Hi All,

I have an issue when I run reactor from my base project.xml.
I get a "BUILD FAILED" with following message:
Element... m:reactor
Line...... 17
Column.... 40
Unable to obtain goal [reeferbk-dist] -- ... <ant:copy> Warning:
Could not find file ~/projects/MyPrj/target/taglib.xml to copy.

However, if I run the sub project's xml file directly, all goes well.

base maven.xml
  <goal name="reeferbk-buildall">
    <m:reactor basedir="${basedir}"
               banner="Building Project"

sub project's maven.xml
      <goal name="reeferbk-dist">
            <echo>[INFO] Installing WAR file...</echo>
            <attainGoal name="war:install"/>
            <echo>[INFO] Generating site content...</echo>
            <attainGoal name="site:generate"/>

Has anyone else had this problem?
Any ideas to what might be causing this?

Thanks in advance,

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