[Pw_forum] band and dos input files in xcrysden

2009-03-05 Thread Eduardo Ariel Menendez Proupin
Well, I also like the way the tasks are distributed, it is conceptually very
clear. I know a different code that saves a DOS file after a band
calculation and the newbies come to me with strange peaks in DOS that are
caused by a flat band along a line.
Calling dos from pw.x  or pw from dos.x masks that conceptual clarity.
However, we have to be practical and run the frequent calculations as easily
as possible. I would prepend a nscf calculation with "standard options" ,
and give warning in the otput file that non-standard options can be done
doing the nscf calculation separately.

Also, I would alway make pw.x to write the self-consistent DOS in a file
after an scf calculation, no matter how coarse is the k-points grid. I find
this useful for checking purposes (e.g. to know if an impurity have levels
in the gaps). Also, for simple metals the k-points grid needed to have
converged energies and forces also is enough to have a good DOS. Then let
the user the choice to do post processing if want a DOS with an occupation
scheme different than the SCF. I would put this file in the .save directory
and name it prefix.scfdos or something like that.

Boris, thank for your script. I will soon test it. Maybe it can be embedded

Best regards

-- Mensaje reenviado --

> From: Paolo Giannozzi 
> To: PWSCF Forum 
> Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2009 10:34:30 +0100
> Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] band and dos input files in xcrysden
> On Feb 21, 2009, at 17:05 , Eduardo Ariel Menendez Proupin wrote:
>  Let me remind how is the process to obtain the DOS. It has three
>> calculations
>> and 3 input files
>> pw.x < si.scf.in > si.scf.out   # self consistent
>> pw.x  si.dos.out  # non selfconsistent dense k-points mesh
>> and a few options
>> dos.x   si.dos2.out  # postprocessing
> Hi Eduardo,  the issue you raise is a serious one and requires some though.
> Right now several standard calculations in q-e are clumsy because they
> require separate steps. While I think that it is a good idea to keep
> separate
> steps separate, I also think that at least the most common calculations
> might
> be streamlined. I am not convinced that the PWGui is the right tool for
> this,
> though, at least not in the present form (a tool to produce input data).
> The ideal  solution would be the usage of a high-level scripting language
> like
> python to "glue" the various pieces together, but this is highly nontrivial
> (at least for me and for 99% of q-e users).
> A simpler option could be to collapse some calculations into the same
> executable:
> for instance
> - add a call to dos after a nscf calculation in pw.x,
>  add a call to bands after a bands calculation in pw.x
> or
> - prepend a nscf calculation to dos.x,
>  prepend a band calculation to bands.x
> Suggestions are welcome
> Paolo
> ---
> Paolo Giannozzi, Democritos and University of Udine, Italy
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[Pw_forum] band and dos input files in xcrysden

2009-02-26 Thread O. Baris Malcioglu
Dear Paolo,

I, being a script-happy person, like the "seperate steps" approach of
pw.x very very much. Although not as high level as a python one,
please find a script written in TCL which I use for preparing DOS and
PDOS plots.

Use this at your own risk! Being a script I modify it constantly for
my needs, and I am not sure this is the "most corrected" version.

Basically you use it like this :

makedosgraph.tcl "pw.x input file" "pw.x output file for latest
coordinates or -- to use coordinates in input file" -i "mpi related
things + directory"

run the script without parameters to see available options.

some examples:
Prepare the pdos showing atoms 1 3 5 with a degauss of 0.002 from a pwscf result

makedosgraph.tcl in.grapheneO -- -i "/home/obm/Progs/pwscf/bin/"
-plot_dg 0.002 -fermi_at_zero -atoms "1 3 5"

Prepare a nscf file using the latest coordinates from a output file of
a relaxation run

makedosgraph.tcl in.grapheneO out.grapheneO -s 1

Prepare gnuplot files for an already run projwfc.x/dos.x

makedosgraph.tcl in.grapheneO -- -s 4 -fermi_at_zero -atoms "1 3 5"

(I also remember having something for bands and workfunctions somewhere)

Baris Malcioglu


# the next line restarts using tclsh \
exec tclsh8.4 "$0" "$@"

# this script will
# 1) read an input file for prefix and outdir
# 2) read an output file for latest coordinates
# 2) do a nscf calculation according to above data
# 3) do a dos.x calculation according to above data
# 4) do a projwfc.x calculation according to above data
# 5) prepare gnuplot files
# Osman Baris Malcioglu 2007 v.1 alpha

proc ::main {argc argv} {

global pw_input_file
global pw_output_file
global plot_dg
global stag
global spref
global plotlist
global nspin

set plot_dg 0
set stag 0
set spref ""
set plotlist ""

get_commandline $argc $argv

#A procedure to read commandline
proc ::get_commandline {argc argv} {

global pw_input_file
global pw_output_file
global plot_dg
global stag
global spref
global plotlist
global fatzero

