[ANN] Maven Release 3.1.1 released

2024-07-14 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Release version 3.1.1.


Release Notes - Maven Release - Version 3.1.1

** Bug
* [MRELEASE-1149] - Current release of the plugin has configuration 
docs missing
* [MRELEASE-1151] - [REGRESSION] Maven Release Plugin fails to 
adjust version

** Task
* [MRELEASE-1153] - Revert parts of MRELEASE-1109 
(8dfcb47996320af5e6f0b2d50eac209eeb4c29ce) due to a regression


-The Apache Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Maven Project Info Reports Plugin 3.6.2 released

2024-07-14 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Project Info Reports Plugin version 3.6.2.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Project Info Reports Plugin - Version 3.6.2

** Bug
* [MPIR-466] - ModulesReport/IndexReport do not pass a complete 
building request to renderer


-The Apache Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Maven PMD Plugin 3.24.0 released

2024-07-13 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
PMD Plugin version 3.24.0.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven PMD Plugin - Version 3.24.0

** Bug
* [MPMD-399] - Incorrect warning: The project X does not seem to be 
compiled. PMD results might be inaccurate.

** Improvement
* [MPMD-391] - Log what developers care about and not what they don't

** Dependency upgrade
* [MPMD-400] - Upgrade to PMD 7.3.0


-The Apache Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Maven Surefire 3.3.1 released

2024-07-10 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Surefire version 3.3.1.


Release Notes - Maven Surefire - Version 3.3.1

** Bug
* [SUREFIRE-2105] - Failsafe report size increased with version 
upgrade from 2.17 to 2.22.2
* [SUREFIRE-2242] - Plain test report does not include names of the 
skipped tests
* [SUREFIRE-2250] - Surefire Test Report Schema properties element 
is not consistent with the code

** Improvement
* [SUREFIRE-1360] - Ability to disable properties for successfully 
passed tests
* [SUREFIRE-1934] - Ability to disable system-out/system-err for 
successfully passed tests
* [SUREFIRE-2124] - Avoid creating unnecessary target files for pom 
* [SUREFIRE-2249] - Doc for `properties` parameter does not mention 


-The Apache Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[HEADS UP] Maven Doxia 2.0.0 stack is coming

2024-07-09 Thread Michael Osipov

Dear Users, Reporting Plugin and Skin Maintainers,

for the past 2,5 years we have been working -- that is me (mostly) with 
Hervé Boutemy and Konrad Windszus -- on the modernization of the Doxia 
stack overcoming technical debts and open issues of the past ten years. 
After numerous milestones (10+) it has reached a very good maturity and 
stability to finally move to GA.

What is Maven Doxia anyway? It is the core document generation framework 
on which all Maven reporting plugins and the Maven Site Plugin are built 
upon. So when you invoke a standalone reporting goal or "mvn site" that 
stack is being used.

The involved components and reporting plugins from the Maven Core Team:
* maven-doxia
* maven-reporting-api
* maven-doxia-sitetools
* maven-reporting-impl
* maven-reporting-exec
* maven-site-plugin
* maven-fluido-skin
* maven-project-info-reports-plugin
* maven-plugin-tools (maven-plugin-reporting-plugin)
* maven-jxr (maven-jxr-plugin)
* maven-pmd-plugin
* maven-javadoc-plugin
* maven-checkstyle-plugin
* maven-help-plugin (uses API only)
* maven-surefire (maven-surefire-report-plugin)
* maven-dependency-plugin
* maven-invoker-plugin

* Other reporting plugins we provide are not being upgraded
* Third party plugins need to be upgraded by their respective maintainers
* Components do have milestone versions until public evaluation has been 

Also, please see this Confluence Wiki entry for more (technical) 

What do you need to do?
* As a user you can build the reporting plugins from the prepared branch 
'doxia-2.0.0' or reach out to the third party maintainer to test his 
plugin against the updated stack.
* As a plugin maintainer you can start upgrading your plugin against the 
2.0.0 baseline in a separate branch. Look at the 'doxia-2.0.0' branch of 
our plugins to ease your work.
* As a skin maintainer you can start upgrading your skin against the 
2.0.0 baseline in a separate branch. Look at the master branch of the 
maven-fluido-skin. to ease your work.

Found problems, issues or have questions? Please report via users@ or 
dev@ mailing list (whichever makes most sense) and prepend "[DOXIA]" to 
the subject. I will try to respond timely.

* If you intend to mix and match components and plugins between both 
major versions (Doxia 1.x vs. Doxia 2.x) you must use the highest 
maven-site-plugin version, but don't expect everything to go smoothly.
* Not every issue or behavioral change is a regression. Some changes are 
deliberate. If they are not listed in the Confluence Wiki page, let me 
know, I will add them. But in any case, feel free to reach out.

* By mid of July I will give the the public (users and maintainers) at 
least 30 days (but no later than 2024-08-15) to review the changes in 
the stack, the 'doxia-2.0.0' branches, evaluate your plugin upgrade path 
and/or release new versions of plugins with old stack.
* By mid of August I will start merging the 'doxia-2.0.0' branches into 
every of our reporting plugins and perform the release procedure.
* After the reporting plugins from us (Maven Core Team) have been 
released I will again give the public at least 30 days (but no later 
than 2024-10-15) to review the upgraded and released plugins.
* If no issues are reported against components or plugins until mid of 
October I will move all Doxia stack milestone components to a GA version 
and release the reporting plugins with those GA versions.
* At least six or twelve months after that we might remove deprecated 
code from the Doxia 2.0.0 stack likely breaking code which worked 

Components have been bumped to new major versions. Plugin versions will 
remain on 3.x due to Maven 3 compatiblity. Their minor versions will be 
bumped. Maven Site Plugin 4 will be retained for future Maven 4, a new 
branch for Maven Site Plugin 3.x (likely 3.20.0) will be created and all 
changed will be merged into that branch. The current 3.x branch will be 
renamed to 3.12.x.

I hope to complete the GA release train by end of 2024 -- after more 
than three years!

Good luck,


[ANN] Maven Project Info Reports Plugin 3.6.1 released

2024-06-26 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Project Info Reports Plugin version 3.6.1.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Project Info Reports Plugin - Version 3.6.1

** Bug
* [MPIR-462] - [REGRESSION] NFEx: For input string: "1.8" in 
project w/ MR dependency

** Task
* [MPIR-463] - Remove workaround to count the number of root 
content entries in JAR files

** Dependency upgrade
* [MPIR-464] - Upgrade to Maven Shared JAR 3.1.1


-The Apache Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Apache Maven Shared JAR 3.1.1 released

2024-06-23 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven Shared JAR, version 3.1.1.


Release Notes - Apache Maven Shared JAR - Version 3.1.1

** Bug
* [MSHARED-1411] - Allow access the root entries if it is a 
multi-release JAR file

** Task
* [MSHARED-1413] - Review Multi-Release JAR analysis support


-The Apache Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

Re: Common Artifact Filters -> Downgrade from maven-resolver-util 1.6.3 to 1.4.1

2024-06-21 Thread Michael Osipov
On 2024/06/21 13:18:26 STEFFAN Alexandra wrote:
> Hi,
> We've noticed that the Maven Common Artifact Filters has a dependency on 
> maven-resolver-util. This dependency has been downgraded from 1.6.3 to 1.4.1 
> in Common Artifact Filters 3.4.0.
> This was done in commit 
> https://github.com/apache/maven-common-artifact-filters/pull/36/files#diff-9c5fb3d1b7e3b0f54bc5c4182965c4fe1f9023d449017cece3005d3f90e8e4d8L60-R60
>  .
> It has come to our attention that version 1.4.1 uses a PGP Key without a UID 
> and we can't verify the maintainer of this version.
> a) Was the change intentional?


> b) Is the PGP key verifiable with the fingerprint 
> org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-api:1.4.1 = 
> 0x522CA055B326A636D833EF6A0551FD3684FCBBB7?


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[ANN] Maven SCM Publish Plugin 3.3.0 released

2024-06-20 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
SCM Publish Plugin version 3.3.0.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven SCM Publish Plugin - Version 3.3.0

** Bug
* [MSCMPUB-69] - ITs do not properly check for existence of 
svn/svnadmin/CreateSymbolicLink command/function

** Improvement
* [MSCMPUB-61] - Leverage the distributionManagement.site.id by 
default for parameter "serverId"
* [MSCMPUB-63] - Rely on DefaultScmRepositoryConfigurator from 
maven-release for extracting credentials from settings.xml

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSCMPUB-64] - Upgrade parent POM to version 41
* [MSCMPUB-65] - Upgrade commons-io:commons-io to 2.16.0
* [MSCMPUB-66] - Upgrade org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils to 4.0.0
* [MSCMPUB-67] - Upgrade to Maven 3.6.3
* [MSCMPUB-68] - Upgrade plugins and components (in ITs)


-The Apache Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Maven Release 3.1.0 released

2024-06-16 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Release version 3.1.0.


