Re: animal-sniffer on central?

2009-08-14 Thread Kohsuke Kawaguchi

I'll request a sync of org.jvnet.* to central.

Stephen Connolly wrote:
 This is correct, in fact we got kohsuke added as a m...@codehaus
 developer so that he could publish animal sniffer through the project (among other reasons).
 I know Kohsuke is has a different perspective w.r.t. whether the
 current policy of central (i.e. that all artifacts published to
 central must be self-contained on central)... and has quite
 ligitimately pointed out that there are a number of artifacts
 published on central which break this policy...
 We (as in Kohsuke and I) have just recently identified that the
 jaxws-api 2,1 pom's on central are invalid, and are missing some
 dependencies (see issue VCC-2 @
 Perhaps Kosuke might consider pushing animal sniffer to central, or
 even moving the animal sniffer project into mojo as it is yet another
 of his fabulous projects... [I only wish I was 1/10th as prolific as
 2009/8/14 Julien HENRY

 I'm following the guide:

 The issue is I can't find animal-sniffer on the central Maven repository. I 
 think it would be easier for users to have it on central repo. Or at least 
 update the guide to tell that the dependency is only available on 




Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Is down?

2007-11-14 Thread Kohsuke Kawaguchi

The central repository appears to be 
up, but the ibiblio mirror seems to be down since this morning.

Is the maven team aware of the issue? Is this going to be fixed some 
time soon?

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: m2 assembly confusion

2007-06-08 Thread Kohsuke Kawaguchi

Maybe this has something to do with process reusing. Can you run


to see if that fixes the problem?

Nigel Magnay wrote:

I have a project that is buildig in Hudson, that uses the m2 assembly plugin.

In the project pom, it explicitly sets the version of that plugin to 2.1.

It builds correctly from the commandline, and it mostly builds
correctly in hudson, but occasionally (I suspect it might be an update
issue), it fails - and it seems to be using / including the 2.2-beta-1
plugin AND the 2.1.

I don't know if this is a m2 bug, or a hudson bug, or a combination
(m2 2.0.5, hudson 1.106); attached is the build output:

[INFO] [jar:jar]
[INFO] Building jar:
this realm = 
urls[0] = file:/C:/Documents and
urls[1] = file:/C:/Documents and
urls[2] = file:/C:/Documents and
urls[3] = file:/C:/Documents and
urls[4] = file:/C:/Documents and
Number of imports: 0

this realm = plexus.core.maven
urls[0] = 
urls[1] = file:/c:/maven/lib/commons-cli-1.0.jar
urls[2] = file:/c:/maven/lib/doxia-sink-api-1.0-alpha-7.jar
urls[3] = file:/c:/maven/lib/jsch-0.1.27.jar
urls[4] = file:/c:/maven/lib/jtidy-4aug2000r7-dev.jar
urls[5] = file:/c:/maven/lib/maven-artifact-2.0.5.jar
urls[6] = file:/c:/maven/lib/maven-artifact-manager-2.0.5.jar
urls[7] = file:/c:/maven/lib/maven-core-2.0.5-javadoc.jar
urls[8] = file:/c:/maven/lib/maven-core-2.0.5.jar
urls[9] = file:/c:/maven/lib/maven-error-diagnostics-2.0.5.jar
urls[10] = file:/c:/maven/lib/maven-model-2.0.5.jar
urls[11] = file:/c:/maven/lib/maven-monitor-2.0.5.jar
urls[12] = file:/c:/maven/lib/maven-plugin-api-2.0.5.jar
urls[13] = file:/c:/maven/lib/maven-plugin-descriptor-2.0.5.jar
urls[14] = file:/c:/maven/lib/maven-plugin-parameter-documenter-2.0.5.jar
urls[15] = file:/c:/maven/lib/maven-plugin-registry-2.0.5.jar
urls[16] = file:/c:/maven/lib/maven-profile-2.0.5.jar
urls[17] = file:/c:/maven/lib/maven-project-2.0.5.jar
urls[18] = file:/c:/maven/lib/maven-reporting-api-2.0.5.jar
urls[19] = file:/c:/maven/lib/maven-repository-metadata-2.0.5.jar
urls[20] = file:/c:/maven/lib/maven-settings-2.0.5.jar
urls[21] = file:/c:/maven/lib/plexus-interactivity-api-1.0-alpha-4.jar
urls[22] = file:/c:/maven/lib/wagon-file-1.0-beta-2.jar
urls[23] = file:/c:/maven/lib/wagon-http-lightweight-1.0-beta-2.jar
urls[24] = file:/c:/maven/lib/wagon-http-shared-1.0-beta-2.jar
urls[25] = file:/c:/maven/lib/wagon-provider-api-1.0-beta-2.jar
urls[26] = file:/c:/maven/lib/wagon-ssh-1.0-beta-2.jar
urls[27] = file:/c:/maven/lib/wagon-ssh-common-1.0-beta-2.jar
urls[28] = file:/c:/maven/lib/wagon-ssh-external-1.0-beta-2.jar
urls[29] = file:/c:/maven/lib/xml-apis-1.0.b2.jar
urls[30] = file:/C:/Documents and
Number of imports: 0

