> I used the maven release plugin to update the parent version numbers
> in my multi-module project (the modules are defined in different profiles) .

Using profiles to turn on/off modules is generally not a good idea
IMO. Why are you doing this?

> Now I want to check-in all these files using the maven scm:checkin
> command. I am using Clearcase as the SCM.
> I configured the plugin as below (image attached) in my parent pom:

Images and other attachments are stripped when sent to this list.

> But this checks in only the parent pom. All the other pom.xmls in the modules 
> remain checked out.

Probably the other modules aren't "active" due to the profiles. Try
removing the profiles entirely (just put the <modules> directly in the
parent) and see if that works.

> The parent of the modules 1,2,3,4 is the parent project in the folder2.

This is a non-standard project layout. Why would you do this? Can you
not just move things around to conform to the norms, at least long
enough to see if your problems are resolved?


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