Re: Question regarding inheritance vs pluginManagement

2009-08-12 Thread Éric Daigneault
Thanks for answering and clarify the documentation.

I also looked into profiles and it looked quite promising but limitations on
how they are activated and inherited let me to (yet another) dead end.

This however leaves me hung dry... how else can I obtain the desired
functionality (modulate plugins behaviour for descendents with finer grain
than by declaring them)  Right now all I get is an all or nothing behaviour,
would it be possible to use ID of some sort to determine if this or that
plugin config should be used ?

Here is an example to illustrate what I mean.  on the four projects above C
determines a base on which other projects are created.  Thus I want to
configure there as much of what the children behaviour as possible,
simplifying as much as possible the children's creation.  Now if I have
different types of children on which a plugin needs to behave differently.
How can I modulate this behaviour for the children right in the child POM
without having to redeclare the whole plugin configuration ?



On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 11:01 PM, Brian Fox  wrote:

> The docs are wrong. Although it is often used for inheritence, it most
> definitely applies to the current project as well. The
> pluginManagement provides defaults to the plugins if they are used,
> either from the cli, default lifecycle bindings, or explicit bindings
> in the pom. See here for more information:
> On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 7:59 AM, Éric Daigneault wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I was refactoring my projects to make better use of dependency management
> > and pluginManagement.  Almost got it all to work the way I want but I hit
> a
> > wall in how the pluginManagement is used.
> >
> > When looking at the definition in the documentation find the following
> >
> > *pluginManagement: is an element that is seen along side plugins. Plugin
> > Management contains plugin elements in much the same way, except that
> rather
> > than configuring plugin information for this particular project build, it
> is
> > intended to configure project builds that inherit from this one. However,
> > this only configures plugins that are actually referenced within the
> plugins
> > element in the children. The children have every right to override
> > pluginManagement definitions.*
> > *
> > *This is all good and actually is exactly the behaviour that I am
> after...
> > so after hours of fiddling and looking I was quite pleased to find this
> > little bit.  However when actually applying I find that the plugin
> > definition in plugin management are actually made active in the CURRENT
> > project as well as the children.  This is quite bothersome unfortunately.
> >
> > I created a toned downed version of my build situation to illustrate the
> > issue :
> >
> > Project A is a generic parent POM that basically just defines the common
> > parts for all projects.
> >
> > Project B is a library that is used in many different projects
> >
> > Project C is an aggregation project as well as parent POM that defines a
> > framework.  There is no code here, just POMs, Assembly descriptors etc.
>  but
> > the project aggregate many projects to form a single package.  I do this
> to
> > make it easier to develop against the framework, this way we only inherit
> > from Project C and all the needed stuff is there that standardizes the
> > dependencies and packaging of projects built on the framework.
> >
> > Project D is a project that is built on the framework, a bit of code ans
> > some stuff to add to the assembly.
> >
> > OK...
> >
> > Now, everything is working well and Project C is creating a zip file as
> it
> > should that contains all the stuff from modules and dependencies.  Now
> > anyone can download the zip file and start working on the framework.  Now
> I
> > want to define in the pluginManagement of project C some stuff to help
> child
> > projects to use the framework package directly instead of rebuilding it
> from
> > scratch everytime.  Below is the POM snippet that defines this behaviour
> :
> >
> > in Project C I have ...
> >
> >  
> >   
> >  
> >
> >  maven-dependency-plugin
> >  2.0
> >  
> > ...
> >
> >  
> >
> >  
> >
> >  
> >
> > if I do mvn help:effective-pom on project C I get that the build section
> is
> > e

Question regarding inheritance vs pluginManagement

2009-08-12 Thread Éric Daigneault

I was refactoring my projects to make better use of dependency management
and pluginManagement.  Almost got it all to work the way I want but I hit a
wall in how the pluginManagement is used.

When looking at the definition in the documentation find the following

*pluginManagement: is an element that is seen along side plugins. Plugin
Management contains plugin elements in much the same way, except that rather
than configuring plugin information for this particular project build, it is
intended to configure project builds that inherit from this one. However,
this only configures plugins that are actually referenced within the plugins
element in the children. The children have every right to override
pluginManagement definitions.*
*This is all good and actually is exactly the behaviour that I am after...
so after hours of fiddling and looking I was quite pleased to find this
little bit.  However when actually applying I find that the plugin
definition in plugin management are actually made active in the CURRENT
project as well as the children.  This is quite bothersome unfortunately.

