0.000659   0.00-0.026327   0.00   )
 ( -0.363523   0.00-0.000296   0.00-0.031110   0.00   )
 ( -0.362422   0.00-0.000659   0.00 0.026327   0.00   )
 (  0.342738   0.00 0.000108   0.00 0.002015   0.00   )
 ( -0.342584   0.00-0.000689   0.00-0.001621   0.00   )
 ( -0.342738   0.00-0.000108   0.00-0.002015   0.00   )
 freq (7) =   1.659934 [THz] =  55.369437 [cm-1]
 ( -0.000121   0.00 0.467450   0.00-0.62   0.00   )
 ( -0.000248   0.00-0.177691   0.00 0.000166   0.00   )
 (  0.000107   0.00-0.467376   0.00 0.37 

[Pw_forum] Problem with BURAI1.3 on windows

2017-09-05 Thread Uri Argaman
I download BURAI1.3  for windows from:
and instal Java: Version 8 from:

The graphics do not work.

I also want to ask if there is a version for Linux?

Thank you
Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] symmetry notation in phonon calculations

2017-08-01 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users and developers
When I do a phonon calculations I see symmetry notations like this:

Representation 1  1 modes -A_1  D_1  S_1  To be done

What is the meaning of: A_1,D_1 and  S_1 ?

Thank you very much
Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] Nose-Hoover thermostat in MD in pw.x

2017-07-23 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users and developers
I run MD simulations using pw.x and the Andersen thermostat.
I want to use the Nose-Hoover thermostat but noticed it only exists in
Is there a way to incorporate a Nose-Hoover thermostat in pw.x?

Thank you very much
Uri Argman
Ben-Gurion University
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] Raman intensity and problem in example 15 in the phonon examples

2017-04-03 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users and developers
I try to obtain Raman intensity using ph.x and dynmat.x. I run example 15
in the phonon examples (espresso 5.4.0) and I get only IR intensity. The
plot of gnuplot give the Raman intensity but it is just the frequency in
Thz and not really the intensity:

plot 'plotdata_zno.dat' u (\$2):(\$3) title ' ZnO-RAMAN' w i lw 2

the file 'plotdata_zno.dat' contain:
   1 -0.00   -0.0.
2 -0.00   -0.0.
3 -0.00   -0.0.
4  0.000.0.
5  0.000.0.
6  0.000.0.
7 50.571.51610.
   12337.61   10.12120.
(\$2):(\$3) This is the frequency in cm^-1 vs the frequency in THz. I do
not understand where is the real intensity.
After that I try to calculate the intensity with the following input:
For ph.x:
phonon  for NaCl
0 0 0

For dynmat.x:
 &input fildyn='NaCl.dyn', asr='simple'/

With norm-conserving PP and LDA. I still do not obtain the intensity for
Raman in the file NaCl.dm.out, only IR:

 Reading Dynamical Matrix from file NaCl.dyn
 ...Force constants read
 ...epsilon and Z* read
 ...Raman cross sections read
 A direction for q was not specified:TO-LO splitting will be absent

 Polarizability (A^3 units)
 multiply by 0.655304 for Clausius-Mossotti correction

 IR activities are in (D/A)^2/amu units

# mode   [cm-1][THz]  IR
1  0.000.0.
2  0.000.0.
3  0.000.0.

Electronic dielectric permittivity tensor (F/m units)

 ... with zone-center polar mode contributions
 0.00    5.4339260.00

What did I do wrong?

Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] compilation problem with intel parallel studio 2017

2016-12-16 Thread Uri Argaman
I compile QE with:
./configure compiler=intel MPIF90=mpiifort FC=ifort F77=ifort F90=ifort
CXX=icpc CC=icc MKLROOT=/opt/intel/mkl LIBDIR=/opt/intel/mkl/
and it still do not find MKL libraries:

checking for dummy main to link with Fortran 77 libraries... none
checking for Fortran 77 name-mangling scheme... lower case, underscore, no
extra underscore
checking for library containing dgemm... no
MKL not found
in /opt/intel/composer*/mkl/lib/intel64: checking for library containing
dgemm... no
MKL not found
in /opt/intel/Compiler/*/*/mkl/lib/em64t: checking for library containing
dgemm... no
MKL not found
in /opt/intel/mkl/*/lib/em64t: checking for library containing dgemm... no
MKL not found
in /opt/intel/mkl*/lib/em64t: checking for library containing dgemm... no
MKL not found
in /opt/intel/mkl/lib: checking for library containing dgemm... no
MKL not found
in /opt/intel/impi/2017.1.132/intel64/lib: checking for library containing
dgemm... no
MKL not found
in /opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64: checking for library containing dgemm...
setting BLAS_LIBS... -L/opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64 -lmkl_intel_lp64
-lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core
checking for library containing dspev... none required
checking FFT... in /opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64: checking for
DftiComputeForward in -lmkl_intel_lp64... yes
checking /opt/intel/mkl/include/mkl_dfti.f90 usability... no
checking /opt/intel/mkl/include/mkl_dfti.f90 presence... yes
configure: WARNING: /opt/intel/mkl/include/mkl_dfti.f90: present but cannot
be compiled
configure: WARNING: /opt/intel/mkl/include/mkl_dfti.f90: check for
missing prerequisite headers?
configure: WARNING: /opt/intel/mkl/include/mkl_dfti.f90: see the Autoconf
configure: WARNING: /opt/intel/mkl/include/mkl_dfti.f90: section
"Present But Cannot Be Compiled"
configure: WARNING: /opt/intel/mkl/include/mkl_dfti.f90: proceeding with
the preprocessor's result
configure: WARNING: /opt/intel/mkl/include/mkl_dfti.f90: in the future, the
compiler will take precedence
checking for /opt/intel/mkl/include/mkl_dfti.f90... yes

checking MASS...
checking for library containing mpi_init... none required
checking for library containing pdgemr2d... no
checking for library containing pdgemr2d... no
checking for library containing pdgemr2d... no
checking for library containing pdgemr2d... no
checking for library containing pdgemr2d... no
checking for library containing pdgemr2d... no

How to solve it?