set fatzero 0

if { $argc < 2} {
puts stderr "Usage: makedosgraph  \[parameters\]"
puts stderr "Parameters:"
puts stderr "-s : set calculation stage "
puts stderr " 1 : prepare nscf files and exit"
puts stderr " 2 : use present files and run nscf, and quit"
puts stderr " 3 : prepare for and run dos.x and  projwfc.x"
puts stderr " 4 : prepare gnuplot baches for pdos output 
puts stderr "-plot_dg  : set the plotting degauss in 
puts stderr "-i <\"prefix to pwscf\"> : the prefix to be 
appended to runs"
puts stderr "-atoms <\"space seperated list of atoms\">: will 
these atoms only"
puts stderr "-fermi_at_zero move the graphs such that
Ef is at 0"
exit 1

if { $argc > 0 } {
set state first
foreach arg $argv {
switch -- $state {
first {
set state second
#check if the infile exists
set pw_input_file $arg
if { [file exists $pw_input_file] } {
puts "using input file $pw_input_file"
} else {
puts stderr "Input file $pw_input_file does not 
exit 1

second {
set state flag
#check if the outfile exists
set pw_output_file $arg
if { [file exists $pw_output_file] || $pw_output_file 
== "--"} {
puts "using output file $pw_output_file"
} else {
puts stderr "Output file $pw_output_file does 
not exist"
exit 1
flag {
switch -glob -- $arg {
-plot_dg {
set state p_dg
-s {
set state sstag
-i { set state sspref }
-atoms {set state splotlist}
-fermi_at_zero {set fatzero 1}
default {
puts stderr "unknown flag $arg"
exit 2

[Pw_forum] band and dos input files in xcrysden

2009-02-26 Thread Paolo Giannozzi

On Feb 21, 2009, at 17:05 , Eduardo Ariel Menendez Proupin wrote:

> Let me remind how is the process to obtain the DOS. It has three  
> calculations
> and 3 input files
> pw.x < si.scf.in > si.scf.out   # self consistent
> pw.x  si.dos.out  # non selfconsistent dense k-points  
> mesh and a few options
> dos.x   si.dos2.out  # postprocessing

Hi Eduardo,  the issue you raise is a serious one and requires some  
Right now several standard calculations in q-e are clumsy because they
require separate steps. While I think that it is a good idea to keep  
steps separate, I also think that at least the most common  
calculations might
be streamlined. I am not convinced that the PWGui is the right tool  
for this,
though, at least not in the present form (a tool to produce input data).
The ideal  solution would be the usage of a high-level scripting  
language like
python to "glue" the various pieces together, but this is highly  
(at least for me and for 99% of q-e users).
A simpler option could be to collapse some calculations into the same  
for instance
- add a call to dos after a nscf calculation in pw.x,
   add a call to bands after a bands calculation in pw.x
- prepend a nscf calculation to dos.x,
   prepend a band calculation to bands.x
Suggestions are welcome

Paolo Giannozzi, Democritos and University of Udine, Italy

[Pw_forum] band and dos input files in xcrysden

2009-02-23 Thread Tone Kokalj
On Sat, 2009-02-21 at 13:05 -0300, Eduardo Ariel Menendez Proupin wrote:
> One simple idea is to add a submenu to the menu  "File/New from here"
> So, if I have an open pw.x input, when I select "File/New from here"
> it will make the new file inheriting all the properties: in this case
> outdir and prefix. I would also set by default fildos = prefix.dos. 

What an excellent idea!

> Emin and Emax are the minumum and maxima of the Kohn-Sham eigenvalues
> that can be taken from the pw.x outputs.

But this is the default (so why bother)!?

> A different strategy may be to have a menu Project and from the
> Project menu, select kinds of input fiiles or tasks. If one selects
> task  DOS, ...

This is very good ideas as well. In such a task PWgui can produce three
main pages: scf input, nscf input, and dos input. In the nscf input only
those variables could be displayed that are of interest, and they can
also be automatically set to some default values.

> for example, then pwgui can  create the three input files and display
> a reminder of the sequence of calculations to be done.

Instead of reminder, pwgui can actually offer to make all requested 

Thanks for your useful suggestions.

Regards, Tone
Anton Kokalj
J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 
(tel: +386-1-477-3523 // fax:+386-1-477-3822)

Please, if possible, avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.
See:  http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html

[Pw_forum] band and dos input files in xcrysden

2009-02-21 Thread Eduardo Ariel Menendez Proupin
Dear Tone,
Thanks for your interest in my request.

>Don't know what exactly you mean for Emin and Emax, however, as far as
>the outdir and prefix are concerned, how should pwgui know which is the
>corresponding pw.x input file? (this would be needed for the

Let me remind how is the process to obtain the DOS. It has three
calculations and 3 input files

pw.x < si.scf.in > si.scf.out   # self consistent
pw.x  si.dos.out  # non selfconsistent dense k-points mesh and a
few options
dos.x   si.dos2.out  # postprocessing

At present, pwgui has a Menu File/New, where one can define the input files
from the scratch.

