[m2] artifactId macro in parent pom substitutes twice in child's generated site?

2005-11-03 Thread Mark Langley

First, congratulations to the m2 developers for a great release. I've been a
maven user since 1.0-beta-4 with embedded ant scripts, through beta-10, 1.0and
1.1, and am truly impressed with the leap forward that m2 provides.

I'm trying to migrate to m2 and have encountered an apparent glitch. In my
parent pom I have defined the scm entry as:

connectionscm:cvs:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/bar:${artifactId}/connection

Child poms do not contain a scm entry.

Assume the first child project's artifactId is child1. I expect the CVS
information to be displayed as:

cvs -z3 -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/bar co child1

Instead I get:

cvs -z3 -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/bar co child1/child1

It seems that the ${artifactId} is being substituted too many times. Is this
a bug, or am I attempting something that M2 is not designed to support?

Thanks for any insight,


Re: [m2] artifactId macro in parent pom substitutes twice in child's generated site?

2005-11-03 Thread Mark Langley
Ok, that makes sense. Thanks for the quick answer!

On 11/3/05, Brett Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When the SCM URL is inherited, it automatically appends the artifact
 ID by default.

 - Brett

 On 11/4/05, Mark Langley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  First, congratulations to the m2 developers for a great release. I've
 been a
  maven user since 1.0-beta-4 with embedded ant scripts, through beta-10,
  1.1, and am truly impressed with the leap forward that m2 provides.
  I'm trying to migrate to m2 and have encountered an apparent glitch. In
  parent pom I have defined the scm entry as:
  Child poms do not contain a scm entry.
  Assume the first child project's artifactId is child1. I expect the
  information to be displayed as:
  cvs -z3 -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/bar co child1
  Instead I get:
  cvs -z3 -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/bar co child1/child1
  It seems that the ${artifactId} is being substituted too many times. Is
  a bug, or am I attempting something that M2 is not designed to support?
  Thanks for any insight,

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RE: Class Cast exception trying to use org.apache.jasper.JspC

2004-11-09 Thread Mark Langley
We had the same problem two weeks ago. Upgrading Tomcat to 5.0.28 made it go

Mark Langley
CaseBank Technologies Inc.

-Original Message-
From: Darren Hartford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: November 8, 2004 10:54 AM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Class Cast exception trying to use org.apache.jasper.JspC

Hey all,
Having an issue trying to pre-compile JSP's for Tomcat5.

Rather than repeating, below is a post back in March with the same problem.

I may just be having a difficult time going through the mailing list and
using google - I just can not find a solution.  Any help would be greatly
appreciated! (note: my maven.xml is slightly different, but same problem).

Todays task: pre-compiling JSPs...

I have the following in my maven.xml:

 goal name=compile-jsp
ant:path id=jspc.classpath
  ant:path refid=maven.dependency.classpath/
  ant:pathelement path=${maven.build.dest}/

ant:taskdef name=jasper2   classname=org.apache.jasper.JspC
  ant:include name=**/*.jsp/
  ant:exclude name=**/includes/**/*.jsp/

I have as dependencies:

Running this same ant script using just ant, everything works great
(using the Tomcat 5 deployer distribution). Under Maven however, i get a
ClassCast Exception. My guesses here is that the version of Ant packaged
with Maven (im using RC1) and the org.apache.jasper.JspC are not

So is there another way to run this from maven? For example can I
replace the Ant jars in $MAVEN_HOME$/lib ? Can I create a build.xml file
that is called from Maven in a separate JVM to accomplish this?

I've tried using the ant:jspc task inside maven.xml, but that is causing
errors as well, and i'm not interested in compiling pages for tomcat 4.

Any suggestions would be greatly appriciated.


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RE: Class Cast exception trying to use org.apache.jasper.JspC

2004-11-09 Thread Mark Langley
Here's the maven.xml fragment that we use. I'm afraid I can't help any
further if this doesn't work - after several failed attempts this is the
approach that finally worked for us with Tomcat 5.0.28.