Thank you very much
Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] ASR in an unstable structure

2016-12-11 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users and developers
I run a phonon calculation in SnSe (Roch-salt structure) and I get the
frequencies in the Gamma point (dyn1 file):
 q = (0.0   0.0   0.0 )
 freq (1) =  -0.947936 [THz] = -31.619734 [cm-1]
 (  0.463998  0.00 -0.152295  0.00 -0.248340  0.00 )
 ( -0.708498  0.00  0.232546  0.00  0.379201  0.00 )
 freq (2) =  -0.947936 [THz] = -31.619734 [cm-1]
 ( -0.267553  0.00 -0.407542  0.00 -0.249970  0.00 )
 (  0.408539  0.00  0.622293  0.00  0.381690  0.00 )
 freq (3) =  -0.947936 [THz] = -31.619734 [cm-1]
 (  0.115246  0.00 -0.332981  0.00  0.419526  0.00 )
 ( -0.175974  0.00  0.508442  0.00 -0.640593  0.00 )
 freq (4) =  -0.098311 [THz] =  -3.279313 [cm-1]
 ( -0.486385  0.00  0.205881  0.00  0.478423  0.00 )
 ( -0.478812  0.00  0.202675  0.00  0.470973  0.00 )
 freq (5) =  -0.098311 [THz] =  -3.279313 [cm-1]
 (  0.492088  0.00  0.396133  0.00  0.329809  0.00 )
 (  0.484426  0.00  0.389965  0.00  0.324673  0.00 )
 freq (6) =  -0.098311 [THz] =  -3.279313 [cm-1]
 (  0.170660  0.00 -0.555462  0.00  0.412533  0.00 )
 (  0.168003  0.00 -0.546813  0.00  0.406109  0.00 )
After I use q2r.x and plotphonon to plot the spectrum (using matdyn.x with
asr='crystal') I get the frequencies in the Gamma point: 0,0,0 (for
acoustic, which is good) and ~ -1 -1 3 THz for the optics ,which is
strange. From where the 3 THz frequency come from? Which frequencies are
more reliable, the original ones or those of matdyn?
I note that it is probably unstable structure but I still want to now what
are the unstable modes.

Thank you very much
Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
Pw_forum mailing list

Re: [Pw_forum] transverse acoustic, longitudinal acoustic, and out-of-plane transverse acoustic

2016-11-21 Thread Uri Argaman
> 1- Does the dimension of Supercell for phonon calculation determine

> by nq1, nq2,and nq3 in the phonon input file?

The parameters nq1, nq2,and nq3 is determine the Monkhorst-Pack grid for
the DFPT calculation (phonon calculation) that done in q-space (you
calculate the dynamical matrices explicitly and not the force constants).
In DFPT there is no supercell but the convergence with respect to q-points
is similar to the convergence with respect to the size of the supercell in
supercell approaches.

> 2- we know that the lowest three dispersion in the phonon spectra

> show the three acoustic branches, but how can I find which one is

> for TA, LA, and ZA?

Phonons do not have just transverse or longitudinal polarization. There are
phonons with polarization that is neither transverse nor longitudinal
(although transverse and longitudinal polarizations are off-course
possible). The most general polarization is elliptical. In general, the
polarization vector is complex and you can know it from the calculation
(after diagonalization of the dynamical matrices). You have this
information in the dynamical matrices files which is output of the phonon
calculation and also you have it in the output of matdyn.x in the file

We recently publish a work in which we analyze the polarization of a
complex acoustic phonon in the corner of a hexagonal Brillouin zone:


You can maybe find it interesting.

Uri Argaman

Ben-Gurion University

Pw_forum mailing list

Re: [Pw_forum] charge density

2016-11-20 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear Alexandra Davila

I also publish a message about this subject a few days ago. I also think it
something with the pseudopotential but I check it also for norm-conserving
pseudopotential and I have the same problem. In your message you write:

"From each file I obtain different values 6.79 and 7.42 respectively." What
are exactly these values? These values are the same of all the values of
the charge differences which should be zero? Do you use plot_num=9?

I note that I am not a developer but I am using QE for a long time.

Uri Argaman

Ben-Gurion University

Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] problem with pp.x in the calculation of delta rho (plot_num=9)

2016-11-14 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE experts
As I already mentioned in previous messages, I notice to a problem in the
calculation of delta rho. I convinced that it is not an issue of numerical
When I perform a calculation of delta rho with norm-conserving
pseudopotential in NaCl I get that the sum of delta rho in the xsf file is:
202.356763363 while the sum of the absolute value is: 786.819282749. It is
not seems like a numerical noise. I also check that it is in the order of
10% from the density.
When I perform the same calculation with ultrasoft pseudopotential I get
that the sum of delta rho in the xsf file is: -4.988217364  while the sum
of the absolute value is: 102.279406346.
I also notice that the number of points in the grid is different with the
different pseudopotential even though the parameters:
 e1(1) =1.0, e1(2)=0.0, e1(3) = 0.0,
 e2(1) =0.0, e2(2)=1.0, e2(3) = 0.0,
 e3(1) =0.0, e3(2)=0.0, e3(3) = 1.0,
 nx=50, ny=50, nz=50
are the same. I try to run this code with zero density to see what is the
atomic densities but I do not succeed to understand how to this. I also
have this problem in other materials with other pseudopotential. It is
possible that some pseudopotential do not fit to the calculation of delta
rho (plot_num=9)?
The input files are (for norm converving):
pw input:
pseudo_dir  = '/home/uriargaman/espresso-5.4.0/pseudo',
outdir  = '/home/uriargaman/tmp15711/',
tstress = .true.,
tprnfor = .true.,
ibrav =2, celldm(1) =10.7789934208, nat= 2, ntyp= 2,
ecutwfc = 80
conv_thr = 1.0e-8
mixing_beta = 0.7
ion_dynamics= 'bfgs'
cell_dynamics= 'bfgs'
 Na 22.9898  Na.blyp-sp-hgh.UPF
 Cl 35.453   Cl.blyp-hgh.UPF
Na   0 0 0
Cl0.5 0.5 0.5
K_POINTS (automatic)
 32 32 32 0 0 0

pp input:
prefix  = 'NaCl'
outdir = '/home/uriargaman/tmp15711/'
filplot = 'delta_charge'
plot_num= 9
nfile = 1
filepp(1) = 'delta_charge'
weight(1) = 1.0
iflag = 3
output_format = 5
fileout = 'delta_rho.xsf'
    e1(1) =1.0, e1(2)=0.0, e1(3) = 0.0,
e2(1) =0.0, e2(2)=1.0, e2(3) = 0.0,
e3(1) =0.0, e3(2)=0.0, e3(3) = 1.0,
nx=50, ny=50, nz=50

Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] problem in post-processing: charge density minus superposition of atomic densities

