[strongSwan] reconect "loop" with: invalid HASH_V1 payload length, decryption failed

2021-08-03 Thread Lorenzo Milesi
I've a tunnel between a Fortigate 50E and a StrongSwan 5.8.2 server. The tunnel 
is normally up and running but every x minutes the connection is dropped for 
one minute, and then comes up again.
I checked the FAQs about that error, so I tried explicitly setting PSK for the 
IP address (I had %any before), it seems to last longer but the drop is still 
happening regularly.
Why rekeying doesn't work if connection does?

Aug  4 08:04:32 vpn01 charon: 06[ENC] generating QUICK_MODE request 1670801381 
Aug  4 08:04:32 vpn01 charon: 06[NET] sending packet: from strongswan_ip[4500] 
to forti_ip[4500] (588 bytes)
Aug  4 08:04:32 vpn01 charon: 07[NET] received packet: from forti_ip[4500] to 
strongswan_ip[4500] (92 bytes)
Aug  4 08:04:32 vpn01 charon: 07[ENC] parsed INFORMATIONAL_V1 request 
2622873796 [ HASH D ]
Aug  4 08:04:32 vpn01 charon: 07[IKE] received DELETE for ESP CHILD_SA with SPI 
Aug  4 08:04:32 vpn01 charon: 07[IKE] CHILD_SA not found, ignored
Aug  4 08:04:32 vpn01 charon: 08[NET] received packet: from forti_ip[4500] to 
strongswan_ip[4500] (92 bytes)
Aug  4 08:04:32 vpn01 charon: 08[ENC] parsed INFORMATIONAL_V1 request 474486553 
[ HASH D ]
Aug  4 08:04:32 vpn01 charon: 08[IKE] received DELETE for ESP CHILD_SA with SPI 
Aug  4 08:04:32 vpn01 charon: 08[IKE] CHILD_SA not found, ignored
Aug  4 08:04:32 vpn01 charon: 16[NET] received packet: from forti_ip[4500] to 
strongswan_ip[4500] (92 bytes)
Aug  4 08:04:32 vpn01 charon: 16[ENC] parsed INFORMATIONAL_V1 request 
3851758626 [ HASH D ]
Aug  4 08:04:32 vpn01 charon: 16[IKE] received DELETE for ESP CHILD_SA with SPI 
Aug  4 08:04:32 vpn01 charon: 16[IKE] CHILD_SA not found, ignored
Aug  4 08:04:32 vpn01 charon: 12[NET] received packet: from forti_ip[4500] to 
strongswan_ip[4500] (92 bytes)
Aug  4 08:04:32 vpn01 charon: 12[ENC] parsed INFORMATIONAL_V1 request 
3352306708 [ HASH D ]
Aug  4 08:04:32 vpn01 charon: 12[IKE] received DELETE for ESP CHILD_SA with SPI 
Aug  4 08:04:32 vpn01 charon: 12[IKE] CHILD_SA not found, ignored
Aug  4 08:04:32 vpn01 charon: 11[NET] received packet: from forti_ip[4500] to 
strongswan_ip[4500] (572 bytes)
Aug  4 08:04:32 vpn01 charon: 11[ENC] parsed QUICK_MODE request 2074613372 [ 
Aug  4 08:04:32 vpn01 charon: 11[CFG] selected proposal: 
Aug  4 08:04:32 vpn01 charon: 11[IKE] received 3600s lifetime, configured 86400s
Aug  4 08:04:32 vpn01 charon: 15[IKE] remote host is behind NAT
Aug  4 08:04:32 vpn01 charon: 14[IKE] remote host is behind NAT
Aug  4 08:04:32 vpn01 charon: 11[ENC] generating QUICK_MODE response 2074613372 
Aug  4 08:04:33 vpn01 charon: 11[NET] sending packet: from strongswan_ip[4500] 
to forti_ip[4500] (588 bytes)
Aug  4 08:04:33 vpn01 charon: 12[NET] received packet: from forti_ip[4500] to 
strongswan_ip[4500] (604 bytes)
Aug  4 08:04:33 vpn01 charon: 12[ENC] invalid HASH_V1 payload length, 
decryption failed?
Aug  4 08:04:33 vpn01 charon: 12[ENC] could not decrypt payloads
Aug  4 08:04:33 vpn01 charon: 12[IKE] message parsing failed
Aug  4 08:04:33 vpn01 charon: 12[ENC] generating INFORMATIONAL_V1 request 
2030801044 [ HASH N(PLD_MAL) ]
Aug  4 08:10:03 vpn01 charon: 10[IKE] giving up after 5 retransmits
Aug  4 08:10:03 vpn01 charon: 10[IKE] restarting CHILD_SA remote01-lan
Aug  4 08:10:03 vpn01 charon: 10[IKE] initiating Main Mode IKE_SA 
remote01-base[151609] to forti_ip
Aug  4 08:10:03 vpn01 charon: 10[ENC] generating ID_PROT request 0 [ SA V V V V 
V ]
Aug  4 08:10:03 vpn01 charon: 10[NET] sending packet: from strongswan_ip[500] 
to forti_ip[500] (240 bytes)
Aug  4 08:10:03 vpn01 charon: 10[IKE] restarting CHILD_SA remote01-wifi
Aug  4 08:10:03 vpn01 charon: 11[NET] received packet: from forti_ip[500] to 
strongswan_ip[500] (188 bytes)
Aug  4 08:10:03 vpn01 charon: 11[ENC] parsed ID_PROT response 0 [ SA V V V V V ]
Aug  4 08:10:03 vpn01 charon: 11[IKE] received NAT-T (RFC 3947) vendor ID
Aug  4 08:10:03 vpn01 charon: 11[IKE] received DPD vendor ID
Aug  4 08:10:03 vpn01 charon: 11[ENC] received unknown vendor ID: 
Aug  4 08:10:03 vpn01 charon: 11[IKE] received FRAGMENTATION vendor ID
Aug  4 08:10:03 vpn01 charon: 11[IKE] received FRAGMENTATION vendor ID
Aug  4 08:10:03 vpn01 charon: 11[CFG] selected proposal: 
Aug  4 08:10:03 vpn01 charon: 08[KNL] creating delete job for CHILD_SA 
Aug  4 08:10:03 vpn01 charon: 08[JOB] CHILD_SA ESP/0xc4e0d6cf/strongswan_ip not 
found for delete
Aug  4 08:10:03 vpn01 charon: 06[KNL] creating delete job for CHILD_SA 
Aug  4 08:10:03 vpn01 charon: 06[JOB] CHILD_SA ESP/0xc0b04a54/strongswan_ip not 
found for delete
Aug  4 08:10:03 vpn01 charon: 11[ENC] generating ID_PROT request 0 [ KE No 
Aug  4 08:10:03 vpn01 charon: 11[NET] sendi

