[Pw_forum] Raman spectra calculatio using QE

2011-10-27 Thread wumindt2
Dear All,

Is there anyone have done Raman spectra using QE?
I tried to run the SiH4 example which could be downloaded from the QE website.
The process i did is very simple, after scf calculation using the defalt 
sih4.scf.in file, i ran
the sih4.nm.in file using ph.x. 
But i got an error as "  cannot start from pw.x data file using Gamma-point 

So what's wrong with my calculation? 
Thanks for any help!

Best regards,

Min WU
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[Pw_forum] Raman spectra calculatio using QE

2011-10-28 Thread wumindt2
I ran sih4.scf.in and sih4.nm.in and got the output files.
But how can i get the Raman spectra from the output file? Where is the Raman 

Min Wu

>From: "GAO Zhe" 
>Reply-To: PWSCF Forum 
>To: "PWSCF Forum" 
>Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] Raman spectra calculatio  using QE
>Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2011 14:29:20 +0800 (CST)

If you are using K_POINTS gamma in scf but still wanna use ph.x for further 
calculaiton, why not try changing K_POINTS gamma to:
0.0  0.0  0.0
Or, you can using phcg.x as the follower of K_POINTS gamma case.

CMC Lab, MSE, SNU, Seoul, S.Korea

At 2011-10-27 04:36:00,wumindt2  wrote:

Dear All,

Is there anyone have done Raman spectra using QE?
I tried to run the SiH4 example which could be downloaded from the QE website.
The process i did is very simple, after scf calculation using the defalt 
sih4.scf.in file, i ran
the sih4.nm.in file using ph.x. 
But i got an error as " cannot start from pw.x data file using Gamma-point 

So what's wrong with my calculation? 
Thanks for any help!

Best regards,

Min WU

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[Pw_forum] Raman spectra calculation using QE

2011-11-01 Thread wumindt2
Dear All,

I calculated the Raman intensity of quartz and got the result shown below.
To plot the Raman spectra, colume [cm-1] should be the x axis, is colume [Raman]
exactly the y axis?  And what's the meaning of the [depol] colume?

By the way, since epsil can only be calculated at q=0, does it mean there is no 
convergence test of Raman spectra with respect to q point?

Thanks for any help!
 IR cross sections are in (D/A)^2/amu units
 Raman cross sections are in A^4/amu units
 multiply Raman by 0.435857 for Clausius-Mossotti correction
#  mode   [cm-1] [THz]  IR   Raman depol
2  0.000.0. 54851.87790.0878
3  0.000.0.  5721.38990.1088
4  0.000.0. 27197.63830.0792
6  0.000.0. 79591.10520.0839
7134.344.02730.0005 11088.31620.6209
8240.107.19810.1622 16185.77660.1558
9241.217.23130.2024 24875.87730.1058
   10314.539.42933.0075  5175.33550.2916
   11328.759.85570.1138 17701.21400.6847
   12346.33   10.38273.1900 13146.61410.1307
   13390.34   11.70200.1564 53220.00700.0658
   14405.27   12.14969.5614  5754.01260.2673
   15434.56   13.02775.7052303619.78840.0609
   16470.12   14.09385.8666  2135.04500.5859
   17551.14   16.52275.7194  5307.84460.7482
   18663.69   19.89692.9906 11422.03260.7170
   19664.81   19.93040.5153 14523.92400.4764
   20679.62   20.3742   16.2637  2261.00760.2333
   21745.02   22.33518.9307157046.73560.1277
   22835.16   25.0373   11.9576  5478.45320.6700
   23924.96   27.7294   18.0245 18670.74830.2741
   24985.40   29.5415   40.4317 10913.62350.3922
   25996.49   29.8738   20.1984 46086.85530.5930
   26   1052.71   31.5592   13.6824 14469.33200.4908
   27   1069.38   32.05910.0030 39309.33120.7484

