Configuring plugins in custom lifecycle

2011-03-31 Thread Stefan Schulze

I'd like to write a custom packaging to add some javascript-tooling. As part of 
this, it should be packaged with maven-assembly-plugin.
I wrote the components.xml and lifecycle.xml mapping the package-phase to 
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:2.2.1:single and tried to 
configure it in lifecycle.xml:

According to lifecycle-1.0.0.xsd this is valid.
When I try to package my test-project, the new lifecycle is successfully used, 
but I get an error because no assembly descriptor found. If I configure the 
assembly-plugin this way in my project-pom (including the plugins additional 
dependencies) the assembly-descriptor is successfully retrieved from the 
Debugging maven-core and maven-plugin, it looks like nothing of my 
configuration of maven-assembly-plugin is applied (breakpoint in 
DefaultLifecycleExecutor, viewing mojoExecution for lifecycleMapping package, 
the configuration of mojoExecution is null and mojoConfiguration of 
mojoDescriptor contains lots of variables (${descriptor}, etc., but nothing of 

Is it not possible (at least with Maven 2.2.1) to configure a lifecycle-mapped 
plugin as part of the lifecycle-definition?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Cobertura and Surefire

2011-01-14 Thread Stefan Schulze
Jeff Jensen wrote:
  Sounds nice, but this doesn't meet my requirement, that the 
  tests with coverage-checks (and only one time, not twice)
  should run, when the developers do mvn test.
 There is no acceptable solution to this requirement.  Many 
 of us would like to not run them twice, and in actuality 
 running them twice is not a problem for things like site gen.

Thank you for this information, that it's currently simply not possible.

I think that's a shortcoming of cobertura-maven-plugin. It should be possible 
to overwrite the default surefire-configuration within the 
But for now I have to look for another way (thank you and the others for the 

  we unfortunately don't use a
  regular CI-server but a bunch of shellscripts and cron-jobs. 
  So it's not as trivial as with Hudson (Jenkins?) to use this 
  kind of build-pipeline.
 Looks like it is time to invest a couple of days and set it 
 up!  Your work life will be easier and maintenance cheaper.

I completely aggree with you and I'd love to replace the scripts by a neat 
Hudson-installation. But the only way to do this (or the only way I can 
imagine) is to create a buildjob which simply calls our current 
master-buildscript. But I don't think I improved anything by doing this.
We can't use the most of hudson out of the box. Even the updating of the 
working-copy is not trivial: not only that we use CM Synergy (little support 
for it in Hudson and no public Java-API), but we need a combination of CM 
Synergy and Change Synergy to calculate the tasks to update.
I would really appreciate to migrate the build of the last 100 modules to Maven 
without the need of specialized builds for each target-stage, using a 
mainstream SCM-tool and so on... Unfortunately I think the client wouldn't 
pay for this work (not to forget the QA of the whole application).
But I think, I go off on a tangent.
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Re: Cobertura and Surefire

2011-01-13 Thread Stefan Schulze
Stephen Connolly wrote:
 Because people who have not read and understood concurrency in
 practice often do not understand how the synchronization points affect
 jvm sequencing, people often wrongly suspect that result of
 instrumented and non-instrumented code is the same.

I'm not sure, why caring about concurrency is important in this context. I'm 
not using Maven 3 (so no concurrent builds) and I'm not using concurrent tests 
with JUnit.
But it's quite plain to me it is possible, that instrumented code behaves 
different to uninstrumented code, so testing the instrumented code can pass the 
tests while uninstrumented fail. (i.e. because of attributes added by 
instrumentation, which are unexpected when working with reflection on these 

But I think it doesn't happen on a regular basis, that the instrumented code 
pass or fails the tests, where the uninstrumented doesn't. But sadly it's more 
regular in our team, that the Cobertura-step fails (not because failing tests 
but because of too low coverage).

Wayne Fay wrote:
 Perhaps bind something to your scm commit hook so the code 
 simply can't make it into your SCM tool without meeting 
 certain standards for coverage?

That would mean, that during the commit we should run all the tests? I'm not 
sure, I want the commit to last about two minutes.
Beside this, we have to use Synergy/CM as SCM tool, which is not capable of 
pre-commit-hooks (as far as I know).