this realm = plexus.core
urls[0] = file:/c:/maven/core/plexus-container-default-1.0-alpha-9.jar
urls[1] = file:/c:/maven/core/plexus-utils-1.1.jar
Number of imports: 0
[HUDSON] Archiving
[HUDSON] Archiving
[INFO] Internal error in the plugin manager executing goal
Unable to find the mojo
in the plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin'

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Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: Hibernate uploads to ibiblio

2006-08-28 Thread Kohsuke Kawaguchi

Hi, Marina, I suspect this is a bug, but can you confirm?

I see oracle.toplink.essentials groupId and 
oracle.toplink.essentials.agent groupId on the repo, and I 
suspect the intended placement was:

groupId - jar
javax.persistence  persistence-api-1.0.jar
oracle.toplink.essentials  toplink-essentials-1.0.jar

but the actual placement as of today is:

groupId - jar
javax.persistence  persistence-api-1.0.jar
oracle.toplink.essentials  toplink-essentials-agent-1.0.jar

So there's clearly something wrong here.

Carlos Sanchez wrote:

It comes from
because the sun guys put it there, which means it's redistributable.

I don't know the reason why it is there but it shouldn't as it's not
javax.* stuff, maybe Kohsuke can tell us.
It's curious that sources are licensed by Glassfish, not oracle. It
probably must be under groupId, unless it's a Sun
custom version, in which case should be in com.sun

On 8/28/06, Thomas Van de Velde [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Oracle's toplink-essentials are uploaded and point to the JPA 1.0 release:

It's too bad for the Hibernate guys but I am using toplink now. ;-)

On 8/28/06, Carlos Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 JPA provided by Hibernate can't be uploaded due to license constraints
 unless somebody can confirm the other way.

 Spring it's a matter of having the right poms. The ones in jira are not.

 On 8/28/06, Thomas Van de Velde [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It's hard to believe that after so much time Hibernate's JPA libraries
  still not uploaded.  I also noticed that there are over 1000 (!) jira
  with upload requests.  What is being done about the outdated state of
  repository?  Also, Spring RC3 is still not up there, even though it's
  to JIRA.
  On 7/10/06, Carlos Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   there's no official uploader so you can do it yourself following
   On 7/10/06, Jose Gonzalez Gomez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi there,
Is there anybody officially supporting hibernate artifact uploading
ibiblio? I've successfully run some tests using TestNG and Hibernate
EntityManager under Eclipse, but I would need
 hibernate-entitymanager in
ibiblio in order to do it under maven.
Best regards
   I could give you my word as a Spaniard.
   No good. I've known too many Spaniards.
-- The Princess Bride
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 I could give you my word as a Spaniard.
 No good. I've known too many Spaniards.
  -- The Princess Bride

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Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Maven2 versus JAXB2 (on ibiblio)

2006-08-11 Thread Kohsuke Kawaguchi

Franz Fehringer wrote:


Are there any current activities for enabling JAXB2 support in Maven2?
In there are jaxb-api jaxb-impl 
jaxb-xjc, but they still contain only 2.0EA3.
Since 17. of july there is an additional subdirectory bind, but there 
are several things wrong/missing with this:

We arranged a mirroring from repo to the maven repo, so that's 
why we started seeing jars in ibiblio.

* jaxb-impl and jaxb-xjc are missing.

They are there:

* version is 2.0; 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 have appeared in the meantime.

Yeah, I have to ask them why those new jars are not mirrored.

* it has been mentioned on this list, that the location
  javax/xml/bind is wrong, javax/xml is the correct one.

