The Findbugs Maven plugin team is pleased to announce the release of version 2.2.

FindBugs uses static analysis to inspect Java bytecode for occurrences of bug patterns.

You can see more about the plugin att:

You can find release notes for this version below, or at:

Release Notes - Maven 2.x FindBugs Plugin - Version 2.2

** Bug
* [MFINDBUGS-81] - Unable to provide references to "resources" in excludeFilterFile/includeFilterFile configuration parameters in seperate project * [MFINDBUGS-82] - findbugs:findbugs fails if the target directory does not exist * [MFINDBUGS-86] - Changing project sourceEncoding to UTF-8 causing SAX parse error * [MFINDBUGS-89] - Dependencies no longer properly passed to findbugs for analysis * [MFINDBUGS-91] - Don't remove deprecated fields like findbugsXmlOutput * [MFINDBUGS-93] - Unable to parse XML Findbugs report when errors are reported on java code using generics

** New Feature
    * [MFINDBUGS-18] - Allow to fork a VM that runs findbugs
    * [MFINDBUGS-45] - Add timeout option
    * [MFINDBUGS-46] - Add abilty  set memory as an option

** Wish
* [MFINDBUGS-72] - Add option to generate html output for findbugs:check


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