Mark Langley
CaseBank Technologies Inc.



  - The next three goals are used to pre-compile jsp pages into servlets.
  - This code is lifted from 
  - http://wiki.codehaus.org/maven/CreatingWebApplications
  preGoal name=war:webapp
j:set var=precompileJsp value=${precompile.jsp}/
j:if test=${precompileJsp == 'true'}
   echo message=Precompiling JSPs. Set precompile.jsp=false in
build.properties if you're impatient!/
   attainGoal name=precompile-jsp/
j:if test=${precompileJsp == 'false'}
   echo message=JSPs are NOT being precompiled! Is this a production

  postGoal name=war:webapp
j:set var=precompileJsp value=${precompile.jsp}/
j:if test=${precompileJsp == 'true'}
  j:set var=target
  u:available file=${maven.build.dir}/web-fragment.xml
u:loadText var=fragment
ant:replace file=${target}/WEB-INF/web.xml token=lt;!-- [INSERT
FRAGMENT HERE] --gt; value=${fragment}/

  goal name=precompile-jsp description=Precompile all JSPs into java
classes, and then into classes prereqs=war:load,java:compile
j:set var=warSource
ant:mkdir dir=${maven.build.dir}/jspc/
ant:mkdir dir=${maven.build.dir}/jspc-processed/
ant:mkdir dir=${maven.build.dir}/jspc-classes/

j:set var=jspOutDir value=${maven.build.dir}/jspc/
j:set var=jspClassesOutDir value=${maven.build.dest}/
ant:path id=jspc.classpath
  ant:fileset dir=${java.home}/../lib
include name=tools.jar/
  ant:fileset dir=${tomcat.home}/bin/
include name=*.jar/
  ant:fileset dir=${tomcat.home}/server/lib
include name=*.jar/
  ant:fileset dir=${tomcat.home}/common/lib
include name=*.jar/
  ant:path refid=maven.dependency.classpath/
  ant:pathelement path=${maven.build.dest}/
ant:taskdef name=jasper2 classname=org.apache.jasper.JspC

  ant:classpath refid=jspc.classpath/
!--  ant:arg value=-help/ --

  ant:arg value=-webapp/ant:arg value=${warSource}/
  ant:arg value=-d/ ant:arg value=${jspOutDir}/
  ant:arg value=-l/
  ant:arg value=-p/ ant:arg
  ant:arg value=-die/
  ant:arg value=-uribase/   ant:arg value=${warSource}/
  ant:arg value=-uriroot/   ant:arg value=${warSource}/
  ant:arg value=-webinc/ant:arg
  ant:arg value=-trimSpaces/ 



-Original Message-
From: Darren Hartford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: November 9, 2004 1:38 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: RE: Class Cast exception trying to use org.apache.jasper.JspC

Tried Tomcat 5.0.28, same problem.
Using Maven 1.0 final and related plugins, tried Tomcat 5.0.27 libs, 5.0.28
libs, 5.0.29-beta libs, all the same problem.

Using commons-el, jasper-runtime, jasper-compile, jsp-api, servlet-api libs
from the tomcat distributions.

Struts 1.1 libs.

commons-lang 2.0, commons-digetser 1.5, commons-validator 1.0.1,
commons-beanutils 1.6.1, commons-logging 1.1-dev.

Please Help!  Confused why having a problem with this, tomcat4.1 works fine.


 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Langley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 9:27 AM
 To: 'Maven Users List'
 Subject: RE: Class Cast exception trying to use org.apache.jasper.JspC
 We had the same problem two weeks ago. Upgrading Tomcat to 
 5.0.28 made it go
 Mark Langley
 CaseBank Technologies Inc.
 -Original Message-
 From: Darren Hartford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: November 8, 2004 10:54 AM
 To: Maven Users List
 Subject: Class Cast exception trying to use org.apache.jasper.JspC
 Hey all,
 Having an issue trying to pre-compile JSP's for Tomcat5.
 Rather than repeating, below

RE: Maven and Development Process

2004-04-15 Thread Mark Langley
If you use XML entities to define your version numbers rather than hard
coding them in the project.xml files, the process of switching between
snapshot and release versions becomes much easier.

