
I am wondering if someone could give me a hint regarding the following error 
when building a maven project (Maven 3.6.1, adoptopenjdk 11.0.6)
"Could not find artifact com.sun:tools:jar:2.0.5 at specified path 

It seems to arise from the "single"-goal of the maven-assembly-plugin.
I know that there is no tools.jar in Java 11 JDKs in general any more.

I tried versions 3.0.0, 3.2.0 and 3.3.0 of maven-assembly-plugin, which yield 
the above error.
I also tried Version 2.6 which does not yield the above error.

Thank you very much in advance, kind regards,

Heinz KnocheConsultantDevelopmentPublic Authorities Web & Application 
Securitysecunet Security Networks AG
+49 201 5454-3933+49 1512 4169541heinz.kno...@secunet.com
Konrad-Zuse-Platz 281829 Munich, Germanywww.secunet.com
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