Re: [DISCUSS] Maven Dependency Plugin

2024-03-21 Thread Richard Eckart de Castilho

> On 21. Mar 2024, at 19:43, Tamás Cservenák  wrote:
> I mean, I know what those goals do, I am just unsure WHY you needed those.

The current Apache UIMA release guidelines still list them as suggested steps
to perform before a local trial build to ensure locally cached artifacts do
not interfere with the build.

That said, I personally do not use these goal when I run a release build
and the new guidelines will not list them anymore - at least for the time

But I'm sure people wise then I have had a reason the include them in the
guidelines back in the day.

-- Richard

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Re: [DISCUSS] Maven Dependency Plugin

2024-03-21 Thread Richard Eckart de Castilho

I mostly use the "analyze" (mostly the "analyze-only") and "tree" goals,
but I have also already used "copy/unpack-dependencies", "sources", 
"purge-local-repository" and "resolve".

IMHO the "versions" plugin has a few functionalities that feel like could
also belong to the dependencies plugin, in particular goals related to
checking if dependencies are up-to-date or updating dependencies to a
later version. Well, I guess these goals are about versions as much
as they are about dependencies...

What I miss is being able to see where a particular dependency version
was originally defined - "tree" only says the resolved dependencies,
but e.g. not which properties were used in resolving the version and
which dependencyManagement sections in which POMs (best with line numbers)
were involved. Fortunately, m2eclipse can be of some help here.


-- Richard

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