I created a toned downed version of my build situation to illustrate the
issue :

Project A is a generic parent POM that basically just defines the common
parts for all projects.

Project B is a library that is used in many different projects

Project C is an aggregation project as well as parent POM that defines a
framework.  There is no code here, just POMs, Assembly descriptors etc.  but
the project aggregate many projects to form a single package.  I do this to
make it easier to develop against the framework, this way we only inherit
from Project C and all the needed stuff is there that standardizes the
dependencies and packaging of projects built on the framework.

Project D is a project that is built on the framework, a bit of code ans
some stuff to add to the assembly.


Now, everything is working well and Project C is creating a zip file as it
should that contains all the stuff from modules and dependencies.  Now
anyone can download the zip file and start working on the framework.  Now I
want to define in the pluginManagement of project C some stuff to help child
projects to use the framework package directly instead of rebuilding it from
scratch everytime.  Below is the POM snippet that defines this behaviour :

in Project C I have ...






if I do mvn help:effective-pom on project C I get that the build section is
empty, which is exactly what I ordered..

If in project D (which has project C as parent) I have the following build
section :




and do a mvn help:effective-pom I get a build section that contains the
maven-dependency-plugin with all the bells and whistle I placed in project`s
C pluginManagement... again all is good...

But let`s say that project C wants to create something that uses
dependencies and needs to do work with the maven-dependency-plugin.  I
therefore add the following to Project C POM :


 Some stuff for the children




 some stuff for adults only



now if I do mvn help:effective-pom on project C I get all the stuff for
parent AND all the stuff for kids...  Thing is... I don't want the stuff for
kids, I am actually preparing stuff for kids

I feel this is a bug since the documentation specifically states that the
pluginDependencies are for decendents.  Unless they are reffering to the XML
structure's children... in which case there is a terminology problem here
and the documentation should probably changed to specifically state that
children refers to the XML structure... NOT child POMs...

There is a simple solution to this but it involves creating yet another
projects, my project structure is complex enough as it stands adding extra
projects just to ensure maven behaves the way I want will add a lot of
needless cruft in the project tree.  Is there a way to get it to do what I
want without resorting to yet-another-project-that-contains-nothing-usefull
(codewise that is)



Re: POM element orders

2009-02-01 Thread Éric Daigneault
Thanks Justin, sounds reasonable...  there are so many phases to choose from
I guess the expanding of the package could very well be in the pre-package

@Brian..  That`s just it, when I put the assembly bits in the parent POM it
is systematically executed before anything in the children`s POM.  I
would`ve expected the opposite thereby giving children the opportunity to
complete and add to the parent`s actions.  Unless I did not get it right.

The only way I found (without resorting to other phases) was to copy the
assembly part in the children at the end of their POM.

I'll give the prior phase definition a try, no reason for it not to work,
though I am still puzzled by this behavior, could be a bug but I think the
most likely cause is something I do not get in the maven build pattern.
when you say "userbound" and "default", in the example above which is
considered default ? and which is considered user bound ?  also where on the
net can I find a bit of help regarding all this ?

I find maven really helpfull in many ways, but there is one thing I still
find very hard is to reach easy to read and usefull documentation on the
plugins, and on the many capabilities of Maven.  It is easy inough to find
trivial examples but I grew out of these quite fast.

Is there anything akin to the Javadoc system that maven plungins be
documented in ?  Is there a repository of documenatation for plugins ?

again, thanks


POM element orders

2009-02-01 Thread Éric Daigneault
I'm having a bit of a problem here !

I have a project that while not very big, does span a dependency tree a few
level deep and has many leaves of final deployed packages.  I use maven not
only to build and all but to generate zip files that contain everything
(doc, runtime environment, libraries, config files etc).  This makes the job
of people that have to deploy the modules a lot easier.

So..  Parent POM contains all that is necessary to build the base package,
most of which are set to not be inherited by the children as they will
simply use the parent Zip file package as a baseline and will complete or
override the necessary files to create the final packages.