Release Notes - Maven Release - Version 3.1.0

** Bug
* [MRELEASE-1064] - [REGRESSION] release:branch uses @releaseLabel 
instead of @branchName in default SCM commit
* [MRELEASE-1109] - update-versions removes the CI-friendly 
* [MRELEASE-1146] - maven-release-plugin tests do not properly 
check for existence of svn command
* [MRELEASE-1147] - @junitVersion@ never replaced in UTs (make 

* [MRELEASE-1148] - Release Manager pulls in transitive dependencies

** Improvement
* [MRELEASE-1134] - Pass interactive flag to ScmProvider
* [MRELEASE-1139] - Improve logging for used credentials in 

** Dependency upgrade
* [MRELEASE-1128] - maven-scm to 2.0.1
* [MRELEASE-1136] - Upgrade parent POM to version 41
* [MRELEASE-1144] - Upgrade to Parent 42
* [MRELEASE-1145] - Upgrade to Maven 3.6.3


-The Apache Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Maven Project Info Reports Plugin 3.6.0 released

2024-06-16 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Project Info Reports Plugin version 3.6.0.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Project Info Reports Plugin - Version 3.6.0

** New Feature
* [MPIR-455] - dependencies goal: add support for multi-release JARs

** Improvement
* [MPIR-451] - Rename "Dependency Information" to "Maven Coordinates"
* [MPIR-460] - Dependency Information for maven-plugin

** Task
* [MPIR-459] - Refresh download page

** Dependency upgrade
* [MPIR-457] - Upgrade to Parent 42 and Maven 3.6.3
* [MPIR-461] - Upgrade plugins and components (in ITs)


-The Apache Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Maven Surefire 3.3.0 released

2024-06-14 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Surefire version 3.3.0.


Release Notes - Maven Surefire - Version 3.3.0

** Bug
* [SUREFIRE-1939] - Build fails if java.home has <=2 path components
* [SUREFIRE-2232] - [REGRESSION] StatelessXmlReporter fails to 
process failed result without a throwable
* [SUREFIRE-2240] - Using JUnit BOM prevents upgrading the engine 
version via plugin dependency

** Improvement
* [SUREFIRE-2248] - Make "type" attribute on failures and errors in 
(surefire|failsafe)-test-report schema optional

** Test
* [SUREFIRE-2141] - Surefire 3.0.0-M8 tests don't pass on Mac M1 

** Task
* [SUREFIRE-2244] - Make IT for SUREFIRE-1295 reliable
* [SUREFIRE-2246] - Clean up dependencies reported by 

** Dependency upgrade
* [SUREFIRE-2047] - Upgrade to maven-common-artifact-filters 3.4.0
* [SUREFIRE-2243] - Upgrade commons-io:commons-io to 2.16.0
* [SUREFIRE-2245] - Upgrade to Parent 42 and Maven 3.6.3


-The Apache Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Release Maven Dependency Plugin 3.7.0 released

2024-06-11 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Dependency Plugin version 3.7.0.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Dependency Plugin - Version 3.7.0

** Bug
* [MDEP-835] - dependency:tree no longer shows optional flag
* [MDEP-838] - "Artifact has not been packaged yet" error message 
is not very helpful
* [MDEP-938] - 'mdep.overIfNewer' is misnamed from its usage of 

** New Feature
* [MDEP-317] - Add goal dependency:analyze-exclusions - check for 
invalid excludes
* [MDEP-799] - improve mvn dependency:tree - add optional JSON 
output of the results

* [MDEP-928] - Allow to exclude classes from dependency:analyze

** Improvement
* [MDEP-669] - Optimize the documentation of  of 

* [MDEP-893] - Get rid of commons-lang3
* [MDEP-894] - Use @Component instead of @Parameter for session/project
* [MDEP-896] - Removing unused code
* [MDEP-897] - Remove old style JavaDoc Plexus docs
* [MDEP-899] - Upgrade maven-plugin parent to 42
* [MDEP-917] - dependency:analyze-exclusions - use Resolver API 
instead of ProjectBuilder
* [MDEP-924] - Get rid of maven-artifact-transfer from list-classes 

* [MDEP-925] - Require Maven 3.6.3
* [MDEP-939] - Lock down classifier in dependency:sources goal

** Test
* [MDEP-710] - reenable TestTreeMojo

** Task
* [MDEP-912] - Use version for plexus-utils/plexus-xml  from parent
* [MDEP-914] - collect goal description broken in documentation
* [MDEP-918] - Use standard updatePolicy for repositories in ITs
* [MDEP-923] - Code cleanups
* [MDEP-935] - Improvement ITs for dependency:tree
* [MDEP-941] - Deprecate dependency:sources in favor of 

** Dependency upgrade
* [MDEP-911] - Bump org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver from 4.8.0 
to 4.9.2

* [MDEP-915] - Upgrade commons-io:commons-io from 2.15.1 to 2.16.1
* [MDEP-920] - Bump org.assertj:assertj-core from 3.24.2 to 3.26.0
* [MDEP-921] - Bump org.apache.commons:commons-text from 1.11.0 to 
* [MDEP-922] - dependency:analyze-exclusions - should report issue 
only in current project
* [MDEP-929] - Bump 
org.apache.maven.shared:maven-dependency-analyzer from 1.13.2 to 1.14.1
* [MDEP-936] - Bump org.apache.maven.shared:maven-dependency-tree 
from 3.2.1 to 3.3.0


-The Apache Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Maven PMD Plugin 3.23.0 released

2024-06-11 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
PMD Plugin version 3.23.0.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven PMD Plugin - Version 3.23.0

** Bug
* [MPMD-395] - Build doesn't fail for invalid CPD format

** Dependency upgrade
* [MPMD-397] - Upgrade to Maven 3.6.3


-The Apache Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Apache Maven Common Artifact Filters 3.4.0 released

2024-06-08 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Common Artifact Filters version 3.4.0.


Release Notes - Maven Shared Components - Version 

** Bug
* [MSHARED-1300] - Order of dependencies is not always retained 
when filtering

** Improvement
* [MSHARED-1303] - Declare and undeclare used and unused dependencies

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSHARED-1301] - Upgrade to Parent 42 and Maven 3.6.3
* [MSHARED-1302] - commons-io to 2.13.0


-The Apache Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Release Maven Help Plugin 3.4.1 released

2024-06-05 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Help Plugin version 3.4.1.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Help Plugin - Version 3.4.1

** Test
* [MPH-207] - Exercise output of an expression returning a null object.

** Dependency upgrade
* [MPH-211] - Upgrade maven-plugin parent to 41
* [MPH-213] - Upgrade org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interactivity-api 
from 1.3

* [MPH-214] - Upgrade to Parent 42


-The Apache Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Maven Checkstyle Plugin 3.4.0 released

2024-06-05 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Checkstyle Plugin, version 3.4.0.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Checkstyle Plugin - Version 3.4.0

** Bug
* [MCHECKSTYLE-450] - Checkstyle rule link format results in 404

** New Feature
* [MCHECKSTYLE-449] - Add support for SARIF output format

** Dependency upgrade
* [MCHECKSTYLE-443] - Upgrade to Parent 41
* [MCHECKSTYLE-447] - Upgrade org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-resources 
to 1.3.0

* [MCHECKSTYLE-448] - Upgrade to Parent 42 and Maven 3.6.3


-The Apache Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Apache Maven JXR 3.4.0 released

2024-06-04 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven JXR version 3.4.0

This module generates browsable HTML pages from Java source code.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven JXR - Version 3.4.0

** Dependency upgrade
* [JXR-190] - Upgrade commons-io:commons-io to 2.16.0
* [JXR-191] - Upgrade to Parent 42 and Maven 3.6.3


-The Apache Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Apache Maven Shared JAR 3.1.0 released

2024-06-04 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven Shared JAR, version 3.1.0.


Release Notes - Apache Maven Shared JAR - Version 3.1.0

** New Feature
* [MSHARED-1256] - Add support for Multi-Release JARs

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSHARED-1354] - Upgrade parent POM to version 41
* [MSHARED-1376] - Upgrade commons-codec:commons-codec to 1.16.1
* [MSHARED-1377] - Upgrade org.apache.bcel:bcel from 6.7.0 to 6.8.2
* [MSHARED-1406] - Upgrade to Parent 42 and Maven 3.6.3


-The Apache Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Maven Javadoc Plugin 3.7.0 released

2024-05-31 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Javadoc Plugin, version 3.7.0.

This module generates browsable HTML pages from Java source code.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Javadoc Plugin - Version 3.7.0

** Bug
* [MJAVADOC-793] - java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke 
"String.length()" because "text" is null

** Dependency upgrade
* [MJAVADOC-788] - Upgrade commons-io:commons-io to 2.16.0
* [MJAVADOC-789] - Upgrade 
org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interactivity-api to 1.3

* [MJAVADOC-795] - Upgrade to Parent 42 and Maven 3.6.3


-The Apache Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Maven Site Plugin 4.0.0-M15 released

2024-05-31 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Site Plugin, version 4.0.0-M15.


Release Notes - Maven Site Plugin - Version 4.0.0-M15

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSITE-1008] - Upgrade to Parent 42 and Maven 3.6.3
* [MSITE-1009] - Upgrade plugins and components (in ITs)

Please also note for this new major version: 


-The Apache Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Apache Maven Plugin Tools 3.13.1 released

2024-05-31 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven Plugin Tools, version 3.13.1.


Release Notes - Maven Plugin Tools - Version 3.13.1

** Task
* [MPLUGIN-526] - Clean up dependencies reported by 


-The Apache Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Apache Maven Dependency Tree 3.3.0 released

2024-05-29 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Dependency Tree version 3.3.0.


Release Notes - Maven Shared Components - Version 

** Bug
* [MSHARED-1286] - Display optional attribute for dependency in tree

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSHARED-1287] - Upgrade Parent to 41
* [MSHARED-1333] - Upgrade maven-shared-components to version 40
* [MSHARED-1400] - Upgrade maven-shared-components to version 42
* [MSHARED-1405] - Upgrade to Maven 3.6.3


-The Apache Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Apache Maven Reporting Exec 2.0.0-M14 released

2024-05-28 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Reporting Exec version 2.0.0-M14.


Release Notes - Maven Shared Components - Version 

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSHARED-1392] - Upgrade to Parent 42 and Maven 3.6.3
* [MSHARED-1404] - Upgrade plugins and components (in ITs)


-The Apache Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Apache Maven Reporting Impl 4.0.0-M15 released

2024-05-28 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Reporting Impl version 4.0.0-M15.


