Unit testing with Hypersonic

2004-08-05 Thread Eric Hauser
I running some unit tests with Maven during my build process using 
Hypersonic in-memory mode as the datasource.  I generating the schema 
from Hibernate and then loading the schema in a preGoal for test:test 
using the ant:sql tags.  The problem that I am having is every time the 
unit test runs, Hypersonic cannot seem to find the tables that I just 
loaded.  Anyone have an example code that does something similar? Thanks.

Eric W. Hauser
Application Developer
accessIndiana...linking hoosiers to government
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Re: Unit testing with Hypersonic

2004-08-05 Thread Eric Hauser
I switched from using the memory only mode to using Hypersonic in server 
mode instead.  I fired off server mode from the command line, changed 
the datasource URL, and everything seemed to work fine.  I didn't have 
to change anything regarding the loading of the schema export using 
ant:sql.  Of course, now the issue is that if I want this to be 
completely automated I have to find a way to get Maven to start up 
Hypersonic in server mode for me.  Here's what I'm trying:

postGoal name=java:compile
 !-- Generate schema for the database --
 ant:path id=schemaexport.classpath
  ant:path refid=maven.dependency.classpath /
  ant:pathelement location=${maven.build.dir}/classes /
 ant:taskdef name=schemaexport 
classpathref=schemaexport.classpath /
 ant:schemaexport properties=etc/hibernate-unit-test.properties 
delimiter=; text=yes output=${maven.build.dir}/${pom.name}.ddl
  ant:fileset dir=${maven.build.dest}
   ant:include name=**/*.hbm.xml /

preGoal name=test:compile
 ant:copy file=${maven.war.src}/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml  
todir=${basedir}/target/test-classes/ filtering=on
ant:filter token=hibernate.dialect 
value=net.sf.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect /

preGoal name=test:test
 !-- need to startup the database  here --
 ant:java classpathref=maven.dependency.classpath fork=true 
spawn=true classname=org.hsqldb.Server
   arg value=-database /
   arg value=testdb /
 !-- Load schema into hsqldb for unit testing --
 ant:sql driver=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver 
url=jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://testdb userid=sa password= 
src=${maven.build.dir}/${pom.name}.ddl onerror=continue
   ant:classpath refid=maven.dependency.classpath /

I left in the ant:java code which does not work.  I seem to remember 
having this problem before, but I don't think Maven allows for the 
spawning on a new process properly.  How are you firing off Hypersonic?

Craig S. Cottingham wrote:
On Aug 5, 2004, at 10:19, Eric Hauser wrote:
I running some unit tests with Maven during my build process using 
Hypersonic in-memory mode as the datasource.  I generating the schema 
from Hibernate and then loading the schema in a preGoal for test:test 
using the ant:sql tags.  The problem that I am having is every time 
the unit test runs, Hypersonic cannot seem to find the tables that I 
just loaded.  Anyone have an example code that does something 
similar? Thanks.

We don't generate the database schema as part of the test goal; 
instead, the Hypersonic database script is an original source and 
stored in version control. Other than that, I think we're doing 
something similar to what you're trying to do.

The problem we ran into was that Maven has no well-defined current 
directory from which to specify a relative path to the database 
script. Normally, this would mean that you'd have to specify an 
absolute path, which is generally a Bad Idea.

I got around this by modifying the datasource configuration properties 
file in a pregoal for test:test:

  preGoal name=test:test
ant:copy todir=${maven.build.dir}/test-classes overwrite=true 
  ant:fileset dir=${maven.src.dir}/test/conf
ant:include name=datasource.properties /
ant:filter token=BUILDDIR value=${maven.build.dir} /
The datasource configuration properties file contains (in part):
The glue between the datasource configuration properties and the code 
that uses the datasource I can't show you, unfortunately. But as long 
as you're defining the connection parameters in a configuration file 
(and you should be :-), you should be able to do something similar.

Hope this helps.
Craig S. Cottingham
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Eric W. Hauser
Application Developer
accessIndiana...linking hoosiers to government
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Indianapolis, IN 46204
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Re: Unit testing with Hypersonic

2004-08-05 Thread Eric Hauser
Thanks everyone for the suggestions.  I found that Carlos' method seems 
to be the best choice for me.  I'm just running the SQL to create the 
tables in the static initialzer for my base test case.  Assuming the 
schema file has already been generated, this allows me to run the unit 
tests inside of Eclipse as well as with Maven.  Thanks again.

