[Pw_forum] Error in nscf calculation

2015-12-28 Thread ben liew
Hi all,

I am doing dos calculation of pyrolusite MnO2. I have run relax calculation
and use the coordinate after the relax calculation in scf calculation. At
this stage, everything work normally. When I try to run nscf calculation,
the calculation stopped the following message come out:

' Check: negative/imaginary core charge=   -0.400.00 '

May I know what is wrong with my calculation. I hereby attach my scf.in
file and nscf.in file for everyone reference.

1. scf.in file

calculation = 'scf'
A=5.7126, B=6.2199, C=25.0
nat=36, ntyp=2,
  Mn 54.9380  Mn.pbe-spn-kjpaw_psl.0.3.1.UPF
  O  15.9994  O.pbe-kjpaw.UPF
O1.428129   3.109734   0.00
O1.428129   0.000241   0.652526
Mn   1.428129   3.109896   1.883398
O0.00   1.885646   1.883398
O0.00   4.334118   1.883398
Mn   0.00   0.62   1.883398
O0.00   5.014614   4.987475
O0.00   1.205401   4.987475
Mn   0.00   3.109816   4.987475
Mn   1.428129   0.27   4.987475
O1.428129   3.109734   3.767387
O1.428129   0.000241   3.114269
O1.428144   3.109942   6.277859
O1.428140   0.37   6.976687
Mn   1.428137   3.109956   8.263739
O   -0.08   1.837652   8.624445
O   -0.09   4.382261   8.624424
Mn  -0.05   0.05   8.125603
O4.284429   3.109734   0.00
O4.284429   0.000241   0.652526
Mn   4.284429   3.109896   1.883398
O2.856300   1.885646   1.883398
O2.856300   4.334118   1.883398
Mn   2.856300   0.62   1.883398
O2.856300   5.014614   4.987475
O2.856300   1.205401   4.987475
Mn   2.856300   3.109816   4.987475
Mn   4.284429   0.27   4.987475
O4.284429   3.109734   3.767387
O4.284429   0.000241   3.114269
O4.28   3.109942   6.277858
O4.284443   0.37   6.976682
Mn   4.284443   3.109956   8.263741
O2.856291   1.837649   8.62
O2.856292   4.382262   8.624424
Mn   2.856292   0.07   8.125603
K_POINTS (automatic)
  5 5 1 0 0 0

2. nscf.in file

calculation = 'nscf'
A=5.7126, B=6.2199, C=25.0
nat=36, ntyp=2,
  Mn 54.9380  Mn.pbe-spn-kjpaw_psl.0.3.1.UPF
  O  15.9994  O.pbe-kjpaw.UPF
O1.428129   3.109734   0.00
O1.428129   0.000241   0.652526
Mn   1.428129   3.109896   1.883398
O0.00   1.885646   1.883398
O0.00   4.334118   1.883398
Mn   0.00   0.62   1.883398
O0.00   5.014614   4.987475
O0.00   1.205401   4.987475
Mn   0.00   3.109816   4.987475
Mn   1.428129   0.27   4.987475
O1.428129   3.109734   3.767387
O1.428129   0.000241   3.114269
O1.428144   3.109942   6.283084
O1.428144   0.36   6.975221
Mn   1.428140   3.109954   8.255713
O   -0.08   1.836476   8.625906
O   -0.08   4.383439   8.625887
Mn  -0.04   0.09   8.129955
O4.284429   3.109734   0.00
O4.284429   0.000241   0.652526
Mn   4.284429   3.109896   1.883398
O2.856300   1.885646   1.883398
O2.856300   4.334118   1.883398
Mn   2.856300   0.62   1.883398
O2.856300   5.014614   4.987475
O2.856300   1.205401   4.987475
Mn   2.856300   3.109816   4.987475
Mn   4.284429   0.27   4.987475
O4.284429   3.109734   3.767387
O4.284429   0.000241   3.114269
O4.28   3.109942   6.283084
O4.28   0.36   6.975221
Mn   4.284440   3.109954   8.255713
O2.856292   1.836476   8.625906
O2.856292   4.383439   8.625887
Mn   2.856296   0.09   8.129955
K_POINTS (automatic)

Re: [Pw_forum] Convergence of relax of slab calculation

2015-08-06 Thread ben liew
Dear Ari Paavo Seitsonen,

Thanks for your advice. I will try your suggestion and see what will happen.

