The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the Cobertura Maven
Plugin, version 2.4.

Documentation on the plugin can be found here:

Release Notes

** Bug
    * [MCOBERTURA-49] - Fails if JRE is not on System Path
    * [MCOBERTURA-67] - mvn cobertura:cobertura class loader problem
    * [MCOBERTURA-98] - Trivial typos in CommandLineArguments and
CoberturaReportMojo javadocs
    * [MCOBERTURA-105] - AbstractCoberturaTestCase hasn't been upgraded to
cobertura 1.9.2

** Improvement
    * [MCOBERTURA-113] - Upgrade to cobertura 1.9.3
    * [MCOBERTURA-120] - Update to Cobertura
    * [MCOBERTURA-122] - Upgrade plexus-utils version to 2.0.2

** New Feature
    * [MCOBERTURA-85] - Configuration for different report encodings (other
than UTF-8)

** Task
    * [MCOBERTURA-111] - Missing url tag in pom.xml

Simon Brandhof

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