My first diagnostic was wrong.

Here is my config :



outputDirectory is set as expected, but not filters.

Using debugger, I wen into CollectionConverter.fromExpression( .. )
with configuration =

The configuration.gatValue( null ) is expected (but maybe I'm wrong) to
return the configured value... for a strange reason, the
configuration.domattribute has its value set to the expression "${}" and does not return the childlist...

What's wrong ?

Is this related to expression  vs default-value ?


2008/2/14, nicolas de loof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello,
> I need to generate configuration fils for muliple environments
> (dev/test/prod) in the same build, to get packaged in my assembly.
> The templates files are in my resources directory, and I have 3 filters
> files in src/main/filters
> I'd like to run the resource plugin 3 times using <execution>, with
> configuration changed to use the 3 filters files
> ... but the filters parameter is set as expression="${
> Is there any way to set <configuration> to override this expression ?
> Using <>MyFile</> has no effect.
> Why is expression used for plugin parameters ? Why not use default-value,
> so that user can override whene needed ?
> Nico

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