2016-11-02 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE experts
I do a PP calculation to get the charge density minus superposition of
atomic densities with the following input:
prefix  = 'ti'
outdir = '/home/uriargaman/tmp8086/TMP_PLOTDELTARHO/'
filplot = 'ti_delta_charge'
plot_num= 9
nfile = 1
filepp(1) = 'ti_delta_charge'
weight(1) = 1.0
iflag = 3
output_format = 5
fileout = 'ti.delta_rho.xsf'
e1(1) =1.0, e1(2)=0.0, e1(3) = 0.0,
e2(1) =0.0, e2(2)=1.0, e2(3) = 0.0,
e3(1) =0.0, e3(2)=0.0, e3(3) = 1.0,
nx=50, ny=50, nz=50
The most negative value is: -0.008 and the most positive value is: 0.05. In
addition, the positive values do not balanced with the negative values (the
integral over all space is positive). Why this integral do not vanish?
Thank you very much
Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] 2013 intel mkl library seems not to work with the 5.4 version of QE

2016-09-13 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users and developers

I think that the 5.4 version do not work with the intel 2013 mkl libraries
while the 5.3 version works with it. I compile the 5.3 version on our
cluster with 2013 intel libraries:

Package ID: l_mkl_11.1.2.144 l_ccompxe_2013_sp1.2.144
This package contains:
Intel(R) Math Kernel Library 11.1 Update 2 for Linux*

It is finished with no problems. When I compile with the exact same
configure the 5.4 version I get the following error:

fft_scalar.DFTI.f90(20): #error: can't find include file: mkl_dfti.f90
make[1]: *** [fft_scalar.o] Error 1

I note that this file exist in the /opt/intel directory as I write in the
configure:  LIBDIRS=/opt/intel. When I compile the 5.4 version on other
machine with newer version of mkl (2015):

Package ID: l_mkl_11.2.0.090 l_ccompxe_2015.0.090 l_fcompxe_2015.0.090
This package contains:
Intel(R) Math Kernel Library 11.2 for Linux*

It works. Because of what I write, I believe that there is a problem of the
5.4 version with the 2013 intel mkl.
I want to ask if there are any way to still working with the 2013 intel mkl
or I must upgrade it?

Thamk you very much
Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] problem with compilation the 5.4.0 version

2016-09-05 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users and developers
I compile the 5.4.0 version with the following configure:
configure LIBDIRS=/opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64
This is working for older versions. It is success. When I do make all I get:

Warning: Nonexistent include directory "/include"
In file included from fft_scalar.f90:27:0:
fft_scalar.DFTI.f90:20:0: fatal error: mkl_dfti.f90: No such file or

when I do the configure as:
./install/configure compiler=intel MPIF90=mpiifort FC=ifort F77=ifort
F90=ifort CXX=icpc CC=icc

I get the following error:

/tmp/ifortZkzTF9.i90(5014): catastrophic error: Too many errors, exiting
compilation aborted for fft_parallel.f90 (code 1)
make[1]: *** [fft_parallel.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/argaman/espresso-5.4.0/FFTXlib'
make: *** [libfft] Error 1

Thank you
Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] charge density vizualization using xcrysden

2016-08-21 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users and devalopers
I visualize charge density in three dimensions but I do not succeed to show
only a part of the unit cell using xcrysden (I do the calculation for large
unit cell). I can do that using xcrysden or I need other visualization
tool? In case it cannot be done using xcrysden, which visualization tool is
recommended for 3d charge density?
Thank you very much
Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] Acoustic phonon frequencies in Gamma

2016-05-04 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users and developers
How phonon calculations is done in the acoustic branches at the Gamma
point?  What is the perturbation?
I know that in ph.x this frequencies can sometimes differs from zero but
the displacements of the atoms is just rigid. I know that the deviation
from zero is a matter of convergence.
Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] how to obtain exchange energy and correlation energy separately?

2016-04-12 Thread Uri Argaman
I wish to separate the "xc contribution" at the scf.out file into "exchange
contribution" and "correlation contribution".
What are you recommend?
1. to use the subroutine exxenergy2 from exx.f90 and substract the results
from the "xc contribution"?
2. to do something similar to what is written in v_of_rho.f90 for each of
the contributions?
3. maybe something smarter?

I found similar question in the forum from 2014 with the answer that I have
to modify the code.
thanks in advance,

Uri Argaman
Materials engineering department
Ben-Gurion university
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] exchange-correlation and pseudopotential

2016-04-04 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users and developers

I want to do calculation with MGGA_MS functional for titanium. I do not
find pseudopotential with this XC (ultrasoft is preferred). How can I do
such calculation? Is the best way to use pslibrary? Is it reasonable to
work with different XC than used in the pseudopotential?

Thank you very much

Uri Argaman

Materials Engineering Department

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] Frozen phonon calculation using supercell in diamond structure

2016-01-12 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users and developers
I'm trying to understand the shape of the normal modes in the diamond
structure and to calculate the frequency in the X symmetry point using
supercell (in addition to the regular DFPT calculation of QE). The atoms in
the unit cell in diamond structure are in (0,0,0) and (0.25,0.25,0.25). The
wave-vector in X is (2 pi/a,0,0). Therefore, these two atoms have a phase
difference of pi/2. Because of that I do not understand how to calculate
the frequency using supercell because there are no times in which the
kinetic energy are zero. Do I need to calculate the kinetic energy in these
kind of modes? can I do it classically?
Thank you in advance
Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
Material Engineering Department
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] normal modes visualization

2015-09-20 Thread Uri Argaman
There is a way to visualize phonon normal modes with QE not in the Gamma
point (to produce files like dynmat.axsf for other points than Gamma)?
Thank you
Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] Bug in ph.x sometimes occur in hexagonal phases

2015-08-27 Thread Uri Argaman
Thank you Andrea
I think the phonon calculated with 13 dynamical matrices is wrong because
when I calculate the anisotropic coefficients of thermal expansion in
zirconium I do PW calculations as well as phonon calculations in several
lattice parameters. In some of them (not in all of them), QE calculate 13
dynamical matrices and in the other 12. When I use this data to calculate
the anisotropic coefficient of thermal expansion I got very strange results
that do not agree with some publications which also calculate it from DFT.
I do not know what is the problem. Maybe there is some problem in q2r.x.
Using nr1=30, nr2=30, nr3=48 indeed solve the problem. In addition,
different ecut and ecutrho also solve the problem.
I now calculate the coefficient of anisotropic thermal expansion in
zirconium again with ecut=50 and ecutrho=250. These calculations always
produce 12 dynamical matrices. These calculations takes a few days on my
machines. When I will get the results I will report if it makes any
Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] Bug in ph.x sometimes occur in hexagonal phases

2015-08-27 Thread Uri Argaman
Thank you Andrea

I change the atomic position to:
   Zr  0.660.330.25  0 0 0
   Zr  0.330.660.75

And it does not fix the problem. dyn0 still contain 13 dynamical matrices.