Best Regards,

*Ben Liew*
Ph.D Student
Fuel Cell Institute,
The National University of Malaysia,
43600 Bangi,
Selangor, Malaysia.
Contact no. : +6016 552 0878
Email   : liewkien...@gmail.com

On Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 1:28 AM, Mahya Zare  wrote:

> I want electronic and optical properties of cerium oxide do I check my
> inputs to check the correct sheet is Nano?
> On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 7:17 PM, Ari P Seitsonen 
> wrote:
>> Dear Ben Liew,
>>   If one is lucky, the system might converge to the right magnetic ground
>> state with a "random guess". Yet if the system has several local minima, or
>> the initial guess is very far from the true magnetic ordering, one might
>> get very bad initial densities (total and spin density, or spin-up and
>> spin-down densities), leading to difficulties in convergence and maybe even
>> divergence. Yet-another-issue might be bad description of the electronic
>> structure with the GGA's, I seem to remember that in the case of MnO2 the
>> GGA gives reasonable results, even if the electronic band gap is naturally
>> much too small (and using the smearing should help to get a convergence
>> anyway).
>>   I would myself start by trying a weakly ferromagnetic guess (for
>> example 'starting_magnetization(1) = 0.2' and seeing if something happens.
>> If it converges, or doesn't, I would then see if an anti-ferromagnetic
>> solution might also make sense (two types of Mn atoms in cell, etc).
>> Greetings,
>> -=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-
>>   Ari Paavo Seitsonen / ari.p.seitso...@iki.fi / http://www.iki.fi/~apsi/
>>   Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS), Département de Chimie, Paris
>>   Mobile (F) : +33 789 37 24 25(CH) : +41 79 71 90 935
>> On Wed, 5 Aug 2015, ben liew wrote:
>> Dear Bahadir,
>>> Thanks for your comments. I will try using a lower mixing_beta and change
>>> the mixing_mode='local-TF'.
>>> Dear Ari Paavo Seitsonen,
>>> Thanks. I have no knowledge on the magnetism of my system. How could I
>>> know
>>> what value of starting_magnetization that I should use in my slab
>>> calculation? Does the starting_magnetization affect the convergence of my
>>> calculation?
>>> Thank you
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Ben Liew
>>> Ph.D Student
>>> Fuel Cell Institute,
>>> The National University of Malaysia,
>>> 43600 Bangi,
>>> Selangor, Malaysia.
>>> Contact no. : +6016 552 0878
>>> Email   : liewkien...@gmail.com
>>> On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 5:20 PM, Bahadır salmankurt <
>>> bsalmank...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>   Dear Ari P Seitsonen,
>>> I didnt know that mixing_mode='local-TF' effect initial magnetic
>>> moments. thanks for this. By the way, Do you know about e field
>>> configuration? for example, for slab + molecule systems whose atomic
>>> positions are in 0.5 and 0.65 along z direction , respectively, what
>>> must values of the  emaxpos and eopreg be?
>>> Bests
>>> Bahadir
>>> 2015-08-05 10:59 GMT+03:00 Ari P Seitsonen :
>>>   Dear Ben Liew,
>>> Without looking at the structure itself, adding to the
>>>   previous comment about the algorithm for mixing, you have
>>>   not really given any initial magnetic moments even if you
>>>   have 'nspin = 2': The 'starting_magnetization(1) = 0.0'
>>>   does not give any preferential spin ordering. Do you know
>>>   something about this, is the system expected to be
>>>   ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic, ...?
>>> Tiny issues, I usually do the first calculation without
>>>   the surface dipole as it makes the convergence always a
>>>   bit trickier; and your
>>>   'B ~= 2 * A', but you give the same number of k points in
>>>   both directions. (I usually tend to use smearing schemes
>>>   where the occupations are guaranteed to be in the physical
>>>   range of [0:1], but this is just a personal preference and
>>>   should thus be ignored)
>>>   Greetings,

Re: [Pw_forum] Convergence of relax of slab calculation

2015-08-05 Thread ben liew
Dear Bahadir,

Thanks for your comments. I will try using a lower mixing_beta and change
the mixing_mode='local-TF'.

