Re: Dependencies with the same artifactId/groupId but a different type

2005-05-14 Thread Julien Kirch
 It seems that maven does not correctly handle identical dependencies with 
 only different types - is this true? Each of these dependencies DOES get 
 downloaded if I comment the other two.


It's a known issue in maven 1



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Réf. : How to open a bug for the cactus plugin

2005-04-21 Thread julien . kirch

The catcus plugin has moved to the cactus project and is no more on



[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 21/04/2005 15:55

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Objet : How to open a bug for the cactus plugin

   I could not find anywhere where I can open a JIRA against the cactus
plugin version 1.7.   Is this plugin still supported?


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Réf. : Re: Javadoc plugin from behind proxy that needs authentication

2005-04-19 Thread julien . kirch

the feature is apparently not supported for the moment : for details


[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 19/04/2005 16:01

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Objet : Re: Javadoc plugin from behind proxy that needs authentication

I found how to create the variable on the fly using j:new/. I now
have this piece of code that downloads the package-list automatically
and generates the correct links for when you are stuck behind a
firewall that needs authentication. However it does not work! Is the
Javadoc plugin responsible on this mailinglist and could he try to
help me out?


goal name=maven-javadoc-plugin:report
description=Generate API documentation prereqs=xdoc:init

   ... some initialization about the year...

 j:set var=proxyOnline value=${}/
 ant:echoproxy mode: ${proxyOnline}/ant:echo
 j:if test=${proxyOnline}
  !-- Use proxy only mode--
ant:mkdir dir=${}/packagelists/
util:tokenize var=links delim=,
j:forEach var=link items=${links} indexVar=linkNr
   ant:echoDownloading API information from ${link.trim()} .../ant:echo
   j:set var=remoteFile value=${link.trim()}package-list/
   util:file var=localFile
 name=${}/packagelists/${linkNr}/package-list /
   ant:mkdir dir=${}/packagelists/${linkNr}/
   ant:echodownloading ${remoteFile} to ${localFile}/ant:echo
   j:catch var=ex
 j:invokeStatic var=dummy method=getFile
j:arg type=java.lang.String value=${remoteFile} /
j:arg value=${localFile}/
j:arg type=boolean value=false/
j:arg type=boolean value=true/
j:arg type=java.lang.String value=${} /
j:arg type=java.lang.String value=${maven.proxy.port} /
j:arg type=java.lang.String value=${maven.proxy.username} /
j:arg type=java.lang.String value=${maven.proxy.password} /
j:arg type=boolean value=false/
   j:if test=${!empty(ex)}

j:set value=false/
ant:echoCreating buffer to generate correct offlineLinks/ant:echo
j:new var=linksBuffer className=java.lang.StringBuffer/
j:forEach var=link items=${links} indexVar=linkNr
'${link}#${}/packaglists/${linkNr}/package-list' to
buffer /ant:echo
 j:invoke method=append on=${linksBuffer}
  j:arg type=java.lang.String

j:set var=maven.javadoc.offlineLinks

   !-- calculate online/offline mode --
   ... rest of the goal...

On 4/19/05, Wim Deblauwe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 we have a http proxy at work that needs authentication. If I want to
 have links in my Javadocs to other libraries I use, I can't use the
 normal mechanism

 However, plugin:download manages to get through the firewall, so the
 javadoc should be able to do it also. I changed the goal
 maven-javadoc-plugin:report in the javadoc plugin like this:

 j:set var=proxyOnline
 ant:echoproxy mode: ${proxyOnline}/ant:echo
 j:when test=${proxyOnline}
 !-- Use proxy only mode--
   util:tokenize var=links delim=,
   j:forEach var=link items=${links}
 ant:echoDownloading API information
from ${link.trim()} .../ant:echo
 j:set var=remoteFile
 util:file var=localFile

name=${}/packagelists/${linkNr}-package-list /
 ant:echodownloading ${remoteFile} to
 j:catch var=ex
   j:invokeStatic var=dummy

 j:arg type=java.lang.String
value=${remoteFile} /
 j:arg type=boolean
 j:arg type=boolean
 j:arg type=java.lang.String
value=${} /
 j:arg type=java.lang.String

=?iso-8859-1?Q?R=E9f=2E_=3A_Dependency_problem=3A_deps_with_same_name_but?= different type omitted

2005-03-22 Thread julien . kirch

This issue will be fixed in maven 1.1 :
the easiest way is to rename one of the two dependency, by adding a suffix
to its name for example.