Release Notes - Maven Shared Components - Version 

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSHARED-1392] - Upgrade to Parent 42 and Maven 3.6.3
* [MSHARED-1397] - Bump org.apache.maven:maven-archiver from 3.6.1 
to 3.6.2

* [MSHARED-1402] - Upgrade plugins and components (in ITs)


-The Apache Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Apache Maven Doxia Sitetools 2.0.0-M19 released

2024-05-25 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven Doxia Sitetools, version 2.0.0-M19


Release Notes - Maven Doxia Sitetools - Version 2.0.0-M19

** Improvement
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-340] - Rearrange title order in Velocity context

** Dependency upgrade
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-337] - Move maven-compat to test scope
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-338] - Upgrade to Parent 42 and Maven 3.6.3
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-341] - Upgrade plugins and components (in ITs)
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-342] - Upgrade to Maven Fluido Skin 2.0.0-M9 in 
default site descriptor


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Reporting API 4.0.0-M12 released

2024-05-20 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Reporting API version 4.0.0-M12.


Release Notes - Maven Shared Components - Version 

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSHARED-1392] - Upgrade to Parent 42 and Maven 3.6.3
* [MSHARED-1396] - Upgrade to Doxia 2.0.0-M11
* [MSHARED-1399] - Upgrade to Doxia 2.0.0-M12


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Doxia version 2.0.0-M12 released

2024-05-20 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven Doxia, version 2.0.0-M12


Release Notes - Maven Doxia - Version 2.0.0-M12

** Bug
* [DOXIA-737] - [REGRESSION] Making EmitAnchorsForIndexableEntries 
by default does not extract document titles anymore


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Doxia version 2.0.0-M11 released

2024-05-10 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven Doxia, version 2.0.0-M11


Release Notes - Maven Doxia - Version 2.0.0-M11

** Dependency upgrade
* [DOXIA-736] - Upgrade to Parent 42


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Maven Site Plugin 4.0.0-M14 released

2024-05-08 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Site Plugin, version 4.0.0-M14.


Release Notes - Maven Site Plugin - Version 4.0.0-M14

** Bug
* [MSITE-1006] - MSITE-723 causes duplicate document rendering and 
log output

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSITE-1003] - Upgrade plugins and components (in ITs)
* [MSITE-1004] - Upgrade org.apache.maven:maven-archiver to 3.6.2
* [MSITE-1005] - Upgrade org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver to 4.9.2

Please also note for this new major version: 


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Plugin Tools 3.13.0 released

2024-05-05 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven Plugin Tools, version 3.13.0.


Release Notes - Maven Plugin Tools - Version 3.13.0

** Bug
* [MPLUGIN-517] - GoalRenderer renderParameterDetails() renders in 
wrong order
* [MPLUGIN-521] - Nested types not properly extracted cause 
exception while generating Javadoc URLs

** Improvement
* [MPLUGIN-520] - Get rid of maven-compat classes use

** Dependency upgrade
* [MPLUGIN-516] - Upgrade asmVersion from 9.6 to 9.7
* [MPLUGIN-519] - Update to Parent POM 42, prerequisite 3.6.3


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Reporting Exec 2.0.0-M13 released

2024-05-01 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Reporting Exec version 2.0.0-M13.


Release Notes - Maven Shared Components - Version 

** Task
* [MSHARED-1387] - Clean up dependencies

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSHARED-1362] - Upgrade plugins and components (in ITs)


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Reporting Impl 4.0.0-M14 released

2024-04-29 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Reporting Impl version 4.0.0-M14.


Release Notes - Maven Shared Components - Version 

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSHARED-1348] - Upgrade plugins and components (in ITs)
* [MSHARED-1361] - Upgrade plugins and components (in ITs) (2)


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Doxia Sitetools 2.0.0-M18 released

2024-04-26 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven Doxia Sitetools, version 2.0.0-M18


Release Notes - Maven Doxia Sitetools - Version 2.0.0-M18

** New Feature
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-324] - Allow configuration of parser per markup

** Improvement
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-332] - Create anchors for indexable entries 
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-334] - Pass project relative source path to 
Parser.parse(...) as reference argument
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-336] - Make SiteRenderingContext#siteDirectories 
editable aware

** Dependency upgrade
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-321] - Upgrade htmlunit 2.x to 3.x
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-322] - Upgrade to Doxia 2.0.0-M9
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-323] - Upgrade components
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-325] - Upgrade to Maven Reporting API 4.0.0-M10
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-326] - Update 
org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-component-metadata to 2.2.0

* [DOXIASITETOOLS-331] - Upgrade to htmlunit 3.11.0
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-333] - Upgrade commons-io:commons-io to 2.16.1
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-335] - Upgrade to Doxia 2.0.0-M10


-The Apache Maven team

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Re: doxia-maven-plugin stale / dead?

2024-04-18 Thread Michael Osipov
On 2024/04/16 09:48:51 nino martinez wael wrote:
> Hi,
> I was looking for a maven plugin that would help me generate guides and
> small books as part of our maven release etc. Doxia-maven-plugin seemed
> like the way to go, but the last release is extremely old and not working
> with the current maven 3 release.
> I would suggest that either update the plugin or remove the guides using
> the plugin here:
> https://maven.apache.org/doxia/book/index.html
> If you are looking for contributors, I'd be happy to take a look at it.

You are better off with the asciidoctor-maven-plugin.

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[ANN] Apache Maven Reporting API 4.0.0-M11 released

2024-04-17 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Reporting API version 4.0.0-M11.


Release Notes - Maven Shared Components - Version 

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSHARED-1379] - Upgrade to Doxia 2.0.0-M10


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven SCM 2.1.0 released

2024-04-14 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven SCM, version 2.1.0.


Release Notes - Maven SCM - Version 2.1.0

** Bug
* [SCM-914] - InfoItem.lastChangedDate is leaky abstraction
* [SCM-939] - Assume SCM is present
* [SCM-1016] - Build fails with JDK21
* [SCM-1022] - jgit push failure is not failing the build
* [SCM-1024] - maven-scm-plugin tests do not properly check for 
existence of svn command

** Dependency upgrade
* [SCM-1017] - Update commons-io:commons-io to 2.16.0
* [SCM-1018] - Require Maven 3.6.3+
* [SCM-1019] - Update org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds to 2.8.0
* [SCM-1020] - Update org.apache.commons:commons-text 1.11.0
* [SCM-1021] - Update org.apache.commons:commons-lang3 3.14.0
* [SCM-1023] - Upgrade components


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Doxia version 2.0.0-M10 released

2024-04-14 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven Doxia, version 2.0.0-M10


Release Notes - Maven Doxia - Version 2.0.0-M10

** Bug
* [DOXIA-724] - Sink pipeline returned by 
AbstractParser.getWrappedSink(...) has wrong order

* [DOXIA-726] - MarkdownSink: Incorrect escaping of <,>,",' and &
* [DOXIA-727] - MarkdownSink: Incorrect escaping inside code spans
* [DOXIA-734] - XHTML 1.0 elements/attributes which are obsolete in 
XHTML5 no longer detected by XdocParser/FmlParser

** Improvement
* [DOXIA-723] - Optionally expose document location in Sink
* [DOXIA-728] - MarkdownSink: Support blockquotes
* [DOXIA-730] - Update Asciidoctor Doxia Modules in doxia-site
* [DOXIA-731] - Simplify HTML emitted from Sink.verbatim(...)
* [DOXIA-732] - Do not fail for duplicate anchor names

** Dependency upgrade
* [DOXIA-735] - Upgrade commons-io:commons-io to 2.16.1


-The Apache Maven team

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Re: Changing site output location using system property

2024-04-04 Thread Michael Osipov
On 2024/03/27 21:23:30 Louis Bourdages wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to generate a failsafe report in a different location than the 
> standard one. Since this is to be used in a generic CI pipeline, I want to 
> avoid having to modify the plugin config in every repo.
> I found this page which shows a system property that would appear to do 
> exactly what I need: 
> https://maven.apache.org/surefire/maven-surefire-report-plugin/examples/report-custom-location.html
> I have however been unable to reproduce the behaviour. Running `mvn 
> surefire-report:report -DoutputDirectory=newpath` as per the example still 
> generates the reports in their normal location (`${basedir}/target/site`). Is 
> this documentation page outdated? Is there any way I can change the output 
> directory without requiring modifications in every repo?
> I am using Maven  3.9.1 and surefire-report 3.2.5.

There are a few issues here, first of all use the lastest patch version of your 
minor Maven version.

The parameter you are trying to set is read-only: 
the next major version of maven-reporting-impl will fix this: 

If you are truly curious please build Surefire from this branch and try again: 

Let me know,


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Re: [DISCUSS] Maven Dependency Plugin

2024-03-21 Thread Michael Osipov
Many downstream package maintainers use :go-offline to build packages offline 
in a container w/o outbound network access.

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Re: How to suppress meta tags 'generator', 'date' in Doxia Site Renderer?

