
I just started using Maven, and while trying to do so I got some problems finding the correct information. Here is a list of improvements that could help other people when learning Maven for the first time:

* Eclipse guide (http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-ide-eclipse.html)
- While it is included under the Documentation index, the average user will click on the Eclipse link under "IDE Integration" menu item. In this page (http://maven.apache.org/eclipse-plugin.html), you will be directed to external websites, probably missing the "Eclipse guide", which contains vital information about setting the Maven repository in Eclipse. A link to the Eclipse guide in the Eclipse integration page is a must.

- The Eclipse guide should mention that if you are using the M2Eclipse plugin, it is better to use "mvn eclipse:m2eclipse" when generating the project, as this will allow for correct dependency administration using the m2eclipse plugin.

- The guide should also mention how you create the project files for Eclipse if you are working with a webapp, as in "mvn -Dwtpversion=1.5 eclipse:m2eclipse".

- Related to the two previous points, you need to activate the M2Eclipse dependency in Eclipse: Project Properties -> J2EE Module dependencies for your webapp to see the m2eclipse dependencies.

* Site documentation
- How to generate pages in UTF-8? it may seem obvious, but it took a while on the search engines:


I Hope that someone can go over these simple things. It will really help new 
people get into Maven.

See you!

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