Hilco Wijbenga wrote:
 A normal unit test should run once, more is just a waste of 
 time. The fact that Maven will run unit tests multiple times 
 is a bug that we apparently have to live with. It is not a feature.
 If this bug were fixed and you still wanted to run your unit 
 tests twice then you could configure that quite easily in your POM.
 Everybody happy

I don't really like that Maven needs to run tests twice (or more often), too. 
But I see it is neccessary regarding Cobertura, because -- as stated to Stephen 
-- it can't be guaranteed, that the instrumented code behaves the same as the 
uninstrumented. Because of this it is not sufficient to run the tests only on 
the instrumented code.
So this is not a bug in Maven but a problem with Cobertura.
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Re: Cobertura and Surefire

2011-01-13 Thread Stefan Schulze
Stephen Connolly wrote:
 Run the damn tests at least twice. 

Ok, I see your point. But I never tried to run the tests only instrumented. I 
just want to execute the more-likely-failing tests earlier in the lifecycle and 
the not-so-likely-failing tests later. 
So of course I want to execute both uninstrumented _and_ instrumented tests.
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Re: Cobertura and Surefire

2011-01-13 Thread Stefan Schulze
Jeff Jensen wrote:
 Perhaps a different CI job structuring?  This has worked well for me 
 at many
 customers: Have a CI job for only compile and unit tests - this 
 maintains the most important very fast turnaround.  Have a second CI 
 job for (longer
 running) IT tests that only runs with success of the first.  
 Have a third job for coverage, standalone or as part of a full system 
 site gen or using Sonar or other...

Sounds nice, but this doesn't meet my requirement, that the tests with 
coverage-checks (and only one time, not twice) should run, when the developers 
do mvn test. We have a quite small difference between coverage-threshold and 
actual coverage, so I think it's important, that the developers check their 
coverage during development, so they can react early. 

Another problem to your solution is, that we unfortunately don't use a regular 
CI-server but a bunch of shellscripts and cron-jobs. So it's not as trivial as 
with Hudson (Jenkins?) to use this kind of build-pipeline.
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Cobertura and Surefire

2011-01-12 Thread Stefan Schulze

In our project, the tests take some time - more than the developers are willing 
to execute twice (Surefire and Cobertura) over and over again.
First I bound Cobertura to verify-phase, but because the developers only run 
test to run the tests only once, they never go through the coverage-checks 
and the build on the buildserver breaks regularly because of too less coverage.

Because usually the result of instrumented and non-instrumented code is the 
same, I would like to bind Cobertura on the test-phase and Surefire on the 
verify-phase. But I can't get it work. Maven always executes either both 
plugins in the test-phase or successfully skips Surefire but effectivly skips 
Cobertura, too, because of skipped Surefire.

Currently (both are skipped) I tried to use the following plugin-configuration:

Does anybody know how to configure this?
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Moving cobertura-profile to parent-pom

2010-10-15 Thread Stefan Schulze

in my current build I have some projects with a common parent-pom.
In the parent-pom I defined the cobertura-plugin in the 
pluginManagement-section to define some common thing: version, some basic 
configuration, binding to phases.
In the most of the child-poms I have an profile (activation on !skipTests) to 
define some detailed configuration (exclusions,check-thresholds).

I think it's not too bad this way, but it bugs me, that I still have duplicate 
parts of the definition (the profile-stuff and activation-definition). Is it 
possible to move the profiles to to parent-pom while giving the child-poms the 
ability to define exclusions and totalLineRates and to disable cobertura 
completely (for this project)? 

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Re: Buildmanagement-Strategy

2010-09-17 Thread Stefan Schulze
Nayan Hajratwala wrote:
 On Sep 16, 2010, at 12:31 PM, Stefan Schulze wrote:
  Sadly it's not simply done by the proper maven strategy - it has to 
  correlate to the SCM and some internal processes. :(
 Ahh -- the infamous internal processes. Perhaps you might 
 find some help with that part of it over on the Scrum 
 Development list  :-)

I think these processes are just the smaller part of the problem. The big one 
is the integration with the SCM, I think.
Maven is a great tool to fullfill the first requirement, but the SCM is another 
important tool. And this is, what I'm worried about. :-)

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2010-09-16 Thread Stefan Schulze

My problem is not really only about Maven, but more about a general 
buildmanagement-strategy using Maven. I didn't found a mailinglist or newsgroup 
dedicated for general buildmanagement-topics, so try to post my issue in this 

I'm quite new to buildmanagement and have to think about a concept to support 
the evolutionary architecture (or better evolutionary development of the 
architecture) we want to employ in the future of our product.
After hours and days of considering and contemplating we found two possible 
solutions. Because both has serious drawbacks, I hope that anybody of you 
already knows this scenario/requirements (I think it's not too unusual) or has 
any suggestions to improve our solutions.

