Re: History/trends in reports

2004-08-05 Thread Tim Shadel
[Sorry this post is a bit late, my email's had some trouble]
Keeping a history of metrics is an excellent idea.  We've been using a
tool called Hackystat, in conjunction with Maven and our daily
CruiseControl build, to gather and report on our metrics history.
Hackystat has a few important differences from both MavenHistory and
XRadar, which I'll try to list out to the best of my ability.  You can
get more info at their website.
1. Hackystat is tool-agnostic.  It allows you to collect information
from a variety of development tools.  This includes Maven, Ant,
Eclipse, JBuilder, Emacs, and the command-line.  Some of these
collection tools, or sensors, are fairly small and straight forward
(e.g. Ant and Maven).  You could likely add sensors to a new build
tool without much effort.  This is good if you want to keep your
history reporting even if you change your build process.
2. Hackystat provides tools for developers and for projects.
a. If you choose, you can send sensor information to a Hackystat
server about some IDE activities -- JUnit tests run in the IDE, files
changed, editor active time.  As a developer, you can then choose
whether to contribute your metrics to the project summary or not.  The
Hackystat tools can provide you with feedback and reports on your work
across projects.
b. A nightly build account can be setup to collect metrics about the
project that don't relate to any individual.  These include code size,
tests run, test coverage % and other such static analysis metrics.
The project tools can provide reports based on this information alone,
or across all invited developers that choose to participate in sending
their more fine-grained metrics.  The developer always retains control
of his/her metrics information, and can revoke that right from the
project at any time -- privacy is an important consideration in this
3. Hackystat is extensible.  You can extend Hackystat in several ways.
You can add new sensors for your tools to collect one of several
existing types of generic metrics (like a Build event, Activity event,
or UnitTest event).  You can create new types of metrics (e.g.
MyNewMetric event), and write a tool sensor to collect it (perhaps a
Maven plugin.jelly reads an XML file that contains MyNewMetrics).  And
you can create new Analysis templates for the web application.
There's also an easy way to customize and filter your views of many of
the existing metrics -- you define your own charts using simple syntax
like: JavaCoverage, (JavaCoverage-CoveredMethods,
.  This will create one graphic with two
charts.  The first has to total coverage %, and the second shows two
data lines, both the number of methods covered and the number of
methods not covered by tests.
4. Hackystat is a server-based application.  Sensors use SOAP to send
data to the server.  You can choose to drop the WAR file on your own
internal JSP/Servlet server, or to use their public Hackystat server
-- free for use by anyone.  I'd suggest using the internal server in
the long run.  It's nice to use the public server for a short time to
see how data is collected and reported.
5. Hackystat has an active set of 7 committers at the moment.  Because
some of them are paid, you're _extremely_ likely to see this project
continue well into the future.  It's a project that's been in the
works since at least 2001 (perhaps before), and it's got a bright
future.  This is a metrics system you can build a long term solution
The best place to find information is probably the developer site.
When we began using Hackystat we were using Ant as our build system.
We switched to Maven, and they didn't have any sensors for Maven so I
recently wrote some.  I'm in the process of contributing them to
Hackystat -- I've spoken with them and they're excited to have the
Maven addition and see some natural connections between Maven and
Hackystat.  I'll post instructions on how to install the Maven plugins
and use them once the contribution is complete.
Hopefully that provides a decent overview of Hackystat for anyone
interested in using it to keep a metrics history.