[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 23/03/2005 08:49

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Objet : Dependency problem: deps with same name but different type

Hi all,

I got a problem incorporating the jakarta request taglib into my webapp.

In my dependencies I have specified two dependencies, one for the
request-1.0.1.jar and one for the request-1.0.1.tld.

My problem is that the last one defined in dependencies is not included
into the war file. It seems that it is not possible to have two
dependencies with the same artifactId, groupId and version but different

Anyone know a good solution?


.../Anders Heintz

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Help !!

2005-03-21 Thread julien . kirch

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Help !!

2005-03-21 Thread julien . kirch

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Réf. : Re: artifacts and JDK version

2005-02-28 Thread julien . kirch

 Is they're some plan to add property to artifacts in repo that gives
 minimal Java version ? I think it may be set in Manifest, but I've
 never seen this info.

sounds like
(see Created-By section)


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Re: Jboss SAR plugin/goals

2005-02-14 Thread Julien Kirch
Poppe, Troy wrote:
Are there any plugins/goals geared towards producing a SAR for Jboss?  I've seen
some jelly script to do something like this, but I was curious if there is
something 'official'.

there is a lomm plugin with some advanced features that can produces sar 

for info as a sar is just a jar with just some small static files that 
don't requires any generation code, on our projet we just build jar 
files and rename the artifact

Julien Kirch
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Re: Reference the classpath of all the maven dependencies

2005-01-02 Thread Julien Kirch
holds the Ant |path| of all the dependent jar files listed in the 
|dependencies| block of the project
you can use it in the classpath section of your class call :
   ant:path refid=maven.dependency.classpath/

Randy Xu wrote:
New to Maven (to ANT as well),
In maven.xml I run a postgoal that runs a Java class (using the jelly ANT task 
extension) and I need to set its classpath to include all the dependencies that 
I specified in project.xml.  Is there a maven variable I can reference that 
would give me the classpath to all the jar files I listed in dependencies 
instead of hardcoding?

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Re: Attaining an external goal

2004-12-23 Thread Julien Kirch

How may I attain a goal in another maven project from within a goal

use a reactor and only include the desired project
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Réf. : RE: Using Snapshots.

2004-12-03 Thread julien . kirch

Also, I'm sure I saw a plugin somewhere that seemed to help manage
usage, but I can't remember where. Does anyone know of this plugin and
it is useful for?

Do you mean by example the jar:install-snapshot goal of the jar plugin ?.
other artifact-generating plugin have the same kind of goal (
ejb:install-snapshot ...)


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Réf. : How to seal a jar with maven ?

2004-11-30 Thread julien . kirch


Perhaps using maven.jar.manifest properties with a manifest file
containing Sealed: true ?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 01/12/2004 08:33

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Objet : How to seal a jar with maven ?


My question is in the title. It's to put Sealed: true in a jar property.

Thanks for your help.

SARL diaam informatique - 04 77 25 43 28
Ingenierie, développements de systèmes d'information

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Re: Firewall problem

2004-11-23 Thread Julien Kirch
all details here :
notes :
* Perhaps renaming this section to using a firewall or something like 
that would be a good thing
* typo in the faq.fml line 285
-a href=./reference/user-guide.html#Using ProxiesUser 
Guide/a for more details.
+   a href=./reference/user-guide.html#Using_ProxiesUser 
Guide/a for more details.
patch could be submited

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Re: problem *not* forking unit tests

2004-11-23 Thread Julien Kirch
Hi Micah
I think the test forking law is thou shall fork, not forking is a real 
classpath mess between maven and project classpath (and caused your 
problem), I don't think not forking is ever a good idea.

Micah Craig wrote:
   I just upgraded from rc1 to 1.0.1, and suddenly, I can't run JUnit
tests un-forked (maven.junit.fork=no).  Failure output is below.  Could
this be some sort of mangled classpath issue left over from the upgrade,
or is something more sinister afoot.  Thanks,

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Re: Put 30 legacy jars in a Maven repository?