2024-03-11 Thread Michael Osipov
Yes, read here please: 

On 2024/03/09 08:26:10 Alexander Kriegisch wrote:
> I would have mentioned Asciidoctor, had I believed that it was related
> to the problem. Besides, the Doxia version in the 'generator' tag is
> Doxia-related and so is the 'date' one. So, it came as somewhat of a
> surprise that Asciidoctor, while not messing with the former, overrules
> the setting for the latter, because it has its own timestamp setting.
> That it has it makes sense, because it is also a stand-alone docs
> generator with Doxia out of the picture. That setting just happens to
> write the identical tag. It was hard to diagnose, so it took me a while.
> Do you think, you can do something about making the Doxia version or the
> whole 'generator' tag optional?
> Regards
> --
> Alexander Kriegisch
> https://scrum-master.de
> Michael Osipov schrieb am 08.03.2024 um 20:48:
> > On 2024/03/07 10:24:07 Alexander Kriegisch wrote:
> >> Thanks, Michael,
> >>
> >> for challenging my problem description and asking for a reproducer. When
> >> trying to reproduce in a green-field project, skipGenerationDate=true
> >> was actually enough to suppress the timestamp meta tag on pages in
> >> default formats. As soon, however, as HTML pages generated from asciidoc
> >> sources using asciidoctor-maven-plugin come into play, the pages will
> >> contain timestamps. I think, I will investigate further in that
> >> direction about why that happens and whether it can be suppressed.
> > 
> > You should have mentioned Asciidoctor much much earlier then I would have 
> > told you that it completely circumvents the Doxia Sink API and does its own 
> > thing with direct passthrough. Therefore, the output is out of our control.
> -
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Re: How to suppress meta tags 'generator', 'date' in Doxia Site Renderer?

2024-03-08 Thread Michael Osipov
On 2024/03/07 10:24:07 Alexander Kriegisch wrote:
> Thanks, Michael,
> for challenging my problem description and asking for a reproducer. When
> trying to reproduce in a green-field project, skipGenerationDate=true
> was actually enough to suppress the timestamp meta tag on pages in
> default formats. As soon, however, as HTML pages generated from asciidoc
> sources using asciidoctor-maven-plugin come into play, the pages will
> contain timestamps. I think, I will investigate further in that
> direction about why that happens and whether it can be suppressed.

You should have mentioned Asciidoctor much much earlier then I would have told 
you that it completely circumvents the Doxia Sink API and does its own thing 
with direct passthrough. Therefore, the output is out of our control.


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Re: How to suppress meta tags 'generator', 'date' in Doxia Site Renderer?

2024-03-06 Thread Michael Osipov
On 2024/03/02 06:44:17 Alexander Kriegisch wrote:
> Michael,
> did you read my original message? Everything is described quite
> precisely and concisely there.
> > I already use this in my site.xml:
> >
> >   
> > 
> >   true
> > 
> >   
> >
> > Unfortunately, I found no way to suppress these generated tags on each
> > single page:
> >
> >   
> >   
> I.e., that setting does *not* stop timestamp meta tags from being
> generated, only timestamps visible on generated pages. This is why the
> subject of this thread is: "How to suppress meta tags 'generator',
> 'date' in Doxia Site Renderer?" I was asking, because I was hoping that
> somebody could tell me if there were any existing options to suppress
> those meta tags. If you know one, your insights are most welcome.
> Please, just tell me what I missed and which setting to tweak to
> suppress the tag(s).

Please provide a sample project for the "date" issue. I does not compile for me 


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Re: How to suppress meta tags 'generator', 'date' in Doxia Site Renderer?

2024-03-01 Thread Michael Osipov
On 2024/03/01 15:34:42 Alexander Kriegisch wrote:
> Sorry for replying slowly due to intercontinental travel.
> What sebb said is just one issue. The other, even more obviuous one is
> that a timestamp is a tinmestamp is a timestamp and hence therefore
> changes each time I generate the site.

Which exact? The generation date can be skipped, there are no other 
skin-supplied dates or timestamps embedded.


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Re: How to suppress meta tags 'generator', 'date' in Doxia Site Renderer?

2024-03-01 Thread Michael Osipov
On 2024/02/28 14:01:42 sebb wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Feb 2024 at 13:40, Michael Osipov  wrote:
> >
> > On 2024/02/22 06:59:01 Alexander Kriegisch wrote:
> > > Hello Maven community.
> > >
> > > When generating Maven sites, I like to keep the diffs to previous
> > > version to the absolute minimum before committing changes to a published
> > > site. My commits should only contain content changes. Therefore, I
> > > already use this in my site.xml:
> > >
> > >   
> > > 
> > >   true
> > > 
> > >   
> > >
> > > Unfortunately, I found no way to suppress these generated tags on each
> > > single page:
> > >
> > >   
> > >   
> > >
> > > They constitute about 90% of my commit diffs, making it look like all
> > > pages have changed in the commit log, even though maybe I just fixed a
> > > typo on a single page. How can I customise that behaviour?
> >
> > I do not fully understand which problem you have. As long as you stay on 
> > the same version of all affected components there should be no diff, but 
> > only your content change. Can you elaborate? What do you exactly change?
> Suppose you release version 1.2.2 of a project using Doxia 1.11.0
> Later you would like to release version 1.2.3, by then Doxia 1.11.1 is out.
> As part of checking the release, you would like to check that the
> Javadoc changes properly reflect the code changes.
> However the Doxia version change generates tons of spurious output.

True, that is what I wanted to hear. I have/had the same problem during 
dev/testing. Raise an issue with the skin, please.

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Re: [VOTE] Require Java 17 for Maven 4

2024-02-29 Thread Michael Bien

+1 (non-binding; for JDK 17 or 21)

leaving JDK 8 behind is an important step for the java community.


On 28.02.24 08:30, Benjamin Marwell wrote:

Hi Maven Devs/Users/Committers and PMC members!

After several discussions on the mailing lists, I would like to
start a vote in favour of setting the minimal Java bytecode target
of Maven-Core 4 to 17 and hence require Java 17 for Maven 4.

This is a procedural majority vote [1*]:
You can also vote with fractions and negative votes are not vetoes.

Please also notice:
* Maven 3 will stay at Java 8 no matter what.
* We may raise Maven 4 to JDK 21 later if we feel like it (depending
on the release date).
   This is not part of this vote.
* The linked PR is not part of this vote (this is not a code vote).
   But you may take a look at it to understand the intended change.

PR: https://github.com/apache/maven/pull/1430

Maven-Parent will not be raised with this vote, the other PR is not
part of this vote.

Please refrain from starting discussions in this thread, but do
include a reasoning on downvotes and feel free to start a new
discussion on the mailing list, or comment on the existing ones.


Vote open for 72 hours:

[ ] +1 (set JDK17 min version for Maven 4.x)
[ ] +0
[ ] -1 (please include reasoning)


- Ben

[1*]: https://www.apache.org/foundation/voting.html

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Re: How to suppress meta tags 'generator', 'date' in Doxia Site Renderer?

2024-02-28 Thread Michael Osipov
On 2024/02/22 06:59:01 Alexander Kriegisch wrote:
> Hello Maven community.
> When generating Maven sites, I like to keep the diffs to previous
> version to the absolute minimum before committing changes to a published
> site. My commits should only contain content changes. Therefore, I
> already use this in my site.xml:
>   true
> Unfortunately, I found no way to suppress these generated tags on each
> single page:
> They constitute about 90% of my commit diffs, making it look like all
> pages have changed in the commit log, even though maybe I just fixed a
> typo on a single page. How can I customise that behaviour?

I do not fully understand which problem you have. As long as you stay on the 
same version of all affected components there should be no diff, but only your 
content change. Can you elaborate? What do you exactly change?

The source of that metadata is stable from:
* https://maven.apache.org/doxia/doxia-sitetools/doxia-site-renderer/index.html


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Re: Configuring canonical URL link elements for maven-site-plugin generated pages

2024-01-30 Thread Michael Osipov
If you use the Maven Fluido Skin /site/body/head is passed to Velocity's 
RenderTool with '#eval()' and eventuall VTL markup will be rendered. Logically, 
you should have access to all context attributes including the HTML page name 
and all other stuff.

Give it a try.


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[ANN] Apache Maven Reporting API 4.0.0-M10 released

2024-01-10 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Reporting API version 4.0.0-M10.


Release Notes - Maven Shared Components - Version 

** Task
* [MSHARED-1326] - Improve (documentation on) MavenReport 
interface/AbstractMavenReport class

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSHARED-1349] - Upgrade to Doxia 2.0.0-M9


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Plugin Tools 3.11.0 released

2024-01-10 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven Plugin Tools, version 3.11.0.


Release Notes - Maven Plugin Tools - Version 3.11.0

** Bug
* [MPLUGIN-496] - Translation for keys report.plugin.goal.yes,no 
are missing
* [MPLUGIN-499] - Deprecate descriptions are missing in description 

** Improvement
* [MPLUGIN-450] - Make goal prefix mandatory by default
* [MPLUGIN-474] - Improve descriptor docs for requiredJavaVersion
* [MPLUGIN-492] - Documentation for plugins in general: Goals 
comprises more than that
* [MPLUGIN-495] - WARNINGs based on usage of @Component for 
MavenSession/MavenProject instead of @Parameter

** Task
* [MPLUGIN-493] - Consistently evaluate skip parameter in 

* [MPLUGIN-498] - Move section rendering to separate methods

** Dependency upgrade
* [MPLUGIN-494] - Upgrade to Parent 41
* [MPLUGIN-497] - Upgrade components


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Doxia version 2.0.0-M9 released

2024-01-09 Thread Michael Osipov

** Bug
* [DOXIA-695] - Support of h6 in xhtml output is broken
* [DOXIA-699] - Xhtml5Parser may emit sectionX() without 
sectionX_() when using both  and 

* [DOXIA-714] - MarkdownSink: Fix table justification and figures
* [DOXIA-715] - Sink.text(String, SinkEventAttributes) not properly 
supported by AptSink and MarkdownSink

** New Feature
* [DOXIA-722] - Optionally create anchors for indexable entries 
(used in TOC macro)

** Improvement
* [DOXIA-709] - Clarify usage of overlapping Sink methods
* [DOXIA-711] - Introduce SinkWrapper with factory
* [DOXIA-716] - Update and unify XMLReader creation and configuration

** Dependency upgrade
* [DOXIA-717] - Upgrade to org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-testing 1.3.0
* [DOXIA-719] - Properly manage Commons IO/Lang 3
* [DOXIA-720] - Upgrade to Parent 41
* [DOXIA-721] - Upgrade to JUnit 5.10.1


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Maven Surefire 3.2.5 released

2024-01-09 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Surefire version 3.2.5.