Uri Argaman

Ben-Gurion University

Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] Bug in ph.x sometimes occur in hexagonal phases

2015-08-26 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users and developers
When I do phonon calculations in hexagonal phases (titanium and zirconium)
in a 4X4X4 q-points grid, QE calculate 12 dynamical matrices. But, in a
specific geometries QE calculate 13 dynamical matrices, two of them are the
same. dyn0 in that case is:
   4   4   4
   0.000E+00   0.000E+00   0.000E+00
   0.000E+00   0.000E+00   0.156342786935722E+00
   0.000E+00   0.000E+00  -0.312685573871444E+00
   0.000E+00   0.288675134594792E+00   0.000E+00
   0.000E+00   0.288675134594792E+00   0.156342786935722E+00
   0.000E+00   0.288675134594792E+00  -0.312685573871444E+00
   0.000E+00   0.288675134594792E+00  -0.156342786935722E+00
   0.000E+00  -0.577350269189585E+00   0.000E+00
   0.000E+00  -0.577350269189585E+00   0.156342786935722E+00
   0.000E+00  -0.577350269189585E+00  -0.312685573871444E+00
   0.250E+00   0.433012701892189E+00   0.000E+00
   0.250E+00   0.433012701892189E+00   0.156342786935722E+00
   0.250E+00   0.433012701892189E+00  -0.312685573871444E+00

You can see that the 5'th and the 7'th dynamical matrix are the same. I
want to emphasize that this bug is only at a certain lattice parameter. For
example, this is the input files:
This is the SCF input:
pseudo_dir = '/home/argaman/espresso_intel/pseudo/',
tstress = .true. ,
tprnfor = .true. ,
ibrav=  4, celldm(1) =5.98584, celldm(3) =1.59905042567 , nat= 2, ntyp=
ecutwfc =45,ecutrho=225,
occupations='smearing', smearing="methfessel-paxton", degauss=0.01,
conv_thr =  1.0d-9,
mixing_beta = 0.7d0,

   Zr  91.224 zr_pbe_v1.uspp.F.UPF
   Zr  0  0
K_POINTS {automatic}
 18 18 18 0 0 0

This is the phonon input:
phonon  for Zr
  nq1=4, nq2=4, nq3=4

I got this bug on versions:
5.0.3, 5.1 and 5.2.0
Thank you
Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] using QE with extremely high pressures

2015-08-18 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users and developers
I just want to understand a point.
What one should consider in scf calculations (with QE) when going to
extremely high pressures except (obviously) of being sure to have an
adequate pseudopotential and reaching numerical convergence?

Uri Argaman
Material Engineering Department
Ben-Gurion University
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] PlotPhonon for FCC structure

2015-05-05 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE developers
This is the file Cubic_FCC in the Include directory in PlotPhon:
Face Centered Cubic
 1.00  0.00  0.00
 0.00  1.00  0.00
 0.00  0.00  1.00
# Cartesian
1   0.000  0.000  0.000   G
50  1.000  0.000  0.000   X
50  1.000  1.000  1.000   G
50  0.500  0.500  0.500   L
50  1.000  0.000  0.000   X
50  1.000  0.500  0.000   W
50  0.500  0.500  0.500   L

There is two different point called G (gamma). How it is possible that 1.000
1.000  1.000 is the gamma point?

Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] projected DOS

2015-03-18 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users and developers

I notice that there is no implementation for the tetrahedron method for
projected DOS. Is there any way to calculate projected DOS (calculated with
projwfc.x) to get comparable results with the total DOS (calculated with
dos.x with the tetrahedron method)?

Is it possible to extract the details of the DOS using the methods
implemented in QE like features of van Hove singularities?

In addition, is there any published works using projected DOS calculated
with QE?

Recently, new codes for DOS calculations published (optados.org). Is there
a significant difference compared with the tetrahedron method as
implemented in QE?

Thank you very much

Uri Argaman

Ben-Gurion University

Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] projected density of states

2015-03-10 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users and devalopers
In the website:
I see a very interesting comparison between Quantum Espresso, ABINIT and
GPAW. It can be seen that Quantum Espresso produced a very smooth projected
density of states. Why does it happens? and why there is a significant
difference between the different codes?
In addition, it is strang that quantum espresso produced not smooth total
DOS that have sharp picks
(like in this publication: http://iopscience.iop.org/2053-1591/2/1/016505/)
but the PDOS is smooth.
Thank you in advance
Uri Argaman
Materisl Engineering Depantment
Ben-Gurion University
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] S matrix not positive definite in Fermi surface calculation

2015-01-21 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users and developers

I do Fermi surface calculation and I got an error message:
"Error in routine cdiaghg (126):
  S matrix not positive definite"
I note that in some crystal geometries I got this message and in other
geometries I didn't got this error and the Fermi surface looks fine and

This is the input file:
tstress = .true. ,
tprnfor = .true. ,
ibrav=  4, celldm(1) =5.48090015121, celldm(3) =1.6120416161 , nat= 2,
ntyp= 1,
ecutwfc =50,ecutrho=500,
occupations='smearing', smearing="methfessel-paxton", degauss=0.01,
conv_thr =  1.0d-9,
mixing_beta = 0.7d0,

   Ti   47.9  Ti.bp-sp-van_ak.UPF
   Ti  0  0
   Ti  0.30.6    0.75000

What can be the problem and how can I solve it?

Thank you in advance
Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] "eigenvalues not converged" warnings appear in one compilation but does not appear in another

2015-01-12 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users and developers
I compile QE version 5.0.3 on cluster with Intel compilers and I got no
warnings in some PW calculation. When I run the same input in another
machine with another compilation I got the warning: "c_bands:  1
eigenvalues not converged" several times. I want to mention that this
warning did not appear in the last SCF cycle and there is no difference in
the energy. There is a very small difference in the stress. Do I have
something to worry about?

Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Pw_forum mailing list

Re: [Pw_forum] How to improve the precision of phonon calculation?

2015-01-10 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear Yu Hailin

In questions like this you should show the SCF input that you use. The
negative frequencies show that the crystal is unstable or your calculations
are not converged. It can be the numerical parameters of the SCF
calculation or the numerical parameters of the phonon calculation. As far
as I know, the only numerical parameter used in the phonon calculation is

If your calculation is converged than the negative (imaginary) frequencies
show that the structure is unstable. You must do relaxation (probably to
zero pressure) before the SCF to ensure that the structure is on the
minimum of the energy surface (at list local minimum).