See http://wiki.codehaus.org/maven/EnsureProjectConsistencyWithEntities for
more details.

-Original Message-
From: John Casey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: April 15, 2004 1:46 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Maven and Development Process

Somewhat unfortunately (because it does amount to a lot of work), that
is the current best practice, I believe.  At any rate, this is exactly
what we do.


On Thu, 2004-04-15 at 12:12, Amato Massimiliano (TLAB) wrote:
 Hello guys,
 I am trying to convert our system from Ant to Maven, I managed to
succesfully migrate all the projects into Maven but right now i am facing
the problem of the development process integration.
 I saw there is a Snapshot feature that upload the latest build to the
repository, but I am not really sure how does it work?
 From my understanding if i am working on a project composed of several
sub-project, like i do, i need to set in each project.xml file the version
as x.y-dev and then install the articaft produced as install-snapshot or
deploy-snapshot for the remote repo
 Now in each project that depends on that one, we need to update the
version tag of the dependancy to SNAPSHOT and when we build, Maven
automatically download the latest snapshot between the 2 that are in the
local and remote repo
 When our development is completed we just need to change all the
dependancy version number from snapshot to x.y and the main project.xml
version from x.y-dev to x.y as well
 and there restart the cycle
 Is it correct or not? There is a better way to handle the development
 Thanks a ton for your help
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John Casey
CommonJava Open Components Project

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RE: Maven and Development Process

2004-04-15 Thread Mark Langley
Speaking only for myself - I manage a corporate development environment with
14 developers working on about 30 modules in various stages of legacy
maintenance, active development, RD experiments, etc.

The set of developers responsible for each module is different, as is the
set of dependencies that each project requires. And several modules will
often be combined to produce one war artifact, which means that versions of
any common dependencies had better match.

It's much easier to define employee contact details in developers.ent, a
master list of dependencies (internal and external) in dependencies.ent, and
then add specific items by reference to each project (e.g.:
developerdev-johndoe;/developer and

This allows me to maintain details of each item in exactly one place (the
.ent file), and have them automatically updated in the 5, 10, or 15 projects
that might happen to need them. This is particularly useful for dependencies
- I can guarantee that any module using log4j links to version 1.2.8, then
enforce that they migrate simultaneously to 1.2.9 with a one-line change.

The maintenance time goes way down this way, and as a side benefit our
project.xml files are shorter and much more comprehensible. 

I'm not sure why you would consider entities a workaround - they allow you
to define a master list of resources, pick and choose which resources fall
into each project, and keep everything synchronized. One could always
implement the same capability within Maven, but that seems like unnecessary
duplication of effort. The XML parser is giving you this functionality for
free - might as well take advantage of it.


-Original Message-
From: Jason van Zyl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: April 15, 2004 4:13 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: RE: Maven and Development Process

On Thu, 2004-04-15 at 14:38, Mark Langley wrote:
 If you use XML entities to define your version numbers rather than hard
 coding them in the project.xml files, the process of switching between
 snapshot and release versions becomes much easier.
 See http://wiki.codehaus.org/maven/EnsureProjectConsistencyWithEntities
 more details.

Do a lot of people actually use this mechanism?

Is it simply because maven1 doesn't support recursive inheritance?

Maven2 support recursive inheritance well so would anyone still really
need to use entities like this. Ultimately I suppose it doesn't matter
how the POM comes together but I would like support to come from Maven
itself and not the use of entities which I would consider a workaround.