Craig S. Cottingham wrote:
On Aug 5, 2004, at 10:55, Eric Hauser wrote:
I switched from using the memory only mode to using Hypersonic in 
server mode instead.  I fired off server mode from the command line, 
changed the datasource URL, and everything seemed to work fine.  I 
didn't have to change anything regarding the loading of the schema 
export using ant:sql.  Of course, now the issue is that if I want 
this to be completely automated I have to find a way to get Maven to 
start up Hypersonic in server mode for me.  Here's what I'm trying:

I left in the ant:java code which does not work.  I seem to remember 
having this problem before, but I don't think Maven allows for the 
spawning on a new process properly.  How are you firing off Hypersonic?

We run Hypersonic in-memory. Since the database schema is stored in 
src/test/conf instead of being generated by Maven at test time, we 
don't have the problem of schema changes being made and then dropped 
before the tests run.

Craig S. Cottingham
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Eric W. Hauser
Application Developer
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Re: How to get xdoclet generating necessary files thru maven?

2004-06-25 Thread Eric Hauser
I'm not sure why everyone has trouble getting xdoclet up and running, 
but I would definately recommend just using Ant code in your maven.xml.  
The hardest part is making sure you have the classpath set up properly.  
The maven-xdoclet plugin is a little complicated (not to mention it is 
some of th ugliest jelly I've ever seen).  But that doesn't mean you 
can't leverage your existed Ant code for xdoclet in maven.

Ryan Sonnek wrote:
please read the wiki page again.  the example posted on the wiki specifically AVOIDS the xdoclet plugin, and instead uses maven goals to do the same work.  the plugin and maven goals have nothing in common, and i would suggest using one or the other.  I wrote the wiki pages in question, and would highly recommend NOT using the xdoclet plugin (for the reasons stated on the wiki).  

any other questions, feel free to ask.  xdoclet's pretty tough to get up and working 
the first time.

-Original Message-
From: Chuck Daniels [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 5:39 AM
To: Maven Users List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: How to get xdoclet generating necessary files thru maven?
Why have you overridden the xdoclet:ejbdoclet goal in your 
maven.xml?  Try
removing it from your maven.xml so that the goal by the same 
name in the
plugin can run.


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 3:38 AM
Subject: How to get xdoclet generating necessary files thru maven?
I make use of the example in wiki
(http://wiki.codehaus.org/maven/CreatingJ2eeApplications) to
create my j2ee project;
yet encounter a probelm when integrate xdoclet with maven.
After following up the instruction in maven plug-in page
I setup maven.xml and project.properties along with project.xml.
It looks as
follow. However, it seems no use to get xdoclet generating
necessary files (such as remote, home interface). Additionaly, I
also defined
necessary depandencies in the root project.xml. Where did I 

do it wrong?

BTW, there no error report ,when compiling, for the ejb 

source I use was

successful compiled and run smoothly only through xdoclet.
I appreciate any suggestions.

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
project xmlns:maven=jelly:maven xmlns:j=jelly:core
	preGoal name=java:compile
		attainGoal name=xdoclet:ejbdoclet/
	!-- Generate required Xdoclet EjbDoclet resources for this
project. --
	goal name=xdoclet:ejbdoclet
		echo message=destDir -
		echo message=srcDir -
		mkdir dir=${maven.xdoclet.ejbdoclet.destDir}/
		taskdef name=ejbdoclet
		ejbdoclet destdir=${maven.xdoclet.ejbdoclet.destDir}


include name=**/*Bean.java/
		echodelete unneeded objects/echo


include name=**/data/*.java/
include name=**/interfaces/*.java/
path id=ejbdoclet.java.compile.src.set
maven:addPath id=maven.compile.src.set
#define xdoclet properties
# plugin.properties
#ejbdoclet default properties

Re: Multiproject:site OutOfMemory

2004-06-17 Thread Eric Hauser
Have you tried profiling the build to see what is actually happening? 
Just because you are getting an OutOfMemory error doesn't mean that you 
are running out of heap space.  There are a couple of free tools out 
there including one by Sun 
http://developers.sun.com/dev/coolstuff/jvmstat (the one that ships with 
JDK 1.5 is pretty nice).  The Sun memory profiler will let you look at 
others areas besides heap, so I would recommend starting there.