Release Notes - Maven Surefire - Version 3.2.5

** Bug
* [SUREFIRE-2223] - Surefire evaluates parameter jvm before skip
* [SUREFIRE-2224] - StatelessXmlReporter#getTestProblems() does not 
properly reflect report schema structure
* [SUREFIRE-2225] - Surefire ITs fail when project directory 
contains space
* [SUREFIRE-2229] - [REGRESSION] SUREFIRE-2224 causes stack trace 
to be omitted for errors and failures
* [SUREFIRE-2231] - JaCoCo 0.8.11 fails with old TestNG releases on 
Java 17+

** Improvement
* [SUREFIRE-1345] - Support flakyFailure and flakyError in 
* [SUREFIRE-2221] - Document minimum supported Java version for 


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven JXR 3.3.2 released

2023-12-29 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven JXR version 3.3.2

This module generates browsable HTML pages from Java source code.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven JXR - Version 3.3.2

** Bug
* [JXR-183] - Plugin Documentation not generated

** Task
* [JXR-185] - Consistently evaluate skip parameter in 

** Dependency upgrade
* [JXR-186] - Upgrade to Parent 41
* [JXR-187] - Upgrade components


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Maven Site Plugin 4.0.0-M13 released

2023-12-17 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Site Plugin, version 4.0.0-M13.


Release Notes - Maven Site Plugin - Version 4.0.0-M13

** Bug
* [MSITE-997] - Non-localized site directory 
DocumentRenderingContext passed
* [MSITE-998] - MavenReport#setReportOutputDirectory(File) is 
called too late

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSITE-999] - Upgrade plugins and components (in ITs)

Please also note for this new major version: 


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Reporting Impl 4.0.0-M13 released

2023-12-13 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Reporting Impl version 4.0.0-M13.


Release Notes - Maven Shared Components - Version 

** Improvement
* [MSHARED-1327] - Change default value of output directory in 
* [MSHARED-1343] - Make parameter outputDirectory read/write in 

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSHARED-1342] - Upgrade plugins and components (in ITs)


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Maven Surefire 3.2.3 released

2023-12-13 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Surefire version 3.2.3.


Release Notes - Maven Surefire - Version 3.2.3

** Bug
* [SUREFIRE-2210] - Additional class path ordering broken since 3.2.0
* [SUREFIRE-2211] - additionalClasspathElement with UNC path not 
working with Maven Failsafe Plugin
* [SUREFIRE-2212] - OutOfMemoryError raised when parsing files with 
huge stderr/stdout output in surefire-report-parser
* [SUREFIRE-2220] - 
SurefireForkChannel#getForkNodeConnectionString() returns invalid URI 
string if localHost resolves to IPv6 address

** Dependency upgrade
* [SUREFIRE-2214] - Upgrade to HtmlUnit 3.8.0
* [SUREFIRE-2215] - Upgrade to Parent 41
* [SUREFIRE-2216] - Upgrade plugins and components (in ITs)


-The Apache Maven team

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Re: creating a source directory on the fly

2023-12-09 Thread Michael Osipov
On 2023/12/06 03:34:58 Dave Dyer wrote:
> I'm trying to tune up my maven build, which requires that I construct
> a source directory on the fly by copying from the canonical location.
> The best advice I've found is to use mavin-resources-plugin, but
> that's a bit inelegant because it copies everything, not just the
> sources.

That the wrong approach.

> Is there a better approach?

The right approach: 

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[ANN] Maven Javadoc Plugin 3.6.3 released

2023-12-03 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Javadoc Plugin, version 3.6.3.

This module generates browsable HTML pages from Java source code.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Javadoc Plugin - Version 3.6.3

** Bug
* [MJAVADOC-682] - Reactor builds fail when multiple modules with 
same groupId:artifactId, but different versions
* [MJAVADOC-780] - Unit tests create null-null.jar in build root 

** Improvement
* [MJAVADOC-779] - Upgrade maven-plugin parent to 41

** Task
* [MJAVADOC-782] - Align read-only parameters naming with other plugins

** Dependency upgrade
* [MJAVADOC-781] - Upgrade plugins and components (in ITs)


-The Apache Maven team

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Re: Generate soft-links as part of site build

2023-11-30 Thread Michael Osipov
On 2023/11/28 17:35:40 sebb wrote:
> Is it possible to generate soft-links as part of a site build?
> I tried adding them to the resources/ folder, but they were ignored.

While I haven't tried explicitly, what about 

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[ANN] Maven Site Plugin 4.0.0-M12 released

2023-11-24 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Site Plugin, version 4.0.0-M12.


Release Notes - Maven Site Plugin - Version 4.0.0-M12

** Improvement
* [MSITE-987] - Consistently log when skipping report goal execution

** Task
* [MSITE-996] - Rewrite site.xml in ITs for new site model

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSITE-991] - Upgrade to Parent 41
* [MSITE-992] - Upgrade to Doxia Sitetools 2.0.0-M16
* [MSITE-993] - Upgrade to Maven Reporting API 4.0.0-M9
* [MSITE-994] - Upgrade to Maven Reporting Exec 4.0.0-M12
* [MSITE-995] - Upgrade plugins and components (in ITs)

Please also note for this new major version: 


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Reporting Exec 2.0.0-M12 released

2023-11-24 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Reporting Exec version 2.0.0-M12.


Release Notes - Maven Shared Components - Version 

** Improvement
* [MSHARED-1329] - Add field to MavenReportExecution whether it is 
user-defined or autodetected

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSHARED-1334] - Upgrade to Parent 41
* [MSHARED-1335] - Upgrade to Maven Reporting API 4.0.0-M9
* [MSHARED-1337] - Upgrade plugins and components (in ITs)


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Reporting Impl 4.0.0-M12 released

2023-11-24 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Reporting Impl version 4.0.0-M12.


Release Notes - Maven Shared Components - Version 

** Improvement
* [MSHARED-1328] - Consistently log when skipping report goal execution

** Task
* [MSHARED-1326] - Improve MavenReport 
interface/AbstractMavenReport class API

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSHARED-1334] - Upgrade to Parent 41
* [MSHARED-1335] - Upgrade to Maven Reporting API 4.0.0-M9
* [MSHARED-1336] - Upgrade to Doxia Sitetools 2.0.0-M16


-The Apache Maven team

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Re: .sha256 artifact checksums on Central

2023-11-22 Thread Michael Osipov
Look at this: 

Whatever they did, they did wrong. It is pointless to upload hashes for 
signatures. Moreover, MD5 and SHA1 are missing. They are mandatory, at least on 

They have just failed. Good luck in complaining: The pom.properties says:
#Created by Apache Maven 3.8.1

Can't stop laughing...

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[ANN] Apache Maven Doxia Sitetools 2.0.0-M16 released

2023-11-21 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven Doxia Sitetools, version 2.0.0-M16


Release Notes - Maven Doxia Sitetools - Version 2.0.0-M16

** Task
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-319] - Improve DocumentRenderer 
interface/DocumentRenderingContext class API

** Dependency upgrade
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-317] - Upgrade to Parent 41
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-318] - Upgrade to Maven Reporting API 4.0.0-M9


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Maven Project Info Reports Plugin 3.5.0 released

2023-11-21 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Project Info Reports Plugin version 3.5.0.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Project Info Reports Plugin - Version 3.5.0

** Task
* [MPIR-453] - Replace Commons IO in favor of standard APIs

** Dependency upgrade
* [MPIR-446] - Update to Maven SCM 2.0.1
* [MPIR-452] - Upgrade to Parent 41


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Reporting API 4.0.0-M9 released

2023-11-15 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Reporting API version 4.0.0-M9.


Release Notes - Maven Shared Components - Version 

** Task
* [MSHARED-1326] - Improve (documentation on) MavenReport 
interface/AbstractMavenReport class

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSHARED-1334] - Upgrade to Parent 41


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Maven Javadoc Plugin 3.6.2 released

2023-11-06 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Javadoc Plugin, version 3.6.2.

This module generates browsable HTML pages from Java source code.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Javadoc Plugin - Version 3.6.2

** Bug
* [MJAVADOC-713] - Skipping Javadoc reportset leaves empty Javadoc 
link in site

* [MJAVADOC-716] - The stale file detection does not work
* [MJAVADOC-726] - Maven Java Doc Plugin downloads Log4j-1.2.12 
dependency transitively

* [MJAVADOC-762] - createTestRepo in JavaDocReportTest shares state
* [MJAVADOC-774] - 3.6.0 release is not reproducible

** Improvement
* [MJAVADOC-730] - Deprecate parameter "old"

** Dependency upgrade
* [MJAVADOC-777] - Update org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-java from 
1.1.2 to 1.2.0


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Maven PMD Plugin 3.21.2 released

2023-11-02 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
PMD Plugin version 3.21.2.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven PMD Plugin - Version 3.21.2

** Bug
* [MPMD-370] - Remove remaining uses of FileReader
* [MPMD-371] - Using two ruleset files with same name in different 

* [MPMD-382] - Regression in report rendering
* [MPMD-384] - maven-pmd-plugin is dowloading transitive 
dependencies of unmanaged version

** Dependency upgrade
* [MPMD-380] - Prefer apache commons and JDK to Plexus utils
* [MPMD-387] - Upgrade to Parent 40


-The Apache Maven team

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Re: How to set default directories when developing a reporting plugin?