Min WU
University of Saskachewan, Cananda

[Pw_forum] dos calculation

2011-04-29 Thread wumindt2
Dear All,

I meet a problem with the Dos calculation using projwfc.x.
Due to the limit of the disk quota, i need to store the wf files to other 
So i set the 'outdir' and 'wfcdir' with two different directories.
In the discription of projwfc.x, it said that wavefunciton files are needed to 
calculate the DOS.
Since i didn't collect the wavefunctions, the wavefunction files and the *.save 
file are in two different
To do the dos calculation, i set the 'outdir' as the directory of 
wavefunctions. But then i got an error saying 
that the *.save file was not found.
Does it mean that the 'outdir' and 'wfcdir' should have the same directories? 
Or otherwise i need to collect
the wavefunctions to the *.save file ?

Looking forward to your reply. Thanks so much!

Min Wu
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[Pw_forum] pseudopotential

2010-11-06 Thread wumindt2
Dear All,

I met some problem when printing the stress using different pseudopotentials. 
The structure i calculated
is CO2 solid structure.
Using the same structure, when the pseudopotentials are C.pbe-rrkjus.UPF and 
the stress tensor i got is 

 entering subroutine stress ...

  total   stress  (Ry/bohr**3)   (kbar) P=  175.92
   0.00114704   0.   0.168.74  0.00  0.00
   0.   0.00121085   0.0007  0.00178.12  0.01
   0.   0.0007   0.00122973  0.00  0.01180.90

However, when i changed the pseudopotential to C.pbe-mt_gipaw.UPF and 
O.pbe-van_gipaw.UPF , the stress tensot
i got  is

 entering subroutine stress ...

  total   stress  (Ry/bohr**3)   (kbar) P=  252.11
   0.00113269   0.   0.166.62  0.00  0.00
   0.   0.00225526   0.0002  0.00331.76  0.00
   0.   0.0002   0.00175342  0.00  0.00257.94

Why we will get so much different stress using the different pseudopotential ? 
The structures i ued are exact same.

Thanks for any help.

With kind regards,

Min Wu
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[Pw_forum] pseudopotential

2010-11-06 Thread wumindt2
Dear Paolo,

I know the difference, and have already used different cutoff for 
norm-conserving PP adn ultrasoft PP.

Best regards,

Min Wu,

>From: Paolo Giannozzi 
>To: wumindt2 ,PWSCF Forum 
>Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] pseudopotential
>Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2010 23:10:15 +0100
>On Nov 5, 2010, at 22:02 , wumindt2 wrote:
>> C.pbe-rrkjus.UPF and O.pbe-rrkjus.UPF
>> C.pbe-mt_gipaw.UPF and O.pbe-van_gipaw.UPF
>norm-conserving, and quite hard. A cutoff that is appropriate for the
>former may ot be sufficient for the latter. This is the first thing  
>to be
>Paolo Giannozzi, Dept of Chemistry&Physics, Univ. Udine
>via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
>Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222

[Pw_forum] wannier function

2010-11-18 Thread wumindt2
Dear All QE user,

I want to plot the localized wannier function of SiO2. In the QE user's guide, 
there are three wannier-related utilities.
 1. "poor man wannier" code pmw.x. Is this only used in LDA+U calculation ? 
Besides, there isn't any discription of the parameters of this code.
 2. Wannier90 code.
 3. wannier_ham.x code.

So which one is recommended ? 

Thanks for any help.

With regards.

Min Wu
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[Pw_forum] wannier function

2010-11-23 Thread wumindt2
Dearl All,

To incorporate wannier90 into PWSCF-4.2.1, do we need to copy pw2wannier90.f90 
and wannier.f90
from wannier90 to PWSCF directory, and recompile the PWSCF, or just compile 
PWSCF and wannier90 individually?

Thanks for any help.

With Best regards,

Min Wu
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[Pw_forum] wannier function

2010-11-24 Thread wumindt2
BTW, can wannier90.x run with MPI support?  And can it plot the wannier function
of supercell structure with a defect?


