[Pw_forum] How to control number of slabs in pwcond calculation?

2009-09-12 Thread Alexandre Smogunov
Dear Hui Wang.
There is no simple way to control the number of slabs.
By default it is equal to nr3s, the number of smooth mesh points
in the z direction (direction of transport),
as defined in PW and which is controlled by the cut-off
energy for pseudo wave functions.
Anyway, I do not think there is any reason to change
nrz by hands (not by changing the cut-off energy) ...

Quoting xirainbow :

> Dear all:  I find the following content at
> "/espresso-4.0.4/examples/example12/results/al.cond.out" file.
> *" nrz  =   21*
> *.*
> *k slabz(k)  z(k+1) crossing(iorb=1,norb)*
> *1   0. 0.0673 0.0673   *
> *.*
> *   20   1.2793 1.3467 0.0673   0111*
> *   21   1.3467 1.4140 0.0673     "*
>  I want to know, at *.cond.in input file, how to control the number of
> slabs along z direction in left, right lead and scattering region,
> respectively.
>  By the way, what is the meaning of "crossing(iorb=1,norb)"?

it is 1 (or 0) if the nonlocal orbital iorb intersects (or not) the
corresponding slab.


>  Thanks in advance :)
> Hui Wang
> School of physics, Nankai University, Tianjin, China

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[Pw_forum] How to control number of slabs in pwcond calculation?

2009-09-12 Thread xirainbow
Dear* *Manoj Srivastava:
* Thanks very much for your reply ??*
* As I am not familiar with fortran, it is not a good idea for me to
change the script ??*

* I collect the distance between neighboring slabs?*
* 4.57*0.0566=0.259 (ni.cond.out)
12*0.025=0.3   (Alwireal.cond.out)
5.3*0.0673=0.357  (al.cond.out)
12*0.025=0.3(for lead)  12*0.0257=0.308(for scattering) (AlwireH.cond.out)

I think the default value for neighboring-slab distance is around 0.3 a.u.

Thanks again ??
Hui Wang
School of physics, Nankai University, Tianjin, China
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[Pw_forum] How to control number of slabs in pwcond calculation?

2009-09-11 Thread xirainbow
Dear all:  I find the following content at
"/espresso-4.0.4/examples/example12/results/al.cond.out" file.
*" nrz  =   21*
*k slabz(k)  z(k+1) crossing(iorb=1,norb)*
*1   0. 0.0673 0.0673   *
*   20   1.2793 1.3467 0.0673   0111*
*   21   1.3467 1.4140 0.0673     "*

 I want to know, at *.cond.in input file, how to control the number of
slabs along z direction in left, right lead and scattering region,
 By the way, what is the meaning of "crossing(iorb=1,norb)"?

 Thanks in advance ??

Hui Wang
School of physics, Nankai University, Tianjin, China
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[Pw_forum] How to control number of slabs in pwcond calculation?

2009-09-11 Thread Manoj Srivastava
Dear Hui Wang, 
 I dont think there is a straight forward way of doing this, at least not
that I know of. (Community members are most welcome to correct me on
this).changing the number of slabs along z direction is determined using
the unit cell length along z direction. Here is what I found upon some
grep. I tried to show here only when we have only one region present, lets
say left lead.
 from cond_out.f90
 do k=1, nrzl
   write(stdout,'(2x,i3,2x,3f7.4,3x,80i1)')   &
so if you wish to change the number of slabs along z direction, you need
to change nrzl and so on 
 from init_cond.f90
line 211 
 nrzl = nrzreg(1)
line 86
do iz = 2, 5
 nrzreg(iz-1) = naux
 we have two options, dz1 and dwid(2)
line 44
 nrztot = nr3s
  if(nrztot/2*2.eq.nrztot) nrztot = nrztot+1
  zlen = at(3,3)
  dz1 = zlen/nrztot 
 zlen=z component of a_3 lattice vector. nr3s=
smooth fft dimension in z direction, so if you could change nr3s, you
might be able to change nrzl. 
 now, dwid(2)- line 80
 dwid(2) = bd2
line 60 
 if(flag.eq.'l') then
bd2 = bdl
 from the input file description - 
bdl: right boundary of the left lead (left one is supposed to be at 0)

I dont know how one can change smooth fft dimesion in z direction. I
believe its done in SCF part not in PWCOND. 


On Fri, 11 Sep 2009, xirainbow wrote:

> Dear all:  I find the following content at
> "/espresso-4.0.4/examples/example12/results/al.cond.out" file.
> *" nrz  =   21*
> *.*
> *k slabz(k)  z(k+1) crossing(iorb=1,norb)*
> *1   0. 0.0673 0.0673   *
> *.*
> *   20   1.2793 1.3467 0.0673   0111*
> *   21   1.3467 1.4140 0.0673     "*
>  I want to know, at *.cond.in input file, how to control the number of
> slabs along z direction in left, right lead and scattering region,
> respectively.
>  By the way, what is the meaning of "crossing(iorb=1,norb)"?
>  Thanks in advance ??
> Hui Wang
> School of physics, Nankai University, Tianjin, China