2023-10-24 Thread Michael Osipov
On 2023/10/22 02:38:07 Alexander Kriegisch wrote:
> Hello Michael, hello community.
> I have decided to actually change the plugin's behaviour the way I
> described:
>   -- I overrode the default value of AbstractMavenReport.outputDirectory
>  [1] by defining a setter method and adding a @Parameter annotation,
>  specifying ${project.build.directory} as the base direcory for the
>  report, because this is what I want to use when the mojo is
>  executed directly. The abstract super class defaults to
>  ${project.reporting.outputDirectory}, which is IMO suboptimal. In a
>  site generation context, the report directory is set automatically
>  anyway, because AbstractMavenReport.setReportOutputDirectory, as
>  mentioned in my original message, sets both reportOutputDirectory
>  and outputDirectory. BTW, is this "trick" to override an inherited
>  property correct? Is there a canonical way to do that?
>   -- Then, I introduced a new reportDirectory [2] property, whis is just
>  a String, not a File. It specifies the subdirectory to be appended
>  to outputDirectory [3]. This works in both use cases, stand-alone
>  mojo execution and site generation.
>   -- Hence, it is now possible to configure the base directory and the
>  subdirectory name separately: The base directory is set in the
>  identically named property outputDirectory, either in the plugin or
>  in Maven Site, depending on the use case. The subdirectory is set
>  in the new reportDirectory property. I.e., reports will end up in
>  the following directories:
>** without configuration, stand-alone:
>   target/aspectj-report
>** without configuration, site generation:
>   target/site/aspectj-report
>** custom base directory, stand-alone: e.g.
>   my-target/aspectj-report
>** custom base directory, site generation: e.g.
>   target/my-site/aspectj-report
>** custom subdirectory, stand-alone: e.g.
>   target/my-aspectj-report
>** custom subdirectory, site generation: e.g.
>   target/site/my-aspectj-report
>** custom base + subdirectory, stand-alone: e.g.
>   my-target/my-aspectj-report
>** custom base + subdirectory, site generation: e.g.
>   target/my-site/my-aspectj-report
>  Notably, the custom base directory for site generation should work
>  for all plugins playing nicely, e.g. Javadoc or (now after my
>  change) AspectJ. See the integration tests [4] for examples, namely
>  CreateReport* test cases for stand-alone and CreateSite* ones for
>  site generation use cases. For each test case, compare the
>  differences in Maven Site and AspexctJ Maven settings and the
>  corresponding checks in verify.groovy.
> [1] 
> https://github.com/dev-aspectj/aspectj-maven-plugin/blob/9f2d0e97ed963c2b69a7fdf731a4c919a6bb56ef/src/main/java/org/codehaus/mojo/aspectj/AjcReportMojo.java#L90-L106
> [2] 
> https://github.com/dev-aspectj/aspectj-maven-plugin/blob/9f2d0e97ed963c2b69a7fdf731a4c919a6bb56ef/src/main/java/org/codehaus/mojo/aspectj/AjcReportMojo.java#L57-L67
> [3] 
> https://github.com/dev-aspectj/aspectj-maven-plugin/blob/9f2d0e97ed963c2b69a7fdf731a4c919a6bb56ef/src/main/java/org/codehaus/mojo/aspectj/AjcReportMojo.java#L255
> [4] https://github.com/dev-aspectj/aspectj-maven-plugin/tree/main/src/it

Just checked these. They look reasonable. I need to check MJAVADOC whether it 
is reasonable or not. Let's continue with the open PRs.

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Re: [ANN] Maven Surefire 3.2.1 released

2023-10-24 Thread Michael Osipov
Good catch. This crept in in other builds as well :-(

On 2023/10/24 10:42:33 Thomas Broyer wrote:
> This is using plexus-xml 4.0.0 (from Parent 40). Shouldn't that be
> downgraded to 3.0.0?
> (
> https://github.com/apache/maven-parent/commit/096de2d1f79a1b692a112db16675ecc2ac013597
> says 4.0.0 is not compatible with Maven 3; maybe a Parent 41 should have
> been released after that commit?)
> Fwiw, I have a plugin that depends on surefire-common (maybe it shouldn't
> but that's another story) and this brings maven-xml-impl et al. that are
> flagged as not being in the correct scope (brought in as "compile", should
> be "provided"). My tests pass with that version, but I've explicitly
> downgraded to 3.0.0 (upgraded plexus-utils to 4.0.0 and added dependency on
> plexus-xml 3.0.0) and tests still pass, so I think I'm going to go with
> that.
> On Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 10:00 PM Michael Osipov  wrote:
> > The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven
> > Surefire version 3.2.1.
> >
> > https://maven.apache.org/surefire/
> >
> >
> > Release Notes - Maven Surefire - Version 3.2.1
> >
> > ** Bug
> >  * [SUREFIRE-2190] - optional dependencies and JPMS modules confuse
> > surefire
> >  * [SUREFIRE-2196] -
> > maven-surefire-report-plugin:failsafe-report-only failed: Unmatched
> > braces in the pattern
> >  * [SUREFIRE-2202] - NullPointerException if super class meets
> > specific condition
> >
> > ** New Feature
> >  * [SUREFIRE-1124] - Let ${surefire.forkNumber} deliver unique
> > environmentVariables when used in parallel mvn builds
> >
> > ** Improvement
> >  * [SUREFIRE-2177] - Use junit-bom instead of single JUnit 5 versions
> >  * [SUREFIRE-2178] - classpathDependencyExcludes should support
> > classifiers
> >  * [SUREFIRE-2179] - additionalClasspathElements should support
> > Maven coordinates
> >  * [SUREFIRE-2182] - Log starter implementation on DEBUG level
> >
> > ** Dependency upgrade
> >  * [SUREFIRE-2188] - Upgrade to Parent 40
> >
> >
> > Enjoy,
> >
> > -The Apache Maven team
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
> > For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org
> >
> >
> -- 
> Thomas Broyer
> /tɔ.ma.bʁwa.je/ <http://xn--nna.ma.xn--bwa-xxb.je/>

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[ANN] Maven Checkstyle Plugin 3.3.1 released

2023-10-24 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Checkstyle Plugin, version 3.3.1.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Checkstyle Plugin - Version 3.3.1

** Bug
* [MCHECKSTYLE-403] - Goal checkstyle:checkstyle ignores testResources

** Improvement
* [MCHECKSTYLE-412] - Add option to exclude generated 
sources/test-sources from default source/test-source directories

** Task
* [MCHECKSTYLE-438] - Update and backfill release notes

** Dependency upgrade
* [MCHECKSTYLE-439] - Upgrade to Parent 40


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven JXR 3.3.1 released

2023-10-23 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven JXR version 3.3.1

This module generates browsable HTML pages from Java source code.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven JXR - Version 3.3.1

** Improvement
* [JXR-175] - Support Java 14 record as class type in cross reference
* [JXR-176] - Remove dependency org.apache.commons:commons-lang3

** Dependency upgrade
* [JXR-177] - Upgrade Plexus Utils to 3.5.0
* [JXR-178] - Update parent pom to 39
* [JXR-180] - commons-io to 2.14.0
* [JXR-181] - Upgrade to Parent 40


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Release Maven Dependency Plugin 3.6.1 released

2023-10-23 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Dependency Plugin version 3.6.1.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Dependency Plugin - Version 3.6.1

** Bug
* [MDEP-875] - Regression: list-repositories may produce NPE

** Dependency upgrade
* [MDEP-868] - maven-shared-utils to 3.4.2
* [MDEP-872] - update commons-io to 2.13.0
* [MDEP-882] - Upgrade plexus-archiver due to CVE-2023-37460
* [MDEP-883] - Upgrade maven-plugin parent to 40


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Maven Surefire 3.2.1 released

2023-10-23 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Surefire version 3.2.1.


Release Notes - Maven Surefire - Version 3.2.1

** Bug
* [SUREFIRE-2190] - optional dependencies and JPMS modules confuse 
* [SUREFIRE-2196] - 
maven-surefire-report-plugin:failsafe-report-only failed: Unmatched 
braces in the pattern
* [SUREFIRE-2202] - NullPointerException if super class meets 
specific condition

** New Feature
* [SUREFIRE-1124] - Let ${surefire.forkNumber} deliver unique 
environmentVariables when used in parallel mvn builds

** Improvement
* [SUREFIRE-2177] - Use junit-bom instead of single JUnit 5 versions
* [SUREFIRE-2178] - classpathDependencyExcludes should support 
* [SUREFIRE-2179] - additionalClasspathElements should support 
Maven coordinates

* [SUREFIRE-2182] - Log starter implementation on DEBUG level

** Dependency upgrade
* [SUREFIRE-2188] - Upgrade to Parent 40


-The Apache Maven team

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RE: How to set default directories when developing a reporting plugin?

2023-10-22 Thread Michael Osipov


I have now read the code of all our reporting plugins, 
maven-reporting-impl and maven-site-plugin.

Here is my understanding how I expect to work which it is not at the 
moment and there is a flaw in the system were both MJXR and MJAVADOC 
apply a hack and I will explain why they do.

We have

standalone execution:

@Parameter(defaultValue = "${project.reporting.outputDirectory}", readonly 
= true, required = true)
protected File outputDirectory;


site execution:

@Parameter(property = "siteOutputDirectory", defaultValue = 
protected File outputDirectory;

both point to root directory where all reports put there files in, from 
the simplest single page one, to multipage to those which are external 
and operate in subdirectories. Everything below that output directory is 
fixed and completely subject to the plugin.