My problem is this, in the parent I define some build tasks that will be
inherited by the children, namely :




... snip ...





I clipped out the extra fluff leaving the interesting bits.

In the child project I have this






The goal is to be able to use the definition of the parent to create a
package based on the assembly rules (package.xml) that all child must have.
 My problem is that the assembly is executed BEFORE the unpacking and thus
will not include the parent`s file as intended.  The only workaround I found
to this is to redefine the assembly section in  each children thereby
nullifying the inheritance benefit...

Questions :
1 - can I control the order in which the build tasks are executed ?
2 - can I create dependencies amongst them so that the order of execution,
while not controlled in absolute, would still be respected and do the
intended work.
3 - is there a better way to achieve this knowing the children may very well
have some code inside along with documentation and configuration ?

Many thanks in advance


Re: multi-module unit testing

2007-10-02 Thread Éric Daigneault
Hi Pierre,

It all depends on what you need to share.  I discovered that a lot of the
code I needed to share were things like data set loaders for specification
tests for example.  These are generic by nature and do not require any
dependencies, thus making isolation in a separate module pretty straight
forward.  However for mocks ans stubs François's solution is more elegant
where you will use the assembly plugin and generate an extra jar packaging
all the test stuff together.  all in all you will achieve the same end
result.  However you must be careful here on what you share between projects
as it is generally considered bad practice for unit tests to have
dependencies outside their domain.  This being said recoding the same stub
every time you need to fake a class from another jar is just insane,
packaging mocks for the classes at the interface of the package within the
same project and packaging them as separate test jars sounds much better.

This is where I was coming with the solution I proposed earlier, most of my
modules are split in two, one with all the interfaces, factories access and
such and will becomes the API, another for the implementation.  APIs can
have dependencies with other APIs, Implementation will only have
dependencies to it's API and other APIs.  The upside is that it forces me to
think long and hard about what has to be shared, what service provides the
library, and how it is to be done.  Natural corollary from this is that the
test code that needs to be shared is quite easy to determine as other
projects will have dependency only on the API.  This is how I get to prevent
circular dependencies since the tests will have the dame dependency graph as
the rest of the project.

Downside is that the project becomes very large very fast (3 to one split in
modules), and this is where François's proposal becomes interesting, Under
the same module project I could have it generate all three jars.  Sounds a
bit extreme but since I adopted this Dependencies management through
dictatorship I found my advil consumption dropped dramatically, especially
when the interns that work here are warned that some medival torture
apparatus was rigged to their chairs and wired to the build,  I then let
their imaginations connect the dots if the link with anything but API

Anyhow, bit verbose but I hope it helped with your spinning head. ^_^.


Éric :D.

On 10/2/07, Awaragi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> Thank you for your reply. Your solution is definitly getting me there but
> I
> am still a little bit confused about dependencies of these projects.
> Won't you run into a cirucular dependency issue between common test
> project
> and the library it support? From example, A, B are lib projects and C is
> app
> project, currently test setup classes are in A and B and are used by A and
> B
> test classes. So in theory, say you create a test project T, C will depend
> on A, B and T, T depends on A and B but A and B also depend on T. Maybe I
> am
> thinking too much? My head is definitly hurting %-|
> Thanks again,
> Pierre
> Eric Daigneault-2 wrote:
> >
> > Hi Pierre,
> >
> > The way I solved this for myself was to create a test project and put
> all
> > the common test code in it (as normal stuff, not as test stuff) then I
> > used
> > the test project in all other projects as a dependency.  This way I have
> > access to the common test stuff.  then to ensure that the extra project
> > (jar) does not make it in the final package I declared it as test in
> it`s
> > dependency scope.
> >
> > Extending the above principle I usually have two such jars for my
> > projects,
> > one that is all the common code used in all tests, there I place all the
> > generic stuff that can be reusable and is not specific.  Another  I will
> > put
> > all the mocks stubs and other such classes that are specific to the high
> > level project.  This way all modules will have access to them and I only
> > code my stuff once.  Great thing about this is that I can then code unit
> > tests on the test classes.  May sound a bit excessive but when people
> > lives
> > depend on the code you produce a bit of paranoia actually help to
> protect
> > ones sanity.
> >
> > Of course for the stubs parts, to prevent circular dependencies you may
> > have
> > to separate the interface for your library from the implementation,
> which
> > in
> > time makes for more stable code.  The downside is the multiplication of
> > modules.
> >
> > I hope this helps
> >
> > Éric :D.
> >
> >
> > On 10/1/07, Awaragi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> Hi All,
> >>
> >> i hope that this question was not asked before as I am new to maven and
> >> to
> >> this forum. I am trying to build a multi-module project with three
> >> modules:
> >> libraries A and B and application C which depends on A and B. Libraries
> A
> >> and B have their unit testing classes which use a setup class to load
> >> testing resources, 