Dear Ari Paavo Seitsonen,

Thanks. I have no knowledge on the magnetism of my system. How could I know
what value of starting_magnetization that I should use in my slab
calculation? Does the starting_magnetization affect the convergence of my

Thank you

Best Regards,

*Ben Liew*
Ph.D Student
Fuel Cell Institute,
The National University of Malaysia,
43600 Bangi,
Selangor, Malaysia.
Contact no. : +6016 552 0878
Email   : liewkien...@gmail.com

On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 5:20 PM, Bahadır salmankurt 

> Dear Ari P Seitsonen,
> I didnt know that mixing_mode='local-TF' effect initial magnetic moments.
> thanks for this. By the way, Do you know about e field configuration? for
> example, for slab + molecule systems whose atomic positions are in 0.5 and
> 0.65 along z direction , respectively, what must values of the  emaxpos
> and eopreg be?
> Bests
> Bahadir
> 2015-08-05 10:59 GMT+03:00 Ari P Seitsonen :
>> Dear Ben Liew,
>>   Without looking at the structure itself, adding to the previous comment
>> about the algorithm for mixing, you have not really given any initial
>> magnetic moments even if you have 'nspin = 2': The
>> 'starting_magnetization(1) = 0.0' does not give any preferential spin
>> ordering. Do you know something about this, is the system expected to be
>> ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic, ...?
>>   Tiny issues, I usually do the first calculation without the surface
>> dipole as it makes the convergence always a bit trickier; and your
>> 'B ~= 2 * A', but you give the same number of k points in both
>> directions. (I usually tend to use smearing schemes where the occupations
>> are guaranteed to be in the physical range of [0:1], but this is just a
>> personal preference and should thus be ignored)
>> Greetings,
>> -=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-
>>   Ari Paavo Seitsonen / ari.p.seitso...@iki.fi / http://www.iki.fi/~apsi/
>>   Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS), Département de Chimie, Paris
>>   Mobile (F) : +33 789 37 24 25(CH) : +41 79 71 90 935
>> On Wed, 5 Aug 2015, ben liew wrote:
>> Dear PWSCF users,
>>> Hi, I am a new user of Pwscf. I am working on slab calculation for
>>> pyrolusite MnO2 (110) surface with 3 atomic layers calculation and fixed
>>> bottom 2 layers and only top atomic
>>> layer is allowed to be relaxed. I have also include the dipole
>>> correction for the calculation to counteract with the interaction between
>>> slabs. However, my calculation doesn't
>>> seems to be converged as the scf accuracy is not decreasing over each
>>> iteration. Below is the estimated scf accuracy after hundreds of
>>> iterations, it is not converging
>>>  estimated scf accuracy< 373.64728976 Ry
>>>  estimated scf accuracy< 106.52177156 Ry
>>>  estimated scf accuracy<  96.97567125 Ry
>>>  estimated scf accuracy< 207.03807187 Ry
>>>  estimated scf accuracy< 132.53045831 Ry
>>>  estimated scf accuracy<  77.19101827 Ry
>>>  estimated scf accuracy< 112.41885075 Ry
>>>  estimated scf accuracy<  93.27430429 Ry
>>>  estimated scf accuracy< 116.68049786 Ry
>>>  estimated scf accuracy< 587.09711027 Ry
>>>  estimated scf accuracy< 374.45312501 Ry
>>>  estimated scf accuracy< 106.89811469 Ry
>>>  estimated scf accuracy<  96.8489 Ry
>>>  estimated scf accuracy< 207.83006869 Ry
>>>  estimated scf accuracy< 132.74588293 Ry
>>>  estimated scf accuracy<  77.09445200 Ry
>>>  estimated scf accuracy< 112.41688597 Ry
>>>  estimated scf accuracy<  93.57796273 Ry
>>>  estimated scf accuracy< 116.25663912 Ry
>>>  estimated scf accuracy< 587.39968959 Ry
>>>  estimated scf accuracy< 374.91438307 Ry
>>>  estimated scf accuracy< 106.71641516 Ry
>>>  estimated scf accuracy<  96.75392736 Ry
>>> I have include my input file as followed. Can anyone tell me is that any
>>> problem with my input file?