Both o.a.m.reporting.AbstractMavenReport.getReportOutputDirectory() and 
o.a.m.reporting.AbstractMavenReport.setReportOutputDirectory(File) exist 
for the sole purpose to accomondate both execution styles. One value is 
exected through DI (standalone) the other one set (through site). 
Therefore, in both cases #getReportOutputDirectory() should be used to 
get the right value to write to.
In any case #setReportOutputDirectory(File) does *not* contain a 
directory for the reporting plugin only, but for the entire generated 
tree of plugins, regardless of 'mvn site' /or/ 'mvn pmd:pmd 

Now, o.a.m.reporting.MavenReport.getOutputName() has bad documentation 
because it is actually a relative output *path* to the generated item 
with the base/root path given by 
o.a.m.reporting.MavenReport.getReportOutputDirectory(). Again, here is 
the name completely deceiving. Needs doc update as well.

You might wonder, what to do now with:

public String getOutputName() {
return "xref/index";


public void setReportOutputDirectory(File reportOutputDirectory) {
if ((reportOutputDirectory != null)
&& (!reportOutputDirectory.getAbsolutePath().endsWith("xref"))) 
this.destDir = new File(reportOutputDirectory, 
} else {
this.destDir = reportOutputDirectory.getAbsolutePath();


Well, while I consider the former is correct, the latter is not:
* Does one expect to pass *null* as reportOutputDirectory?
* Why is *this.reportOutputDirectory*  never updated?
* It expects the report this live under *.../xref*, but ignores

 * Folder where the Xref files will be copied to.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${project.reporting.outputDirectory}/xref")
private String destDir;
* It mixes the the notion of a *pluginReportOutputDirectory* which is 
passed to the external report generator as a root/base or a multi sink 
if you want to generate multiple reports under one dir, but have the 
starting point at *foo/index* (output name) and all resides under *foo/*.
MJAVADOC does the same trick although it has replaces the literal 'xref' 
with a field, but the issue remains the same.
Whether the path component(s) between the root and *index* should be 
flexible, is upto the plugin (e.g, xref, xref-test, apidocs, etc.), but 
from my personal PoV changing it does not make:

* In site execution this has to be carried along
* If you need to change it otherwise you can rename/move it with an ant 
task or a subprocessor.

What I will do not is to create a few issues and PRs to improve the 
situation and create a PR for JXR on top of 'doxia-2.0.0' how I consider 
it should be. Some of the method names are unfortunately, but I am 
afraid it is too hard to change them given they have too widespread use.

I guess after all, I will need to perform another round of releases with 
those PRs before I can start new reporting plugin releases. I think what 
you have raised was long overdue and absoltuely legit.

Let me know what you think!

@Hervé, I would also appreciate to hear your opinion on this!


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RE: How to set default directories when developing a reporting plugin?

2023-10-21 Thread Michael Osipov

On 2023/10/20 02:08:25 Alexander Kriegisch wrote:


I am trying to improve a reporting mojo in a Maven plugin. The mojo
extends org.apache.maven.reporting.AbstractMavenReport. I recently
upgraded it to Doxia 2.0 - thanks again to Hervé B. and Michael O. for
their support - and cleaned out some cruft, removing redundant super
class fields and methods) in the mojo code. So far, so good.

My question is about the different behaviour for configuring the report
output directory when starting the mojo directly as a Maven goal
compared to it being started during Maven site generation. The Javadoc
is helpful and explains:

public abstract class AbstractMavenReport extends AbstractMojo
  implements MavenMultiPageReport
   * The output directory for the report. Note that this parameter is
   * only evaluated if the goal is run directly from the command line.
   * If the goal is run indirectly as part of a site generation, the
   * output directory configured in the Maven Site Plugin is used
   * instead.
  @Parameter(defaultValue = "${project.reporting.outputDirectory}",
readonly = true, required = true)
  protected File outputDirectory;

I.e., if the user sets the directory as a plugin option, she is fine
when using the plugin directly. If she uses it as a reporting plugin for
site generation, she needs to set 'outputDirectory' in Maven Site
Plugin. But actually, that is not the right approach, because my
understanding is that 'outputDirectory' should rather set a base
directory for *all* reporting plugins, if the default target/site is not
OK. In that case, any plugin-specific output directory ought to be
interpreted as a subdirectory of the general reporting
'outputDirectory', not simply be ignored. I saw that Maven Javadoc
Plugin has some logic that seems to handle that, using a separate
'destDir' property to recalculate the output directory in a reporting
context. From class JavadocReport:

 * @param theDestDir the destination directory
public void setDestDir(String theDestDir) {
  this.destDir = theDestDir;
  updateReportOutputDirectory(reportOutputDirectory, theDestDir);

private void updateReportOutputDirectory(File reportOutputDirectory,
 String destDir)
  if (reportOutputDirectory != null
   && destDir != null
   && !reportOutputDirectory.getAbsolutePath().endsWith(destDir))
this.reportOutputDirectory =
  new File(reportOutputDirectory, destDir);
  } else {
this.reportOutputDirectory =

Different Maven plugins seem to handle this situation differently. Is
this the suggested, canonical approach? What do you think is a user's
expectation for multi-page report mojos extending AbstractMavenReport?
Certainly not that three conflicting reporting plugins have to argue
about which one can use Maven Site's 'outputDirectory' proprty for its
private purposes, leaving the other reporting plugins falsely
configured. Do all reporting plugins need to provide a separate
'destDir' or 'reportingDir' property for that use case? WDYT?

Sorry for asking a long-winded question, but I think it is important for
me to provide some context for the benefit of everyone trying to answer.

This is, indeed, a good question. I have stumbled about similar during 
Doxia 2.0.0 work, but didn't dare to touch it because I didn't want to 
open too many construction sites. Let me go through to get a better 
Regarding Javadoc Plugin: I don't know whether is the perfect external 
reporting plugin because it does not inherit from AbstractMavenReport.


[ANN] Apache Maven Plugin Tools 3.10.1 released

2023-10-20 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven Plugin Tools, version 3.10.1.


Release Notes - Maven Plugin Tools - Version 3.10.1

** Bug
* [MPLUGIN-482] - JavadocSite.createLink() does not consider 
implicit module path prefix

** Improvement
* [MPLUGIN-442] - Rewrite plugin goal documentation generation to 
use supplied sink instead of direct Xdoc

* [MPLUGIN-475] - Upgrade to plexus-utils / plexus-xml 4.0.0
* [MPLUGIN-477] - Don't add a stray period

** Dependency upgrade
* [MPLUGIN-478] - Upgrade org.junit:junit-bom from 5.9.3 to 5.10.0
* [MPLUGIN-479] - Bump org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver from 
4.7.1 to 4.8.0


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Reporting Exec 2.0.0-M11 released

2023-10-17 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Reporting Exec version 2.0.0-M11.


Release Notes - Maven Shared Components - Version 

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSHARED-1322] - Upgrade to Doxia 2.0.0-M8
* [MSHARED-1323] - Upgrade to Maven Reporting API 4.0.0-M8
* [MSHARED-1324] - Upgrade plugins and components (in ITs)


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Doxia Sitetools 2.0.0-M13 released

2023-10-17 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven Doxia Sitetools, version 2.0.0-M13


Release Notes - Maven Doxia Sitetools - Version 2.0.0-M13

** Dependency upgrade
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-314] - Upgrade to Doxia 2.0.0-M8
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-315] - Upgrade to Maven Fluido Skin 2.0.0-M8 in 
default site descriptor

* [DOXIASITETOOLS-316] - Upgrade to Maven Reporting API 4.0.0-M8


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Reporting API 4.0.0-M8 released

2023-10-17 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Reporting API version 4.0.0-M8.


Release Notes - Maven Shared Components - Version 

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSHARED-1316] - Upgrade to Parent 40
* [MSHARED-1317] - Upgrade to Doxia 2.0.0-M8


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Maven Site Plugin 4.0.0-M11 released

2023-10-17 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Site Plugin, version 4.0.0-M11.


Release Notes - Maven Site Plugin - Version 4.0.0-M11

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSITE-981] - Upgrade to Doxia 2.0.0-M8
* [MSITE-982] - Upgrade to Doxia Sitetools 2.0.0-M13
* [MSITE-983] - Upgrade to Maven Reporting API 4.0.0-M8
* [MSITE-984] - Upgrade to Maven Reporting Impl/Exec 4.0.0-M11
* [MSITE-985] - Upgrade plugins and components (in ITs)

Please also note for this new major version: 


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Reporting Impl 4.0.0-M11 released

2023-10-17 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Reporting Impl version 4.0.0-M11.


Release Notes - Maven Shared Components - Version 

** Improvement
* [MSHARED-1314] - mark execute() final to avoid users extending 
reporting-impl implementation

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSHARED-1318] - Upgrade to Doxia 2.0.0-M8
* [MSHARED-1319] - Upgrade to Doxia Sitetools 2.0.0-M13
* [MSHARED-1320] - Upgrade to Maven Reporting API 4.0.0-M8
* [MSHARED-1321] - Upgrade plugins and components (in ITs)


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Doxia version 2.0.0-M8 released

2023-10-17 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven Doxia, version 2.0.0-M8


Release Notes - Maven Doxia - Version 2.0.0-M8

* Bug
* [DOXIA-706] - Sink.text(String, SinkEventAttributes) not properly 
supported by Xhtml5BaseSink

** Dependency upgrade
* [DOXIA-708] - Upgrade to Parent 40


-The Apache Maven team

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Re: [maven-doxia-sitetools] How to upgrade from old pre-version 2.0.0 model?