I really think it should be javax/xml/bind. There's no single group that 
 is in charge of javax.xml packge at JCP. It's individual JSRs that 
own individual packages like javax.xml.bind and They 
follow different development models, release cycles, etc. So the group 
name should better reflect that structure.

We kept JAX-RPC API in javax.xml to honor the backward compatibility, 
but for new jars, I'm not sure why we need to continue that way. I 
thought the Maven folks are in agreement with this, as you can see in

The same can be said with com.sun.xml, and I can make even stronger 
case here. Sun clearly owns this namespace, and so I thought the group 
in Sun that does com.sun.xml stuff gets to choose whatever conventions 
we see fit. Again, it's the same deal with javax.xml here --- there are 
individual groups that work on com.sun.xml.bind and 
com.sun.xml.registry and so on, and so it made more sense to us for 
each team to own its groupId.

There's also no backward compatibility issue in com.sun.xml.*, as this 
is the first time we publish any artifacts into these group Ids, unlike 
javax.xml. So I don't understand why people are objecting to 
com.sun.xml.bind group id. What is the problem of this group id?

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature


2006-06-01 Thread Kohsuke Kawaguchi

Franz Fehringer wrote:

Franz Fehringer schrieb:


Now that the JAXB 2.0 release from Sun is out, would it be possible to 

Sorry, but we don't own this repository, they do. So you have to ask 
them, not us.

Notice that as I wrote somewhere, all JAXB jars are already available 
from maven repository.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Maven2 versus JAXB

2006-05-31 Thread Kohsuke Kawaguchi

Jonathan Johnson wrote:

The repository pom for jsr173_api is here

and it has a groupIdjaxb/groupId

that's why the JAXB 2.0 maven plugin uses the reference
groupIdjaxb/groupId and not groupIdjavax.xml.bind/groupId.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi may want to look at the repository and update the
group ids based on the policy referral below.

I just fixed this.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

How do I use a custom ComponentConfigurator with my Mojo?

2006-03-02 Thread Kohsuke Kawaguchi

I'm helping someone writing a JAXB plugin for Maven2, and one thing we'd 
like to do there is to read mojo configuration in a custom way --- not 
by using the default field injection.

I was reading the code and it seems like I should be able to do so if I 
write a custom ComponentConfigurator, but I don't know how to package my 
plugin so that Maven recognizes my ComponentConfigurator.

The API specification [1] defines @configurator annotation on Mojo, but 
it also says the parameter isn't a class name, but it's a role hint. So 
it seems like I need to register my custom ComponentConfigurator 
separately to Plexus, but that's where I got stuck.

How can tell Maven to use my custom ComponentConfigurator?

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: How do I use a custom ComponentConfigurator with my Mojo?

2006-03-02 Thread Kohsuke Kawaguchi

Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
I'm helping someone writing a JAXB plugin for Maven2, and one thing we'd 
like to do there is to read mojo configuration in a custom way --- not 
by using the default field injection.

I was reading the code and it seems like I should be able to do so if I 
write a custom ComponentConfigurator, but I don't know how to package my 
plugin so that Maven recognizes my ComponentConfigurator.

The API specification [1] defines @configurator annotation on Mojo, but 
it also says the parameter isn't a class name, but it's a role hint. So 
it seems like I need to register my custom ComponentConfigurator 
separately to Plexus, but that's where I got stuck.

How can tell Maven to use my custom ComponentConfigurator?

Ah, I think I figured it out. I just needed to put plexus.xml

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Maven eclipse plug-in bug

2003-10-24 Thread Kohsuke Kawaguchi

 Is this a difference between eclipse 2 and 3?

It's been long since I threw away 2.0...

Is there any 2.0/2.1 user to testify?

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Maven eclipse plug-in bug

2003-10-21 Thread Kohsuke Kawaguchi

Sorry if this is not the right list. I've got a reference to this ML

I'm using maven 1.0 beta 10 and Eclipse 3.0 M4.

When I run maven eclipse, it generates the .classpath file with the
following entry:

   classpathentry kind=var rootpath=JRE_SRCROOT path=JRE_LIB

whereas when I create a project in Eclipse, a reference to JRE_LIB is
written as:

classpathentry kind=con path=org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/

With the former setting, your classpath only includes rt.jar, and
nothing else. As a result, you may fail to import some classes like*, which sits in a different jar file.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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