RE: [m1.0.2] nested expressions in Jelly

2005-10-25 Thread Marc Attiyeh
Jon -

Thanks for the suggestion.  It worked.  However, it is kind of inelegant to 
have to declare a temporary variable every time I want to use nested 
expressions.  Is there a way to do it in one line?  Thanks.


-Original Message-
From: Jon Ekdahl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2005 7:06 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: SV: [m1.0.2] nested expressions in Jelly

'+' in Jelly is most likely implemented as in JSTL expression language,
in which case it represents numeric addition, not string concatenation
(hence the NumericFormatException's, when Jelly tries to convert your strings to
I could be wrong about that, but you could always try:
j:set var=variableName value=bar.something.${othervar}
j:set var=foo value=${context.getVariable(variableName)} /

Från: Marc Attiyeh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Skickat: ti 2005-10-25 00:25
Ämne: [m1.0.2] nested expressions in Jelly

All -

I want to do something like this:

j:set var=foo value=${bar.something.${othervar}}/

unfortunately, maven is kindly telling me this is not possible (via
multiple stack traces).  I searched around and found this:

j:set var=foo

However, now I get multiple NumberFormatExceptions (maybe something to
do with the plus sign?)

Can anyone tell me how to nest an expression in another one?  Thanks!


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[m1.0.2] retrieve goal called

2005-10-25 Thread Marc Attiyeh
Is there a way in Jelly (my maven.xml) to retrieve the name of the goal
the user called?  I want some validation on parameters to only take
place if certain goals are called.  Thanks!


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[m1.0.2] nested expressions in Jelly

2005-10-24 Thread Marc Attiyeh
All -


I want to do something like this:


j:set var=foo value=${bar.something.${othervar}}/


unfortunately, maven is kindly telling me this is not possible (via
multiple stack traces).  I searched around and found this:


j:set var=foo


However, now I get multiple NumberFormatExceptions (maybe something to
do with the plus sign?)


Can anyone tell me how to nest an expression in another one?  Thanks!




RE: [m2] Can't find Javac compiler

2005-08-01 Thread Marc Attiyeh
Why are you running maven using the cygwin prompt?  What's wrong with
the windows command prompt?

-Original Message-
From: Lance Arlaus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 2:01 PM
To: 'Maven Users List'
Subject: RE: [m2] Can't find Javac compiler

The bin directory is already on the path (I can run javac fine from the
command line).

Cygwin automatically translates path entries into its own path structure
(i.e. c:\root becomes /cygdrive/c/root), so I even tried prepending the
directory to the path in Windows format (c:\java\jdk1.5), but still no

Any other suggestions?

-Original Message-
From: Kristian Nordal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 1:52 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: [m2] Can't find Javac compiler

On Aug 1, 2005, at 7:48 PM, Lance Arlaus wrote:

 I'm getting the following error while trying to run m2 on the  
 sample getting
 started project structure:

 Unable to locate the Javac compiler

 I'm running under cygwin with my My JAVA_HOME set (and exported) as

 Running the clean plugin works fine.


Try adding $JAVA_HOME/bin to PATH (and export it)


 BTW- It would be nice if the plugin output the contents of the  
 variable on failure

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RE: [M1] Using source files of another project

2005-07-25 Thread Marc Attiyeh
If you're in Eclipse, you can make one project depend on another.
Right-click on the project -- Properties -- Java Build Path --

Here, you can add required projects in the same workspace that will be
referenced in the current project.

Hope this helps,

-Original Message-
From: Michael Owen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2005 1:04 PM
Subject: [M1] Using source files of another project


I'm using Maven 1.0.2 and on one maven project I need to use the java
files of another maven project. Any ideas how I can do it in the best
(ie. in one maven project, it's source files references the source files
another project)

I need to keep the two sets of maven source files separate.