[strongSwan] Cannot connect from roadwarrior linux client to server with Letsencrypt cert

2021-08-03 Thread Lorenzo Milesi
I've setup a roadwarrior server with Strongswan 5.8.2. Windows 10 clients 
connect successfully, while Linux ones don't.
When I try to bring up the connection I get:

received end entity cert "CN=vpn01.server.it"
  using certificate "CN=vpn01.server.it"
  using trusted intermediate ca certificate "C=AT, O=ZeroSSL, CN=ZeroSSL RSA 
Domain Secure Site CA"
checking certificate status of "CN=vpn01.server.it"
  requesting ocsp status from 'http://zerossl.ocsp.sectigo.com' ...
nonce in ocsp response doesn't match
ocsp check failed, fallback to crl
certificate status is not available
no issuer certificate found for "C=AT, O=ZeroSSL, CN=ZeroSSL RSA Domain Secure 
Site CA"
  issuer is "C=US, ST=New Jersey, L=Jersey City, O=The USERTRUST Network, 
CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority"
no trusted RSA public key found for 'vpn01.server.it'
generating INFORMATIONAL request 2 [ N(AUTH_FAILED) ]
sending packet: from[4500] to[4500] (65 bytes)
establishing connection 'vpn-vpn01' failed

In /etc/ipsec.d/cacerts I copied fullchain and ca pem files from the server.
The LE certificate has been issued using acme.sh, ZeroSSL comes from that.

I tried downloading OCSP cert directly from the website but didn't know how to 

Lorenzo Milesi - lorenzo.mil...@yetopen.com 
CTO @ YetOpen Srl

YetOpen - https://www.yetopen.com/

Via Salerno 18 - 23900 Lecco - ITALY -  | 4801 Glenwood Avenue - Suite 200 
- Raleigh, NC 27612 - USA -
Tel +39 0341 220 205 - info...@yetopen.com  | Phone +1 919-817-8106 - 

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Re: [strongSwan] VPN Suddenly Stopped Forwarding Internet

2021-08-03 Thread Noel Kuntze

Hello Jody,

Please provide the output of `iptables-save`, and the output of `ipsec 
statusall` once you tried to access the internet, but while the client is still 

Kind regards

Am 02.08.21 um 20:26 schrieb Jody Whitesides:

Having trouble trying to understand why VPN would suddenly stop allowing 
traffic to the internet (despite no changes to the server and was working fine 
for months). Devices can connect to the VPN and logs show they connect. 
However, they no longer get traffic to the internet or to the server itself. 
Unfortunately I don’t understand the logs enough to know the direct reason, but 
I’ve included some connection logs after the config. Any help that can lead to 
a fix would be appreciated.

