
Looking for some guidance on doing some source license auditing.  My needs are 
two fold.  I need to track down all the licenses of all our dependencies, which 
there seems to be an abundance of plugins. But I also need to audit the 
licenses of our committed source, as many come from open and non-open projects, 
I need to track the individual files as well.

I’ve started by using Apache RAT [1], which seems to be okay for auditing the 
source, but given that we have a significant number of modules, configuration 
of RAT is somewhat a pain (I have a bunch of custom license definitions and 
matchers) which seem to have to be added to every POM file (doesn’t like going 
into the parent POM likely because of the way we are  using Tycho).

Can anyone recommend a plugin that might be better for my use case?  I’d like 
to be able to have a single config file (or artifact) that contains the license 
declarations, and then be able to reference that from all my modules.  The 
Codehaus License Maven Plugin [2] seems close to what I want, but I can’t seem 
to figure out how to get it to show me files that are missing license headers 
or even show me a per file license summary.  If anyone can point me to some 
examples or tutorials that explain this that would be much appreciated.




Jim Klo
Senior Software Engineer
Center for Software Engineering
SRI International
t.      @nsomnac

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