2004-11-22 Thread Julien Kirch
Eric Giguere wrote:
 Its definitely overkill to produce a maven project for them all IMHO.
With a good inheritrance, a inherited project is just 10 or so lines 
long, and it's usefull when dependencies are starting to move around, 
not mentioning dashboard and other information collecting stuffs.

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Maven 1.0.1

2004-10-12 Thread julien . kirch


some days ago I heard a 1.0.1 realease was decided, what is the curent
   status of the delivery ?


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Test exclusions plateform-dependent

2004-09-30 Thread julien . kirch
Hy maveners

I need to exclude some unit tests depending on the buid machine OS (unix /
MS), I know how to get the OS in a jelly script but is it possible to
change the unit tests to be executed from this information ?


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Réf. : possible bug with dependencies

2004-09-23 Thread julien . kirch

You are corect, it's because the only difference between the two
dependencies is their type, see

and it's related issues


[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 23/09/2004 13:44

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Objet : possible bug with dependencies


I might have found a bug, please let me know whether I am correct or not. I
have a maven project whose purpose is to build an EAR. For that it has
dependencies over other artifacts we generate.

Currently, I am building release 3.4.1 which contains, namely, the
following modules


Part of my project.xml is:



!-- Scheduler Web Application --


WAR is never downloaded, neither included in the EAR. If I rename the file
and the dependency, everything is ok. Is is normal or a limitation (types
are different in this case so it should be OK)



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Re: plugin project.xml

2004-09-15 Thread Julien Kirch
all the plugins extends the projects.xml placed in the plugin-parent 
project, this project - which is not a plugin - is in the same directory 
that all the plugins, you can found it here :

Kim Goings prit la peine le 15/09/2004 19:58 de nous dire que :
I'm working on a plugin loosely based on the tasklist-plugin.  All of 
the plugin project.xml files I have looked at extend this one:

but I don't seem to have that anywhere.  Should I?  Can someone point 
me in the right direction?

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Réf. : RE: How to schedule a nightly build in Maven

2004-09-09 Thread julien . kirch

Hi all

I know it's a just contribute remark but it's at least the seventh time I
   saw the question on the list, perhaps a small page on the site in
   the Getting Started would help ?


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Mailing lists on maven site

2004-09-02 Thread julien . kirch

today on the archive column is
should I open an issue ?


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Jira maitenance ?

2004-09-01 Thread julien . kirch

Is there any maintenance manipulation currently running on jira ?

Because when I'm making an issue search nothing is displayed on the screen
(the screen is not empty but the issue details table is empty).



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jnlp plugin 1.4.1

2004-08-26 Thread julien . kirch
Hi maveners,

When I try the jnlp plugin 1.4.1 I got a

Could not load class: org.apache.maven.jnlp.UpdateManifest exception: 
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.maven.jnlp.UpdateManife
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.maven.jnlp.UpdateManifest
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.define.BeanTag.doTag(
at org.apache.commons.jelly.TagSupport.invokeBody(
at org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.define.TaglibTag.doTag(
at org.apache.commons.jelly.TagSupport.invokeBody(
at com.werken.werkz.jelly.ProjectTag.doTag(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.PluginManager.runScript(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.PluginManager.prepAttainGoal(
at org.apache.commons.jelly.TagSupport.invokeBody(
at org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.core.OtherwiseTag.doTag(
at org.apache.commons.jelly.TagSupport.invokeBody(
at org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.core.ChooseTag.doTag(
at com.werken.werkz.Goal.attain(
at com.werken.werkz.WerkzProject.attainGoal(
at com.werken.werkz.Goal.attain(
at com.werken.werkz.WerkzProject.attainGoal(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.PluginManager.attainGoals(
at org.apache.maven.MavenSession.attainGoals(
at org.apache.maven.cli.App.doMain(
at org.apache.maven.cli.App.main(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at com.werken.forehead.Forehead.main(

and the specified class is present in the 1.4.0 plugin version but not in
the 1.4.1 (which contains no class at all)

have I missed something ?


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Réf. : Re: jnlp plugin 1.4.1

2004-08-26 Thread julien . kirch

Can you redownload it and recheck?

This one's better
Good for me

De nada


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New dependency download display

2004-07-20 Thread julien . kirch

Is it possible to disable the new way of display the dependency download
progression (the increasing number of downloaded kb) ?