2023-10-15 Thread Michael Osipov
On 2023/10/15 17:50:15 Dave Wichers wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm looking at this:
> https://www.mail-archive.com/commits@maven.apache.org/msg114005.html
> And see the code change introducing this warning:
> +LOGGER.warn(
> +"Site model of '" + project.getId() + "' for "
> ++ (locale.equals(SiteTool.DEFAULT_LOCALE)
> +? "default locale"
> +: "locale '" + locale + "'")
> ++ " is still using the old
> pre-version 2.0.0 model. You MUST migrate to the new model as soon as
> possible otherwise your build will break in the future!");
> I have a project that is getting this warning, but I have no clue how
> to address it. Is there a migration guide for Doxia for this? Or can
> you explain to me how to address it? I imagine a number of people are
> going to see this message, so a guide that people can easily find that
> explains how to deal with it would be very helpful.


you first should look in JIRA at all associated issues to understand the 
purpose of this change. Then the model (old and new one), are generated from a 
Modello model which generates a documentatation:
* old: 
* new: https://maven.apache.org/doxia/doxia-sitetools/doxia-site-model/site.html
then you can map from old to new easily. The change in Doxia Sitetools also 
contains a converter which can assist you as well, if the model overview is not 

If you are looking for handwritten documentation, there is none yet. We are 
always short in docs. I am the only one basically working on this topic for 
almost two years.

Let me know if this answers your question,


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[ANN] Maven Fluido Skin 2.0.0-M8 released

2023-10-11 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Fluido Skin, version 2.0.0-M8.


You should specify the version in your project's site configuration:


Import: This release requires Maven Site Plugin 4.0.0-M10/Doxia 
Sitetools 2.0.0-M12 to run

Release Notes - Maven Fluido Skin - Version 2.0.0-M8

** Bug
release jar

** Improvement
* [MSKINS-170] - Allow to show name as headline in addition to 

** Task
* [MSKINS-237] - Rework skin for new site model

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSKINS-238] - Upgrade to Parent 40


-The Apache Maven team

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Re: NPE in AbstractMavenReport.execute, because 'this.siteTool' is null

2023-10-09 Thread Michael Osipov
I had these NPEs when I started to migrate reporting plugins and both the 
plugin and the super class contained the same fields which created conflicts. 
After I have removed them from the plugin and used the super ones all went 
fine. In your case I would really do what Hervé proposes:

* remove your execute() and retest with 1.x
* in a branch try with 2.x

I expect it to work. You can also look at all of your reporting plugins in 
branch doxia-2.0.0 you'll see all necessary migration magic from me. The PR 
with finalizing the method is good and already merged.


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[ANN] Maven Site Plugin 4.0.0-M10 released

2023-10-06 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Site Plugin, version 4.0.0-M10.


Release Notes - Maven Site Plugin - Version 4.0.0-M10

** Bug
* [MSITE-971] - Site generation not resolving git.commit.time

** Improvement
* [MSITE-973] - Have ${project.build.outputTimestamp} injected as 

** Task
* [MSITE-975] - Use injected only properties in additional template 

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSITE-976] - Bump plexus-archiver from 4.7.1 to 4.8.0
* [MSITE-979] - Upgrade to Parent 40
* [MSITE-980] - Upgrade plugins and components (in ITs)

Please also note for this new major version: 


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Reporting Exec 2.0.0-M10 released

2023-10-06 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Reporting Exec version 2.0.0-M10.


Release Notes - Maven Shared Components - Version 

** Bug
* [MSHARED-1298] - Missing site report should be detected

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSHARED-1310] - Upgrade to Parent 40
* [MSHARED-1311] - Upgrade plugins and components (in ITs)


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Doxia Sitetools 2.0.0-M12 released

2023-10-05 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven Doxia Sitetools, version 2.0.0-M12


Release Notes - Maven Doxia Sitetools - Version 2.0.0-M12

** Improvement
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-253] - Clarify "border", "width" and "height" for 
Banner and LinkItem

** Wish
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-174] - rename site.xml root tag from "project" to 

** Task
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-254] - Clarify inconsistencies in Doxia site model
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-311] - Rework and simplify the site model

** Dependency upgrade
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-312] - Upgrade to Parent 40


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Reporting Impl 4.0.0-M10 released

2023-10-05 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Reporting Impl version 4.0.0-M10.


Release Notes - Maven Shared Components - Version 

** Improvement
* [MSHARED-1295] - Have ${project.build.outputTimestamp} injected 
as @Parameter

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSHARED-1308] - Upgrade to Parent 40
* [MSHARED-1309] - Upgrade to Doxia Sitetools 2.0.0-M12


-The Apache Maven team

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Re: NPE in AbstractMavenReport.execute, because 'this.siteTool' is null

2023-10-05 Thread Michael Osipov
On 2023/10/05 06:46:02 Hervé Boutemy wrote:
> improvement proposed: review appreciated
> https://github.com/apache/maven-reporting-impl/pull/24

Will try to look at the issue here and the proposed PR in the next couple of 

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Re: Maven 4 doesn't allow overriding user.language

2023-08-07 Thread Michael Osipov
The behavior is correct. You can only pass Maven user properties to CLI, *not* 
Java system properties. If you want to override them, use MAVEN_OPTS for this. 
It is an incorrect behavior from 3.x times where the notion between user 
properties and system properties was not properly defined.

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[ANN] Maven Fluido Skin 2.0.0-M7 released

2023-07-13 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Fluido Skin, version 2.0.0-M7.


You should specify the version in your project's site configuration:


Import: This release requires Maven Site Plugin 4.0.0-M9/Doxia Sitetools 
2.0.0-M11 to run

Release Notes - Maven Fluido Skin - Version 2.0.0-M7
** Bug
* [MSKINS-230] - Text in / ignore default alignment
* [MSKINS-231] - site.vm contains untranslated "External Links" label
* [MSKINS-233] - site-macros.vm contains untranslated "Edit" label
* [MSKINS-234] - Disabling 'topBarEnabled' doesn't remove padding

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSKINS-232] - Upgrade to Doxia Sitetools 2.0.0-M11


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Maven Site Plugin 4.0.0-M9 released

2023-07-10 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Site Plugin, version 4.0.0-M9.


Release Notes - Maven Site Plugin - Version 4.0.0-M9

** Improvement
* [MSITE-833] - Remove dependency to maven-compat

** Task
* [MSITE-965] - add system requirements history

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSITE-968] - Upgrade plugins and components (in ITs)
* [MSITE-969] - Upgrade to Doxia 2.0.0-M7/Doxia Sitetools 2.0.0-M11
* [MSITE-970] - Upgrade to Maven Reporting API 4.0.0-M7, Maven 
Reporting Impl 4.0.0-M9, Maven Reporting Exec 2.0.0-M9

Please also note for this new major version: 


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Reporting Exec 2.0.0-M9 released

2023-07-10 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Reporting Exec version 2.0.0-M9.


Release Notes - Maven Shared Components - Version 

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSHARED-1281] - Upgrade to Doxia 2.0.0-M7
* [MSHARED-1282] - Upgrade plugins and components (in ITs)
* [MSHARED-1283] - Upgrade to Maven Reporting API 4.0.0-M7/Maven 
Reporting Impl 4.0.0-M9


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Reporting Impl 4.0.0-M9 released

2023-07-10 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Reporting Impl version 4.0.0-M9.


Release Notes - Maven Shared Components - Version 

** Bug
* [MSHARED-1275] - MavenReport#canGenerateReport() is invoked twice

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSHARED-1277] - Upgrade plugins and components (in ITs)
* [MSHARED-1278] - Upgrade to Doxia 2.0.0-M7
* [MSHARED-1279] - Upgrade to Maven Reporting API 4.0.0-M7
* [MSHARED-1280] - Upgrade to Doxia Sitetools 2.0.0-M11


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Doxia Sitetools 2.0.0-M11 released

2023-07-10 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache 
Maven Doxia Sitetools, version 2.0.0-M11


Release Notes - Maven Doxia Sitetools - Version 2.0.0-M11

** Task
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-309] - Add resource bundle property "External 
Links" to site-renderer.properties
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-310] - Add resource bundle property "Edit" to 

** Dependency upgrade
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-308] - Upgrade to Doxia 2.0.0-M7


-The Apache Maven team

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Re: [ANN] Maven Fluido Skin 1.12.0 released

2023-07-09 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2023-07-09 um 15:29 schrieb Jeremy Landis:

Notes here state this requires site 4 plugin.  Believe this one is still for 
site 3 plugin, correct?

You are totally right. This information is incorrect. My bad, I forgot 
to remove the note which only applies to version 2.0. Please ignore this 
piece of information. Maven Site Plugin 3.x is the required version.

Thanks for being vigilant!


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[ANN] Maven Fluido Skin 1.12.0 released

2023-07-09 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Fluido Skin, version 1.12.0.


You should specify the version in your project's site configuration:


Import: This release requires Maven Site Plugin 4.0.0-M6/Doxia Sitetools 
1.12.0 to run

Release Notes - Maven Fluido Skin - Version 1.12.0

** Bug
* [MSKINS-217] - CSS shall only apply to  and class="verbatim"> if they are immediate children of 

* [MSKINS-222] - Template does not properly escape reserved XML chars
* [MSKINS-224] - Ampersand gets un-escaped in menu item
* [MSKINS-230] - Text in / ignore default alignment
* [MSKINS-234] - Disabling 'topBarEnabled' doesn't remove padding

** Improvement
* [MSKINS-212] - Simplify IT verification with more Groovy features

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSKINS-216] - Fix issue with missing dependency to plexus-utils 
in minify-maven-plugin and Maven 3.9.x

* [MSKINS-227] - Upgrade to AnchorJS 4.3.1


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Reporting API 4.0.0-M7 released

2023-07-09 Thread Michael Osipov
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven 
Reporting API version 4.0.0-M7.


Release Notes - Maven Shared Components - Version 

** Improvement
* [MSHARED-193] - API change: let MavenReportRenderer#render() 
throw an exception
* [MSHARED-1032] - API change: let MavenReport#canGenerateReport() 
throw an exception

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSHARED-1276] - Upgrade to Doxia 2.0.0-M7


-The Apache Maven team

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