
I've been trying to use Archiva, but I've noticed some weird stuff when setting 
it up and running it on different OS, such as Windows 2000 and Linux (Fedora 
Core 5). FYI I am using Archiva 1.0-Alpha-2, Java 5 Update 12 and Maven 2.0.7.
For example, if I edit my settings.xml to point to a Windows 2000 Archiva Repo 
and execute 'mvn clean' in a simple maven project, everything works fine, i.e., 
Maven looks up for artifacts in the internal repo and if it does not find them, 
they are downloaded and added to internal repo.
Now if I change my settings to point to a Linux Archiva Repo, none artifact 
will be downloaded to internal repo and the Archiva logs a message, as shown 
below, informing that they are not part of defined whitelist (skipping 

562923 [SocketListener0-3] DEBUG 
org.apache.maven.archiva.proxy.RepositoryProxyConnectors:default  - Using 
target repository: central - layout: default - targetPath: 
562923 [SocketListener0-3] DEBUG 
org.apache.maven.archiva.proxy.RepositoryProxyConnectors:default  - Applying 
[releases] policy with [once]
562923 [SocketListener0-3] DEBUG 
org.apache.maven.archiva.policies.PreDownloadPolicy:releases  - OK to update 
releases, local file does not exist.
562923 [SocketListener0-3] DEBUG 
org.apache.maven.archiva.proxy.RepositoryProxyConnectors:default  - Applying 
[snapshots] policy with [disabled]
562923 [SocketListener0-3] DEBUG 
org.apache.maven.archiva.policies.PreDownloadPolicy:snapshots  - OK to update, 
snapshot policy does not apply for non-snapshot versions.
562923 [SocketListener0-3] DEBUG 
org.apache.maven.archiva.proxy.RepositoryProxyConnectors:default  - Applying 
[cache-failures] policy with [cached]
562924 [SocketListener0-3] DEBUG 
org.apache.maven.archiva.policies.PreDownloadPolicy:cache-failures  - OK to 
fetch, check-failures detected no issues.
562924 [SocketListener0-3] DEBUG 
org.apache.maven.archiva.proxy.RepositoryProxyConnectors:default  - Path 
[org/apache/maven/wagon/wagon-webdav/1.0-beta-2/wagon-webdav-1.0-beta-2.pom] is 
not part of defined whitelist (skipping transfer).

However the proxy connector configuration for central repo is the same on both 
of them.
If I remove the whitelist from the archiva.xml, then it will work. I could not 
understand why it worked on Windows 2000 and not Linux since the code is the 
Has anyone had any similar problem with Archiva on Linux ? 


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