The reason is that we call maven from JBuilder, and the JBuilder output
console can only appends data, this means that the log is :

9/3409K 16/3409K 18/3409K 26/3409K 34/3409K 44/3409K 52/3409K 61/3409K 69/3409K 
78/3409K 79/3409K 87/3409K 96/3409K 106/3409K  ... downloaded

(the line is 5000 char longs ...)

which make the output mostly useless



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Réf. : Re: New dependency download display

2004-07-20 Thread julien . kirch

Thanks !

ahem, Is this somewhere in the doc ... ?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 20/07/2004 09:49

Veuillez répondre à [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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cc :

Objet : Re: New dependency download display

.. and old one is still in there.


default seems to be console

ti, 2004-07-20 kello 10:47, Arto Pastinen kirjoitti:



 ti, 2004-07-20 kello 10:38, Dion Gillard kirjoitti:
  I too would like this feature.
  On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 09:35:42 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Is it possible to disable the new way of display the dependency
   progression (the increasing number of downloaded kb) ?
   The reason is that we call maven from JBuilder, and the JBuilder
   console can only appends data, this means that the log is :
   9/3409K 16/3409K 18/3409K 26/3409K 34/3409K 44/3409K 52/3409K
61/3409K 69/3409K 78/3409K 79/3409K 87/3409K 96/3409K 106/3409K  ...
   (the line is 5000 char longs ...)
   which make the output mostly useless
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Question about pom files and external entities

2004-07-13 Thread julien . kirch

Hello maveners

First of course bravo to the team for the version 1.0

I have a question regardings the recently added .pom file generation

We are using the EnsureProjectConsistencyWithEntities
( )
stuff on to ensure dependencies consistency between all the projects.

So all our project.xml start with a

!DOCTYPE project [!ENTITY % locator-entities SYSTEM file:locator.ent 

all our dependencies looks like :


and next to each project.xml we have an locator.ent that contains the path to the 
files that contains all the dependency entities content

and ... all the generated .pom files start with a :

!DOCTYPE project [!ENTITY % locator-entities SYSTEM file:locator.ent 

with of course NO locator.ent file next to them and no way to get the content of their 
dependency entities.

I would know the way to have valids pom files with such projects.



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Réf. : WAR file versioning (Maven RC4)

2004-06-29 Thread julien . kirch


by default, a generated war is named ${pom.artifactId}.war so it uses no
version number

if you want to version it, just add${pom.artifactId}-${pom.currentVersion}.war

to your



[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 29/06/2004 10:48

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Objet : WAR file versioning (Maven RC4)


I just used the war plugin, it seems that it does not attach a version to
generated war file. I am using Maven RC4.

I'd expect that a testapp-1.0.war would be generated in the target
directory, I
only get a testapp.war

I reproduced it quite easily:

1) generate a new application with maven genapp
2) invoke maven war

You get an unversioned war file.

Anyone else seen this ?


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Réf. : Maven FAQ Plugin 1.4 Released

2004-06-28 Thread julien . kirch


The jira links on the Release History page of the plugin seem to be


[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 26/06/2004 05:21

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Objet : Maven FAQ Plugin 1.4 Released

The maven team is pleased to announce the Maven FAQ Plug-in 1.4 release!

Creates XDoc documentation from an FAQ XML document.

Changes in this version include:

  Fixed bugs:

o Correctly pass through CDATA content Issue: MPFAQ-13.
o Make sure maven.faq.src exists to avoid exceptions Issue: MPFAQ-12.

To automatically install the plugin, type the following on a single line:

maven plugin:download

For a manual installation, you can download the plugin here:

Have fun!
-The maven team

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Réf. : Variable overview

2004-06-04 Thread julien . kirch


the base properties are documented in
the plugin properties are on the Properties page of the related plugin


[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 04/06/2004 11:26

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Objet : Variable overview

Hello all,

I was wondering if any of you you know of a resource with an overview of
the different maven variables?

I.e i now of a variable : an thought this might be
documented under the properties of the test plugin - it isent!