A typical input for dos.x looks like this

 Emin=-10.0, Emax=25.0, DeltaE=0.1
One simple idea is to add a submenu to the menu  "File/New from here"
So, if I have an open pw.x input, when I select "File/New from here" it will
make the new file inheriting all the properties: in this case outdir and
prefix. I would also set by default fildos = prefix.dos.

Emin and Emax are the minumum and maxima of the Kohn-Sham eigenvalues that
can be taken from the pw.x outputs. pwgui may run an script to take these
values from the pw.x output if this exists (I may want to run the files
interactvely or just to make the input files and copy them to a server). We
may ask Paolo  to put Emin and Emax, and Efermi or HOMO in a single line of
the output.

NSCF calculation inherits many more fields from the SCF, so it makes more
sense to generate the *.dos.in file from the .scf.in file. Let see the

diff si.scf.in si.dos.in
<  calculation = 'scf' ,
>  calculation = 'nscf' ,
> nbnd = 8,
> occupations='tetrahedra',
<   5 5 5   1 1 1
>   20 20 20   0 0 0

This I make simply saving the si.scf.in with the name si.dos.in and changing
the variables. However, it may be nice to make the changes automatically.
The keywords nbnd, occupations, and the k-point mesh (20 20 20) are
difficult to set automagically. I propose some maybe good default values

nbnd can be searched in the output file.

grep 'number of Kohn-Sham states' si.scf.out
 number of Kohn-Sham states=4
and just double the number 4. It would be a different recipe if we deal with
a  metal, but let's keep simple and let the user to reduce it.

I would set occupations='tetrahedra' by default.

>   20 20 20   0 0 0
I would make a contest to select the winning idea. I have one recipe
If I have in the scf input calculation
K_POINTS automatic
N1 N2 N3 1 1 1  or 'N1 N2 N3 0 0 0'
then for the nscf calculation I would set
N1n N2n N3n 0 0 0

such that
N1n/N1 = N2n/N2 = N3n/N3 and
N1n*N2n*N3n = (30^3)/nat   (nat the number of atoms)

A different strategy may be to have a menu Project and from the Project
menu, select kinds of input fiiles or tasks. If one selects task  DOS, for
example, then pwgui can  create the three input files and display a reminder
of the sequence of calculations to be done.

Best regards

> -- Mensaje reenviado --
> From: Tone Kokalj 
> To: PWSCF Forum 
> Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 12:08:43 +0100
> Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] band and dos input files in xcrysden
> On Thu, 2009-02-19 at 23:48 -0300, Eduardo Ariel Menendez Proupin wrote:
> > Hi Tone,
> >
> > Do you have plans to add the capability in PWGUI to generate inputs
> > for bands.x and dos.x ?
> Actually, I didn't have, but this can be easily done. Due to your
> request I will do so in the future.
> > It would be goood to operate it in an easy way, i.e. inheriting
> > outdir and prefix from the parent pw.x input and Emin=-10.0, Emax=25.0
> > from the pw.x output.
> Don't know what exactly you mean for Emin and Emax, however, as far as
> the outdir and prefix are concerned, how should pwgui know which is the
> corresponding pw.x input file? (this would be needed for the
> inheritance).
> Regards, Tone
-- next part --
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[Pw_forum] band and dos input files in xcrysden

2009-02-20 Thread Tone Kokalj
On Thu, 2009-02-19 at 23:48 -0300, Eduardo Ariel Menendez Proupin wrote:
> Hi Tone,
> Do you have plans to add the capability in PWGUI to generate inputs
> for bands.x and dos.x ?

Actually, I didn't have, but this can be easily done. Due to your
request I will do so in the future.

> It would be goood to operate it in an easy way, i.e. inheriting
> outdir and prefix from the parent pw.x input and Emin=-10.0, Emax=25.0
> from the pw.x output.

Don't know what exactly you mean for Emin and Emax, however, as far as
the outdir and prefix are concerned, how should pwgui know which is the
corresponding pw.x input file? (this would be needed for the

Regards, Tone
Anton Kokalj
J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 
(tel: +386-1-477-3523 // fax:+386-1-477-3822)

Please, if possible, avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.
See:  http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html

[Pw_forum] band and dos input files in xcrysden

2009-02-19 Thread Eduardo Ariel Menendez Proupin
Hi Tone,

Do you have plans to add the capability in PWGUI to generate inputs for
bands.x and dos.x ?
It would be goood to operate it in an easy way, i.e. inheriting  outdir and
prefix from the parent pw.x input and Emin=-10.0, Emax=25.0 from the pw.x

Best regards

Eduardo Menendez
Departamento de Fisica
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad de Chile
Phone: (56)(2)9787439
URL: http://fisica.ciencias.uchile.cl/~emenendez
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