Best regards

Uri Argaman

Ben-Gurion University

Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] accuracy of stress determination of vc-relax

2014-12-13 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear Prop. Giannozzi
Thank you very much for your answer.
There are two BFGS algorithms in the relaxation process: one for the
ions positions and one for the cell parameters. From the name of the
file "PW/src/move_ions.f90" I would guess that it is the BFGS
algorithm for the ions positions. For getting converged stress I
should check them both or it is enough to check just one of them?

Uri Argaman

Ben-Gurion University

Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] accuracy of stress determination of vc-relax

2014-12-10 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users and developers
I do vc-relax with BFGS algorithm as follows:

  calculation = "vc-relax",
  pseudo_dir  = '/home/uriargaman/espresso-5.0.3/pseudo/',
  outdir  = '/home/uriargaman/tmp/tmp28898/',
ibrav=  4, celldm(1) =5.548454954360, celldm(3) =1.581979631777413 ,
nat= 2, ntyp= 1,
ecutwfc =80, ecutrho=1200,
occupations='smearing', smearing="methfessel-paxton", degauss=0.01,
  conv_thr= 1.D-9,
  mixing_beta = 0.7D0,
  Ti   47.9  Ti.pbe-sp-van_ak.UPF
   Ti  0  0
K_POINTS {automatic}
 24 24 24 0 0 0

In the last iteration (after begin final coordinates) I got stress:
  total   stress  (Ry/bohr**3)   (kbar) P=
   0.0485  -0.  -0.  0.71 -0.00 -0.00
  -0.   0.0485   0. -0.00  0.71  0.00
  -0.   0.   0.0481 -0.00  0.00  0.71

and the stress in the iteration before (last iteration before begin final
  total   stress  (Ry/bohr**3)   (kbar) P=0.73
   0.0499  -0.   0.  0.73 -0.00  0.00
  -0.   0.0499   0. -0.00  0.73  0.00
   0.   0.   0.0495  0.00  0.00  0.73

I did'nt reach the pressure threshold although I have very good convergence
with respect to all numerical parameters. The threshold is achieved only
for hydrostatic condition but not for the value of the stress (P=0.73 kbar
instead of 0.6 kbar). Is the parameter "press_conv_thr" is just for the
hydrostatic condition and not for the absolute value of the stress? How can
I get more accurate stress?
Thank you very much
Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] QE-GPU compilation problems

2014-09-28 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear Filippo Spiga
Thank you very much for you response.
1. You write that there is no benefit in using GPU with small systems (less
than 40-50 atoms). What about phonon calculations?
2. We want to do a much more complicated calculation but we do not succeed
even with the very simple we write about before.
3. We try to work with a simple GPU for now, but we intend to work with a
better one, but we need to try it first.
4. What can we do to run a more complicated calculations on the present GPU?

Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University

Dear Uri,
> you are indeed right, the calculation is simple and it should work. There
> are many think that could have done wrong (e.g FFT grid or the multi-plan
> CUFFT driver that has not enough space on the card to initialize the FFT
> plan). However your case is so simple that adding GPU will not bring you
> any benefit. The QE-GPU is designed and has born to accelerate
> time-to-solution for mid/large systems. If you have less than 40~50 atoms
> (unless your case is particularly computational expensive) then QE-GPU will
> not bring you any benefit.
> Save you time, keep using the normal QE that works great.
> Cheers,
> F
-- next part --
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[Pw_forum] QE-GPU compilation problems

2014-09-23 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear Ivan,

Thank you very much for your answer.

It's possible that this problem is due to memory issues, but I have GPU
with 1GB and from tests that I've done a simple PW calculation of one atom
per unit cell doesn't crash with K points:
2 2 2

but does crash with K points:
3 3 3

Both calculations are preformed with ecutwfc=10.

It doesn't seems reasonable that 1GB GPU couldn't handle such a simple

Thanks in advance,

*Uri Argaman
**Ben-Gurion University

Dear Uri,
> from the error message I believe the memory of your GPU is simply not
> capable enough to run such simulation.
> Indeed, it fails during an operation of allocation on the GPU memory.
> Kind Regards,
> Ivan
-- next part --
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[Pw_forum] QE-GPU compilation problems

2014-09-23 Thread Uri Argaman
Hi again Mr. Spiga, thanks for the reply.

I was able to compile with your help. What I did was:

1. configure the main QE 5.1 with --enable-openmp and --disable-parallel.
2. make all the QE 5.1
3. recompile BLAS with -fPIC
4. configure the GPU (from the git master branch) with --enable-openmp
--disable-parallel --enable-cuda --with-gpu-arch=sm_30
--with-cuda-dir=/usr/local/cuda-6.5 --with-phigemm --without-magma
5. and make -f Makefile.gpu all-gpu

When i try to run pw-gpu, ph-gpu or neb-gpu I get the following error:

[vloc_psi_k_cuda_v1.cu:171] Allocation of GPU resources for the plan
failed! Program exits...
Error condition encountered during test: exit status = 1

The cp-gpu is working. I checked during the run with nvidia-smi and it was
using the GPU. Also the samples which come with CUDA work.

Maybe you have an idea about this error.

Thanks in advance and have a nice holiday,

Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University

Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 23:49:23 +0800
> From: Filippo Spiga 
> Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] QE-GPU compilation problems
> To: PWSCF Forum 
> Message-ID: <4925EFBE-FF35-4671-9310-F74CABF15719 at gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> Dear Uri,
> On Sep 22, 2014, at 10:17 PM, Uri Argaman  wrote:
> > I tried recompiling BLAS with -fPIC and after that it seems to be able
> to compile pw-gpu, neb-gpu, cp-gpu, although it doesn't put pw.x, neb.x etc
> in the bin directory, but trying to compile ph-gpu gives the following
> error:
> Ok, that missing flag is a case the configure should handle. I will fix
> this. I have no machine with GCC 4.8, I have to upgrade one and do some
> testing.
> About "pw.x" or "neb.x", QE-GPU makefile does not create them. If you need
> the CPU-only executable first run the QE configure in a "standard way" then
> run the QE-GPU one. In this way you get both type of executable (but yes,
> you need to do twice the procedure).
> Speaking about ph-gpu.x, this is a problem that has been already fixed in
> the git master branch. Try to checkout the latest git version of QE-GPU or
> please wait me to finalize a new QE-GPU version. As this point, without
> pushing too much in release new functionalities, I can create just one new
> minor version with a few important bug fixes related to the configure and
> makefile.
> F
> --
> Mr. Filippo SPIGA, M.Sc.
> http://filippospiga.info ~ skype: filippo.spiga
> ?Nobody will drive us out of Cantor's paradise.? ~ David Hilbert
-- next part --
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[Pw_forum] QE-GPU compilation problems

2014-09-22 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear Mr. Spiga, thanks for the fast reply.

