Structuring bigger Maven projects

2016-11-29 Thread Florian Schaetz


are there some good guides about structuring bigger maven projects 
(including shared code, easy deployment & versioning, etc.)? There's 
much about the basic stuff, default folders, etc. but somehow, I seem to 
keep missing the articles (and books) about the "big picture" for bigger 

For example, I am having slight problems deciding between one parent 
project with many modules (and how to version the modules differently 
and automatically)... I guess there are many considerations like this, 
so has anyone good literature on the topic?



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SVN Password when executing maven from Eclipse on Ubuntu

2015-08-03 Thread Florian Schaetz

Hello together,

I've been using maven for a while now, professionally and privately and 
have always been quite happy with it, even as I've just scratched the 
surface (but there are already two maven books on my reading list to 
change that). But you know how it is, sometimes you stumble upon a 
problem that seems pretty hard, even if it's probably something trivial

For a given task I need to execute an SVN blame via maven (the 
sonar:sonar goal does that, to be more exact), typically from eclipse. 
This worked fine, until today, when my password to the SVN server was 
changed. Eclipse reacted as expected, asked for the new password and 
that was it.

But now the maven execution fails with...

Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:sonar-maven-plugin:2.6:sonar 
(default-cli) on project xxx: Error when executing blame for file 
src/main/java/etc/ svn: E170001: Authentication required 
for ' Subversion Repositories' -> [Help 1]

I already tried to reset the password of the ubuntu subversion 
installation (clearing .subversion, then checking something out - worked 
fine, asked for password, now checking out via svn doesn't require 
password anymore) but that didn't work for maven, same error as before. 
Also removed the password from the gnome keyring manually (which lead to 
the same thing, asks for the password again, stores it, but for maven 
that doesn't seen to be enough).

Unfortunately I have no idea where maven gets the (old, now incorrect) 
password from, so that I can change it there. Obviously it's neither the 
eclipse settings nor the subversion configuration.



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