Any pointer are appreciated :)

Jesper Linvald
Tel no.: +45 3911 1891

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Réf. : why jar:deploy uses diffrent deploy plugin

2004-06-03 Thread julien . kirch


I think it's because the jar plugin was written before the artifact
deployment procedure used by the other plugins.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 03/06/2004 09:07

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Objet : why jar:deploy uses diffrent deploy plugin

Why jar:deploy uses different plugin to deploy aritfact then for example
ejb plugin?
It interfere me with consistent project artifact deploying.


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faq plugin

2004-05-26 Thread julien . kirch
ô maveners

two things about the faq plugin

* a question : using IE 5.5 (and not opera or firefox) when enclosing the
answer's body in a p, the text is larger than the same text using no p
(and acually larger than the question text !), is it normal ?

* a proposition : in the faq body (so not in the header) the questions are
displayed in plain text, they are only less indented thatn the answer text.
When the answer body are more that a few lines long it's pretty hard to
distinguish the questions from the answers, would it be possible to display
the questions bolder or larger than the questions ?

Thanks for your attention


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Réf. : in href in xdoc

2004-05-25 Thread julien . kirch

Hello Karl

Your problem looks like the
, is it right ?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 24/05/2004 23:45

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Objet :  in href in xdoc

I am trying including the following link in my xdoc which contains an .

a href=;

I get an exception when I execute xdoc:transform which says:

The reference to entity storyid must end with the ';' delimiter.

If I change the link to have amp; instead, the link does not work.  Does
anyone know how xdoc can include multiple parameters in an href attribute?



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Réf. : XDOC URLs and

2004-05-25 Thread julien . kirch


is it the ??

if yes you are the third person today to ask about it


[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 25/05/2004 17:56

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Objet : XDOC URLs and 

I have some links in my xdocs that require two parameters.  If I just use
 in the url the build fails.  If I use amp; that's what I get in the
URL and the URL doesn't work.  What am I doing wrong?

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2004-05-12 Thread julien . kirch

Hi ô maveners

I still suffer the MPXDOC-92 issue (using RC2), are you sure it has been
fixed ? Or should I reopen it ? (litigious case is the same as the one
described in the original issue).



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Réf. : Bug in the junit plugin?

2004-05-11 Thread julien . kirch


maven.junit.jvmargs is supposed only enabled when junit fork is enabled, in your case 
you seem to invoke the test:match on a single testcase, could
you verify if junit is still forking ?

if not perhaps give a try to maven.test.source = 1.4


[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 11/05/2004 13:27

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Objet : Bug in the junit plugin?


I am facing a problem with maven junit plugin:

I put some asserts inside my code and gave the following options in the file:

When running maven -X test, I clearly see that the JVM is invoked with
the -ea option.  However when I invoke maven -X -D
testmach=TestSingle test:match, the JVM is invoked without the -ea
options my asserts do not generate any exception.

Is this a known bug or a know restriction?



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where to found the maven-proxy

2004-04-30 Thread julien . kirch

Hi maveners

On the maven proxy wiki page (
the jar is said to be available at
but this adress returns a The requested URL /maven-proxy/ was not found on
this server., has the adress changed ? has the server a problem ?



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Réf. : RE: [ejb] verification plugins/tools?

2004-03-31 Thread julien . kirch

This would probably help :

Vincent : I'm sure updating the plugin would take you less time than writing the 
teasing mail have

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Dynamic dependencies

2004-03-25 Thread julien . kirch
Hi all, I have a little (tricky) dependency problem :

Problem :

On the project I'm working on, we have several maven projects, and some of
them are frameworks projects that are used by the other ones. All these
projects depends of the same root project that defines the common things
like external dependencies.

We have something like this :

root project
|-- project 1
|-- project 2
|-- project 3

When we decide to ship a new version of a framework project (let's call
it frmk-project) , we have to update all the project.xml of the projects
that have frmk-project as dependancy, and as we have many of them, I was
looking for a way to make this automatic.

Idea :

So I thought that it would be nice to define the current framework
projects versions on the root project and put this version in the other
project dependencies so a version change would only cause I change to be
made : it would be something like :

root maven.xml

j:set var=frmk.version value=42/

project 2 project.xml


Problem :

The problem is : how is it possible to set the variable before getting the 
dependencies ?
I tried the build:start hook but it occurs later and I can't find any previous one, or 
is there any other way to do this work, or any other way to
solve this problem ?