My gcc is 4.8.2 and the Quadro card is K600.

On a fresh new QE 5.1 with QE-GPU 14.06 using internal libraries without
MAGMA (--without-magma flag in configure) I get:

cc -O3 -fopenmp -fPIC -z muldefs -shared -o libphigemm.so.2.0
phigemm_auxiliary.o phigemm_env.o phigemm_dgemm.o phigemm_zgemm.o
phigemm_dgemm_specialK.o phigemm_zgemm_specialK.o phigemm_cgemm.o
phigemm_sgemm.o -L/usr/local/cuda-6.5/lib64 -lcublas  -lcufft -lcudart
-L/usr/local/cuda-6.5/lib64 -lcublas  -lcufft -lcudart
/usr/bin/ld: /home/iftahg/New-QE-GPU/espresso-5.1/BLAS/blas.a(sgemm.o):
relocation R_X86_64_32 against `.rodata' can not be used when making a
shared object; recompile with -fPIC
/home/iftahg/New-QE-GPU/espresso-5.1/BLAS/blas.a: error adding symbols: Bad
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[3]: *** [shared] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory
make[2]: *** [phigemm] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/iftahg/New-QE-GPU/espresso-5.1/phiGEMM'
make[1]: *** [libphiGEMM] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [libphiGEMM] Error 2

I tried recompiling BLAS with -fPIC and after that it seems to be able to
compile pw-gpu, neb-gpu, cp-gpu, although it doesn't put pw.x, neb.x etc in
the bin directory, but trying to compile ph-gpu gives the following error:

make[6]: Entering directory `/home/iftahg/New-QE-GPU/espresso-5.1/PW/src'
if test -n "" ; then \
( cd ../.. ; make  || exit 1 ) ; fi
gfortran -g -fopenmp -o pw.x \
   pwscf.o  libpw.a ../../Modules/libqemod.a ../../flib/ptools.a
../../flib/flib.a ../../clib/clib.a ../../iotk/src/libiotk.a
-L/usr/local/cuda-6.5/lib64 -lcublas  -lcufft -lcudart
libpw.a(addusdens.o): In function `addusdens_':
/home/iftahg/New-QE-GPU/espresso-5.1/PW/src/addusdens.f90:28: undefined
reference to `addusdens_g_gpu_'
libpw.a(newd.o): In function `__dfunct_MOD_newq':
/home/iftahg/New-QE-GPU/espresso-5.1/PW/src/newd.f90:33: undefined
reference to `newq_compute_gpu_'
/home/iftahg/New-QE-GPU/espresso-5.1/PW/src/newd.f90:33: undefined
reference to `newq_compute_gpu_'
libpw.a(vloc_psi.o): In function `vloc_psi_gamma_':
/home/iftahg/New-QE-GPU/espresso-5.1/PW/src/vloc_psi.f90:41: undefined
reference to `vloc_psi_gamma_gpu_'
libpw.a(vloc_psi.o): In function `vloc_psi_k_':
/home/iftahg/New-QE-GPU/espresso-5.1/PW/src/vloc_psi.f90:230: undefined
reference to `vloc_psi_k_gpu_'
../../Modules/libqemod.a(mp.o): In function `__mp_MOD_mp_end':
/home/iftahg/New-QE-GPU/espresso-5.1/Modules/mp.f90:213: undefined
reference to `closecudaenv_'
../../Modules/libqemod.a(mp.o): In function `__mp_MOD_mp_start':
/home/iftahg/New-QE-GPU/espresso-5.1/Modules/mp.f90:184: undefined
reference to `initcudaenv_'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[6]: *** [pw.x] Error 1
make[6]: Leaving directory `/home/iftahg/New-QE-GPU/espresso-5.1/PW/src'
make[5]: *** [pw] Error 1
make[5]: Leaving directory `/home/iftahg/New-QE-GPU/espresso-5.1/PW'
make[4]: *** [pw] Error 1
make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/iftahg/New-QE-GPU/espresso-5.1'
make[3]: *** [tldeps] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/iftahg/New-QE-GPU/espresso-5.1/PHonon/PH'
make[2]: *** [phonon] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/iftahg/New-QE-GPU/espresso-5.1/PHonon'
make[1]: *** [phonon] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/iftahg/New-QE-GPU/espresso-5.1/install'
make: *** [ph-gpu] Error 2

Which is similar to the error I got trying to compile with OpenBLAS (after
making the appropriate changes to the make.sys and the make_phiGEMM.inc

Thanks in advance,

Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
-- next part --
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[Pw_forum] QE-GPU compilation problems

2014-09-21 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users and developers,

I'm trying to compile GPU-accelerated Quantum Espresso and I'm running into
I'm using QE-GPU 14.03 and I have attempted to compile it with QE 5.1 and
QE 5.0.2.
My system specifications are: intel xeon CPU, nvidia quadro graphic card
with Compute Capability of 3.0, CUDA 6.5, Ubuntu 14.04 lts, OpenMPI 1.8.2,

If I understand correctly, there is no patch needed for the QE 5.1 version.
On the QE 5.0.2 I used the espresso-5.0.2_GPU-14.03.patch.
Since I don't have Intel's MKL, I started by trying to compile it with the
internal libraries:

cd GPU
./configure --enable-openmp --disable-parallel --enable-cuda
--with-gpu-arch=sm_30 --with-cuda-dir=/usr/local/cuda-6.5 --with-phigemm
cd ..
make -f Makefile.gpu pw-gpu

I got Consistent warnings about nonexistent quark include directory and the

gfortran -g -fopenmp -o pw-gpu.x \
 pwscf.o  ../../PW/src/libpw.a libpwgpu.a ../../Modules/libqemod.a
../Modules/libqemodgpu.a ../../flib/ptools.a ../../flib/flib.a
../../clib/clib.a ../../iotk/src/libiotk.a
-L/usr/local/cuda-6.5/lib64 -lcublas  -lcufft -lcudart
undefined reference to symbol '__cxa_pure_virtual@@CXXABI_1.3'
//usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6: error adding symbols: DSO
missing from command line
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [pw-gpu.x] Error 1

I tried adding -lstdc++ flag which resulted in many undefined reference

In function `magma_zgeqp3':
zgeqp3.cpp:(.text+0x33f): undefined reference to `cblas_dznrm2'
In function `magma_zlaqps':
zlaqps.cpp:(.text+0x207): undefined reference to `cblas_idamax'
zlaqps.cpp:(.text+0x97c): undefined reference to `cblas_dznrm2'
zlaqps.cpp:(.text+0xa15): undefined reference to `cblas_dznrm2'
In function `magma_zlatrd':
zlatrd.cpp:(.text+0x716): undefined reference to `cblas_zdotc_sub'
zlatrd.cpp:(.text+0xb25): undefined reference to `cblas_zdotc_sub'

I also tried to compile with OpenBLAS and with the most recent FFTW instead
of the internal libraries.

