Hello Mavenites all, I have a project checked out new and a fresh: mvn -P 
dev.dir clean install. One developer gets the results of the command-line 
argument: -P dev.dir while I get only the individual application targets (jar 
files). What I should get is a jar with a /lib directory of all the 
dependencies as jars such that the application is a standalone command-line 
executable. The pom.xml (find snippet below) has a reference to the 
assembly.xml (please find below) with the packaging instructions. When I 
execute: mvn -P dev.dir clean install the console says a <target> directory is 
created but when I look in the Explorer there is no such directory. Is there 
someway to debug an assembly.xml? Please advise, David.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Yet some, not wise, go to the other side of the globe, to barbarous and 
unhealthy regions, and devote ten or twenty years, in that they may live,-that 
is, keep comfortably warm,- and die in New England at last. 

Henry David Thoreau - Walden - 1845

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