Min Wu

>From: Jan Felix Binder 
>To: wumindt2 , PWSCF Forum 
>Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] wannier function
>Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 09:54:03 +0100
>You should compile it individually. But you should use the same compiler.
>wumindt2 wrote:
>> Dearl All,
>> To incorporate wannier90 into PWSCF-4.2.1, do we need to copy
>> pw2wannier90.f90 and wannier.f90
>> from wannier90 to PWSCF directory, and recompile the PWSCF, or just
>> compile PWSCF and wannier90 individually?
>> Thanks for any help.
>> With Best regards,
>> Min Wu
>> 2010-11-22
>> ___
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[Pw_forum] wannier function

2010-11-26 Thread wumindt2
Dear All,

I have a problem using the wannier90.x.
Does the wannier90.x can plot the wannier function above the fermi level, i.e. 
the unocuppied charge density?


Min Wu
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[Pw_forum] wannier function

2010-11-26 Thread wumindt2
Hi Stefano,

I want to plot the unoccupied state in an energy window, so it can be finite. 
Because i'm calculating the X-ray absorbtion
spectra of SiO2. This is the reason i need the wannier function plotted in an 
energy window above the Fermi level.


Wu Min

>From: Stefano Baroni 
>To: wumindt2 ,PWSCF Forum 
>Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] wannier function
>Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 08:18:48 +0530
Not sure i understand what you mean, but the "unoccupied charge density" (i.e. 
the sum of the squared moduli of the unoccupied orbitals is infinite, for 
whatever reason you may need it). Or you rather mean the squared modulus of a 
specific Wannier function obtained from specific energy bands above the Fermi 
energy? SB

On Nov 26, 2010, at 5:35 AM, wumindt2 wrote:

Dear All,

I have a problem using the wannier90.x.
Does the wannier90.x can plot the wannier function above the fermi level, i.e. 
the unocuppied charge density?


Min Wu
Pw_forum mailing list
Pw_forum at pwscf.org

Stefano Baroni - SISSA  &  DEMOCRITOS National Simulation Center - Trieste
http://stefano.baroni.me [+39] 040 3787 406 (tel) -528 (fax) / stefanobaroni 

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[Pw_forum] wannier function

2010-11-30 Thread wumindt2
Dearl all,

I met an error when i try to calculate the wannier function of Si.
The error is 
 param_get_projection: too many projections defined".

What's the reason of this error?

The input wannier.win file is shown below:
"num_bands=   12 
num_iter =  100
dis_num_iter =  100
iprint   =2
num_dump_cycles  =   10
num_print_cycles =   10
length_unit  =  bohr
num_wann=   4
dis_froz_max=   6.5
dis_win_max =   6.5
!! !! Bond-centred s-orbitals
begin projections
end projections
begin unit_cell_cart
-5.10   0.00   5.10
 0.00   5.10   5.10
-5.10   5.10   0.00
end unit_cell_cart
begin atoms_frac
Si -0.25  0.75  -0.25
Si  0.00  0.00   0.00
end atoms_frac
 mp_grid  =  4 4 4
begin kpoints

In the wannier user-guide, there are several options for the defination of the 
Such as "Si:l=0;l=1;l=2" , " Si: sp3", or "f=-0.125,-0.125, 0.375:s".
So how to choose these different options?

Thanks for any help. 

Min Wu
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[Pw_forum] wannier function

2011-01-04 Thread wumindt2
Dear All,

I met an error when calculate the wannier function with wannier90.x.

The error is 
 Wannier90: Execution started on 29Dec2010 at 10:22:40
 param_get_projection: Problem reading m state into string
What's the meaning of this error?
Below is part of my wannier input:
"num_bands=   600
num_iter =  100
dis_num_iter =  100
iprint   =2
num_dump_cycles  =   10
num_print_cycles =   10
!! (1) Valence bands
  num_wann=   3
  dis_froz_min=  17.14  
 dis_froz_max=   18.14  
  dis_win_min =  16.95  
 dis_win_max =   18.95  
!! !! Bond-centred s-orbitals
   begin projections
 end projections  
begin unit_cell_cart
 8.3544   0.00  0.00
 0.00   8.3544  0.00
 0.00   0.0010.6604
end unit_cell_cart

Happy New Year!