[Pw_forum] Convergence of relax of slab calculation

2015-08-04 Thread ben liew
Dear PWSCF users,

Hi, I am a new user of Pwscf. I am working on slab calculation for
pyrolusite MnO2 (110) surface with 3 atomic layers calculation and fixed
bottom 2 layers and only top atomic layer is allowed to be relaxed. I have
also include the dipole correction for the calculation to counteract with
the interaction between slabs. However, my calculation doesn't seems to be
converged as the scf accuracy is not decreasing over each iteration. Below
is the estimated scf accuracy after hundreds of iterations, it is not

 estimated scf accuracy< 373.64728976 Ry
 estimated scf accuracy< 106.52177156 Ry
 estimated scf accuracy<  96.97567125 Ry
 estimated scf accuracy< 207.03807187 Ry
 estimated scf accuracy< 132.53045831 Ry
 estimated scf accuracy<  77.19101827 Ry
 estimated scf accuracy< 112.41885075 Ry
 estimated scf accuracy<  93.27430429 Ry
 estimated scf accuracy< 116.68049786 Ry
 estimated scf accuracy< 587.09711027 Ry
 estimated scf accuracy< 374.45312501 Ry
 estimated scf accuracy< 106.89811469 Ry
 estimated scf accuracy<  96.8489 Ry
 estimated scf accuracy< 207.83006869 Ry
 estimated scf accuracy< 132.74588293 Ry
 estimated scf accuracy<  77.09445200 Ry
 estimated scf accuracy< 112.41688597 Ry
 estimated scf accuracy<  93.57796273 Ry
 estimated scf accuracy< 116.25663912 Ry
 estimated scf accuracy< 587.39968959 Ry
 estimated scf accuracy< 374.91438307 Ry
 estimated scf accuracy< 106.71641516 Ry
 estimated scf accuracy<  96.75392736 Ry

I have include my input file as followed. Can anyone tell me is that any
problem with my input file?

calculation = 'relax'
A=2.8563, B=6.2199, C=20.0
nat=18, ntyp=2,
  Mn 54.9380  Mn.pbe-spn-kjpaw_psl.0.3.1.UPF
  O  15.9994  O.pbe-kjpaw.UPF
O 1.428129   3.109734   0.00  0  0  0
O 1.428129   0.000241   0.652526  0  0  0
Mn   1.428129   3.109896   1.883398  0  0  0
O 0.00   1.885646   1.883398  0  0  0
O 0.00   4.334118   1.883398  0  0  0
Mn   0.00   0.62   1.883398  0  0  0
O 0.00   5.014614   4.987475  0  0  0
O 0.00   1.205401   4.987475  0  0  0
Mn   0.00   3.109816   4.987475  0  0  0
Mn   1.428129   0.27   4.987475  0  0  0
O 1.428129   3.109734   3.767387  0  0  0
O 1.428129   0.000241   3.114269  0  0  0
O 1.428129   3.109734   6.207560
O 1.428129   0.000241   6.860698
Mn   1.428129   3.109896   8.091569
O 0.00   1.885646   8.091569
O 0.00   4.334118   8.091569
Mn   0.00   0.62   8.091569
K_POINTS (automatic)
  5 5 1 0 0 0

Your comments and suggestion is much appreciated.Thank you.

Best Regards,

*Ben Liew*
Ph.D Student
Fuel Cell Institute,
The National University of Malaysia,
43600 Bangi,
Selangor, Malaysia.
Contact no. : +6016 552 0878
Email   : liewkien...@gmail.com
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