./configure --enable-openmp --disable-parallel --enable-cuda
--with-gpu-arch=sm_30 --with-cuda-dir=/usr/local/cuda-6.5 --with-phigemm
--with-magma FFT_LIBS=/usr/local/lib/libfftw3.a

and I got:

gfortran -O3 -g -fopenmp -x f95-cpp-input -fopenmp -D__GFORTRAN -D__STD_F95
-I/usr/local/cuda-6.5/include -I../../iotk/src -I../../PW/src
-I../../Modules -I../Modules -I.  -c newq_compute_gpu.f90
Warning: Nonexistent include directory

  USE mp_bands, ONLY : intra_bgrp_comm
Fatal Error: Can't open module file 'mp_bands.mod' for reading at (1): No
such file or directory
make[1]: *** [newq_compute_gpu.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/iftahg/QE-GPU_2/espresso-5.0.2/GPU/PW'

Does any of these errors ring a bell? Is it plausible that getting Intel's
MKL would solve my problems?

Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
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[Pw_forum] wrong total_weight in matdyn.x

2014-09-14 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users and devalopers
I do a phonon calculation of pure titanium in orthorhombic phase with 4
atoms in the unit cell:
ibrav=  8
Ti  -0.0   0.11000   0.250000   0   0
Ti  -0.00011  -0.103719384   0.74888
Ti   0.50007   0.610015023   0.25018
Ti   0.49990   0.396287113   0.74901

The calculation succeed when I run it with: ecut=50 and ecutrho=500 (I use
ultrasoft PP). When I increase the cutoff to ecut=50 and ecutrho=500 and
don't change anything else I got this error in the from matdyn:
 Error in routine frc_blk (1):
 wrong total_weight

Relaxation to 1000 kbar work good and the stress is:
  total   stress  (Ry/bohr**3)   (kbar)
P= 1000.04
   0.00679839   0.   0.   1000.08  0.00  0.00
   0.   0.00679814   0.  0.00   1000.04  0.00
   0.   0.   0.00679787  0.00  0.00   1000.00

What is the problem?

Thank you very much
Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion university
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[Pw_forum] PAW pseudopotentials

2014-07-29 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users and developers

Did anyone knows where I can find PAW pseudopotentials with GGA
for titanium?

Thank you in advance

Uri Argaman

Ben-Gurion University

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[Pw_forum] matdyn.modes

2014-07-17 Thread Uri Argaman
dear QE users and developers
I understand from previous messages that matdyn.modes contain the modes as
displacement of the atoms in the unit cell and I understand that there is a
real part and imaginary part but I don't understand what is the meaning of
the imaginary part of the displacement of the atoms. In addition, in
hexagonal lattice, the branches in the spectrum are represents transverse
and longitudinal modes, or it is mixed?
Thank you very much
Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel
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[Pw_forum] smearing contrib. (-TS)

2014-06-14 Thread Uri Argaman
After carful check of the input file, the Fermi-Dirac smearing generates
positive entropy. Sorry about the confusion.

Uri Argaman

Ben-Gurion University

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[Pw_forum] smearing contrib. (-TS)

2014-06-12 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users and developers
I am doing calculations with QE of omega phase of titanium (hexagonal phase
with 3 atoms per primitive unit cell). I am doing this calculations with
both Methfessel-Paxton and Fermi-Dirac smearing. In both calculations I
have got negative entropy (from PW output):
with Methfessel-Paxton Smearing:
 smearing contrib. (-TS)   =   0.7877 Ry
and with Fermi-Dirac smearing:
 smearing contrib. (-TS)   =   0.0254 Ry
why does it happen?

best regards
Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
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[Pw_forum] Density of States

2014-06-08 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users,

I do density of states calculations using QE and I try to calculate the
electronic heat capacity of metals with the electronic DOS:

1.What is the energy in the DOS file? Is it the eigenvalues? How can I
calculate the total energy or the one electron contribution from the DOS?
(I try to do the integral: DOS(E)*E*dE from  minus Infinity to E Fermi and
I think it should be equal to the one electron contribution, but it does

2.What do you know about the excited states? DFT is a good
approximation for excited states?

Thank you very much

Uri Argaman

Ben-Gurion University

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[Pw_forum] phonon parallelism

2014-04-16 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users
I'm doing a phonon calculation with 4 q-points in each direction in
hexagonal lattice. As a result, the program ph.x calculate 12 dynamical
matrices, each matrix have a different run time (most of the time there is
a dig difference). What is the best parallelization in cases like this?
Thank you
Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
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[Pw_forum] Gibbs Free energy

2014-04-05 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear Pratik,

Within the QHA you must do calculations in constant volume. Therefore, it
is straightforward to calculate the Helmholtz free energy.  To calculate
the Gibbs free energy you must know the pressure. To calculate the pressure
you must calculate several volumes. You can calculate the Helmholtz free
energy at several volumes in some temperature and use the fact that the
pressure is minus the partial derivative of the Helmholtz free energy with
respect to the volume (to do so, you can fit the Helmholtz free energy to
some analytical function, e.g. parabola of Birch-Murnaghan equation of

In addition, I want to mention a few things:

1.Recently, a bug in the QHA has been corrected in several structures.
It is corrected in the SVN version.

2.In this approach, you must work with hydrostatic pressure. To do so,
you need to do relaxation.

3.The pressure you see in the SCF output file is the pressure at zero
Kelvin without phonon zero point energy contribution. It is not the
pressure at non zero temperatures.

4.There is also a thermal electronic contribution to both Helmholtz
free energy and Gibbs free energy. In most cases, it is very small relative
to the phonon contribution, but you cannot know for sure until you
calculate it. To calculate it, you need to calculate the electron DOS with

I hope I helped.

