Hi all,

If you are interested in control or LTI model reduction, I've ported the COMPleib library (see http://www.complib.de/ for further info) to Scilab. You can find it here: https://github.com/pivui/scilabTools/tree/master/COMPleib

I've not tested all the models hence some issues might remains. Let me know if you find a problem.

On a side note, Scilab seems to have some troubles to plot the bode diagrams for some "large" models, for instance with the CDP model,

H = syslin('c', A,B,C,D21)


!--error 264
Valeur erronée de l'argument -9808211 : Ne doit pas contenir de NaN ou Inf.
at line     123 of function calfrq called by :
at line      73 of function repfreq called by :
at line      28 of function gainplot cale by :


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