A lot later than promised and still not quite as neat as I wanted it to be:

-Original Message-
From: Morris, Jason [IT] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 19 July 2004 15:00
To: Maven Users List
Subject: RE: History/trends in reports

I'll second (or third!) this proposal - I'd love to be able 
to track quality metrics from reports such as Checkstyle, 
jdepend etc over time. They always come in handy during 
appraisal season  :-) 

-Original Message-
From: Jerome Lacoste [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 19 July 2004 13:33
To: Maven Users List
Subject: RE: History/trends in reports
On Mon, 2004-07-19 at 11:52 +0100, Matt Read wrote:

 A colleague and I are actually working on a plugin right 

Re: Snapshot Repository

2004-07-12 Thread Tim Shadel
We looked at the same problem, but decided on an entirely different
solution.  We don't have developers upload their snapshots to the
central repository.  We setup CruiseControl to run an hourly build of
each project (if changes happened) on the same machine as the central
Maven repository.  The central build runs 'maven jar:install-snapshot'
and then all developers use either the snapshot from their machine (if
it's more recent), or the central snapshot.  At most, developers wait
an hour for a new snapshot.  If we need it more quickly, we force a
build through CC's web JMX interface, and the snapshot's available
immediately.  That way developers never upload to the central server,
and when a release comes arouns then an admin can do that.


On Mon, 12 Jul 2004 19:29:34 -0400, Paul Spencer
 I can think of two solutions:
 1) Have 2 repositories.  One for snapshots and one for releases.  A
 project's configuration files, (project.xml,, and to write to the snapshot directory. The release
 process would involve changing the configuration to write to the release
maven.repo.remote =,,
 2) Make the release version readonly in the repository.  This will
 prevent the file from being overwritten.
 Paul Spencer
 Amato Massimiliano (UBM) wrote:
  We are in the process of setting up a remote repository for our group and we have 
  a problem, we want to allow developers to upload snapshot release to the central 
  repository but we want not to allow them to upload final release. This is due to 
  the fact that we have a central configuration for maven and it could happen that a 
  developer could ovverride by mistake a release with a wrong one.
  Basically we would like to have 2 separate directories, one for the final release 
  where only the administrator can write and another one public where all the 
  developers can upload their snapshot. I don't think this is supported right now in 
  Maven but i'd like to know if anyone had ever thought about it since i think it 
  could be a common problem. Any idea if this will be implemented in the future 
  Also since we need to make it work any suggestion on how we could do it? We were 
  thinking about rewriting the artifact plugin in order to change the directory if 
  the version is a snapshot
  Thanks for your help
 Massimiliano Amato
 Risk Technologies
 UniCredit Banca Mobiliare -
 Via Tommaso Grossi, 10
 20121 Milano MI
 tel. +39 02 88628093 - fax +39 02 72929309
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[ANN] JBlanket plugin 1.0.0503 release

2004-05-27 Thread Tim Shadel
The JBlanket team is pleased to announce the JBlanket plugin 1.0.0503 
JBlanket is a method coverage tool for Java programs. It modifies the byte
code to measure coverage during the execution of JUnit test cases.
Requiring a green bar when unit tests run is an easy policy to
state and to measure.  At the end of the day either all tests passed
or not.  Many have adopted that mantra.  It's power is in its simplicity.
Code coverage policy should be that simple.
Achieving a 100% coverage rate using a statement level tool usually
requires large amounts of effort.  Instead of a simple coverage
policy, what usually evolves is the general acceptance of a coverage
rate that's high enough for us, or abandonment of coverage measures
altogether.  This easily leaves a wide net of functionality uncovered
by automated tests.  Intuitively, some code is worth more effort
to test than others.
JBlanket strikes a great balance.  It leverages the simplicity of the
green bar coverage policy by using simple heuristics to make the
coverage measure meaningful and practical.  First, only method coverage
is measured.  Second, you can choose to categorically ignore methods that
aren't worth the effort of testing -- like one-line methods.  This makes
it easier to maintain 100% coverage, and keep up the culture of quality.
Then, statement level tools can help check specific classes or problem 

The plugin has been tested with Maven 1.0-rc3. It can be installed
through Maven:
maven plugin:download -DartifactId=maven-jblanket-plugin 
-DgroupId=jblanket -Dversion=1.0.0503

Check out the documentation for how to enable JBlanket for your project
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