Uri Argaman

Ben-Gurion University

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[Pw_forum] QHA: There is still a bug in the DOS calculation

2014-03-28 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear Paolo Giannozzi
I reported a bug in the QHA DOS calculation a few weeks ago in hexagonal
phases. The reason of this bug is that the ratio c/a in reciprocal lattice
is a/c. I see that you corrected this bug in the hexagonal case  but not in
other cases, for example ibrav=6 (tetragonal).
Thank you
Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
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[Pw_forum] Bug in the QHA code of hexagonal phases

2014-03-19 Thread Uri Argaman
In the QHA package in the QE 5.0.3 there is a bug in calculating the
q-points grid to the matdyn.x in the DOS calculation using tetra.x . The
ratio c/a reading from the .fc file suppose to be 1/(c/a).
To correct this bug you should change the line
 c2a=`echo "scale=8;$c2a1/2" | bc -l`
in the  [espresso directory]/QHA/Include/Tetrahedra
c2a=`echo "scale=8;1/$c2a1/2" | bc -l`

Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
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[Pw_forum] QHA for hexagonal phases

2014-03-17 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users
I want to calculate thermodynamic properties of hexagonal phases (not HCP,
c/a not equal to (8/3)^0.5) using QHA package of the QE. I need the
tetrahedra file for hexagonal Brave lattice with a arbitrary c/a. Where can
I found this file or where can I find instruction how to write these files.
Thank you
Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
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[Pw_forum] problem with relaxation and difference between SCF Fermi level and DOS Fermi level

2014-03-13 Thread Uri Argaman
Dear QE users
1. When I do vc-relax calculation to determine the pressure I get the
desired pressure but in the last iteration I get a large jump in the
pressure (after "begin final coordinate") sometimes in the order of 1000
kbar. Why is it happening and how can I fix it?
2. I notice that the Fermi level in the SCF file is not the same as the
Fermi level in the DOS file. Why is that?
Thank you very much

Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
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[Pw_forum] pseudopotential with PAW for titanium

2014-02-28 Thread Uri Argaman
Where I can found pseudopotential with PAW for titanium?
Thank you
Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
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[Pw_forum] QHA

2014-01-19 Thread Uri Argaman
Where can I found documentation or some instructions about QHA calculations
with QE, especially free energy calculations?

Thank you

Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
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[Pw_forum] phonon calculations of transition metals in hexagonal phases

2014-01-11 Thread Uri Argaman
does anyone knows a work on phonon calculations of  transition metals in
hexagonal phases with Quantum-Espresso?

Uri Argaman
Ben-Gurion University
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[Pw_forum] phonon calculations in titanium

2014-01-05 Thread Uri Argaman
I have done phonon calculation in Titanium in both Alpha (non-ideal HCP)
and Omega (hexagonal with 3 atoms per unit cell) phases after relaxation.
When I done the phonon calculation with 2 q-points in each direction
(Monkhorst-Pack) I have got a reasonable phonon spectrum with q2r.x and
PlotPhon, but when I have done a phonon calculation with 3 q-points or 4
q-points in each direction I have got very large negative frequencies. I am
working with degauss=0.01 Ry or degauss=0.005 Ry because this is the
smearing in which the energy converge to 10^(-5) Ry. The energy is converge
to 10^(-6) Ry in respect to all the numerical parameters
(ecutwfc,ecutrho,k-points). When I increase the smearing to degauss=0.2 Ry
I have got reasonable phonon spectrum with wiggling. From calculations I
have done in zero Kelvin (only SCF without phonons) I found the phase
transition in zero Kelvin in reasonable pressure only with degauss<0.01 Ry.
To sum up, the cold curve looks reasonable with degauss<0.01 Ry but the
phonon spectrum looks reasonable only with degauss approximately 0.2 Ry.
What is your recommendation?

In addition I would like to ask if the q2r.x and/or PlotPhon apply any ASR
and what is the difference from matdyn.x in the sence that plotphon does
not use *.freq but only *.fc file?

I can put homogenous grid in the input file of matdyn.x. Is it causes any
problems with hexagonal lattice?
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[Pw_forum] unstable bcc phase in titanium

2013-11-07 Thread Uri Argaman
Thank you
*Jiayi Yan.*

*Can I get somehow the code that works with QE?*
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[Pw_forum] unstable bcc phase in titanium

2013-10-31 Thread Uri Argaman
I do a phonon calculation for titanium (with the ph.x). For the beta phase
(bcc), I get negative frequencies in all pressures. It is known from the
literature that the beta phase in titanium is stable only in high
temperatures. What can I do to calculating the phonon spectrum in high
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[Pw_forum] negative frequencies....

2013-10-10 Thread Uri Argaman
I know this subject has already been discussed a lot here.
But I did not understand yet the hole meaning of the negative frequency.
1. unstable structure should lead to imaginary frequency not a negative one.
so how come it become negative in the phonon dispersion? is it related
to the square of it?
2. how can we distinguish between unstable structure and problems with an
convergence ones?
3. we have done a calculation of Ti hcp with q-point up to 2 2 2 and got no
negative frequencies
and good agreements with older published calculations. After change it
to 4 4 4 q-points grid
we got wiggles and negative frequencies.
4. Is there a simple way of being aware of Kohn anomalies or we must use
el-ph coupling for that?
thanks very much, Uri.
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[Pw_forum] Phonon calculation

2013-10-10 Thread Uri Argaman
Thank you for your reply.

>* It's worth to set nimage equal to the number of q-points *>* in the phonon 
>calculation? *
not necessarily so. Different wave-vectors may have different
workloads: not by order of magnitudes, but a low-symmetry
wave-vector may easily take 5 times more CPU than a high-symmetry

But still as far as I understand is there any cost of doing it?
Am I loosing somthing by puting nimage=number of q-points in the dyn0 file?
I understand that some of the parallel images will be finished before the other,
But there is nothing I can do to speed it even more.

>* In addition I want to ask how the complexity of the phonon calculation*>* 
>depends on the number of the k-points (in the PW calculation) *
roughly linearly, but the number of actual k-points in phonon
calculations depends upon the symmetry and the wave-vector

>* and how the number of k-points affects the accuracy of the phonon*>* 
>calculation. *
more or less (more rather than less) in the same way as it affects
the calculation of other structural properties; quantities related
to the electric field (effective charges and dielectric tensors)
tend to converge more slowly with the number of k-points


Paolo Giannozzi, Dept. Chemistry&Physics&Environment,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222

On 7 October 2013 09:48, Uri Argaman  wrote:

> It's worth to set nimage equal to the number of q-points in the phonon
> calculation? In addition I want to ask how the complexity of the phonon
> calculation depends on the number of the k-points (in the PW calculation)
> and how the number of k-points affects the accuracy of the phonon
> calculation.
> thank you
> Uri Argaman
> Ben-Gurion University, Israel
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[Pw_forum] Phonon calculation

2013-10-07 Thread Uri Argaman
It's worth to set nimage equal to the number of q-points in the phonon
calculation? In addition I want to ask how the complexity of the phonon
calculation depends on the number of the k-points (in the PW calculation)
and how the number of k-points affects the accuracy of the phonon

thank you

Uri Argaman

Ben-Gurion University, Israel
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