Hi  Amit,

Greeting. I am Chin Luh, the author for Neural Network module in atoms portal (https://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/neuralnetwork/2.0). Thlde module is base on the book "Neural Network Design" by Hagan Martin (1st version) and the codes are following the pseudo code given in the book.

If you are interested, you could look into this module and implement the "Regularization" into the algorithms for all the FFBP  in the module, which is highlighted in one of the session in Andrew Ng's  machine learning course.

One thing you might need to be careful: In Machine Learning Course you attended, Prof Andrew using the notation where the training dataset arranged in rows, and the features arranged in columns. This is the reverse with this module, the book this module referred to, as well as the standard way python used. However, In Prof Andrew first course in Deep Learning specialization, he used the same notation with this module.

As this module is totally in Scilab code, I personally believe that it is easy to start.

Just my 2 cents, hope this helps.


Chin Luh

On 16/2/2018 11:50 PM, Clément David wrote:
Hello Amit,

It would be nice to have a machine learning however you could start by taking a 
look at what's
already exists in http://atoms.scilab.org and on 
http://scilab.io/category/machine-learning . Could
you try to improve what's already existing ?



Le vendredi 16 février 2018 à 04:57 -0700, amit2rockon a écrit :
Hello everyone, Myself Amit Kumar, new to this community, I have completed
machine learning course by Andrew Ng and completed my assignment with
Matlab. I think I could have done with Scilab. I want to contribute to this
organization and also want to participate in GSoC 2018. So can anybody here
help me from where i can start? i want to implement machine learning
functions in toolboxes.

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