The requirements:
1) It is neccessary to support different modules (WARs) depending on the same 
module (JAR) in different versions: For example, first we developed a module 
booking in version 1. Some common stuff is implemented in core (version 1, 
too), where booking-1 depends on. Some time after release our customer wants to 
have an reporting-module, so wie develop reporting-1 and implement some 
improvements to core (because during the last project and in the meantime we 
saw, that there some decisions weren't ideal). So reporting-1 depends on 
core-2. We do not want to upgrade booking-1 to use core-2, because in this 
case, booking would have to pass QA again (and the customer wouldn't pay this - 
there is no new feature).

2) It is neccessary, that it's possible to fix booking-1 or even core-1 (a bug 
in booking-1 is in core-1, in truth), although core-2 is the current version of 
core and booking-1 wouldn't even compile against core-2.

The infrastructure:
1) We use Synergy/CM for version-control. For this case it's similar to 
Subversion with release-branch strategy. In opposite to Subversion, cheap 
and/or history-preserving copies are not supported.
2) We use Maven2 with an own Nexus-repository. Currently we use Maven and Nexus 
just to serve third-party-libs and to give the developers the possibility not 
to have to checkout the full source, but only these parts, they work with. So 
the repository isn't really part of releasing a new version of our system - we 
not even create a Release-version of our snapshots.

The (possible) solutions:
1) In each module are additional directories for the different versions. Each 
version-directory contains quite the same code (differing only in the changes 
made between the versions):
This doesn't feel rights. It's somehow ugly, we copy code and we have to merge 
bugfixes manually from one version to all others. But it's a quite simple 
solution to solve both requirements.

2) Each release-branch contains only the current version of code. The other 
versions are taken from the Maven-repository (in this case we have to use 
release-version and all the stuff). If a bugfix is core-1 is neccessary, a 
developer check-out the release-branch 1, implement the bugfix, start the build 
and calls a build- or release-manager to deploy the release-version to the 
repository. If it's time to go live with a new version, an appropriate assembly 
is built, which contains in parts of fresh compiled code and in parts of 
artifacts out of the the Maven-repository.
At the detail, this is a quite complex approach. I don't really like, that we 
don't have a release-branch containing the full production-code - instead we 
would release a mixture of different release-branches.

If any of you has some experience with similar requirements, has an idea for a 
different solution or an suggestion to improve the one or the other solution, I 
would really appreciate your ideas and comments.

Thanks for reading all of this quite long mail. :-)

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Re: Buildmanagement-Strategy

2010-09-16 Thread Stefan Schulze
 Ron Wheeler wrote:

 This is a common problem and when you quote the cost of 
 reporting-1, you need to include the cost of releasing 
 booking-1 with the new core library.
 You can reduce the cost by breaking core onto multiple 
 smaller libraries that are less susceptible to change.
 With small changes to large systems, the cost of the release 
 of a new system can be larger than the programming and 
 testing of the actual change.

I'll talk with the architect tomorrow or on monday about this issue, but I 
think this isn't an option. The Java-parts of our system are growing since 
about ten years and contains ~100 modules. Our team is relatively new at this 
occupation, but it's obvious, that in the last ten years nobody had the heart 
to touch the existing infrastructure, because it would cost huge amounts of 
money (I'm not familiar to details, but we heard numbers with more than five 
digits) just for QA. This results in adding here something and there around the 
infrastructural components or duplication with slight changes - uncontrolled 

As a consequence we want to establish a new architecture beside the old one and 
learning from these issues. So the evolutionary development of the architecture 
is somehow crucial.

 You create releases that you store in Nexus (or some other 
 In your SCM, you store your software with properly named 
 branches so that you can patch and rebuild anything that you 

If I understand you right, this is the way we thought about. Is it correct, 
that your suggestion would lead to the same goal: we wouldn't have the One 
release-branch containing the complete currently released code-base? In our 
approach the current released code-base is splitted across multiple branches.

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Re: Buildmanagement-Strategy

2010-09-16 Thread Stefan Schulze
Nayan Hajratwala wrote:
  At the detail, this is a quite complex approach. I don't 
  really like, that we don't have a release-branch containing 
  the full production-code - instead we would release a mixture 
  of different release-branches.
 This would all be resolved by using the proper maven strategy.

I planned to do it similarly to the approach you described above. Thank you for 
the detailed description of the procedure. I've never worked with releasing in 
Maven before, so I didn't knew exactly what to do. I just had a rough 
conception. :)

Sadly it's not simply done by the proper maven strategy - it has to correlate 
to the SCM and some internal processes. :(
For the beginning, I would be happy if I could integrate this maven strategy 
cleanly with the SCM.

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