Dear Users, Reporting Plugin and Skin Maintainers,

for the past 2,5 years we have been working -- that is me (mostly) with Hervé Boutemy and Konrad Windszus -- on the modernization of the Doxia stack overcoming technical debts and open issues of the past ten years. After numerous milestones (10+) it has reached a very good maturity and stability to finally move to GA.

What is Maven Doxia anyway? It is the core document generation framework on which all Maven reporting plugins and the Maven Site Plugin are built upon. So when you invoke a standalone reporting goal or "mvn site" that stack is being used.
The involved components and reporting plugins from the Maven Core Team:
* maven-doxia
* maven-reporting-api
* maven-doxia-sitetools
* maven-reporting-impl
* maven-reporting-exec
* maven-site-plugin
* maven-fluido-skin
* maven-project-info-reports-plugin
* maven-plugin-tools (maven-plugin-reporting-plugin)
* maven-jxr (maven-jxr-plugin)
* maven-pmd-plugin
* maven-javadoc-plugin
* maven-checkstyle-plugin
* maven-help-plugin (uses API only)
* maven-surefire (maven-surefire-report-plugin)
* maven-dependency-plugin
* maven-invoker-plugin

* Other reporting plugins we provide are not being upgraded
* Third party plugins need to be upgraded by their respective maintainers
* Components do have milestone versions until public evaluation has been completed

Also, please see this Confluence Wiki entry for more (technical) details:

What do you need to do?
* As a user you can build the reporting plugins from the prepared branch 'doxia-2.0.0' or reach out to the third party maintainer to test his plugin against the updated stack. * As a plugin maintainer you can start upgrading your plugin against the 2.0.0 baseline in a separate branch. Look at the 'doxia-2.0.0' branch of our plugins to ease your work. * As a skin maintainer you can start upgrading your skin against the 2.0.0 baseline in a separate branch. Look at the master branch of the maven-fluido-skin. to ease your work.

Found problems, issues or have questions? Please report via users@ or dev@ mailing list (whichever makes most sense) and prepend "[DOXIA]" to the subject. I will try to respond timely.

* If you intend to mix and match components and plugins between both major versions (Doxia 1.x vs. Doxia 2.x) you must use the highest maven-site-plugin version, but don't expect everything to go smoothly. * Not every issue or behavioral change is a regression. Some changes are deliberate. If they are not listed in the Confluence Wiki page, let me know, I will add them. But in any case, feel free to reach out.

* By mid of July I will give the the public (users and maintainers) at least 30 days (but no later than 2024-08-15) to review the changes in the stack, the 'doxia-2.0.0' branches, evaluate your plugin upgrade path and/or release new versions of plugins with old stack. * By mid of August I will start merging the 'doxia-2.0.0' branches into every of our reporting plugins and perform the release procedure. * After the reporting plugins from us (Maven Core Team) have been released I will again give the public at least 30 days (but no later than 2024-10-15) to review the upgraded and released plugins. * If no issues are reported against components or plugins until mid of October I will move all Doxia stack milestone components to a GA version and release the reporting plugins with those GA versions. * At least six or twelve months after that we might remove deprecated code from the Doxia 2.0.0 stack likely breaking code which worked transitionally.

Components have been bumped to new major versions. Plugin versions will remain on 3.x due to Maven 3 compatiblity. Their minor versions will be bumped. Maven Site Plugin 4 will be retained for future Maven 4, a new branch for Maven Site Plugin 3.x (likely 3.20.0) will be created and all changed will be merged into that branch. The current 3.x branch will be renamed to 3.12.x.

I hope to complete the GA release train by end of 2024 -- after more than three years!

Good luck,


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