Aha! Martin you are a bot then! You seem to have some sort of
text-scraping sw that tries to identify questions and try to answer.


2009/7/9 Martin Gainty <mgai...@hotmail.com>:
> seems specific to web-application basedir or build folder parameters
> what is the J2EE Server you are using?
> did you supply all the necessary environment and .properties?
> for example in building axis in adb-codegen/pom.xml i have
> <project basedir="." >
> <!-- later on i use the basedire which is current folder to specify build dir 
> -->
>                                <property name="maven.build.dir" 
> location="${basedir}/target"/>
>                                <property name="schema.source.dir" 
> value="test-resources/xsd"/>
>                                <property name="schema.output.base.dir" 
> value="target/schema"/>
>                                <property name="schema.generated.src.dir" 
> value="${schema.output.base.dir}/src"/>
>                                <property name="schema.generated.classes.dir"
> value="${schema.output.base.dir}/classes"/>
> ?
> Martin
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> aucune responsabilité pour le contenu fourni.
>> Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2009 14:38:59 -0400
>> From: dhi...@i-hicks.org
>> To: users@maven.apache.org
>> Subject: Site generation tutorials?
>> Is there a decent tutorial out there anywhere on how to build the
>> project site within Maven?  I've found nothing that I would consider
>> useful.  MDG is rather short on details, too.
>> I've got a multi-module project that I'm trying to get the site built
>> and deployed for.  It seems to build, but trying to examine the site is
>> fruitless.  Module links take me to the Maven site, and my custom pages
>> don't show up at all - the links appear to be broken.  I just can't find
>> any clear information that describes a process by which someone can
>> iteratively work on the site, as they might work on their code.
>> Any help?
>> Thanks,
>> Dave
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