Re: JUnit and getResourceAsStream

2003-12-05 Thread Ciaran Treanor
Lennart Martens wrote:


It probably boils down to either not having the necessary file
('foo.xml') in the Junit classpath or a config problem.

It's definitely Friday - sorry - that was a stupid mistake!


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JUnit and getResourceAsStream

2003-12-05 Thread Ciaran Treanor
I've got a unit test that needs to read a data file, i.e.
InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream("foo.xml");
Within Eclipse the file is found, however when running the
test from within Maven the resource is not found (i.e. in is null).
Any ideas?


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Re: How can I specify the that $HOME should be in the classpath

2003-11-24 Thread Ciaran Treanor
With maven you declare your dependency on specific files (jars etc) rather 
than anything found in a directory.

Does this help? If not, give us some more info on what you need to do.
Not really. It my fault for not giving a full picture of what
I'm trying to do. Here's the story.
There are various property and xml files that my project requires at
runtime. Examples include log4j.xml, hibernate.xml etc. These files
do not live in the source tree (src/java) so as to prevent developers
commiting their preferences to CVS. Instead, each developer must
put, for example, log4j.xml in their $HOME directory and tweak it
according to their taste.
So the problem I have is that I would like maven to include $HOME
in the path when it's running unit tests (in order to ensure that
the various property/xml files are loaded). Since we also use
Eclipse, it would be convenient if $HOME could be expressed as
a  so that the Eclipse plugin would add it to the
project classpath. In this way the same properties would apply
regardless of whether the unit tests are being run from the
command line or within Eclipse.
I guess this is related to the whole are of runtime dependencies.

Any ideas?


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How can I specify the that $HOME should be in the classpath

2003-11-20 Thread Ciaran Treanor
I'm wondering how I can specify that $HOME should be added to
the classpath before running unit tests and when generating
the project files using the eclipse plugin.

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Re: target/test-classes and Eclipse plugin

2003-09-15 Thread Ciaran Treanor
Ben Walding wrote:
I believe I fixed this in CVS some time ago, there is a release coming 
out shortly that will include this fix.
Cheers Ben. I'm afraid to work from CVS at the moment (too much
at stake) so I'll wait for the release.

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target/test-classes and Eclipse plugin

2003-09-15 Thread Ciaran Treanor
For some reason the following dependency is being
generated by Maven when I invoke "maven eclipse"
When I refresh in Eclipse it (Eclipse) complains as follows:
"Missing required library: 'my_project/target/test-classes'
If I manually remove the above XML from the Eclipse .classpath
file and refresh, everything works fine.
My questions is how do I stop the Maven Eclipse plugin
from generating that dependency in the first place.
Thanks a million,

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Re: Cascading dependencies

2003-09-12 Thread Ciaran Treanor
Brett Porter wrote:
Not yet. Search the archives and JIRA for "transitive dependencies".
Cheers Brett.


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Cascading dependencies

2003-09-11 Thread Ciaran Treanor
Hi, I've got two projects (two different cvs modules):
- Project A (library to be used by other projects)
- Project B is a webapp
Project B has a dependency on Project A.
Project A has dependencies on a number of third-party libraries.
When I do a 'maven war' on Project B, is it possible to have
maven bundle all of Project A's third-party libraries into
the resulting war file?
Thanks a million,

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Re: Maven and XDoclet templates (repost with clarification)

2003-09-10 Thread Ciaran Treanor
Konstantin Priblouda wrote:
I would need to look into plugin.jelly to tell you
that. It would be faster, if you do it yourself...
I'll bet you it's not - my knowledge of Jelly is minimal.

[ I do not memorize files with over 10K lines... ]
The plugin.jelly for maven-xdoclet (well at least the one
from beta-10) only has 9960 lines ;-)
Thanks anyway,

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Re: Maven and XDoclet templates (repost with clarification)

2003-09-08 Thread Ciaran Treanor
Konstantin Priblouda wrote:
It depends whether you use plugin goals or set up
ant targets in maven.xml
If you use xdoclet:webdoclet
then you can specify properties in
/ like:
So, how should the property be named in
in order to get the httpPort to evaluate to 80?

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Maven and XDoclet templates (repost with clarification)

2003-09-05 Thread Ciaran Treanor
I'm using XDoclet to generate my web.xml and it's working just
fine. However, I'd now like to parameterise the web.xml
generation using XDoclet templates within files in my merge dir.
For example,


Will result in the following being generated to web-xml:


If I've set httpPort=80 somewhere. I've no problem
setting this from ant, but can someone let me know how to
this from Maven ( or maven.xml?).

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Maven and XDoclet templates

2003-08-23 Thread Ciaran Treanor
I'm using XDoclet to generate my web.xml and it's working just
fine. However, I'd now like to parameterise the web.xml
generation using XDoclet templates.
For example,


Will result in the following being generated to web-xml:


If I've set httpPort=80 somewhere. I've no problem
setting this from ant, but can someone let me know how to
this from Maven ( or maven.xml?).
Thanks a million,

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classpath for JUnit and Eclipse plugin

2003-08-19 Thread Ciaran Treanor
I've got a bunch of unit tests in a project and some of them
need a database to run. I'd like to be able to add my home
directory to the classpath so that and are picked up.
Is there any way to add ${user.home} to the classpath so that
1. It will be in the classpath when 'maven test' is executed
2. So that the eclipse plugin adds it to the list of directories
   to put in the eclipse classpath for the project.

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unit test resources

2003-07-17 Thread Ciaran Treanor
I've written a number of unit tests for a project and
some of these tests require data files (*.dat) in order to
run. I'm having trouble getting Maven to put these .dat
files into target/test-classes/com/foo/bar as part
of the build process. Thus the tests are failing when
I run:
maven jar
Can anyone tell me the syntax to use in the 
part of the pom so that **/*.dat are copies from src/test
to target/test-classses

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