Dion Gillard wrote:
On Thu, 17 Jun 2004 13:24:56 +0100, Matt Read [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Are the unit tests allocating large amounts of memory?
Define large... with a forked JVM for the unit tests I observe an additional
JVM footprint of around 16mb (the default min heap size?) as the test
execute (JWebUnit tests incidently) the memory usage increases to around
200mb which is well within the range of my machine and max heap size
settings. It's possible that JWebUnit itself has a memory leak however I'm
90% sure I can reproduce the problem without running the tests - please tell
me if you think it would be useful to do this and tell me what data you'd
like me to gather when I do it.

Not just yet, but it is interesting.

3. I seem to have temporarily resolved my issue by doing
the following
but my susispicion is that it will come back as my codebase grows.
   a) disabling all JDepend reports (I've had lots of
problems with
OutOfMemory errors and Jdepend runnning from Ant in the past)
   b) forking the JVM while the Junit tests run
   c) separating removing any other goals from the build
so that I'm
only running multiproject:site.
Does turning any of the above back 'on' cause the failure again?
Yes, the failure is reproducable, would it be useful for you to know exactly
which if these options might trigger it?

Definitely. If it's JDepend helping out, or the junit tests would be useful.

4. At present the multiproject is made up of only 3 sub-projects, I
was intending for this to grow to approximately 20 over the
next week
but will now have to rethink.
5. I can't really clarify the exact failure any better without
knowing what kind of information you are after?
Generally looking for patterns about where it's failing. e.g.
always during xdoc or always during XXX.
The majority of the time during xdoc, but not at any determinable stage
within the xdoc goals, sometimes during transforms, sometimes while building
the aggregated menu.

FWIW, I have a multiproject of around 20 projects running in less
memory than what you've defined here. How many source files are we
talking about?
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Eric W. Hauser
Application Developer
accessIndiana...linking hoosiers to government
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Re: Equivalent to Ants -logger?

2004-06-17 Thread Eric Hauser
Maven doesn't have an extensible event model for builds like Ant does. 
Unfortunately, you also cannot use Ant's event model from inside Maven 
either.  There are a couple of open issues in Maven's JIRA about this:

Eric Pugh wrote:
Hi all,
I am playing around with the Dashboard plugin for Eclipse which allows
CruiseControl messages to be sent to a socket.  It integrates into Ant
builds via passing in a custom Logger.  I'd like to do the same for Maven
builds, but not sure how to hijack the Maven logger and send messages
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Eric W. Hauser
Application Developer
accessIndiana...linking hoosiers to government
10 W. Market St., Suite 600
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Phone: (317) 233-4007
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Re: RES: Best practice for webapp development in WSAD/Eclipse

2004-05-26 Thread Eric Hauser
Try running 'maven ant'.  That will create a build.xml for your project.
Al Robertson wrote:
There is an maven eclipse plugin - see 

As far as I know, there isn't an automated way of converting maven scripts 
to ant and vice versa. ant to maven is a manual process, but pretty easy 
as you can use all the ant tasks - but with more power/flexibility using 
I don't know why you would want to convert maven to ant!!!

If you read my original mail, you'll understand some issues I have with 
developing in J2EE applications in WSAD and integrating maven.

Haven't had much feedback yet. Should I assume most maven users use other 
IDEs!  I would have thought at least Eclipse would have been pretty 

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26/05/2004 12:07
Please respond to
Maven Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Maven Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RES: Best practice for webapp development in WSAD/Eclipse

Hi all,
Do you know any eclipse/wsad plugin to use maven inside eclipse/wsad?
Is there any tool that convert build files from maven to ant and vice 

Celso Junior
-Mensagem original-
De: Göschl,Siegfried [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviada em: terça-feira, 25 de maio de 2004 14:18
Para: Maven Users List
Assunto: RE: Best practice for webapp development in WSAD/Eclipse
Hi Al,
Basically you are right - they only twist I can add using an ANT wrapper 
invoke Maven to setup the exploded web archive. And the ANT Wrapper can be
easily executed by the IDE

