I have a multi-module project and I am trying to get the "right" set up to use Maven with Eclipse. I have a question below on mvn eclipse:eclipse, but some background first.

I used to use m2eclipse with Eclipse 3.1 but as the projects have grown, m2eclipse has shown to have problems. For example in a multi-module project, each module might want different versions of a jar file in the path (say in different WAR files). m2eclipse seems to load all the different source directories up into one mega-project, and come up with a single list of all dependencies flattened across projects. When m2eclipse worked, I sometimes got different versions of artifacts in the dependency list. Frequently it just refused to work, not finding all the dependencies correctly - which is probably a bug. However regardless of any possible bugs, the basic premise seems wrong - each module should have its own dependencies worked out as they may *want* different versions of jar files.

mvn eclipse:eclipse therefore looks a better way to go. I can check out a SVN tree, run mvn eclipse:eclipse, then load up all the modules as separate projects with only the jar file dependencies for that module included. This works much more reliably - no problems so far.

However, because it creates a project per module, I cannot use the global Eclipse SVN support for tagging, branching, switching etc. I cannot do this from the top of the tree. I have to go back to the command line.

I just downloaded Eclipse Europa (3.3) and it (as well as 3.2 I believe) supports nested projects. That is, it appears I can have a .project file in the root directory plus one in each module directory. (I am having a little trouble with Subclipse and Subversive, but I think they will be resolved so I am going to assume they work.) This looks almost ideal, which leads me to finally to my question...

Q: Is there any way to make "mvn eclipse:elipse" generate a .project file for the root directory as well as each module? That way I can check out the whole project tree from the root and have a project per pom file. Eclipse can now handle nested projects, so it will load them all up (it used to refuse to load up child directory projects under a parent directory project). I saw a hack somewhere of changing the root pom file to temporarily use "jar" packaging, then put it back to "pom" packaging - but this is pretty ugly. Now that Eclipse supports nested projects, is there any reason not to do this? It would give me the ability to do all the svn commands from inside Eclipse from the root package (I don't need or want to compile any Java code from the root package - I just want to be able to explore the tree, do 'sync with repository', commits, svn switches etc) plus each module would get its own correct dependency list as occurs now. I would do all compiles in the module directories.

Is this possible now? (I don't think so.) Can it be added? Would it allow what I am trying to do?

Alan Kent

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