
I was wondering if any of the experts out here could lend a hand to a fellow
open-source project.  We've been converting our build system from Ant to
Maven2 recently and we're just a few yards short of making it a touchdown.
It's a fairly large and complex project, consisting of 38 sub-projects
(ouch!).   The problem seems to be related to (internal) artifact resolution
within the larger project.  The symptom is the following:


[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.



1) pxe:pxe-xcontrib-sp-misc:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT

 Try downloading the file manually from the project website.

 Then, install it using the command:

     mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=pxe -DartifactId=pxe-xcontrib-sp-misc \

         -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file

 Path to dependency:

       1) pxe:standalone-distro:pom:1.0-SNAPSHOT

       2) pxe:pxe-xcontrib-sp-misc:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT


1 required artifact is missing.

We've looked into this pretty hard, double-checked everything and so far
this error has stomped 3 of our developers.  We just can't figure out why
this dependency isn't resolved correctly.   It's there, it's a simple .jar
file produced by a child project of the main project but it doesn't seem to
be properly built when doing "mvn package install".

The project may be checked out by doing:  (assuming you have
Subversion 1.1+installed)
svn co svn:// pxe

You can also browse the repository using FishEye at:

I've posted the output log of "mvn -X package install" online if you want to
review what happens on my machine:

Any help or pointers from the experts would be greatly appreciated!


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