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RE: [m1] Using junit-report

2005-07-22 Thread Marc Attiyeh
maven junit:report

(note the colon)


-Original Message-
From: Michael Owen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 8:57 AM
Subject: [m1] Using junit-report


I'm trying to use junit-report. I've downloaded it from:

and put that into the plugins folder of my maven installation. When I

maven junit-report

I get:

__  __
|  \/  |__ _Apache__ ___
| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
|_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|  v. 1.0.2

Goal junit-report does not exist in this project.
Total time: 2 seconds
Finished at: Fri Jul 22 13:47:38 BST 2005

Any ideas?



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RE: Offline documentation

2005-07-21 Thread Marc Attiyeh


-Original Message-
From: Alexandre Touret [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2005 10:49 AM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Offline documentation

how can I download all the reference documentation of maven 1.0.2 like 
we can see on maven web site? I want to install it on a server for avoid

several access on maven site just for doc.

Thanks in advance

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RE: Alternate build step

2005-07-20 Thread Marc Attiyeh
Reid -
I would just define your own goal in the maven.xml file and call that.  You can 
make it then call the checkstyle goal by using attainGoal or whatever else 
you want it to do.

-Original Message- 
From: Reid Pinchback [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wed 7/20/2005 6:01 PM 
Subject: Alternate build step

Yes, I'm a newbie.  I trolled through faqs and did
some web searches and didn't see what I'm looking for.
If you know a specific place that addresses the question
I'm about to ask, please send me pointer to it.

Situation:  I have an existing Ant-based build environment
involving multiple projects and multiple developers.
For a host of obvious reasons, sweeping changes don't
go through overnight.  I'm in the process of using
Maven for mavenish things, but the bulk of day-to-day
developer activity will, for some time, be Ant.
Changing that isn't on the table without consequences
involving hot tar and a bunch of plucked chickens.

I'd like Maven to be able to do things like run
Checkstyle when I build the site.  What I don't
want is for it to perform its default Java build
steps.  I don't want Maven to know anything about
how the various software products are really built.
I don't mind it knowing where the Java source is,
but I don't want it to do anything with it.

What I really want is for it to insert my Ant
build as a *replacement* for what it normally
does... not as some pre-goal to doing its
thing.  I don't want it doing its thing.  It's
thing isn't going to do me any good.   In the
future maybe we'll go all Maven, but what I've
described is what I need to achieve for the present.

So in summary the idea is:

   maven site

causes my ant target to be invoked (I see in
the docs how to invoke an ant task), and then
runs checkstyle, and then builds the site,
but never tries to compile or deploy anything.

How do I do that?

Thanks in advance,


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RE: How to include dependencies when building/installing a .jar ???

2005-07-18 Thread Marc Attiyeh
How about Uberjar?


-Original Message-
From: Eric Weiss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 2:40 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: How to include dependencies when building/installing a .jar

Thx all for the responses.

Yes, it does sound like an .ear/.war, but I don't have a web.xml file
it is not a web based app destined for a container.  Actually, I am
to deploy an app to an Apache JAMES server.  I need a bunch of my own 
classes as well as many dependent jars put into a couple of different 
directories under JAMES.  I am ok with having to manually put the files
place, but I need to get M2 to package them all up into a single
so I can 1) move it to the server, 2) get everything I need in one file
later extraction.

Someone mentioned using the assembly plugin, which I tried, but couldn't

get to work.  I will try again and post the error I am getting.

Great suggestions, thx for the help everyone!


At 06:57 PM 7/15/2005, Matthew L Daniel wrote:
  Is there an easy/built in way to include the dependency jar files
  building a jar package?  Or do I need to build my own plugin?

Sounds suspiciously like an EAR to me. If you ignore the
META-INF/application.xml, it's a zip file with all your jars packaged
together. That said, if you're deploying to a server, chances are you
would really want to use the actual deployed artifact type (war is
another that will do this).

   My USD$0.02,
   -- /v\atthew

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Eric Weiss
office: 925.422.4238

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