Julien K.

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Réf. : RE: Dynamic dependencies

2004-03-25 Thread julien . kirch

 I can to be wrong, but I think that it is the snapshot idea, isn't it ?
Nope, it's real versionning

2) Jörn thanks much, it's exactly what I need, btw impressive work !

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Réf. : external jar files ...

2004-02-23 Thread julien . kirch

It's not stupid, it's just that the documentation is perhaps not as easy to
reach as it should be.

I suggest to put this FAQ point on the mailing-list subscription page.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 23/02/2004 18:54

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Objet : external jar files ...


This is probably a very easy thing to do, but I can't figure it out for
the life of me ...

I have an external jar file, call it external.jar, that I need to be
used during compilation of all my java entities in a maven build.  What
is the correct way to do this, vis a vis, the project.xml file.

your help, and patience with a stupid question, is greatly appreciated.


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Réf. : Encoding urls in navigation.xml

2004-01-02 Thread julien . kirch

hmm this sounds like

I workarounded the problem by putting some tokens in the file and filtering


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Plugin dependancies

2003-12-16 Thread julien . kirch

I would install maven on a machine that is generally not connected to
internet so I can't download the dependancy jar at runtime, is there a goal
(or a command) to download all the dependancies required by ALL the plugins
(so i could connect the machine to internet, download maven, download all
the jars and disconnect  it ) ?


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Réf. : RE: Plugin dependancies

2003-12-16 Thread julien . kirch

Thanks but if this mean looking throught all plugins and download all the
jars one by one (what I think), my question was exactly to avoid such a

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 16/12/2003 15:11

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Pour : users

cc :

Objet : RE: Plugin dependancies

You can download the jars you need from ibiblio (try a search through
google, for example ant-1.5.1.jar) and install them in your local
The folder structure look like :
for the example ant-1.5.1.jar

-Message d'origine-
Envoyé : mardi 16 décembre 2003 09:21
Objet : Plugin dependancies

I would install maven on a machine that is generally not connected to
internet so I can't download the dependancy jar at runtime, is there a goal
(or a command) to download all the dependancies required by ALL the plugins
(so i could connect the machine to internet, download maven, download all
the jars and disconnect  it ) ?


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Réf. : Re: Réf. : RE: Plugin dependancies

2003-12-16 Thread julien . kirch

Yes, but it would require I know all the plugins i would use when i
donwload maven.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 16/12/2003 15:25

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Objet : Re: Réf. : RE: Plugin dependancies

Dont forget that all the required jars of your project are only
downloaded once.
If maven is able to find them in your repository after that it will not
attempt to download them again.
So you can connect to the internet once.. download maven... build your
project one time and it will not need to connect to the internet for any
build after that unless you change a dependency in your build or delete
a dependency from your repository.


Thanks but if this mean looking throught all plugins and download all the
jars one by one (what I think), my question was exactly to avoid such a

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 16/12/2003 15:11

Veuillez répondre à [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pour : users

cc :

Objet : RE: Plugin dependancies

You can download the jars you need from ibiblio (try a search through
google, for example ant-1.5.1.jar) and install them in your local
The folder structure look like :
for the example ant-1.5.1.jar

-Message d'origine-
Envoyé : mardi 16 décembre 2003 09:21
Objet : Plugin dependancies

I would install maven on a machine that is generally not connected to
internet so I can't download the dependancy jar at runtime, is there a
(or a command) to download all the dependancies required by ALL the
(so i could connect the machine to internet, download maven, download all
the jars and disconnect  it ) ?


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no more google on the web page

2003-12-10 Thread julien . kirch

Could someone tell me why the Google search has been removed from the site
homepage ?
I found it very usefull when looking for a specific property or plugin.


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Réf. : Newbie:how to change .maven's location

2003-11-13 Thread julien . kirch

When I run maven site:generate, all the plugin/repository files
will be download to my C:\WINNT\Profiles\Administrator.
Is there maven config file that change to some other place?

you should set the maven variables :

for the plugins : maven.home.local
for the repository : maven.repo.local

a good way to do this seems to put a file in your
   profile directory (C:\WINNT\Profiles\Administrator in your case)
   with this kind of content :



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