> From intuitive feeling I would say: there is a reference to a defined
repository in settings.xml, so Maven will find the missing attributes,
but no it does not, it does like this:
> not very helpful this error message. It seems that I have to force my
developers to define the URL two times in their settings.xml: First in
the repositories/repository tag, second in the
distributionManagement/repository tag. Not very convenient.

I agree there should be a better error message and not a NPE.

However the urls for repositories and distribution management are
usually different-- file:// urls may be the only time they could be
shared.  For example, you may pull from a repository as http:// , but
publish to it with dav:http:// or scp:// .

[Winter, Wolfgang] ... or pulling and publishing with ftp what we did
first and where the urls are also equal. But we discarded ftp with
ftp-wagon because it was so buggy and unreliable:
- sometimes Maven does not find the wagon-ftp plugin
- sometimes 'connection reset by peer' error
- sometimes only half of a file is published without any error message
- sometimes the deployed file is corrupted without any error message
This must have to do s.th. with Maven because with other FTP client we
have no problems.

Further, distributionManagement is often set once, up in an
organization level pom, and repositories can go in a shared
conf/settings.xml, neither of which developers need to maintain.

[Winter, Wolfgang] that's what I try to do: I have the
distributionManagement in an organisation pom with a variable for the
url which is set in settings and the repositories in settings. That's
why the developers seem to have to define the url two times in their


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