Min Wu
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[Pw_forum] wannier function

2010-12-03 Thread wumindt2
Dear All,

I'm a rookie on wannier90, and now I met a problem when i tried to test the 
example of Si.
In the cell of Si, there are 2 inequivalent Si atoms. But in the wannier 
function plot with two different
projections, the wannier function only located on one of the Si atoms.
In the users-guide of wannier function, it said the wannier function will apply 
to all the atom of the type
specified in the projection site. So why there is no wannier function on the 
other Si atom?
Any idea?

The two different prejections are:

!! (1) Valence bands
num_wann=   4
dis_froz_max=   6.5
dis_win_max =   6.5
!! !! Bond-centred s-orbitals
begin projections
f=-0.125,-0.125, 0.375:s
f= 0.375,-0.125,-0.125:s
f=-0.125, 0.375,-0.125:s
end projections
!! !! (2) Valence + conduction bands
   num_wann=   8
   dis_froz_max=   6.5
   dis_win_max =  17.0
!! !! Atom-centred sp3-orbitals
   begin projections
end projections

Thanks for any help.

Min Wu
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[Pw_forum] wannier function

2010-12-10 Thread wumindt2
Dear all,

I tested the example of wannier90.x and have a problem here.
For the Si calculation (example11), we need to include the 4 highest valence 
bands and  the 4 lowest conduction bands
 to make a sp3 projection on Si atoms.
However, in the case of Silane (example07), we only need all the 4 bands to 
make a sp3 projection on Si atom.

Why we need different number of bands to form sp3 projection for these two 

Thanks for any idea.

Min Wu
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[Pw_forum] wannier calculation

2010-12-21 Thread wumindt2
Dear All,

In the seedname.win file of wannier function calculation, the number of K 
points has to
be equal to the product of n1*n2*n3, where n1, n2 and n3 are the component of 
the mp_grid= n1 n2 n3.
However, in the nscf calculation, the number of Kpoints is always smaller than 
the product of n1*n2*n3.
For instance, if the mp_grid = 4*4*4 in the nscf calculation, but we may have 
only 36 Kpoints.
In this case, we can not move on to the wannier calculation.

So, in order to do wannier calculation, how to get the number of Kpoints equals 
to the product of mp_grid n1*n2*n3 ?

Thanks for any help.

With regards,
Min Wu
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[Pw_forum] wannier function

2010-12-28 Thread wumindt2
Dear All,

I met a problem with the wannier calculation.
Shall the kpoint mesh in the wannier calculation input *.win file be the same 
with the kpoint mesh in the nscf calculation ?

Thanks for any help!

Min Wu
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[Pw_forum] problem with Xspectra

2010-10-05 Thread wumindt2

I'm a new user of Xspectra. 

In the Xspectra example given in the pwscf code, it calculates the XAS using 
the pseudopotential
without core hole level. In this case, we need to extract the core wavefunction 
from the GIPAW
pseudopotential when we run the xspectra.x.

Now there are pseudopotentials with core hole, normally named as *.star1s*.UPF. 
So here is
my question, after the SCF calculation, do we still need to extract the core 
wavefunction from the
peusopotential of the absorbing atom? 

If the answer is yes, then why we choose the core wavefunction from the 
pseudopotential as the ground
state, rather than the core wavefunction after the SCF calculation?


Min Wu
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[Pw_forum] problem with Xspectra

2010-10-06 Thread wumindt2
Dear matteo,

Thank you very much!
I've got the picture now.

BTW, in my previous calculation, i mistakenly extract the core wavefunction
from the pseudopotential WITH a core hole. But the result seems good when 
with the experiment. Does it happen often?