Re: multi-module unit testing

2007-10-01 Thread Éric Daigneault
Hi Pierre,

The way I solved this for myself was to create a test project and put all
the common test code in it (as normal stuff, not as test stuff) then I used
the test project in all other projects as a dependency.  This way I have
access to the common test stuff.  then to ensure that the extra project
(jar) does not make it in the final package I declared it as test in it`s
dependency scope.

Extending the above principle I usually have two such jars for my projects,
one that is all the common code used in all tests, there I place all the
generic stuff that can be reusable and is not specific.  Another  I will put
all the mocks stubs and other such classes that are specific to the high
level project.  This way all modules will have access to them and I only
code my stuff once.  Great thing about this is that I can then code unit
tests on the test classes.  May sound a bit excessive but when people lives
depend on the code you produce a bit of paranoia actually help to protect
ones sanity.

Of course for the stubs parts, to prevent circular dependencies you may have
to separate the interface for your library from the implementation, which in
time makes for more stable code.  The downside is the multiplication of

I hope this helps

Éric :D.

On 10/1/07, Awaragi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> i hope that this question was not asked before as I am new to maven and to
> this forum. I am trying to build a multi-module project with three
> modules:
> libraries A and B and application C which depends on A and B. Libraries A
> and B have their unit testing classes which use a setup class to load
> testing resources, setup database connection, etc. This works all fine and
> nice for A and B. Now I am in the process of writting unit tests for
> application module C and i don't want to do copy/paste of the setup
> classes
> of A and B but I cannot find a way to make unit test classes of C to
> depend
> on unit test classes of A and B.
> I thought of moving some of these setup classes to main as a workaround
> but
> then i have to add quite a few test libraries to these modules and to the
> web-inf/lib folder of the final war file. Including a database jdbc driver
> is not acceptable so this workaround is not the way to go.
> Can anyone please help me with this setup?
> Pierre
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Re: custom jar contents?

2007-10-01 Thread Éric Daigneault
Simple answer :

If you need two jars then your project needs to be broken into two separate

To get a better understanding I would like to know why you require to have
two jars ?  different configurations ? optional components ?

Believe me here I got through this a while ago on Maven and the best answer
I found was to rethink long and hard as to why I needed this done, and the
answer was that, in all things were made a lot simpler if I simple split the
project in two separate jars then have a top level project to generate the
actual package.  Sometimes this top level package does not contain code at
all, just POM and other declarations to determine the final packaging.

For this I use the assembly plugin ( and generate a zip
file with all needed for the software in a single archive.

This being said... if you absolutely neeed the extra jars and spliting the
code makes absolutely no sense the it is most probably possible to use the
assembly plugin to bend the one project one jar rule.

to summarize, at first I found Maven very frustrating to use until I found
out that rethinking the way a project should be laid-out and how it should
be built and packaged to follow Maven's philosophy it made things much more
simple in the long run.  After I changed to bend my habits to maven instead
of the opposite I discovered I was spending MUCH less time managing the
projects and packages and much more time actually coding and getting things

On 10/1/07, Sonar, Nishant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I have a structure as
> MyAppModule
> Src
> Main
> Java
> Com
> Myapp
> Bankapplication
> Some classes
> Utilities
> FormulaCalc
> someclasses
> DateCalc
> Someclasses
> Pom.xml
> I need top have 2 jars as utilitied and myappmodule. What can I do for
> such a case where there's a single pom to generate 2 jars comprising
> selective classes?
> -Nishant