Here’s the config:

config setup
         charondebug     ="dmn 1,mgr 1,ike 1,chd 1,job 1,cfg 1,knl 1,net 1,tls 1,lib 
1,enc 1,tnc 1"
         uniqueids       =no

conn %default
#        ike             =aes256-sha1-modp1024,3des-sha1-modp1024!
#        esp             =aes256-sha1,3des-sha1!
         fragmentation   =yes
         auto            =add
         dpdaction       =clear
         dpddelay        =40
         dpdtimeout      =130
         ikelifetime     =1h
         lifetime        =1h
         margintime      =9m
         rekeyfuzz       =100%
#        rekey           =yes
         aggressive      =no
         forceencaps     =yes
         left            =%any
         leftid          =(serverIP)
         leftcert        =(link to cert)
         leftsendcert    =always
         leftsubnet      =,::/0
         right           =%any
         rightid         =%any
#        rightauth       =eap-mschapv2
         rightsourceip   =
         rightsubnet     =%dynamic

#conn mac
#       keyexchange     =ikev1
#       authby          =xauthpsk
#       xauth           =server
#       reauth          =yes

conn ios
         ike             =aes256-sha1-modp1024,3des-sha1-modp1024!
         esp             =aes256-sha1,3des-sha1!
         keyexchange     =ikev1
         mobike          =yes
         reauth          =yes
         rekey           =yes
         leftallowany    =yes
         lefthostaccess  =yes
         leftfirewall    =yes
         leftauth        =pubkey
         rightallowany   =yes
         rightauth       =pubkey
         rightauth2      =xauth
         rightfirewall   =yes
         rightcert       =(link to cert)

conn ikev2-vpn
         keyexchange     =ikev2
         type            =tunnel
         compress        =no
         rekey           =no
         rightauth       =eap-mschapv2
         rightsendcert   =never
         eap_identity    =%identity

Here’s the Log:
Aug  2 12:13:34 jodywhitesides *charon*-custom: 06[NET] received packet: from 
[IP of Device][500] to [IP of Server][500] (848 bytes)
Aug  2 12:13:34 jodywhitesides *charon*-custom: 06[ENC] parsed ID_PROT request 
0 [ SA V V V V V V V V V V V V V V ]
Aug  2 12:13:34 jodywhitesides *charon*-custom: 06[IKE] received NAT-T (RFC 
3947) vendor ID
Aug  2 12:13:34 jodywhitesides *charon*-custom: 06[IKE] received 
draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike vendor ID
Aug  2 12:13:34 jodywhitesides *charon*-custom: 06[IKE] received 
draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-08 vendor ID
Aug  2 12:13:34 jodywhitesides *charon*-custom: 06[IKE] received 
draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-07 vendor ID
Aug  2 12:13:34 jodywhitesides *charon*-custom: 06[IKE] received 
draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-06 vendor ID
Aug  2 12:13:34 jodywhitesides *charon*-custom: 06[IKE] received 
draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-05 vendor ID
Aug  2 12:13:34 jodywhitesides *charon*-custom: 06[IKE] received 
draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-04 vendor ID
Aug  2 12:13:34 jodywhitesides *charon*-custom: 06[IKE] received 
draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-03 vendor ID
Aug  2 12:13:34 jodywhitesides *charon*-custom: 06[IKE] received 
draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-02 vendor ID
Aug  2 12:13:34 jodywhitesides *charon*-custom: 06[IKE] received 
draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-02\n vendor ID
Aug  2 12:13:34 jodywhitesides *charon*-custom: 06[IKE] received XAuth vendor ID
Aug  2 12:13:34 jodywhitesides *charon*-custom: 06[IKE] received Cisco Unity 
vendor ID
Aug  2 12:13:34 jodywhitesides *charon*-custom: 06[IKE] received FRAGMENTATION 
vendor ID
Aug  2 12:13:34 jodywhitesides *charon*-custom: 06[IKE] received DPD vendor ID
Aug  2 12:13:34 jodywhitesides *charon*-custom: 06[IKE] [IP of Device] is 
initiating a Main Mode IKE_SA
Aug  2 12:13:34 jodywhitesides *charon*-custom: 06[CFG] selected proposal: 
Aug  2 12:13:34 jodywhitesides *charon*-custom: 06[ENC] generating ID_PROT 
response 0