Min Wu

>From: matteo calandra 
>Reply-To: PWSCF Forum 
>To: pw_forum at pwscf.org
>Subject: Re:[Pw_forum] problem with Xspectra
>Date: Tue,  5 Oct 2010 10:49:48 +0200
>Dear Min Wu,
>  the pseudopotentials to be used for the absorbing atom
>in Xspectra are those having
>the label _gipaw, two examples are:
>The first one has no core-hole and has full gipaw informations
>while the second one has core-hole and full gipaw informations.
>Gipaw informations mean many things. What you need to know is that
>GIPAW informations include the presence of the
>all-electron wavefunction for the 1s core state.
>Now when you run a simulation you first need to calculate the charge
>density in the presence of a core-hole and thus use pseudo
>Fe.star1s-pbe-sp-mt_gipaw.UPF . This is done by a standard pw.x
>scf calculation using this pseudo.
>In a second step you need to calcuate the Xanes cross
>section and this is done by the Xspectra code.
>In the calculation of the  matrix element appearing in the
>Xanes cross-section (Fermi golden rule) the initial 1s state
>IN THE ABSENCE of a core hole is needed. This information is contanined
>in the pseudo potential WITHOUT the core hole (Fe.pbe-sp-mt_gipaw.UPF).
>Thus you simply extract this wavefunction using the script given with the
>Xspectra disribution and you put the name of the file produced by the script
>in the input file of the Xspectra program.
>You cannot use the 1s core function with the core hole simply because this is
>wrong as the matrix element inthe cross section involves the product
>between the initial and final states and the initial state has no core hole.
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 00:42:50 +0800
>> From: "wumindt2"

>> Subject: [Pw_forum] problem with Xspectra
>> To: pw_forum at pwscf.org
>> Message-ID:

>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="gb2312"
>> Hi,
>> I'm a new user of Xspectra.
>> In the Xspectra example given in the pwscf code, it calculates the  
>> XAS using the pseudopotential
>> without core hole level. In this case, we need to extract the core  
>> wavefunction from the GIPAW
>> pseudopotential when we run the xspectra.x.
>> Now there are pseudopotentials with core hole, normally named as  
>> *.star1s*.UPF. So here is
>> my question, after the SCF calculation, do we still need to extract  
>> the core wavefunction from the
>> peusopotential of the absorbing atom?
>> If the answer is yes, then why we choose the core wavefunction from  
>> the pseudopotential as the ground
>> state, rather than the core wavefunction after the SCF calculation?
>> Thanks!
>> Min Wu
>> 2010-10-4
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>Pw_forum mailing list
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[Pw_forum] Xspectra calculation

2010-10-09 Thread wumindt2
Dear Xspectra users,

I met a problem when calculating the X-ray absorption spectra with the Xspectra 
Concern about the polarization, ?// is the polarization along the c axis, while 
?? is the polariztion
in the plane.  It's easy to define the ?// , since normally (0,0,1) is the 
direction of c axis.
But for ?? polarization, what does "in plane" mean? Are any directions in the 
a,b plane
will cause the same result? For instance, will (1,0,0) ,(0,1,0) or (1,1,0) 
polarization direction
have the same spectra?

Thank you very much for any help.


Min Wu
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[Pw_forum] Xspectra calculation

2010-10-09 Thread wumindt2
Dear matteo,


For dichroism compound, do we just need the in-plane and the c-axis
polarization vectors? 
While for trichroism compound, do we need to calculate three different
polarization vectors?
Am i right?

Best regards,

Min Wu

>From: matteo calandra 
>Reply-To: PWSCF Forum 
>To: pw_forum at pwscf.org
>Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] Xspectra calculation
>Date: Sat,  9 Oct 2010 11:30:54 +0200
>Dear Wumindt2,
>   the fact that different polarization directions can be equivalent or not
>in a solid depends only on the symmetry of your lattice (thus on the crystal
>structure) only.
>So the general response to your question is given by the theory of crystal
>> --
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Sat, 09 Oct 2010 11:11:16 +0800
>> From: "wumindt2"

>> Subject: [Pw_forum] Xspectra calculation
>> To: pw_forum at pwscf.org
>> Message-ID:

>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="gb2312"
>> Dear Xspectra users,
>> I met a problem when calculating the X-ray absorption spectra with  
>> the Xspectra code.
>> Concern about the polarization, ?// is the polarization along the c  
>> axis, while ?? is the polariztion
>> in the plane.  It's easy to define the ?// , since normally (0,0,1)  
>> is the direction of c axis.
>> But for ?? polarization, what does "in plane" mean? Are any  
>> directions in the a,b plane
>> will cause the same result? For instance, will (1,0,0) ,(0,1,0) or  
>> (1,1,0) polarization direction
>> have the same spectra?
>> Thank you very much for any help.
>> Cheers,
>> Min Wu
>> 2010-10-8
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[Pw_forum] Xspectra calculation (wumindt2)

2010-10-12 Thread wumindt2
Dear Matteo,

Thanks for the information, i read the C. Brouder the paper a little bit.
I'am still not sure how to choose the polarization vector.
For instance, we have a crystal with spacegroup of P42/MNM, point group of 
According to the Table in C. Brouder's paper, this is a dichroism compound.
Thus, how can we choose the polarization vector when calculating the XAS
of this compound?
Can you please show me how? 

Thanks so much!


Min Wu

>From: Matteo Calandra 
>Reply-To: PWSCF Forum 
>To: pw_forum at pwscf.org
>Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] Xspectra calculation (wumindt2)
>Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 10:08:16 +0200
>  I assume you are talking of the dipolar part only.
>For the quadrupolar it is substantially more complicate.
>The number of independent calculations that you have
>to perform to obtain the isotropic cross section (powder)
>depends on the  point group of the space group
>of your crystal.
>It is 1 for a cubic or tetraedric crystal,
>2 for a uniaxial crystal and it is 3, 4, 6 for a biaxial
>(ot trichroic) crystal.
>I suggest you read
>C. Brouder J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 2 (1990) 701-738
>for more details.
>> Message: 3
>> Date: Sat, 09 Oct 2010 22:48:53 +0800
>> From: "wumindt2"

>> Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] Xspectra calculation
>> To: pw_forum at pwscf.org
>> Message-ID:

>> Content-Type: text/plain;charset="gb2312"
>> Dear matteo,
>> Thanks. 
>> For dichroism compound, do we just need the in-plane and the c-axis
>> polarization vectors? 
>> While for trichroism compound, do we need to calculate three different
>> polarization vectors?
>> Am i right?
>> Best regards,
>Pw_forum mailing list
>Pw_forum at pwscf.org

[Pw_forum] Xspectra calculation (wumindt2)

2010-10-18 Thread wumindt2
Dear Matteo,

I met some problem when calculating the XASs with the Xspectra.
I tested the example of quartz, and got the consistent result with the
published work.
Then i moved on to test another example of solid CO2, which has an isotropic
symmetry according to C. Brouder's paper. But the X-ray absorption spectrum
i got was totally wrong. The first sharp peak which is well-known existing
in CO2 was not found.
We also tested a single CO2 molecule which is still a clear-cut example.
The C atom and the two O atoms are all in the Z axis. So the polarization 
of (0,0,1) and (1,0,0) are enough for this case. However, we still cannot get 
right XAS. To make it easier for you to understand my problem, I attached the 
input files of this calculation.
The GIPAW pseudopotentials i used were downloaded from the website of QE.
Thanks a lot for the help. 

Best regards,

Min Wu

>From: Matteo Calandra 
>Reply-To: PWSCF Forum 
>To: pw_forum at pwscf.org
>Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] Xspectra calculation (wumindt2)
>Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 10:08:16 +0200
>  I assume you are talking of the dipolar part only.
>For the quadrupolar it is substantially more complicate.
>The number of independent calculations that you have
>to perform to obtain the isotropic cross section (powder)
>depends on the  point group of the space group
>of your crystal.
>It is 1 for a cubic or tetraedric crystal,
>2 for a uniaxial crystal and it is 3, 4, 6 for a biaxial
>(ot trichroic) crystal.
>I suggest you read
>C. Brouder J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 2 (1990) 701-738
>for more details.
>> Message: 3
>> Date: Sat, 09 Oct 2010 22:48:53 +0800
>> From: "wumindt2"

>> Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] Xspectra calculation
>> To: pw_forum at pwscf.org
>> Message-ID:

>> Content-Type: text/plain;charset="gb2312"
>> Dear matteo,
>> Thanks. 
>> For dichroism compound, do we just need the in-plane and the c-axis
>> polarization vectors? 
>> While for trichroism compound, do we need to calculate three different
>> polarization vectors?
>> Am i right?
>> Best regards,
>Pw_forum mailing list
>Pw_forum at pwscf.org
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[Pw_forum] xspectra calculation (wumindt2)

2010-10-19 Thread wumindt2
Dear Matteo, 

It seems i have found the problem. It's not the problem of the 
xcoordcrys. I set it as .true. and the polarization vectors are (0,0,1) and
(0,1,0). The xray k vector is the default value (1,0,0).
BTW, can we use the same vector for polarization and xay k moment? 
e.g. Both of them are (1,0,0). Is it OK?

The problem i found is that i set the "cut_occ_states" = .true.
Then it cut all the occupied state that i expected to see.
When i reset it to .false., i saw the expected peak. 

I have another problem, what does the "ef_r" do in the calculation?
For instance, i got fermi level of -5 eV with scf calculation.
The i set ef_r= -5/13.6 Ry. Then, in the calculated xspectra data, where is
the Fermi level? It is ajusted to 0 eV, or still is the -5 eV?

Sorry to bother you again.
Thanks so much.


Min Wu 2010-10-18

>From: Matteo Calandra 
>Reply-To: PWSCF Forum 
>To: pw_forum at pwscf.org
>Subject: Re:[Pw_forum] xspectra calculation (wumindt2)
>Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 09:35:10 +0200
>dear Min Wu,
>  the attachment do not go through the pw_forum, so I cannot
>do much about it. What I can tell you is that we calculate
>Co and LiCoO2 and we get a good agreement with experiments.
>Maybe you can try to compare with the following paper:
>Juhin et al. Phys. Rev. B 81, 115115 (2010)
>Anyway, from four message what seems to be wrong (assuming the scf
>run to be correct) are the unit of the polarization vector
>(assuming you're dealing with the dipolar part only and assuming
>the peak you're referring to is dipolar). Did you set xcoordcrys to
>the proper value (see below)?
>For zhqt concerns CoO2, note that the pre-edge
>of CoO2 at the Co K-edge has a quadrupolar part, so if you stick
>to the dipolar calculation you want be able to reproduce the pre-edge 
>peak. Note also that in the case of LiCoO2, which is probably
>not so different from yours, DFT fails in the
>pre-edge and you have to use DFT+U.
>In particular, remember that if you don't set the variable
>xcoordcrys=.false. your xepsilon and xkvec are in reduced coordinates.
>   coordinates of the x-ray momentum k
>xepsilon(1:3) real(DP) 
>   coordinates of the incident x-ray
>   polarization vector
>   .true. to use crystal coordinates for
>   k and epsilon
>Maybe you could try to reproduce our calculation on LiCoO2 so that
>you are sure of not having any errors with the input file.
>The paper is very detailed so you can compare every step in the calculation.
>All the best, M.
> >Message: 6
> >Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 05:03:50 +0800
> >From: "wumindt2"

> >Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] Xspectra calculation (wumindt2)
> >To: pw_forum at pwscf.org
> >Message-ID:

> >Content-Type: text/plain; charset="gb2312"
> >Dear Matteo,
> >I met some problem when calculating the XASs with the Xspectra.
> >I tested the example of quartz, and got the consistent result with the
> >published work.
> >Then i moved on to test another example of solid CO2, which has an 
> >isotropic
> >symmetry according to C. Brouder's paper. But the X-ray absorption 
> >spectrum
> >i got was totally wrong. The first sharp peak which is well-known 
> >existing
> >in CO2 was not found.
> >We also tested a single CO2 molecule which is still a clear-cut >example.
> >The C atom and the two O atoms are all in the Z axis. So the 
> >polarization vectors
> >of (0,0,1) and (1,0,0) are enough for this case. However, we still 
> >cannot get the
> >right XAS. To make it easier for you to understand my problem, I 
> >attached the input files of this calculation.
> >The GIPAW pseudopotentials i used were downloaded from the website of >QE.
> >Thanks a lot for the help.
> >Best regards,
> >Min Wu
>Pw_forum mailing list
>Pw_forum at pwscf.org

