[m2] problem getting latest plugin version to local maven repository

2006-11-21 Thread Thomas Will
We've got an inhouse mirror of the central repository
(MyCompanyCentral). We also publish a company-specific
maven-plugin to that same repository.

We face the problem that the latest version of our
plugin is not downloaded to the local maven
repository, if there is already an old version, even
not after several days.
We also tried with
and always
but no success.

It only worked when we deleted the old local versions,

or when we run maven with the -U parameter.

Should this basically work?
Any idea what we might do wrong?

We use this settings.xml:



  MyCompany Central Repository 




  MyCompany Central Repository

  MyCompany Snapshot Repository





Thanks, Tom

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[m2] does mvn install ignore finalName?

2006-08-24 Thread Thomas Will
I configured the finalname in the pom to something
like this:

After mvn install there is a file with the name
abc.jar in the target folder, as expected.
But in the maven repository the filename still has the
form -.jar, the  seems
to be ignored.

Is there a way to have a custom filename like abc.jar
in the repository, or would this violate basic maven2


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[m2] version ranges

2006-08-03 Thread Thomas Will
I'd like to use a version range when specifying the
version of the parent pom.
but get an error message that the artefact version
[1.0.0,2.0.0) cannot be resolved.

Is this not supported?

Thanks, Tom.

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[m2] How can a plugin change the value of a variable?

2006-06-12 Thread Thomas Will
How can a maven2 plugin change the value of a
variable, which could be used then later by another

The usage of System.get/setProperty is probably very
limited from a maven2 point of view.
Are there other options?

Thanks for any hints, 

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dependency-maven-plugin force copy

2006-04-07 Thread Thomas Will
Is there a way to configure the
dependency-maven-plugin to force the copy and unpack
operations, e.g. overwrite existing files?


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[m2] existing JAR in WEB-INF/lib without dependency

2006-04-07 Thread Thomas Will
I know it's not the usual or recommended case, but is
this possible somehow:

I've got a web app, which has already a JAR in the
source directory under WEB-INF/lib 
I do not want the JAR to be picked from the maven
repository, and thus I did not define the dependency.
How can I make that JAR (or better all existing JARs
in the WEB-INF/lib) visible to the compiler classpath?


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[m2] maven scm api and cvs

2006-03-09 Thread Thomas Will

I use the maven scm api, and try to connect to cvs.
I've got cvsnt installed.
Is it still possible to use a .cvspass file for the
stored password?
In maven1 there was a changelog goal create-cvspass,
which I didn't find in maven2.
Is there another alternative in maven2?

Thanks, Tom.

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maven-scm includes/excludes

2006-03-03 Thread Thomas Will

I try to use the maven-scm api in my custom m2 plugin.
I use svn.
I cannot update explicitly a single file. Always the
complete directory structure gets updated.

I use ScmFileSet like this:
String directory = "D:/temp/test";
String includes "test.txt";
String excludes = null;
new ScmFileSet(directory, includes, excludes)

How do I need to specifiy the includes/excludes

Thanks, Tom.

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[m2] scm API or scm plugin?

2006-03-02 Thread Thomas Will

Within my own custom plugin I need (among other tasks)
to get a specific file from scm (svn), change it, and
commit it back to scm.

What is a recommended/possible alternative:
Use the maven-scm-plugin?
Use the maven-scm API?
Use the svn java API?


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[m2] jar plugin: filter classes

2006-02-24 Thread Thomas Will

I've got a packaging type of 'jar'.
How can I specify include/exclude filters (e.g.
certain classes) to influence what's packaged into the


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before-package phase

2006-02-21 Thread Thomas Will

I need to perform some work prior to the packaging
I could attach my plugin to the 'test' phase
(immediately before 'packaging'). But that way the
work is executed each time when the 'test' phase is
run, even if the 'package' phase is not executed
What I need is something like a 'before-package'

What are the implementation alternatives to execute
some work on a 'before-package' basis?


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