Siegfried Goeschl
-Original Message-
From: Al Robertson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Dienstag, 25. Mai 2004 13:50
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Best practice for webapp development in WSAD/Eclipse
I was after some feedback on how people structured their WEB (war)
applications when using WSAD/Eclipse and maven for development.
My directory is structured as follows:
/target (maven generated)
As with jar projects, I defined all dependencies in the pom and these are
reflected in the .classpath file
A simple example:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
classpathentry kind=src path=src/java/
classpathentry kind=src path=src/test/java/
classpathentry kind=var
classpathentry kind=var path=MAVEN_REPO/j2ee/jars/j2ee-1.3.jar/
classpathentry kind=var
classpathentry kind=var
classpathentry kind=output path=WebContent/WEB-INF/classes/
This compiles fine. The classes are written to my
WebContent/WEB-INF/classes directory.
BUT - If I run this application using a WebSphere Test Environment (WTE)
server, it will fail because it can't find the log4j classes.
The WTE uses the WebContent directory as an exploded war. WTE expects
utility jars to be available to the WAS classloader, usually from the
WEB-INF/lib directory. If I put the jars in the lib directory, I'm
effectively maintaining the dependencies twice (in the pom and in
Of course, when building using maven, the exploded war is created in
/target, including dependency jars added to /WEB-INF/lib. That all works
fine, especially on a continuous integration server.
If I could get WSAD to use the /target/webapp directory in the WTE, that
would solve the problem, but I can't.
Therefore, using maven in a development environment seems to require
deploy the generated ear for each test iteration. This loses much of the
power of the WTE.
So what do other people do? I've extended war:war to add dependencies
defined in the pom to the WebContent/WEB-INF/lib directory. But this
requires maven war:war to be run before using WTE for the first time. That
doesn't feel right.
The whole thing doesn't seem to fit well for war projects (great for
jars). I'm still experimenting but I thought I'd ask for help!!!
I hope this makes sense :-)
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Re: Repository under IIS

2004-04-20 Thread Eric Hauser
It sounds like the directory requires authentication that your browser 
is passing along.  Try pasting that same URL into Mozilla and I bet it 
won't work.  IE could be authenticating you based off of your Windows 
login using SPNEGO.  The easy way to fix is to turn off authentication 
for that directory in IIS.

James Shute wrote:
Being in a corporate environment behind a BFO firewall I'm trying to set 
up my own repository on the intranet.  And being a mainly Microsoft shop 
the web-server installed on my box is IIS.

So I've set this property in my build.properties:
But when I build anything that needs to download I get this error:
Attempting to download js-1.5R4-RC3.jar.
Error retrieving artifact from 
java.lang.Exception: Not authorized.
WARNING: Failed to download js-1.5R4-RC3.jar.

Now if I paste that url into IE then it downloads it fine, so it's not 
like I've mistyped the path or anything.  So I can only assume it's 
something to do with the credentials Maven is calling with or something 
like that.

Anybody have any ideas?

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Eric W. Hauser
Application Developer
accessIndiana...linking hoosiers to government
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Re: logging output

2004-03-12 Thread Eric Hauser
If you are interested in Ant logging, I submitted a patch
http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/ViewIssue.jspa?key=MAVEN-126 called 
MAVEN126.patch that gives you the ability to get Ant logging when using 
Ant tasks.  It is a quick hack to add this functionality, but at least 
should serve as a good example for how to add it yourself.

As far as configuring logging for Maven itself, I do not believe what 
you are trying to do is possible.  If you are working on your own tasks, 
you can use a property for a logging level and handle it accordingly in 
your Jelly.  Currently, Maven does not have a very flexible logging 
system in the core, but I believe this is planned for the future.

Heiko Kundlacz wrote:

in Ant there is a output flag on the task level. Is there any according 
functionality for maven?

Can I log output on a goal level?

Thanks for your help


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Eric W. Hauser
Application Developer
accessIndiana...linking hoosiers to government
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Re: Precompiling jsps

2004-02-18 Thread Eric Hauser
Did you look at the Maven wiki? There is some example code posted here: 

Euan Guttridge wrote:
Please post the code to the list, thanks very much..

-Original Message-
From: DeGraff, Adam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 18 February 2004 19:02
To: 'Maven Users List'
Subject: RE: Precompiling jsps
Please fwd your plugin, thanks! 

-Original Message-
From: Chad Brandon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 11:04 AM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Precompiling jsps

I'm not sure if there is one out there, but I've written one we use, if
you'd like I can send it to you.  It precompiles using Tomcat's Jasper
--- DeGraff, Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there a plugin to do this, or should I write a custom goal?  



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Eric W. Hauser
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