Dear Scilab users!

Recently I have installed Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, it has Scilab 5.5.2 in
repositories <>.

I planned to use it with Arduino Uno board, so I tried to install arduino
toolbox (ATOMS) with
atomsInstallList: The package arduino is not available.
 !--error 10000

at line      51 of function atomsError called by :
at line      76 of function atomsInstallList called by :
at line     233 of function atomsInstall called by :

so I can't install it.

I can't understand why this toolbox is not available

It has huge free-software popularization and educational potential. Isn't

Someone opened ticket on Forge
<> to indicate this
problem. But with no results.
It seems that Scilab-forge is half-dead.
I remember the last discussion
about Arduino and Scilab 5.5.2, it solves the problem, but it is not
newbie-friendly to download, extract and run ATOM-archive manually.

Please compile this toolbox for Scilab 5.5.2 and make it available as ATOM
on all platforms.
Moreover it is not available for Scilab 6 as explained in the new ticket
<> and on ATOMS site


*With best regards,Ph.D., *

*associate professor at MPEI
<>,IEEE member,maintainer of
Mathieu functions toolbox for Scilab
<>,Nikolay Strelkov.*
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