 -Original Message-
 From: John Casey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: April 15, 2004 1:46 PM
 To: Maven Users List
 Subject: Re: Maven and Development Process
 Somewhat unfortunately (because it does amount to a lot of work), that
 is the current best practice, I believe.  At any rate, this is exactly
 what we do.
 On Thu, 2004-04-15 at 12:12, Amato Massimiliano (TLAB) wrote:
  Hello guys,
  I am trying to convert our system from Ant to Maven, I managed to
 succesfully migrate all the projects into Maven but right now i am facing
 the problem of the development process integration.
  I saw there is a Snapshot feature that upload the latest build to the
 repository, but I am not really sure how does it work?
  From my understanding if i am working on a project composed of several
 sub-project, like i do, i need to set in each project.xml file the version
 as x.y-dev and then install the articaft produced as install-snapshot or
 deploy-snapshot for the remote repo
  Now in each project that depends on that one, we need to update the
 version tag of the dependancy to SNAPSHOT and when we build, Maven
 automatically download the latest snapshot between the 2 that are in the
 local and remote repo
  When our development is completed we just need to change all the
 dependancy version number from snapshot to x.y and the main project.xml
 version from x.y-dev to x.y as well
  and there restart the cycle
  Is it correct or not? There is a better way to handle the development
  Thanks a ton for your help
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Jason van Zyl

happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will
elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come
and sit softly on your shoulder ...

 -- Thoreau 

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RE: Build problem related to test distribution

2003-09-16 Thread Mark Langley
We also desire to make test utility classes (primarily Mock Objects)
available for use in testing of dependent projects. The approach of creating
XYZ.jar and XYZ-tests.jar artifacts from project XYZ seems to be the best
approach to this. Subsequent projects could then prescribe XYX-tests.jar as
a test-dependency in their project.xml if needed.

I don't think this runs counter to any of the arguments presented on the
WhyYouCantCreateMultipleArtifactsInOneProject wiki page. Packaging an
additional jar from the test code need not impact any of the plugins (except
for a new test:deploy goal), and the build settings need not change. There
is no risk of recreating the multi-project plugin within a single project.

Alternate suggestion #1 of distributing test code inside a production jar is
not a realistic solution in many (most?) environments.

Alternate suggestion #2 of creating a new XYZ-test-support project creates a
circular dependency - I can't test XYZ without the support classes, and I
can't build the support classes without XYZ.

I am curious to learn if the concept of a XYX-tests.jar artifact has been
discussed before, and if so, why it would be rejected.



-Original Message-
From: Trygve Laugstøl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: September 16, 2003 3:35 AM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Build problem related to test distribution

On Mon, 15 Sep 2003, Gil César Faria wrote:

 Hello everybody!

 I have a basic project where I have some general utility classes used by
 all other maven projects.
 Inside this general project, i have some abstract test classes that
 should be used within all other
 test classes of all projects. All test classes, including those abstract
 classes are under test directory.

 When maven builds the distribution for this general project, it only
 includes the source classes, not
 the test classes. But when i try to build other projects that depends
 upon this general project, i cannot
 compile the tests because the abstract test classes cannot be found.

 I am not sure about the best solution for this problem and would like an
 advise from our
 more maven experienced coleagues:

 Can i generate more than one artifact (jar) for a single project ? some
 kind of source distribution and test distribution ...



 Should i generate only a single jar with all source and test classes
 inside it ?

Don't see why not. The test class isnt a class for testing the artifact,
rather a part of you general stuff. Bear in mind that the testcase class
will be included if you end up building war or uberjars.

 Should i create a new project to hold only the abstract test classes,
 and include it as a dependency for all other projects ?

This is also a solution. Currently you can only state _dependencies_ for a
project so it doesn't add much value, but with a later version you can
state runtime/testtime dependencies and then it might be a good idea to
have it as a separate project.

Guess the rest of your questions are answered by now? :)

 Should i redefine dist:build to create a test distribution ?

 There is an automated way to tell maven that the test classes should be
 considered as a dependency ?

 There is another way to organize my project classes to solve this problem?

 Can I define source dependencies and test dependencies separatelly?

 Any other suggestions?

 Thanks in advance!


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