[Pw_forum] xspectra calculation

2010-10-20 Thread wumindt2
Dear Matteo,

So when we just do the dipolar part, we don't need to care about the
k vector, right?

Besides, in order to  compare with an experimental spectrum, is it necessary to 
the occupied state below Fermi energy level within our Xspectra calculation ?
In that case, we should set "cut_occ_states" = .true. and 
"ef_r" equal to the fermi energy we got in the scf calculation. Is it?

Best regards,

Min Wu

>From: Matteo Calandra 
>Reply-To: PWSCF Forum 
>To: pw_forum at pwscf.org
>Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] xspectra calculation
>Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2010 16:28:30 +0200
>Dear Min Wu,
> >
> >It seems i have found the problem. It's not the problem of the
> >xcoordcrys. I set it as .true. and the polarization vectors are 
>(0,0,1) >and
> >(0,1,0). The xray k vector is the default value (1,0,0).
> >BTW, can we use the same vector for polarization and xay k moment?
> >e.g. Both of them are (1,0,0). Is it OK?
>Of course epsilon and k MUST be ortogonal otherwise what you are doing
>is meaningless. If you calculate the dipolar part only then
>the k-vector is not used and can take any value.
> >
> >The problem i found is that i set the "cut_occ_states" = .true.
> >Then it cut all the occupied state that i expected to see.
> >When i reset it to .false., i saw the expected peak.
> >
>Maybe your ef_r is not in the correct units... Of course you put the
>Fermi level in the presence of a core-hole, don't you ?
> >I have another problem, what does the "ef_r" do in the calculation?
> >For instance, i got fermi level of -5 eV with scf calculation.
> >The i set ef_r= -5/13.6 Ry. Then, in the calculated xspectra data, 
> >where is
> >the Fermi level? It is ajusted to 0 eV, or still is the -5 eV?
> >
>zero, the energies are simply shifted.
>* * * *
>Matteo Calandra, Charge de Recherche (CR1)
>Institut de Min?ralogie et de Physique des Milieux Condens?s de Paris
>Universit? Pierre et Marie Curie, tour 16, case 115
>4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05 France
>Tel: +33-1-44 27 52 16   Fax: +33-1-44 27 37 85
>Pw_forum mailing list
>Pw_forum at pwscf.org

[Pw_forum] Nscf calculation problem

2010-10-20 Thread wumindt2
Dear All,

I met a problem with Nscf calculation. The K mesh i used is 12*12*12, and then 
there are
868 independent K points.  But it takes about 450 seconds to calculate only one 
K point.
If in this case, it will takes me 4.5 days to do such a nscf calculation.

The tested energy cutoff i used is 60 Ry.

Is there any way to accelerate the nscf calculation?  If i'm right, the nscf 
calculation just take the
charge density calculated from scf calculation, and there should be few way can 
accelerate the
nscf calculation. Is it?

Thanks for any help.

Min Wu
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[Pw_forum] pseudopotential

2010-10-21 Thread wumindt2
Dear All,

Since there are limited pseudopotentials available on the website of QE. 
Can we mix Norm-conserving pseudo and Ultrasoft pseudo in one calculation?


Min Wu
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[Pw_forum] xspectra calculation

2010-10-24 Thread wumindt2
Dear Matteo,

When i cut the occupied state  with "cut_occ_states=.true.", there is a small 
peak appeared at the energy of ef_r i set.
In the element of "cut_occ", only cut_desmooth = 0.01 was set. The others
are using default value. 
So what's the reason of this small peak? 
How to cut the occupied states smoothly?

With Regards,

Min Wu